AN: I have been watching Sailor Moon Crystal, so I decided to switch the names. I also updated a few minor things in the first chapter for continuity.

Sailor Moon thought that it had been around 5 am when she first noticed a blink. It's not like people keep clocks around, although she was actually surprised in retrospect that Mamoru didn't have one. The man still wore an analog watch and had once informed her, in response to her teasing, that it was common among medical staff. When she climbed out of the apartment, it had been chore to avoid being seen in the daylight.

Her first stop had been Ami's, who lived within a few blocks. She had been shocked to see Serena so early in the morning and said so, which resulted in an intense glare from her leader. This prompted Ami to ask a lot of questions about her mood that Serena wasn't prepared to answer, so she did her best to seem more like her usual self. Unable to tell her friend what had really happened without blushing intensely, she simply explained that she had been frozen behind a dumpster all night. After nearly 10 scans in which Ami insisted that there was barely a trace of Dark Kingdom energy left and that it, too, was fading, she had finally left for school. She could only imagine how awkward things would have gotten if she had provided the Mercury Senshi with the details. "Oh, you know, just finished being felt up by Tuxedo Kamen. He's Mamoru Chiba by the way." Ami might never look at her the same again. Given the mistrust that the girls and Luna had for him, she was pretty certain that his identity was just as unlikely to come out of her as the more erotic details.

She spent the first week avoiding Mamoru like the plague. She had actually gotten up early and made it to school well before the bell to prevent one of their morning collisions. Ms. Haruna had even commented on it. Mako had been keeping an extra close eye on her at school for a few days after Ami told her about Usagi showing up at her apartment but seemed to be satisfied when Usagi's appetite went undiminished. Of course, arriving early meant no detention, so the afternoons without the Crown were even longer than usual. She had gotten a surprising amount of homework done, as well as made plenty of time for training with Ami, Rei, and Mako. Both activities kept her mind off of Mamoru, but he kept popping into her mind any time she was alone and unoccupied. Luna had twice commented on how Usagi had been taking excessively long showers. One night, she dreamed about Mamoru, and Luna had woken her up, telling her it was okay and that she had just been having nightmare. Thankfully, Luna did not ask questions about her middle of the night shower. As aroused as she was by the dream of feeling Mamoru's hand between her thighs, at least she was able to keep it short.

Finally, the money from babysitting Shingo had started to burn a hole in her pocket, and Usagi had headed to the Crown the following week. On her first try, she saw Mamoru's back when she stepped through the doors and immediately left, her face the color of a tomato. On her second visit mid-week, the jerk was nowhere to be seen. (When she was thinking about it, she always mentally referred to him as "jerk." Keeping up appearances is important, even if it's for yourself.) She had been playing Sailor V long enough to revive herself twice when she honed in on Mamoru's voice in the busy café. She leaned in closer to hide her blush and hoped that he wouldn't come closer. He either didn't notice her or chose to keep his distance; she assumed the latter. She thanked her lucky stars that there hadn't been a monster battle. If she couldn't see him from across the room without her heart racing, how would she react to him sweeping her out of the way of danger?

The first time she saw him up close was about two weeks later. She was sitting at the counter waiting for a milkshake when he had slid onto the stool next to her. She felt her face flushing but was glad to notice it wasn't as extensive as it had been in recent encounters. She also thought she smelled a hint of both his shampoo and roses, which didn't seem out of the ordinary if she thought back to being near him before. How had she not put it together sooner? Motoki sat her milkshake down, and she sensed Mamoru staring at her. To avoid saying something, she immediately began sucking down the strawberry goodness, which also served to cool her cheeks. Unfortunately, it also meant that a severe brain freeze came on 30 seconds later. As she sat holding her head in her hands, moaning, she heard Mamoru tell her to slow down, followed by a sincere laugh. She glared at him, still holding her head. Even as she sat there, she had begun to contemplate revenge.

