I've been staying with Tony for four years now. I got depressed pretty badly for a while there. I didn't get out of bed unless Tony forced me and when he made me leave the house I always looked over my shoulder. I still only minimally leave the house. I hate being out even now four years later. I still feel on edge constantly. I can't explain it, it's like this constant anxiety that someone is watching me.

I tried explaining it to Tony once about a year ago. He seemed really confused, like he couldn't work out why all of a sudden I had such bad anxiety about leaving the house. He kept trying to get me to tell him and when I didn't he left the subject alone. I didn't see him around the house for a few days then one morning he's knocking on my bedroom door at god knows what hour.

Tony brought me a service dog. She's meant to help me with my anxiety and keeping it in line. When I get too nervous about being out, she stays close and supposedly calms me down. It works for me but not how I think most people would think it would work. I reckon a dog would sense something bad about to happen to us before it actually happens. But whatever the case I love my dog. Her name is El, and she's a Bearded Collie cross with a Huntaway. I love her to pieces. As an added bonus, she's a service dog with a permit and everything so she goes everywhere with me, I love being able to do this.

Right now Tony has convinced me to come to some New Year's Eve party he's attending in Switzerland. I really didn't want to come but he didn't give me much choice. Tony and I were chatting when he got distracted by some obviously more attractive lady and he was very drunk. So I went to the bar and got myself a new drink, when I got back to Tony he and the girl were giggling away and eye fucking each other. I looked to Happy who smiled at me and I eye rolled in return, he knew how awkward I felt in situations like this. Happy knew how I felt towards Tony and I'm not sure what he thought about it cause he'd always give me this smile like he knew something I didn't whenever I asked him if I was pathetic for still being hung up on Tony like this.

"Half hour till the ball drops" Happy tells Tony, and I guess that's a signal to start moving because Tony gets what I like to call his game face on. He's about to ask this hot chick if they can fuck, obviously more subtlely than that, probably in some very lewd manner. Generally it's in a disgusting but mildly attractive way that always result in them saying yes.

"Hey, do you want-?" Tony starts to ask before he gets cut off.

"Tony Stark, great speech, man!" says some random guy, starting to get WAY too close to us for my comfort. I'm really beginning to wish I brought El, but I thought it'd be cruel to bring a dog to a party when I knew I'd stay next to Happy majority of the time.

"I got it" says Happy, moving the guy away from us. I missed whatever Tony and the hot chick said but it must have been not too interesting because we started walking. Tony had a hold of this chicks arm, I'm not sure if it was to prevent her from moving away, or because he was swaying.

"Where are we going?" the hot chick asks looking around. Well whatever they discussed, it wasn't that we were walking away so Tony could fuck her and I could go back to my room with El and watch the ball drop from my tv and snack on the candy bar stash they always leave in hotel rooms.

"Uh...to town on each other, probably back in your room. Cause I also wanna see your research." replies Tony with his cocky smug tone, and a smirk on his face. It's now I notice that his name tag says "You Know Who I Am" on it. I can't wait for the day where someone DOESN'T know who he is. I crave that day sometimes. I love that man but his ego really gets to me. Hot chick looks mildly offended at what he's saying. Like lady, have you not spent the last hour talking to Tony Stark. I'm sometimes jealous about how he flirts with other women, okay a lot jealous but that's not the point.

"Okay, you can see my research, but that's...I'm not gonna show you my town." She holds up her hand as if to ward off him coming onto her. Tony grins triumphantly at her and then me. I smile sarcastically at Tony. I see his brow furrow under his sunglasses. God, who wears sunglasses inside.

A man steps in front of us and it gives me a fright. I freeze dead in my tracks, heart pounding in my chest. He's too close, much too close. I feel my anxiety in my throat creeping up to an all time high. My heart beats so loud I'm surprised Tony and Happy can't hear it over the music. I grip Happy's arm with one hand. He looks at me in concern and pats my hand with his own, scanning the area while keeping half an eye on this new guy.

"Mr. Stark, Ho Yinsen." Mentally I can't help but let out a giggle, even in all my anxiety that this man is actually named Ho. Yes I'm immature but I'm also Tony Stark's best friend. Don't expect too much from me.

"Oh, I finally met a man called Ho." Says Tony while adorning that ever present smug smile. Tony realises hot chick was escaping and grabs her pulling her closer. "Come here" he says guiding her.

"I would like to introduce you to our guest Dr. Wu." Says Yinsen guiding Tony and therfore the rest of us towards a serious looking Asain man. I wonder what kind of Doctor he is, a doctor of medicine or the kind that Tony and I probably need to sort out our fucking mental problems.

"Oh, this guy" says Tony, I'm not sure if he actually recognises him or he's just saying that. With how smart Tony actually is, he probably would recognise him.

"Mr Stark." Says Dr. Wu giving a slight smile. Peop'e always look so happy or excited to meet Tony. It always reminds me of how famous he is. To me he's just Tony, my oldest and best friend, but to the rest of the world he's THE Tony Stark. I guess at least I know he's a dick a solid 90% of the time, but when you really need him he's there for you.

"Hey" says Tony shaking his hand. "You're a heart doctor. She's going to need a cardiologist, after I-" then proceds to toot his little horn, insinuating fucking her. Everyone except Tony looks so uncomfortable with his forwardness and bluntness about it. I love stuff like this, it calms me. I snort and laugh Which puts all the attention on me.

