Hey guys and girls! Here it is-my newest Miraculous story! And this time, the gang (Adrien, Mari, Alya and Nino) are going on a road trip! And Mari and Adrien ae gonna get up to some smexy action! To see what kind of action, read on!

Disclaimer: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir and the characters within belong to Thomas Astruc. All characters in this work are 18 and up.

It was the early days of summer-when school was coming to an end. Thoughts turn to summer vacation-and this is where the tale begins. Four young adults were sitting at a table in Tom and Sabine's Patisserie. On top of the table were several travel brochures. And the discussion at hand was where the group would spend summer vacation.

One of the teens-aspiring model Adrien Agreste- said, "What do you guys think? A cross-continental road trip?"

Nino Lahiffe, Adrien's best bud, replied, "That sounds cool, bro! Count me in!" Nino's girlfriend, Alya Cesaire, said, "Yeah, me too! I can't wait to do some sightseeing! What about you, Mari?"

Mari-really Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of the owners of the bakery-said, "Yeah, this would be a great trip!" She then looked at her parents, who entered the serving area of the bakery. Mari said, "Mom…Dad…can I go?"

Tom said, "Marinette-you're an adult. And you are allowed to make your own decisions."

Sabine nodded, and added, "And know that whatever you choose, we will wholehearted support."

Mari embraced her parents, and said, "Thanks, you guys!" She then turned to her friends and said, "Well, then…what are we waiting for? Let's finish planning this trip!"

They all agreed to leave that weekend. And they would head north first, through the Low Countries. They would then trek through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Then they would finish their trip in Spain before returning home to Paris.

But until the trip…Alya would remind Marinette about the trip. Two days before the trip, the pair headed out to get some new clothes and outfits. As they were trying the clothes on, Alya said, "So, Marinette…what do you think about this trip?"

Marinette replied, "I'm so excited! Touring Europe, doing some sightseeing, shopping, trying new cuisines…"

Alya shook her head, and said, "Mari-that's not what I mean. I meant…what do you think about spending this summer with Adrien?"

Mari-glad she was in a changing booth so Alya wouldn't tease her about her now reddening cheeks-replied, "Of course I'm excited to spend the summer with Adrien. And you guys, as well."

Alya then said, "Marinette…have you considered that Adrien is a rather handsome young man…who may be gaining several admirers…like Chloe…and Lila…and then there's Kagami…"

Marinette then said, "And?"

Alya said, "Aaaannnndddd…I think that you-whose spent so much time pining after Adrien-should use this trip to show Adrien that you're the girl for him."

Marinette said, "Well…I want Adrien to pick me because he loves me, not because I'm the option that's the closest."

Alya said, "Oh, Marinette…I'm sure Adrien feels that way for you. Now, let's check out some more swimsuits!"

So while the girls were running up and down the stores, Adrien and Nino were looking over the brochures and planning the itinerary. Nino said, "Hey bro…not to get in your business…"

Adrien then said, "But you're going to anyway, right?"

Nino smiled at his long-time friend, as he noted Adrien's reply didn't have any anger in it. Nino then said, "Dude…how will it be spending so much time around Marinette? Especially considering how she feels about you."

Adrien couldn't readily reply. And his usual go-to response when talking about Marinette -'She's just a friend,"- was shot down as Nino said, "And I'm not buying that 'just a friend' line, bro."

Adrien said, "I can't hide it, dude. She's special…I mean, all my friends are special…but she's…"

Nino said, "She's…what?"

Adrien said, "She's slowly slipping away from me. All this time, I've been pushing her away…but this trip…I can show Marinette joe much she means to me."

Nino said, "And how much is that, dude?"

Adrien smiled, then playfully pulled Nino's hat over his eyes. Adrien then said, "That's between me and Marinette, dude!"

Soon enough, the day of the trip arrived. The foursome, all packed up, got into an SUV Adrien rented for them. In the front, Adrien was behind the wheel, with Marinette riding next to him. Nino and Alya sat behind them. Adrien started the vehicle, and in a humorous tone, said, "Hey you two…keep the making out to a minimum!"

Marinette lightly slapped his arm, and Nino said, "Well, it's not my fault if Alya can't keep her hands to herself."

Alya added, "Besides…when we switch drivers…what are you two gonna get up too? Marinette is probably going to pounce all over you, Adrien…smothering you with kisses…"

Marinette, now the color of a beet, cried out, "AAAALLLLLLYYYYYAAAAAA!" Adrien looked in the rear-view at his friends and saw a look of smugness on Alya's face. Adrien then said, "OK, guys and girls…we're off!"

As the group hit the road, they spent the first leg of the trip talking about school days, and what their old classmates were up to. The trip was short, taking only about four hours to reach their destination of Brussels, the capital of Belgium. They pulled up to the hotel, and Adrien said, "OK, guys, I'm going to inquire about the rooms."

Adrien walked into the hotel-and returned 15 minutes later. He said, "All right, guys. Let's get our stuff and get settled in!"

The group trooped along after Adrien, heading up the flight of stairs to their rooms. Adrien then said, "OK, how are we splitting up?"

Alya grabbed the key-as well as Nino's arm, and said, "Have fun, you two!" Nino waved back, giving Adrien a thumbs-up.

Adrien looked at Marinette-who was looking at something on the wall. He opened the room door and said, "Shall we, my lady?"

Marinette replied, "Sure! I mean, let's not stay out here!"

Adrien shook his head in mild amusement. As they entered the room-they saw there was only one bed-a fairly big bed. Marinette stood in shock as her mind processed, I'm going to be sleeping in a bed…with Adrien! Why, ALYA, WHY?

She looked at Adrien's face-but Adrien was unreadable. The silence was broken when Adrien said, "Nice room, huh?"

Marinette thought, Nice room? We are sharing a bed, and all he says is 'Nice room'? But when she found her voice, she replied, "Yeah, lovely…" Marinette sat on the bed, and she realized, Alya's right…this trip is the opportunity to show Adrien that I am the girl for him!

Meanwhile, Adrien was looking out of the window at the city. But his mind wasn't on the scenic view-it was on the young woman behind him. How can I tell you that you mean more to me than everything? That I was such an ass for pushing you away? No…now I will show you how much you mean to me!

Adrien turned around and came face to face with Marinette. Adrien said, "Marinette…I need to tell you something."

Marinette replied, "Oh? I have something to tell you, as well."

And that is where this chapter ends! I am so happy to be back writing!

And I am Stage 5 of Miraculous trash…I need help…

Anyway, you this story is for you guys! And I have other stories on the way!