So this Story is absolutely AU. The characters won't be like in Canon either. So expect some OOC as well.

I'd be happy about some Feedback and constructive criticism :) Oh! And I do not have a beta-Reader, so there might be some typos and misspelling to be found along the way.

Enjoy :)

Something most people don't know is the fact, that being judged by King Yemma, the regent of the afterlife, will cure all mental illness. Memory loss, insanity, depression, PTSD…

Once someone dies and King Yemma judges them upon their actions in life, the proverbial fog will be lifted.

This happened first to Raditz, then to his younger brother, Goku. Neither of them expected this to happen and both felt awful after reviewing their last actions according to those lost or supressed memories and emotions.

King Yemma knew what had happened to the long haired fighter as soon as his entire snotty, aggressive attitude and all the fight in the young man just died and his eyes became glassy. "No… what have I done? Oh no…!" were his last words before the ground he was standing on literally opened and he was dragged down to hell.

Moments later the guardian of Earth appeared with Goku, mainly to try and get his prize student lessons from a higher master so his time in the afterlife would not be wasted.

"I'll have to judge him first. He cannot pass my desk without being judged. Then King Kai will decide once he reaches his home." King Yemma spoke solemnly. He knew what would happen. He could see it all in his book. The boy – for that's all Goku was in the ancient eyes of King Yemma – had lost his memory. He had originally been send to his now home planet to exterminate all life on the planet so it could be sold. Bringing back his memory and the lost last orders the infant named Kakarot had received before the genocide of the Saiyan race – it might prove disastrous.

"So judge me then, please! I have to become stronger so I can protect my family and friends!" the boy shouted excitedly despite Kami trying to shush him.

"So be it. According to your actions in life and all the good deeds you committed, I grant you entrance to heaven and all it entails. You may now pass." King Yemma never took his eyes off the boy and saw him all but seize up.

The memories may not have been many in numbers, but they were important.

He saw his parents, remembered being in the nursery before being send away, heard his mother cry as if in physical pain while trying to reach him.

He saw his father standing in front of the glass of the nursery, just looking at him while seeming dead on his feet.

He remembered a seemingly tiny Raditz pressing his nose against the very same glass with a huge grin on his face. "I'll always protect you, baby brother!" he told him, with his voice muffled by the glass.

He also remembered the man and the boy his brother had been accompanied by that one time they met: A huge man with a tuft of black hair on his head with a thin beard and an even younger boy with hair like a flame and a bored expression.

The orders came back as well. Exterminate all life on Planet E001548X – Codename "Earth" and report to Planet Frieza 1 afterwards for debriefing.

Goku suddenly felt like he had to throw up. He couldn't move forward and when Kami gently nudged him to get him to move, Goku merely fell over and hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"His lost memory has been restored." King Yemma said softly.

"What? The one that came for him said he had had orders to kill everyone on the planet! What about that?" Kami felt faint – he knew that no one on the planet would be able to beat Goku and that no one else would stand a chance against the Saiyans Raditz had promised would come in a years time.

"Those memories have been restored as well. Judgement here cures any form of mental illness, including the loss of memories."

"But… what will happen now?" Kami stared worriedly at Goku, who was holding his head in apparent pain.

"That is up to him." King Yemma spoke with finality.

"Please move your charge out of this room. You may stay in one of the adjourning rooms until he feels better." King Yemma waved his helpers over and ordered them to move Goku away.

Half an hour later Goku slowly and carefully sat up. He felt weird – as if the proportions of his body were all wrong and somehow twisted. He felt too big somehow.

"Goku?" questioned Kami softly.

"Yes…" he answered far more earnestly than anyone could ever associate with Son Goku, who was somehow always happy-go-lucky except during battle. "I feel horrible… I remember my parents and my brother now. What happened to him to make him so… twisted and murderous?" he looked at Kami like a lost little child.

