Huh, some of you actually liked this story. Good to know. Thanks too, for making it known. It helps.

I didn't say it last chapter, but I don't own jack shit, in case it wasn't already implied.


It was on a lonely hill past the outskirts of the Mustafa District, where the grass grew tall and vibrant. A gentle breeze coerced the long stands into a soft, rolling sway under the grayed sky. Through this rolling field trudged our small greenette, Izuku.

He pushed his way past the grass that tickled his leg, the other made up of green light. It reached up to his knee, following the thigh up his torso and loping over his shoulder to secure it.

His progress was slow, but his solemn gaze was unwavering as he made his way up the hill until finally, he arrived at its top.

At the crest of the hill was a small clearing, the vegetation roughly cut at varying heights. A single tree grew towards the far end of the clearing, its branches and foliage branching out and casting a light shade over the earth. At its base was a circle of smooth stones, with a larger stone, more oblong in its shape, erected upright in the center.

Izuku approached the site, sitting down with his leg crossed over his stump as the shining prosthetic faded into small motes that drifted into the sky. A cat, made of the same light that once made up his leg, crawled up and onto his lap. His eyes were already bleary with tears that threatened to leak out as he smiled at and stroked the feline construct. Finally, he leaned forward and traced his finger along the face of the rock, and a name written in light followed its trail.

Midoriya Inko

"Hey, mom." The young boy began, running his hands across the top of the construct as a form of support. "It's been a while, I know."

There was no response.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He sniffed, tears finally beginning to fall, leaving small grooves on his dirty face. He wiped his nose before continuing.

"I've been busy as of late is all." His expression brightened a bit, with some light returning to his eyes. The cat rubbed itself against his stomach as he shifted slightly.

"On the plus side, I found a new spot! It's really close to a famous restaurant, so I get these awesome scraps from the dumpster!" He had a bright smile on his face, his hands pumping in excitement. The construct let him have his moment before letting out a warbled meow, and Izuku quickly resumed petting the top of it.

"There's also a water fountain, but it's a bit further. It's close to that beach full of trash, the one we used to visit sometimes with Da- Hisashi." His face scrunched up, and his construct tensed at the name. He took in a deep breath, smelling the natural scents of the world around him, before letting it out slowly.

"I haven't seen Kaachan, or any of the Bakugou's in forever, but knowing them, they're doing fine. They're strong like that, from what I remember." He was telling the truth, as he could never lie to his mom, but he still worried about the blonde and his family. His construct stretched before curling up on his lap once more.

Izuku took a deep breath, settling nerves that had been building throughout the entire one-sided conversation. Even the cat looked up at him, its gaze helping to settle the butterflies in his stomach.

"I… I decided to still try to be a hero."

The breeze picked up slightly before settling once more,

"I didn't know if you'd approve or not, since… you know."

Flashes of light, a burning white outlined in orange and red. Deep yells, crashing wood, and the face of Endeavor fighting Hizashi's fire with his own. A massive, smoldering piece of wood hurtling towards him and his mother, to fast for him to-

He shuddered at the scene playing out in his head.

"But it's always been a dream of mine, and even Aizawa-sensei, better known as Eraserhead, said I can." His features took a more determined form, his eyes hardening and mouth twisting into a grin.

The construct hopped off of his lap as the breeze picked up once more, much stronger than before.

"So I will," The wind strengthened, and he could feel it tossing his mop of curled green hair around as he clenched his fist. "I will become the best hero ever!" He shouted over the wind, and as he did so it came to a stop. The newfound silence was almost deafening, but it filled the greenette with pride.

"To prevent anything like that from happening ever again."

One last hint of wind whistled through the grass and brushed his cheek. He smiled, tears spilling forth.

"I love you too, mom."

He stood once more, the brilliant prosthetic forming underneath him as his did so. The cat hopped onto his shoulder as he turned from the stone and began to leave, a single footprint indenting the grass underfoot as he left.

