Ana's POV

"Get it done, Hannah!"

"Yes Miss Steele!"

It was another day hard at work. Ana used her inheritance from her Grandparents to start her own Publishing House and within 2 years she built it into something quite successful. She did this while finishing up her degree in English literature.

Gram and Pop Steele believed that Ana was built to succeed. They were right. By the second year of business, she was well on her way to surpassing all The other Seattle Publishing companies. Steele Publishing was now in negotiations to purchase Seattle Independent Publishing to merge with Steele.

Currently there's a bidding war going on with another company to purchase SIP. Today she's meeting the CEO of the other company two try to sweet talk them into letting her purchase it. She wore one of the sexiest work outfits she owns. Sometimes sex appeal helps. I hope this works today.

Pulling up outside SIP with her personal security with Luke Sawyer, Ana straightens herself out and freshens up her makeup.

She walks tall and confident to the entrance with Sawyer on her heel. Once inside, Jerry Roach leads her into a conference room with Sawyer. "We got this Miss Steele."

"I hope you are right. Do we have information on the other buyer yet?"

"Mr. Christian Grey of Grey Enterprises Holdings, Miss Steele."

"This could be harder than anticipated. Rumor has it he's ruthless."

"The same is being said about you, Miss Steele."

"Thanks Luke."

There's a knock on the door so Ana stands up as a couple of men and a woman walk in. One has a military stance to him and stands back like look so I assume he is security. The other man is unbelievably gorgeous with disheveled copper hair and scorching Grey eyes that make my panties wet. The woman is a beautiful red head, tall and slender.

I compose myself and offer my hand, "Mr. Grey, I'm Anastasia Steele."

He shakes my hand and I feel a jolt of energy like a lightening bolt but keep an unreadable expression on my face. "Miss Steele, Christian Grey. And this is my colleague Ros Bailey."

Right. Forgot someone else was in the room. I shake her hand as well.

We are seated and I begin, "Look, I'm going to cut to the chase. We both want the same thing. This company. I'm not sure what your intentions are but I'm willing to negotiate because I will not stop until this company is mine. Publishing is my passion. I will merge this with my Publishing house and make it thrive as my business is."

"Miss Steele, I admire your passion but I will pay anything to have this company so I am willing to pay you to back off."

I smile sweetly and lean forward careful to give them a view. I reach my hand out and touch his hand softly. "Mr. Grey, I will not back down. This company will be mine. You can either fall in line or I will take you down so I'd suggest you back off. No one messes with my dream."

I notice them both staring down my top. I clear my throat. Flustered, Christian snaps out of it, "I guess we have reached an impass. May the best man win." He shakes my hand again as he stands.

I lean over the table and whisper, "I always get what I want." As seductively as possible and stand back up. "I guess I'll be seeing you again unless you wise up and change your mind Mr. Grey."

"Oh you will be seeing me again soon, Miss Steele. Here's my card for further negotiations." He hands me a business card.

I nod and grin. I gather my stuff and walk to the door but look back over my shoulder. "Mr. Grey, you should looking at asset instead of asses." And I stroll out if the door and business.

Christian's POV

I stand there shocked That just happened. That saucy little minx. I don't even want this company anymore but I will fight a while longer so I can see Anastasia again.

"Taylor get me a background check on Miss Steele ASAP. I want to know everything about that woman."

"Yes sir."

"Ros, let's go. I will handle all further negotiations with SIP. I will be dealing with Miss Steele from here on out."

"Yes sir."

We leave and head back to GEH. I cannot get that minx out of my mind. I have to find a way to prolong this process.

I check to see I have an email from Welch on Miss Steele. It appears she is 22, owns her own Publishing House and is a very smart woman. No listed relationships. She graduated from WSU a year ago. She started her company while in college. Impressive.

I decide to use her email address and email her. I get anything ping in my email before I get started. It's from her.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Negotiations

Mr. Grey,

I am writing in regards to our SIP negotiations.

I am requesting another meeting with you. I will see you tomorrow at 10 am at my office. Please make arrangements and I will see you then. Don't be late.

Thank you.


Anastasia Steele

CEO, Steele Publishing

What? She ordered me to meet with her? No one orders Christian Grey around. I order people around.

I send an email back.

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: RE: Negotiations

Miss Steele,

I accept your request for a meeting but you will meet me at my office.

10 am is fine though. I look forward to seeing you.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

That should do it.

Ana's POV

From the background check I received on Mr. Grey, it seems he is 28 years old and a Harvard drop out. Started his business when he dropped out of college but he is very smart and successful. He mostly invests in telecommunications and agricultural projects. Why is he determined to get SIP then? No known relationships. He is such a handsome man so why wouldn't he date?

After we exchange emails he had ordered me to meet him in his office. Not happening. This has to happen on my terms.

From: Anastasia Steele

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Meeting negotiation

Mr. Grey,

Let's meet in the middle. Mile high club. 10 am.

See you there.

Anastasia Steele

CEO, Steele Publishing

I get an email back almost instantly.

