So it's been a really long time since I've done this. I have several stories that I never finished, a novel I'm working on, and five other stories that won't leave me alone. And yet, this is the one that came out. I had to wait in between 2x21 and 2x22 and this is what happened. These are interconnected drabbles. After about chapter 3, I leave canon behind and make my own. Here goes nothing!

"Give me ten minutes. Please." Lamb didn't stop. He did; however, get interrupted by a text.

He'll still be guilty of whatever it is in 10 minutes. You could wait and prove you aren't tin in there, or I could add this to harassment lawsuit I'm putting together on the department. Mostly you ?.

Veronica just waved.

"It seems you have friends in annoying places. We'll just wait right here," Lamb said, and they did. Until the very end of the ceremony too.

"I'll see you later, honey. I have to be on a plane in an hour," Keith Mars said.

"Go get him," Veronica said. As she was walking back to her car, she got a call.

"Hey, V."

"Weevil? You should really use your phone call for a lawyer."

"We both know what good that would do," and they did. Lily's killer had after all just been acquitted. "Just get down here, ok?"


When she walked into the sheriff's department, they led her to the interrogation room instead of the cells. "He insists that you're his legal representation and one of the deputies believed him," Lamb said as he opened the door, "Just make it quick."

"I'm your lawyer now?" she asked, "What's going on?"

"I wanted to thank you. For earlier," he said.

"Lamb's a jerk. I figured whatever you'd done, you had at least earned graduating. Now what exactly is that he thinks you've done?"

"He thinks I killed Thumper."

"This would have all been resolved if you had just waited for me like I told you too."

"I know, but I didn't ask you here for an apology."

"And you didn't kill Thumper, at least not personally, so what gives Weevil?"

"I figured that if I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in jail, there was something I had to do first," he said and then he kissed her. Not for very long, just long enough to make his point.

"Plead down to assault. That's my advice as your lawyer," she said and then ran straight into the door.


"Yes, Weevil?"

"Call me Eli." She walked straight out, not even registering the fact that Lamb called her name about a dozen times.