Alright so I didn't get a TON of requests for this but a few of you did and that's enough. Thank you for the continued interest! So without further a due, here is the epilogue. It's short, I know, but there's not much left to say lol! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did, or more. Don't forget to follow me on Tumblr as I will be posting the options I have for the next story(ies). Not sure if you guys noticed but I like to post an AU and an SM world fic simultaneously. So if you prefer one or the other have no fear, I have a couple of each to choose from.

Shout out to betas Beej88, Darkenedhrt101, iamcharlotte88, and SailorMoon489. And a huge shout out to all of you who read/reviewed/faved/followed. You guys keep me going. One last thank you and I'm done, to Nebelflecke for showing some love and support my way outside the fandom. If any of you read my book A Darkened Heart, thank you so much because that is the sort of thing that really keeps me going. Being liked as a writer outside the fandom.



"What happens here, stays here." - Las Vegas

The slight rush I got, waking up on my side and alone, was something I really wish would go away. Rolling over fixed it sometimes, if she was there.

Her back to me, I worked my way up to her side, a small moan coming from her as I wrapped arms around her. "Good morning beautiful."

"Shhh...not so loud…"

I chuckled and she cringed. "A hangover is your body's way of telling you, you fucked up."

"I fucked up."

"Yeah, I know. I was there."

She twisted her head to look back at me while I remained propped over her, "Why didn't you stop me?"

"You told me not to! You said, under no circumstances, was I to stop you last night. That we were celebrating."

She fell back to the bed with a groan and I followed with a laugh. "You just like me too much when I'm drunk."

" do say interesting things."

I got my hand up under the shirt she slept in, long button-up that was almost as soft as her skin. Getting my hand on her hip, she moaned again when I kneaded her flesh.

"You didn't put your panties back on?"

"I couldn't find them!"

My mouth on the back of her neck, I brushed my lips against her soft skin as I spoke. "I might have hidden them from you."

Her shirt up to her waist now, my cock hard had found its way out of my briefs, just as eager as me as it snuck out the hole in my underwear. Getting it in between her legs, I rubbed her folds with it before I tipped inside. She didn't stop me the whole time, shifting her body to help me put it where I wanted it and whimpering until I had my tip at her womb. But then she reached around and grabbed my ass hard, pinching me.

"We don't have...time for this."

I was already pumping into her, "We don't need...long."

"You always...take all night."

"Are you..complaining?"


"Then give me...a few minutes..and I won't..complain."

She giggled, her tightening around me from it. "I'll give you...three…"

I laughed and doubled my efforts, reaching up her shirt and grabbing her breast, pushing the shirt up out of the way so my hand that was trapped under her could touch skin. She was panting, mewing and whimpering as she backed her ass into me and my thrusts. Still just as tight as the first time, I tried to take my time in fucking her, even though we really didn't have any.

One hand on her breast, the other on her clit, I held her to me as I took her. Keeping my mouth at her ear so I could say dirty things to her while we bounced. "You...are so wet you do that...just for me?"

" know that…"

"I just hear you say it…."

I ran a circle around her clit and she bucked into me. "Oh, Darien...I only get wet...for and your...massive...dick…"

She only got wetter, me forcing her to talk dirty always did no matter how much she denied liking it. "That's it, like it...don't you...tell me you like it…

"I..I love it...oh god...I'm going to come…."

She squeezed tight, her body tensing from her orgasm and my head pressed into her shoulder, trying to hold on, but I failed. " feel...fucking amazing…."

I was still hissing my release when she went limp in my arms. And when she tried to move, I stopped her. "Whoa now...need to wait 20 minutes."

One arm still around her breast and the other over her womb, I held her still and my 'efforts' insider her with my cock. "Seriously? Are you still going on about this Darien?"

"Hey, you were the one who said you wanted my babies last night. And I hate to break it to you, but we already tried all last night. Five times already, Serena."

"Ug, god you're unbelievable."

She might have been pissed but she still didn't move, letting me hold her past the 20-minute mark. When it passed and she still didn't move, letting me hold her, I got in her ear again. "Serena...marry me."


"Ug, why not?!"

"I like things the way they are!"

"Nothing would change!"

"Then why does it matter?"

I pulled her onto her back, looming over her. "Don't you want to have the same last name as our children?"

Her smile wasn't directed at me, pointing a small finger behind me to the foot of the bed. Bright blue eyes meeting me. "Good morning, baby."

She giggled, climbing up onto the bed and walking on tiny legs between the two of us, flopping down in the middle. "Mommy, why don't you marry Daddy?"

That was my girl, always siding with her Daddy. Didn't help me though. "I'm already married to your Daddy, sweetheart."

"We are not!"

"Common law, babe!"

"Doesn't count!"

"According to our government, it does!"

"Mommy, Daddy, don't fight!"

We had smiles on our faces the whole time, but to a six-year-old, it was an argument. Serena grabbed her up in a bundle while I whipped away tears. "Aw, we're not fighting! See," Serena stole a kiss from me real quick, "best friends!"

"Yeah, baby. Mommy and Daddy love each other so much, we sometimes pick strange ways to show it. Like refusing to make it official."

Serena giggled the sound matching our daughter's. As did her hair and eyes. "Pretty sure it was official while I grew your child inside me."

"Your dad doesn't think so."

"Daddy was never going to approve when the plus sign showed up on that test."

"Testssss. You took seven before I stopped you."

"I was just...a little surprised!"

"I thought you were going to run again."

She leaned into me, "Never," and kissed me sweetly.

"Daddy, can you make pancakes? Mommy's don't taste as good as yours."

I gathered my girl in my arms and pulled us both out of the bed, Serena remaining under the sheets and hiding her naked lower half. "Darien...I love you. So if it bothers you that much…"

"Nah, it's fine. I'll just get you drunk again."

She giggled and fell back to the bed, "You two have fun. I'll be there in a minute my little souvenir."

The blonde in my arms looked up at me with big blue eyes, just like her mother. "Daddy, why does Mommy call me that?"

"Cause she thinks she's funny. And because you came back with us from a trip, that's how we got you."

"A trip? From where?"

A smile spread on my face, the innocent look she gave me hard to deny. "Vegas, baby."

I hope that wasn't too anti-climatic for you guys but I love a happy ending. And I technically gave to two there so you're welcome! Make sure you go and vote for what you want to see next cause, EVERY VOTE COUNTS. So if you don't like the next thing I post and you didn't vote, it's your own fault! Thank you all for reading!