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Deal

I will reserve the table. See you there.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

I sigh. This should be fun.

I get home and think about the day. I keep thinking of those beautiful Grey eyes. I need a new sub. I should contact Elena and see if she can find me one.


"Elena? It's Ana Steele. I need your help."

"I've got just what you need, sweetheart. I can bring him to you to meet and discuss a contract Tonight. He is normally a dominant but he makes a lovely submissive and he says he will be either right now. He just needs a release."

"Great. Thank you Elena."

"See you in 30 minutes darling."

Thirty minutes later, my doorbell rings and I am shocked when I answer. Elena and Christian Grey are standing in my doorstep. This should be interesting.

"Come in." I guide them inside my 2 story, 4 bedroom, 5 bath luxury penthouse. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Red wine" says Elena.

"And you?"

"Same." He says pretending he doesn't know me. I can do this too.

I hand them their wine and grab my own. "Please, have a seat."

They sit on my couch and I sit on my chaise lounge across from them.

I reach over and shake his hand. "Anastasia Steele. "

"Christian Grey"

"So, are you interested in being my submissive?" I ask curious if he'd still be interested after knowing who I am.

"Yes, mistress."

"Would you be willing to start tonight?"

"Yes, mistress." He says. He behaves well. This will be fun.

"I'll be going then, enjoy." Elena says as she gets up to leave.

After she leaves I move to sit down beside Christian. "I'm surprised to see you here Mr. Grey. Are you sure you can give me control?"

"Yes. I just need a release and BDSM is all I know. I was only a submissive once but I want to now with you."

"Fair enough. I'll need you to sign an NDA and I'm sure you've got one for me as well and then we can go over a contract and then you can show me what you got. Sound like a plan?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Outside the playroom, you may call me Ana."

"Okay Ana."

I hand him my NDA and he pulls one out as well. We sign and then I get out the contract and we Go over soft and hard limits. He does not like being touch on his chest. Interesting.

"Okay. I need to know what you can do to my body so we will start with vanilla and I will give you control. Just this once. Vanilla."

"I've never had vanilla before."

"First time for everything. Now come."

I take him to my room.

"Now, you're in control. Show me what you can do."

He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me close and uses his other hand and lifts my chin. He kisses me, tenderly at first and then he licks my lips asking for entrance and I open up slightly and his tongue enters my house and our tongues dance and this is by far the best kiss I've ever experienced. His hands caress my body and he reaches for my buttons on my shirt and he peels it off my body, never breaking the passionate kiss.

I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head and he undoes my bra and he caresses my breasts and takes a nipple into his mouth and I moan. He takes my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes and hugs on it. He switches to the other side with his mouth and hand. He unzips my skirt and it drops to my feet and I step out of it. I fumble with his belt and undo his pants and pull them down. He steps out of them and he picks me up and gently lays me down in the middle of my California king size bed. He continues to nip, suck and lick my body viciously. I moan loudly. He puts his nose against my sex and inhales.

"You smell so sweet, Ana."

He gently pulls my panties down and discards them on the floor and his mouth finds my clit and he nips and sucks and then he puts a finger inside me. "So wet for me." I moan. He continues to manipulate my sex in the most delicious way. I can feel myself getting close but he just gets more into his assault and I moan and scream his name as I reach my climax and he climbs up my body and thrusts into me. I don't even remember him taking off his boxers. He continues to thrust in and out while his mouth assaults my own and I can taste myself on his lips. I can feel myself building again. He pulls me up onto his lap so we're nose to nose and he continues to thrust into me. It's so deep this way and this is so intimate. He kisses me passionately again "Come for me Ana." He says seductively and I explode around him screaming and he follows me and he continues to thrust into me until I milked him dry. He lays me down gently and he collapses on me and we lay like that until we catch our breath.

He pulls out and rolls over beside me and pulls me close to him. "God, Ana. You're unbelievable."

"As are you. You're extremely talented. This may be the best contract I've ever had. I may have to give you control once in a while."

"I'd like that. It's up to you though. You're in primary control."

"We will see. I was so shocked when you came with Elena."

"I felt the same. I may have fantasized about you after seeing you today though so I was pretty excited after I realized it was you."

"You want to stay the night and we can have more Vanilla and start on chocolate tomorrow?"

"mmm… I'd like that."

3 more rounds of sex and 6 orgasms later we both fall asleep. I wake up in the morning feeling extremely hot. I open my eyes to find Christian wrapped around me like a vine. I forgot he was here. I've never slept beside anyone before. This is a first.

I wake up in the morning wrapped in a Christian blanket. It's so hot. I squirm my way out when I realize I need to get ready. "Christian. Wake up!"

He stirs. "Mm.. What time is it?"

"7 am. I got to get ready. I assume you do too. I'm gonna get a shower. Will you be here when I get out?"

"Taylor brought my clothes. May I shower with you?" he asks smirking.

"Never thought I'd hear you say please. Come. Shower with me then."

We shower and