It took Usagi most of this time to reconcile her feelings for Tuxedo Kamen with those for Mamoru. One was a literal superhero; who wouldn't fall for that? The other was an ass with a nice ass, who seemed to have sexual fantasies about her. Finally, she decided she was going to get back at Mamoru by making her feel just as helpless as she had. It was the perfect outlet for the lingering anger she had about Tuxedo Kamen's mistaking her for a sex doll, getting her all worked up, and thinking about her when her alter ego was standing half naked before him. That last part still really bothered her, even if it seeme stupid to be jealous of herself. She was also looking for a plan that would make Mamoru's jerk comments stop.

She went into research mode, which, admittedly, was not like her. Maybe it took a little more time to come up with a plan than necessary. At first, she considered whether she could use her tiara to somehow tie him up and even considered enlisting Ami's help in identifying some substance to freeze him the way she had been. She decided, though, that Dark Kingdom style tricks weren't her thing. She now knew that Mamoru had a thing for her, and she could use that to her advantage. Thus, she bought a copy of every girly magazine she could find for that month and even asked Mako to let her go through her old stash one night after a dinner with her friends. Having never shown an interest before, she had to endure a lot of jokes from Mako about "a special someone," who Usagi clearly refused to name, before the girl relented and loaned her the goods.

Research started with really innocent sounding titles like, "How to Make Your Crush Notice You," but Usagi quickly realized there was nothing helpful there. Mamoru already noticed her, so she guessed that meant step one was accomplished. She moved on to things like, "How to Get a Man" and "10 Psychologically Proven Ways to Win Him." Here she found a lot of information about her personality, which she thought was already great thank you very much. There was also a lot about being mysterious, which she figured she pretty much had down what with secretly being Sailor Moon and all. No, she needed to pull out the big guns, to do something drastic that would bring Mamoru to a screeching halt. That's how she found herself reading things like, "How to Tease Your Man" and "Leave Him Drooling." In order to achieve the appropriate level of helplessness, she figured she should try everything at once. It took a few days for her to find the right outfit. After a week of trying out her moves in the mirror to make sure they looked good and recording her voice to find the perfectly seductive tone, Usagi was ready.

Every article talked about what to wear. That morning, Usagi had picked out her cutest bra and panty set. It was light pink and lacy, which she hoped fulfilled the recommendation that she appear sexy yet sweet. She was pretty sure she had the sweet down, but maybe sexy underwear would throw it off? Either way, it definitely made her feel a lot more confident about putting on the outfit she had chosen. Really, the day she felt most sure she could expect Mamoru to be at the Crown as a school day, so she had very few options. All she had really done was swapped her usual skirt for one that she had outgrown several years earlier that she found at the bottom of a drawer. She had read tons of makeup tips, but everything said to be yourself, so she had just gone with her usual mascara and lip gloss. She did, however, have to pick up a new perfume, which she thought smelled a little bit like candy but with enough floral scent to not be too juvenile. She paused outside the Crown, steeling herself before her mission.

Mamoru was having a rough day. Make that a rough month. Finals were nearing at school. Usagi had been MIA for much of the time. On one hand, he presumed that it helped him keep her out of his thoughts. On the other, he missed getting a rise out of her through their arguments and, if he was honest, seeing her smile. Her absence in his fantasies oddly seemed to make him feel like he had seen her even less, even though they weren't real. The relatively tame dreams about her in his bed that had so recently been plaguing him had been completely replaced by those about roughly taking Sailor Moon in pretty much any and every position and location his mind could conceive. That was why he had been increasingly filled with dread about the next fight with the Dark Kingdom. The more time passed, the sooner he knew a battle was likely to take place.

