In the kanto region there is a boy named Ash Ketchum who just turned ten years old and like all ten-year old's he is going to start his Pokémon journey today.

In the Ketchum home Ash's mom was in the kitchen making breakfast when she called out to her son "Ash! Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming mom!" responded Ash as he came down the stairs to the kitchen. Ash was dressed in a white and blue short sleeve jacket with gold trim, white collar and sleeves, a dark teal T-shirt, blue jeans with light blue cuffs, black and white sneakers with red dots, green fingerless gloves with light green borders and a red and white cap with a green stylized "L".

"Good morning honey. Here eat some breakfast." Said Delia

"Thanks mom." responded Ash as he sat down and ate a full plate of pancakes and toast. Then washed it down with a glass of orange juice. "Ah! That was great mom. Well I'd better head to Professor Oak's lab."

"Alright sweetie here's your backpack I packed it full of things you'll need on your journey. "said Delia as she handed Ash his backpack. Then they went to the front door and before Ash walked out his mom pulled him into a tight hug. Then said; "Promise me you'll be safe Ash." Before she released him from her grip,

"I will bye mom see you later." Said Ash as he took off for Prof. Oak's lab. After a short run Ash was at The Professor's lab. As he walked to the door, he bumped into Gary Oak Prof, Oak's grandson.

"Watch it you- oh it's just you. Hey Ashie, boy. Long time no see." Said Gary at see that it was Ash he bumped into. Gary and Ash had been rivals ever since they were little kids even though Gary was older than Ash by one year. Gary had already journeyed round the Kanto region and he won the Indigo league, so he was now visiting his grandfather before he challenged the elite four.

"Hey Gary, what are you doing here today." Asked Ash

"Well Ash I heard from my grandpa that you and the others were starting your journeys today. So, I came to the lab to see what you guys before you leave for your journeys. Plus, I sent my grandpa an egg and he said it just hatched. "replied Gary.

"Wow. "said Ash He would never tell Gary this, but he was impressed with Gary's level of skill with his Pokémon. "well let's go in" said Ash before he dashed into the lab. And Gary followed him in.

So yeah that's the first chapter new to fanfiction so please review all opinions welcome. I'll update as much as possible.