"Psst, Jiren! Jiren!... JIREN!"

A familiar voice called out to him, interrupting the meditative trance. Opening his eyes, Jiren glanced to his right and spotted Dyspo peeking over a giant slab of the arena lying nearby. With a speed that blinded most other people, the nervous-looking Pride Trooper kept looking around frantically.

"Good! You're awake! Listen!" He rushed closer, making a dust cloud. Dyspo kept jogging in-place. "I need a real big favor outta ya! I'm talking life debt favor!"

"What is it?"

"... I need you to watch my back while I do some... private business..."

Jiren's eyes narrowed by an inch. "Private business?"

"I-I know, alright?! Toppo always tells us to go do it before a job and I swear I did!" He almost shouted before changing back to a furious whisper. "But sometimes... food doesn't sit right all the way so-"

"No." Jiren closed his eyes, refocusing back onto his meditation.

"Oh come on! You're the strongest guy here, who better to watch my back than you?!"

Jiren kept silent.

"Alright! Look!" He shouted, looking aggravated. "You told me an' Toppo to finish off the others, right? So how can I do that if a big turd keeps slowing me down?!"

Much as he hated to admit it, Dyspo did have a point. Such as it was. After finishing off Son Goku, Jiren had no interest in dealing with whatever other weaklings ran around the tournament. Dyspo and perhaps even Toppo being eliminated over this... triviality would be very bothersome.

"Very well," Jiren hovered back to a standing position, crossing his arms. "Do it quickly."

Dyspo gave him a big toothy grin. "Awesome! I knew I could count on ya buddy!" In another fast blur, Dyspo ran into one of the corners made by the rocky pillars jutting out of the ground. For the first minute, the only sounds were of Dyspo groaning and cursing how it wouldn't come out.

That was tolerable over what came next.

First was a gurgling noise followed by a loud, slimy sounding pop and splash. Then another, and another, and another. By the sixth one, Jiren was trying very hard to focus on any other sounds from the battles going on around them. Nothing helped him with the smell though...

"Psst! Jiren!" Dyspo called out to him again. "JIREN!"

His crossed arms tightened around his chest. "What?"

"... You got any toilet paper...?"

A/N: I was (shockingly) very bored before writing this.