Love Story

By: Xhibit B


.i do not own the lion king.

"When Sarabi comes of cub baring age, she will mate and produce an heir for my son, Prince Jabari," King Mansa said, staring Erevu and Athena down. They both had to control their muzzles from forming a grimace in his presence. "This is not negotiable; they are to spend time together starting tomorrow to prepare for what lies ahead for them as mates."

Erevu did not say anything as the King turned and walked away, no matter how much he wanted to; leaving himself and his mate staring hard eyed in the middle of their den. When he was sure the King and the lions that had accompanied him to their den were out of earshot, he turned to nuzzle Athena. Erevu didn't like this arrangement, and judging from how tense her body was, his mate didn't like it either. It was no secret how horribly the males of the royal family treated their mates. And he would not allow his daughter to go through that. "Sarabi is not going to be mated to Prince Jabari, not if I have anything to say about it."

"But what can we honestly do," Athena asked, the concern evident in her eyes and voice. "Sarabi will be turning three in just over a moon's time. And I am carrying more cubs, so travel will be near impossible for us, especially if we go a long distance from here. The cubs could come at any time while we are without a Pride's protection and that could cause quite a deal of trouble."

She knew from the talk around the Pride how the royals were. Queen Aisha was, unfortunately, subjected to being beaten every time the King didn't get his way. There had been several instances throughout his reign that Athena noticed her walking with a limp or unable to speak because she'd been hit so hard. She didn't want that for her daughter, especially because she knew Sarabi. The tawny lioness would fight back and inevitably get herself killed for it. They had to think of something quickly in order to get her out of this mess. And if it came down to it, she would just have to knuckle down and bare traveling while pregnant.

"We will just have to take a chance traveling while you are carrying," Erevu answered softly. While he did not like the thought of his heavily pregnant mate traveling far distances at such a critical time, he couldn't wait for the cubs to be born, either. There was no telling when they would come, and if they waited too long, Sarabi's fate would be sealed. There was too much at stake. "We can go to the Pride Lands. King Ahadi is fairly welcoming of new lions, as is his mate, Queen Uru. Especially considering our current situation right now."

"How long does it take to make it to the Pride Lands," Athena asked. They had to be cautious about this. If it took too long, and the cubs came, it would be hard traveling with newborn cubs and trying to nurse at the same time. But they had to go, for Sarabi's sake, "And when will we leave? The sooner we leave, the better chance we have of making it there before I give birth."

"It is a seven-day trek," Erevu answered, "Perhaps longer given your condition. But, we will leave tonight, when the Pride has gone to sleep under the cover of night. It's the safest way to leave undetected. Now sleep, I will fetch Sarabi and Naanda and inform them of what is happening. You, more than anyone, need all the rest that you can get."

Athena nodded in understanding as she laid down, careful of her belly. Erevu offered a fond lick to her cheek before he silently left their den. The dark-furred lioness definitely did not want her daughter mating with the Prince of the Northern Mountain Pride. But, this journey worried her due to her condition. Her cubs could come any day now and the last thing that she wanted was to bring new life into the world without the protection of a Pride. Silently, she prayed to the Great Kings of the Past that she would be able to hold out long enough for them to make it to safety.

It had taken some time to find his daughters, but when he did, they were beneath the shade of the acacia trees that overlooked the valley. Clearing his throat, both his daughters glanced back at their father with curious, almost worried gazes. What could their father have wanted? Was something wrong with their mother? Had she given birth to the cubs already? So many questions swirled around the lionesses heads.

"Father," Sarabi, a lioness with a tawny coat much like her mother's and concerned scarlet eyes, said as she got to her paws. "Is there something wrong?"

"Is mother okay," Naanda, his eldest daughter and similar in colour to her sister with a line of darker fur from the tip of her forehead down her back, said. "Has she given birth to the cubs?"

"No," Erevu answered, "Your mother is fine. The cubs have not made their entrance into the world yet. I came because we need to talk, Naanda, Sarabi. Come back to the den with me girls, I don't want prying ears overhearing our conversation."

Confused, the two sisters glanced at each other before quickly following after their father. It was silent during the walk from the acacia trees to their den, both sisters wondering what, honestly, could be going on. It wasn't until they were inside where their mother was sleeping peacefully that Sarabi spoke.

"Father, what's going on," Sarabi asked quietly so not to wake her mother. "Is there something wrong? Have Naanda or I done something to make you upset?"

"No, no, that's not what this is about," Erevu answered with a tired smile. "The reason I came to retrieve you is because King Mansa stopped by today. He… demanded that you become Prince Jabari's mate once you have reached cub baring age, Sarabi."

The revelation took both Sarabi and her sister by surprise. Just as everyone else was, they were aware of how King Mansa treated his mate. And how the Kings prior to Mansa had abused their Queens for the slightest little thing. A low growl escaped both daughters, Sarabi shaking her head, "I refuse."

"King Mansa says it is not negotiable," Erevu informed her as he laid down. Sarabi was about to open her mouth to say something else, but was stilled by her father holding up a paw. "That is why we are going to escape the Northern Mountain Pride. We will go to the Pride Lands, and live under King Ahadi and Queen Uru's rule instead. It is the safest place for us to go, Mansa wouldn't dare travel that far looking for us."

"Escape, how," Naanda asked. "Mother is in no condition to be traveling. Not with the cubs so close to being born. It's not safe, we would be susceptible to attack in the open with newborn cubs in our maws as we traveled. And the Pride Lands are a seven day walk from here. It's too risky. We should wait until they are born."

"That's too risky," Erevu said softly. "If we wait and they are born after your sister has reached cub baring age, it will be too late. Your mother and I have discussed this already. We are to depart tonight. If we move as quickly as the cubs allow, we will make it to Pride Rock in time before they are born. If we were to wait, your sister's fate is sealed."

Naanda sat on her hunches, thinking over what her father said. On one paw, he was absolutely right. If they didn't leave now, Sarabi would be forced into a life of misery. But on the other, if their mother was to give birth while they were traveling, they could all very well be in great danger. Naanda had only just turned four-years-old several moons prior and Sarabi would be three in the coming weeks. And of course, they had their father, but just the three of them would not be enough to protect their mother and the cubs during this journey if they were to come sooner than expected.

"I know what it is you are thinking, Naanda," Erevu said suddenly. "But have faith, everything will be fine. The Great Kings of the Past will watch over us and ensure we have a safe journey. Now, both of you, get some rest. We depart when night has fallen. Being that it is the night of the new moon, this is the best night for us to depart."

Both Sarabi and Naanda nodded, curling up beside each other before drifting off to sleep. The entire time she slept, Sarabi was plagued by nightmares of becoming Prince Jabari's mate. And she shuttered at the mere thought. So, when her father woke her several hours later when night had fallen over the land, she was all too eager for herself and her family to escape. She didn't look back once as they left the Northern Mountain Pride behind.