Okay, here we go again!

This wasn't the fic I was originally going to post ( yes, I have multiple ones on the go) But I was too excited about this plot not to, but once again, and you think I would have learned my lesson, I don't have a plan, just an idea.

So, sit back and enjoy, this is only a tid bit, enough to lure you in, hahaha!

Promise To Love Me, Even When You Hate Me.

Chapter 1.

"It's gonna be okay, I promise."

He swallowed hard knowing he needed to keep calm, closing his eyes he took a deep breath in and reopened them as he exhaled. She lay on the ground, her body twitching. You can do this, just breathe. His hands ran over her stomach searching for the entry point, he couldn't find one, there was too much blood.

"You can't promise that."

Lifting her head she cringed seeing the amount of blood that covered them both. She lowered her head back on the ground and clutched her hands on top of his. He grit his teeth knowing she was right, but he wasn't going to let her know that.

"Yes, I can."

He tore off his shirt and placed it over her stomach, pushing down he attempted to stop the bleeding. His eyes darted up to her face, it was draining of colour, like the life was being sucked out of her. Their eyes met, he hoped his didn't give away the terror that he was feeling. Raising a hand he wiped the tears that were forming hoping she wouldn't notice. He replaced his hand firmer than before, determined not to let her down.

"Don't do this to me, please, I beg you."

She let out a scoff and her eyes met his.

"Beg? I've never heard you beg before."

He watched as more blood poured from the wound as her stomach pulsated from her attempt to laugh.

"Don't talk, you're making it worse."

She coughed trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, just because I'm dying doesn't mean you can boss me around."

He clenched his jaw, how dare she joke, he gripped her hand tighter and leaned down, his face centimetres from hers.

"You're NOT dying!"

His tone was rough, he was angry at her for even suggesting it. Tears ran down the edges of her eyes, she hated that he was with her in this moment.

"Just hang in there, help is on the way..."

He looked into her eyes hoping that his stern expression would make her believe him. She shook her head as she tried to blink away the tears, her blood stained hand reached up and caressed his cheek.

"It's too late, I'm sorry..."

He let out a sob and lowered his face to hers, their lips met, the kiss lingered, he didn't want it to end. He felt her exhale and pull away, he didn't want to open his eyes, he knew what he would find. Taking a deep breath in he opened one eye followed by the other, she lay on the ground still, her eyes closed. He shook her slightly, not wanting to believe it, she didn't respond.

"No! Don't do this to me!?"

None of it felt real, he was in a daze and didn't hear the roar of the ambulance pull behind him. The paramedics ran to his side and snatched her body out of his reach.

"How long has she been down?"

He sat there frozen, he watched as their mouths moved but he couldn't hear a thing.


The paramedic shook his head then nodded at his team mate.

"Right, start CPR..."

He sat there helpless, sound began to return, he could hear them count out the compressions. He couldn't look, he hung his head and his eyes focused on his hands. As the blood ran down his palms, he raised them to his face feeling like they weren't a part of his body. He quickly wiped it off as he heard fast approaching footsteps behind him. They pulled him in various directions, multiple voices demanded answers to their questions but he couldn't respond. He looked back at the paramedics trying their hardest to revive her, he heard one of his crew mates whisper to the other.

"Is she?"

A gruff voice replied before he could finish the sentence.

"Don't even say it."

He watched as the paramedic checked for any vitals, his heart sank as a look of hopelessness covered their faces and they stood from her body. They approached the group, they didn't need to say it, they all knew the outcome. He broke away from the group and ran and scooped up her body.

"No! She can't be, No!"

He held her close and collapsed onto his knees sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please, no..."

He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and looked up to see an unfamiliar face.

"You need to let her go, this is a crime scene now."

He couldn't do it, it meant that she was gone. The Police Officer looked at his crew mates for help. A familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"C'mon mate, let them do their job."

He gently lay her body back on to the ground and gave her a kiss on the cheek. A pair of hands helped him rise from the ground and he stumbled away from the scene. He sat on the wall that divided the footpath from the beach with his head in his hands. He heard more footsteps approach and looked up, another familiar face appeared, his boss's.

"Guys, what's going on?"

He stood from the wall and his boss stopped abruptly in front of him, his eyes widen seeing the amount of blood that covered him, it must have looked like a scene from a horror movie.

"What happened?"

He couldn't answer, it was his fault. He knew she was stubborn and they had argued, but he was the one who left her alone.

A pair of hands forcefully grabbed both of his shoulders making him stumble backwards, his boss's voice boomed in his ears.

"What happened? Who was injured?"

He shook his head staring into nothingness.

"She's not injured, she's dead..."

End of Chapter 1.