When he awoke to an empty apartment the morning after finding Sailor Moon, Mamoru had been mortified to watch his recording and see her suddenly come to life and exit his sliding door. What was he going to say the next time he saw her? He wasn't sure there was a way to casually get out of the fact that he had touched her without her permission, even if it was for research purposes. He was really trying to avoid thinking about the fact that she had seen him pleasuring himself, never mind that it was clearly to her. He sincerely hoped she hadn't been able to hear anything and didn't hear him say Usagi's name, which would just have presented a completely separate layer to explain. At the next battle, he would likely find her pressed up against him when he pulled her out of the way of danger, as usual. How was he going to stop himself from doing wicked things to her when all he could think about was seeing more of her bare skin? He had just started imagining them having a heated argument about the event in his apartment, which would inevitably lead to other kinds of heat, when he was interrupted.

Usagi had hoped that Mamoru would turn to look at her when she came in, giving her more time to gauge his reaction. Instead, she made it all the way across the arcade, while he was still staring deeply into his coffee. What was it about the jerk and his coffee? She paused there, thinking he might notice her, and was pleased to see that he was wearing her favorite pants. That might be helpful. Finally, Motoki appeared in front of her and greeted her cheerfully. "Hey, Motoki! I'll take a chocolate shake!" She skipped their usual small talk, hoping he didn't notice; she had bigger fish to fry.

Mamoru dragged himself out of the fantasy. He was in a public place! It was really getting out of hand. Now, Usagi was here. Steps away from him, and he needed to get his head out of the gutter. When he turned, though, it went right back. His usual nickname died on his lips, and he only managed to utter a strangled, "Hey." Usagi's legs were one of her best features, although they so often were the source of her clumsiness. Her skirts usually stopped near her knee, but that was not the case today. His eyes moved slowly from her petite ankles, past her knees, to her milky thighs, and were finally brought to a halt by her skirt, which he was sure could barely be hiding covering her underwear. Her legs looked so long and sexy with so much more visible. He had never seen so much of her thighs before, except maybe in a brief flash during a klutz attack. They always disappeared from his sight very quickly, but now they were on full display and very nearly at his eye level. He distantly noted that he had dreamed of having them at eye level before but never at quite this angle.

Usagi thought back over her rehearsals and prepared what she hoped was the right voice. She had been a little confused in her research to learn that to get your crush to like you, you should make your voice higher and more feminine, but when seducing someone, you should make it lower. But who was she to question the sexperts? She had rehearsed looking him in the eyes for this, but his eyes were focused on her legs. The success of her outfit was clearly having helped to clear the slight blush she'd had coloring her cheeks since she entered the arcade. And it did more for her confidence in her plan than any sexy undergarment could. "Hi, Mamoru," she murmured.

Mamoru realized he was staring when Usagi's voice broke his concentration. Why did she sound like that? It seemed like she was nearly whispering, and she had definitely changed her tone of voice for him after talking to Motoki. He quickly pulled his gaze to her face. She had called him by his name; that was also out of place. He gave his best smirk, trying to regain control of the situation.

Hesitating for a moment, Usagi debated how to sit down. It would be skipping a lot of steps, but this really seemed like the perfect time to enact "give him an eyeful. " She carefully put her knees together and sort of bent at the waist and knees and deposited her bag between her stool and Mamoru's foot. She had practiced the motion over and over in the mirror to figure out how to avoid flashing people in the short skirt while maximizing the amount of cleavage that was visible. She glanced up at him as she stood and caught him staring again, giving him a slight smile. Smiling was always step one in the conversation stage.

Something was going on with Usagi. Mamoru was sure of it. She was like an open book usually, so he assumed she would soon explain herself. Maybe she had a date, and that's why she had the short skirt? He felt a flash of annoyance at the idea and quickly brushed it off, not bothering to give it any attention. She was just wearing her school uniform, so a date didn't make sense. Maybe her skirt shrunk in the wash? He was trying to shake the image of the tops of Usagi's breasts when he noticed her smile falter. Shit. How long had he been starting at her? "Hey," he answered. He saw her smile start to return before he quickly turned away from her. He took a sip of his coffee to distract himself.