"I don't know, Goku… But I can't imagine growing up as a soldier in a Planet Trade Organisation to be pleasant." Kami swallowed before asking: "What about that mission you were assigned?"

"It's redundant. I won't do it. Earth is my home now."

"I'm glad to hear that…" Kami sighed. He was somewhat surprised by Goku, who somehow seemed … sharper somehow.

"I need to find him. I can't go to see King Kai before talking with my brother, now that I remember him. I need to know why."

Kami sighted. "I'll ask King Yemma. I can't promise anything, though." He stood up and left the room with Goku staring out the window at the blanket of yellow clouds which separated hell and heaven from each other. He could see a long, winding bridge over the clouds which seemingly had no end.

"You may enter hell to look for him." Kami said upon entering the room. "If you cannot find a way out of there, you will be stuck there for the entire year. That is something you'll need to remember. We will wish you back, but if you cannot get out of hell anymore, you will not be able to train under King Kai."

Goku nodded and got up. "Where do I go?"

Kami motioned for him to follow.


Raditz didn't move more than two steps after those trolls let go of him. He just sat down and tried not to cry.

He had sworn to always protect Kakarot. For years and years he had done so by not contacting his baby brother. As long as Frieza didn't know his kid brother had escaped, it was alright.

He could bear the pain of living in that hell hole. Kakarot was safe according to his last check ups and hidden scans of Planet Earth. He wasn't alone, never having carried out his mission. He was alive and well.

He had hoped that his brother was happy. And he intended to never contact him.

For a while his life had been bearable. Nappa and Vegeta were there with him; they carried out the worst of their missions form the skies and only fought the soldiers head on.

Then he met Kenna. The one and only, his moon in the sky, holder of his heart. Kenna was funny, smart and strong. She had dark red hair and eyes in the colour of clear honey. Her race had little fangs and claws like cats.

The moment Frieza knew that they were "breeding" it was over. Raditz had never before realised how much that ice lizard hated Saiyans. Until he returned home with Nappa and Vegeta to find her in their apartment with her throat slit and their infant carved from her womb.

Now he saw it clearly: That was the exact moment he went insane. Loosing a mate was the worst possible thing that could happen to a Saiyan. The mental connection they formed with a female would be severed leaving a bleeding mental wound so horrible that it couldn't be healed. Raditz remembered Nappa and Vegeta trying to get through to him – he and the prince had been friends despite being in different classes ever since he could remember.

It had been of little use. After that moment, Raditz realised with dawning horror, he had been trying to die. He would land on the surface of the planets and would murder the inhabitants without mercy. He hoped some soldier would end him – it never happened.

He started goading Frieza. Blatant disrespect got him beaten and whipped, locked up and starved. But never killed.

Raditz stopped caring about anything, leaving behind a shallow husk of his former self.

Then he went to fetch his baby brother, whom his had sworn to always, always protect, into his living hell.

And that finally got him killed. But at what price? He had taken his brother's live. They both had died.

After that realisation Raditz cried. It had all been for nothing. All the years enduring the horrors of living in a facility of the Planet Trade Organisation and pretending his baby brother had perished with the rest of his species amounted to nothing. He wasn't even reunited with Kenna and their daughter. All he had managed to do in his fit of insanity was land himself in hell and kill the baby brother he had sworn to protect.

Raditz had never felt more helpless and useless than now, after being brought back to his senses.

He figured that most of the Saiyans were down in hell as well. He could set off to search for them, but he couldn't manage to summon the energy to get up and move. He was still sitting right next to his point of entrance into hell, which was a small crack in a huge wall of stone. More souls came steadily out of that crack – they moved past the crying man and soon after seemed to forget where the entrance – and most likely exit as well – had been. Raditz didn't care. He couldn't move a muscle.

He knew this would never end. He'd be in hell forever, without any hope of ever escaping. So he just kept crying for the time being. He had nothing but endless time to contemplate all his sins and failures.