The name of Midoriya Inko faded from the headstone, and the breeze resumed its normal course.

Aizawa sighed as he flopped onto the brown leather couch resting in the center of his living room, his arm coming to rest over his eyes to shield them from the bright lights above. One of his cats came up and hopped onto his lap, mewing softly for attention. Attention that he gave with his other hand.

He was content to lie there for the rest of time, in complete comfort to wallow in his melodrama.

His front door flinging open once more accompanied by a painfully loud "HELLO!" ruined the moment.

He slid his arm downwards to reveal Yamada Hizashi, his sharp glasses resting on a sharper nose. His smile was wide, rivaling the number one hero in the way it shined. His blonde hair went straight upwards and back, resembling a parakeets head feathers. He wore a black leather jacket and matching gloves and pants, the latter of which's shins had built in speakers, and noise canceling headphones hung around his neck.

Aizawa fixed him with a glare from beneath his arm, but it lacked any real heat.

"Don't be like that, Shota," Hizashi whined as he closed the door behind him, a plastic bag in hand as he walked over to the kitchen table that was a scant few paces from the back of the couch, and once the bag and its contents were safely on the table, Hizashi moved up to the rear of the couch. Leaning over, the blonde placed an exaggerated kiss on Aizawa's forehead.

Aizawa's glare softened, but his frown never left his face, much to Hizashi's consternation.

"What's wrong, hubby?" The blonde asked, his tone coming down considerably as he moved to the foot of the couch. Aizawa sat up briefly to allow Hizashi to sit before lowering his head once more, on the blonde's lap this time. Hizashi began to run a hand through Aizawa's hair similar to how Aizawa pet the cat on his lap.

"...It's about that kid I told you about, Izuku." The brunette said after a minute of silence, not that either complained. His blonde partner noted the exhaustion in Aizawa's voice.

"The one you met in the alley that could bend light or something?" Hizashi asked, and Aizawa nodded from his position.

"Yeah, that's the one." He squirmed slightly, nuzzling the top of his head further into Hizashi's waist. Once comfortable, he continued.

"I did some digging on him, trying to find something on him," He sighed, and Hizashi noticed just how much sorrow it carried. "At first, nothing. While uncommon, there's a plethora of Izuku's running around Japan. I looked into any that would be likely to be in the area then, and stumbled upon this." He reached under the couch, and after retrieving a paper, he handed it to Hizashi, who held it in one hand while continuing to pet Aizawa with the other.

Two confirmed dead and one missing in fire caused by the chase of Midoriya Hisashi conducted by Number Two Hero: Endeavor. The bold headline read, and the article went on to describe the chase and eventual hideout in the apartment complex. He hid out in his apartment, and the building caught fire around them. Endeavor went in, came out later with the smoking corpse of Hisashi.

Of course, the Pro got of scott free.

Meanwhile, Midoriya Inko and her son, Midoriya Izuku were missing until the burned, yet recognizable corpse of Inko was found outside the building.

Izuku was never found.

The pictures of all involved were also posted, and the image of the missing Izuku almost perfectly matched the description Aizawa gave of the Izuku he met.

So with a cocked eye, he lowered the paper and looked down towards his boyfriend, whose arm had covered his eyes once more. He stroked his and through the brunette's hair, humming a song lightly as he did so.

This continued for a few minutes until Aizawa lowered his arm, his eyes now red rimmed and tear tracks trailing from the corners and onto Hizashi's lap.

"So I went to find the kid again, but he was gone." Aizawa's voice wavered almost imperceptibly as he spoke, but his boyfriend still noticed. After a pregnant pause, the blonde of the pair finally spoke up.

"So we'll find him later. We'll get Nemuri, Ecto, hell, we'll get All Might if we have to," He gave a particularly strong rub as Aizawa looked into his eyes. "We'll find him, Shota."

"We'll give him a chance, a home."