Things were going well in Usagi's opinion. Mamoru was definitely into her. Clearly her experience in his apartment made her knew he was, but it was gratifying to have him seem into her when she was actually there. As far as he knew, anyway. Time to move on to her next plan, a perfect trap she had set with her new perfume. She saw Motoki heading back with her shake. "Toki! I got this awesome new perfume the other day! Want to smell?" She held out her left wrist as the man deposited her shake in front of her.

The blonde man humored her, leaning forward and sniffing her wrist slightly. "That's nice, Usagi. I think it suits you," he said, giving her a brief, beaming smile before moving on to his next customer in the busy arcade.

As soon as Motoki's attention was focused elsewhere, she turned her head toward Mamoru on her right. He seemed to be trying to divine the future in his coffee mug. "Smell," she commanded, sticking her nearest wrist directly under his nose. His eyes widened slightly before he corrected himself. She brow wrinkle. "What's wrong?" she asked innocently.

Mamoru was a little nervous about answering Usagi due to her strange behavior. Did she normally wear perfume? He had never noticed. Maybe she did have a date. He looked at her from the corner of his eye and saw her looking at him with a puzzled expression. He needed to pull himself together. This was sweet, innocent Usagi, and he was suspicious that she was planning to seduce some boy later. Turning toward her, he explained, "I don't smell anything." He saw her face fall and opened his mouth to tell her he was sorry. Just as quickly, her face brightened again.

"I only sprayed a little on my wrist and rubbed them together. Here." Usagi quickly stood and leaned in, exposing her neck to him.

Mamoru felt like he was in a weird dream. Okay, not a weird dream for him but definitely the kind of dream that was weird to be thinking about while Usagi was sitting right there. He briefly admired the arch of her neck and back, briefly thinking about the ways he'd imagined getting her in the position before he was overwhelmed with her scent. There were hints of flowers along with sugar and strawberries, fitting for her sweet nature. He wondered if she'd taste as sweet as she smelled. Usagi was the closest to him she ever had been, unless accidentally running into him counted. He also realized that she was standing between his legs and felt his breath hitch slightly. Glancing down, he saw not only the perfectly round tops of her breasts but the pale pink edges of a lace bra. This was definitely like one of those dreams. In the dream version, he would have grabbed her wrist and dragged her off to the staff room. Instead, she moved away and was already sitting back down.

"Do you like it?" Usagi watched him nod. She noticed that his pupils had dilated, making his dark blue eyes appear even darker. Mamoru was playing right into her hands. She tucked part of her pigtail behind her ear and licked her lips to "look nervous." Both motions were mentioned in different articles. His eyes followed both movements. She turned toward her shake, scooted it toward her, and plucked the cherry of the top. She turned slightly to her right and asked, "How are you today, Mamoru?"

Mamoru could not take his eyes of Usagi. Increasingly turned on is how he was, but that was hardly how he could answer. He saw her tongue dart out from between her pink glossed lips to lick the whipped cream off of her cherry before popping the cherry into her mouth. He envisioned leaning in and tasting both there. "Fine. You?" He was seriously struggling with this whole having a normal conversation thing. He briefly thought maybe he could insult her to get things back into the usual territory, but he didn't want to see that adorable flush on her cheeks she got when she was angry. He forced himself to turn back to his coffee and take a sip.

Usagi hummed. "I'm having a great day, especially now that I'm talking to you." She thought she saw his face twitch at that but otherwise no reaction. Maybe she was laying it on too thick. "Excuse me." She leaned past him and grabbed napkins from the dispenser, intentionally sliding her arm against his chest. Now that she knew he was Tuxedo Kamen, the strength she sensed there made so much more sense. That was certainly not built by lifting books to his face.

When her arm brushed his chest, Mamoru forced himself not to jerk away. "Calm down," he warned himself mentally. Usagi could not find out he was interested in her when she was so clearly uninterested in him. She was being surprisingly friendly, but it likely had to do with her having a good day. And all she did was accidentally brush him. It was way less contact when she accidentally ran headlong into him once every few weeks. It had been longer than usual since their last literal run-in, though; he realized he had missed it a little.