"That was good" I nod to Tony, which gets me a grin back.

"This is why you're my gal Cee" he points to me then turns around and drags the hot chick with him.

"Bye!" she calls out to Dr Wu and Yinsen.

"Lovely to meet you guys, but seriously, call Tony when he's sober, you'll get a better response" I smile politely at them before rushing off after Tony, Happy and the various other people including hot chick.

We're walking toward the elevator and only then do I realise how many people are coming with us. I sure hope Tony realises I am not coming to his after party. I'm not nearly drunk enough for one of those.

As we're walking another guy approaches us, and all I can think it 'for fucks sake, ANOTHER ONE?!'

"I'm a big fan of your work!" the guy says to hot chick. He un-nerves me, but looking between him and Tony, I can already tell he's going to try to pull a fast one on the guy. He gives zero fucks about whatever this guy has to say.

"My work?" says the hot chick, she looks almost shocked anyone noticed whatever the fuck shes working on.

"Who isn't? He means me." replies Tony with the smugness around him. I walk in the elevator already seeing where this is going.

"Well, of course. But, Miss Hansen, my organization has been tracking your research since year two of MIT." replies the guy, with way too much enthusiasm. He's like an over eager puppy, I'm mildly concerned he's going to pee himself from excitement. Tony, Happy and hot chick follow in the elevator after me.

"Yeah, we're full." Says Happy trying to get rid of the man and placing his arms out to keep him out of the elevator. He creeps under Happy's arm and stands next to me. Oh boy is he persistent.

"Oh, wow. He made it. He made the cut." comes Tony's passive aggressive sarcasm.

"What floor are you going to pal?" Happy asks the puppy guy, trying to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"Oh, now, that is an appropriate question. The ground floor, actually. I've got a proposal I'm putting together with myself. It's a privately funded think tank called, Advanced Idea Mechanics." I know I'm not the smart one here but is it really putting something together if you're by yourself? This is why I stick to art, people are irritating. Puppy guys holds out two business card toward the smart people.

"Okay" reples hot chick, taking both the cards.

"Uh.. She'll take both. One to throw away and one to not call." I could tell Tony was over this man before he hopped in the elevator but him being so rude to people really frustrates me at times.

"Ignore him, he's a dick when he's horny" I tell the guy feeling bad for him and Tony's behaviour.

"Advanced Idea Mechanics, or AIM for short." he tells Tony and hot chick, ignoring both Tony and I's remarks and pointing to his shirt. "Do you get it?"

"I see that, cause it's on your t-shirt" Tony says as if he's talking to a four year old.

"Oh!" replies the guy as if he can't believe someone finally got it.

"Ladies, follow the mullet." Tony tells the various women that he's somehow amassed.

"Thank you, I'll call you." says hot chick as she steps out.

"You coming Cee?" Tony asks me, holding both elevator doors, I glance to the various women walking towards Tony's suite.

"Not this time" I give him a small smile, I can see he looks concerned but won't say anything in front of a stranger. Tony turns towards puppy guy and leans closer.

"I'm titillated by the notion of working with you." he says mock quietly to him. Puppy guy begins to look real excited.

"Yeah?" he replies, his whole face brightening up.

"Yeah, cheese clown. I'm going to ditch these clowns; I'll see you up on the roof in five minutes." Tony steps back from the elevator. "I'm just going to try to get my beef wet real quick. You know what I'm talkin' about?"

"Okay. I'll see you up there." replies puppy guy as the elevator door closes.

"Can you press 16 please?" I ask puppy guy. He nods enthusiastically and smiles happily.

"Have you known Mr. Stark long?" he asks, I just shrug and reply. I am not a fan of being in front of the camera. I established that with Tony very early on, I'd rather not have everyone knowing how well I know him. It drives him insane but he lets me do what I want.

We arrive at my floor and I get out of the elevator and don't look back till I hear it close. Then I walk up to number 2 on my floor and get out my swipe card. Entering my room El greets me and I take off my shoes and dump my mini purse I was using for the night. I stare at the lights of the city and think about going up there to tell puppy guy he's not coming. After debating it for a little while I decide I'll shower and get changed into something more casual and warmer then run up quickly and check to see if he's still there.

After showering and getting changed into some sweatpants and a baggy jumper, I call El to follow and press the elevator to go to the roof. When I get there, of course he's still waiting for Tony. I open the door and he looks so excited when he realises it's just me and my dog his face falls.

"Look I'm sorry. I know you were expecting Tony, but I can tell you now he's not coming." He looks down at his feet and sighs. "Tony can be a real ass at times, and every now and then he likes to do something like this and prank people-sort of. I know its real inconsiderate of him, which is why I'm here. Look if you want Tony to take you seriously, don't come at him with the excited puppy act. Come with a real business proposal. I'm not a business person, I'm an artist. But I know Tony, and I know this."

Puppy guy looks at me curiously, probably wondering how the fuck someone like me knows Tony Stark. The same look everyone gives me, whenever they have an actual conversation with me. I don't sound like I went to MIT or that I'm a next level genius like you'd expect Tony Starks best friend to be. Instead I sound like the person I am, a sarcastic, mildly depressed and in a continuous exsistensial crisis artist, who doesn't know what the fuck I want. I turn around and walk back out the door before he can say anything else.