Trigger Warnings for Drowning. TW for mentions/discussion of dark thoughts. I'll be honest, not a lot of plot just another case of the writer liking to hurt her favourite character. Sorry Klaus.

The usual, no beta, no copyright intended, not my characters, blah. Hope you enjoy.

"You can't be serious!?" Allison screamed over the wind and rain, her hair whipping out around her. "It's suicidal!"

"Do you have any better ideas Ally?" Diego yelled just as loudly back.

Luther looked behind him to the woodland they had just ran from. There was no sign of their pursuers, no lights flashing through the branches apart from the occasional flare of lightning. They'd managed to jump a few times, giving them a good lead on whoever they had pissed off this time, but Five had ran out of juice, barely able to jump himself a metre ahead nevermind the whole group. His powers had improved, just as Vanya's and Klaus' had, with all three now able to control and sustain themselves much better.

But now they found themselves on a cliff edge (literally!), a straight drop into a reservoir between them and freedom. It wasn't a huge drop, but they had no idea what was below them, and in this weather they could easily be blown back into the face of the rock wall.

"We could just hide in the woods?" Vanya half stated, half asked.

"They know what direction we took, there was only one logical way to go. If we stay in there we'll be running all day and night. And then they'll get the dogs."

Klaus exclaimed his frustration to the sky beside Luther. "Sssh."

"Oh ssshhh yourself!" The séance bit back.

"Guys!" Allison's mom voice came out. "Not here!"

"So, we jump in the water and risk our lives." Klaus turned to the spot beside him, obviously Ben. "I'm reading that right, right?" Ben must have said something and Klaus turned back to them. "Yeah, Ben agrees it's stupid."

"Then what does Ben suggest? Hmm." Five was losing his patience, he was very much like a child in that respect, getting cranky when he was tired. As a child and an old man would- huh, weird.

Luther looked back again, paranoid he could hear distant voices and sounds on the wind that weren't from the increasingly bad weather. "If we're jumping, we have to do it sooner rather than later!"

"I can't see any rocks, it looks pretty deep down there. As long as we jump as far from the wall as possible, I think we'll be ok." Allison had grabbed the back of Five's tunic as he dangerously peered over the side.

"Oh yeah. You can see that can you Five!? You can see anything down there!?" Klaus exaggerated his movements, as per usual, with his arms flapping out and spanning the space around them. He stopped suddenly though and turned back to Ben. "Oh." He exclaimed.

"What!?" A chorus asked.

"Yeah. Ben said they're getting closer. But...seem to be searching the woods nearer the roads." He pointed back toward the seemingly abandoned warehouses they had ran from. It was a good distance away, and doubling back on their route taken, but it was still a little close for comfort. "And Diego's right. They have dogs."

"Shiiit!" Luther looked back over the side, weighing up the options. "We've got to. It's the best way out."

"Best way out of life maybe!"

"Look, Allison. I hate it! I don't want to jump either, but..."

"We've gotta go!" Five stalked away from the edge and bent his legs, ready to run. "Tuck your legs in and try dive bomb it."

Luther was about to retort something about 'great advice' with his tongue in cheek when Five sped past them and threw himself off the cliff. They all ran to the side and watched him drop below the surface, the splash looking too small from up here.

"Fuck it." Diego was next, repeating Five's actions and taking a running jump.

Then Allison and Vanya jumped together, hands entwined until just before they hit the water when they tucked everything in.

"Ok Klaus, now you!"

"Woah, what. No! I'm not having you land on me and kill me."

Luther tried not to take too much offense, brushing off his brother's usual jesting. "I'll jump further down. Don't worry, I won't crush you."

He knew Klaus was trying to hold off his own jump, with his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides and his foot tapping on the spot.

"Klaus..." It took half a minute for him to win back his brother's attention and when he did he had taken to biting his nails with eyes wide and terrified. "You love water. It'll be fine. I promise."

He spoke the words, praying he wouldn't come to regret them.

Klaus' curls bobbed as he nodded, tics and trembles springing up in his movements. "Yeah. Yeah...fine, it'll be fine. I love water. Just like having a bath right."

"Right! Remember that time you jumped off the balcony into the pool? Just like that!"

"I mean, I nearly broke my legs but yeah, alright. Thrill ride, phew what a rush! I'll feel alive. Be like the drugs without the drugs...ok, won't bring those up again. Too soon? Too soon! Yeah, I could do with a bath anyway."

He was rambling and his body wasn't exactly moving because of the wind and rain anymore, he was just so on edge.

Luther looked down one final time. "Want me to go first?"

"No. No I got it big guy. I'll see you down there. Race you to the beach!"

The 'beach' was a patch of ground that ran along the far wall of the reservoir and looked more mud than anything. "Yeah. Loser has to clean the tiles in the entrance hall with a toothbrush!"

Klaus' face split into a grin. "Deal. Hope you have kneepads!"

Before either of them had time to think anymore Klaus ran forward and disappeared over the side.

Luther saw him go under and followed.

I know, first chapter is a little rough and random (I wrote this last, after the main body of plot, I can tell for sure it's an add on, sorry) but it gets into the main story next. I've yet to decide if to post the rest as one/two larger chunks or break them down into bitesize chapters (and some may be pretty short). But I have it all written so either way it will be uploaded (hopefully) on consecutive days until all complete.

I just want to say, I'm aware some of what I've written won't be accurate (i.e. drowning/medical terms/the survival of jumping in the first place) but it's fanfic so I've elected to ignore it- I mean our main guy can talk to ghosts! PLEASE let me know if you think it needs any extra tags as I know some subject areas can be quiet close hitting.