Taking the first sip of her shake, Usagi moaned, "Oh God! It's so good!" She was always excited about food, so it wasn't a great stretch. Everything talked about making food sexy, but there just wasn't anything sexy about a burger and fries. She had tried eating different things in her room, but nothing worked. But she could definitely put her love of food to use for the cause. Plus, chocolate shakes were nearly an orgasm in a glass anyway.

Fuck. Mamoru was pretty sure he had daydreamed about her saying those exact words to him while writhing under him. He felt his length twitch in his pants. Before a fantasy could take over, he felt something touch his leg and almost fell off his stool in alarm. Then the something touched it again, stroking up and down. Was Usagi trying to play footsie with him? While moaning into her shake? He made some sound that was between a groan and cough. Smooth. At least the foot retreated.

Usagi turned slightly toward Mamoru. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was my bag." He was still not looking at her. That wouldn't do. She had been making such progress, but now he seemed like he was trying to close himself off to her. Perhaps it was time to incorporate some of the more drastic tips. Checking first that Motoki was still occupied, she leaned toward Mamoru. She freed her straw from her mouth with a pop and put her hand on his knee, drawing little circles with her fingers. She felt him stiffen as she leaned closer so that her lips were mere inches from his ear. "I've always loved those pants. They make your ass look amazing." Then, she was back to drinking her shake.

Mamoru blushed. He felt confused for so many reasons. Usagi just complimented his appearance, which she had only previously mentioned mockingly. He had felt her hot breath on his ear even has her fingers brushed the inside of his knee. Her words made him realize that she had checked out his ass, which was a surprise. And part of him burned at hearing her use the word ass. Sure, she had called him an asshole, but this was a completely different context. He wondered what other dirty words she liked to use.

Moving on to one of the last items, Usagi leaned back toward Mamoru. It might have been her imagination, but she thought that he held his breath when she moved closer. She smiled, letting it color her words. "Do you ever look at my ass, Mamoru?"

He couldn't help himself from letting out a little gasp. Maybe he was actually dreaming. There was no way Usagi would really say these things to him. Of course he had checked out her ass, like any man with eyes. What was she playing at? This was not what their relationship was, and she was not interested in that changing. He halfway wanted to bend her over his lap and spank her for being such a tease. He squeezed his eyes shut at the image, which obviously didn't help given that it was in his mind. And there she was saying ass again, making him contemplate was to make her say other words. He almost groaned aloud when he imagined her saying, "Fuck." Usagi's fingers tracing patterns on his thigh pulled him back to the present, and he realized he was rock hard.

Usagi was very pleased with herself based on the tortured look on Mamoru's face. Pretending to focus entirely on her shake, she risked a glance down toward her hand, where one finger was now drawing small circles on his this inner thigh, she saw evidence that her approach had worked. For the first time since she first came in, she felt herself blush again. Making a sudden decision, she offered the last bit of her milkshake to him. "Want a sip?" The pink gloss from her lips was still visible on the straw. She crossed another item off her list.

Mamoru could clearly see where Usagi's lips had been wrapped around her straw and tried not think about other things he'd like to see them wrap around. Unable to trust his voice, Mamoru shook his head and held up his hand in what he hoped was a dismissive, nonchalant gesture.

Usagi shrugged and slurped the rest of her milkshake down. "Bye, Toki!" she called, waving to her friend with her free hand. Sliding her hand even so slightly higher, she skated her fingers across his bulge. See you later, Mamoru," she said in her normal pitch as though nothing was different. She tucked her pigtails over her shoulders and turned on the stool, carefully glancing around to check for onlookers. She heard Mamoru's stool squeak slightly as he turned to keep his eyes on her. As she stood, she pretended to adjust her skirt, "accidentally" giving him a peek of her lace clad ass.

At that moment, Mamoru had completely forgotten Sailor Moon.