Chapter One: Professor of the Three Houses


To say that Byleth's life has taken an odd turn would be somewhat of an understatement. One moment he was introducing his sword point first into a bandit like any other day in his long mercenary career. Then the next he suddenly finds being offered the job of Professor out of the blue by some Archbishop he never heard of. Who lead the supposedly super important Church of Seiros that he also happened to have never heard of.

Normally that wouldn't actually have been that big of an issue for him, believe it or not. After-all there were plenty of things Byleth didn't know or, more accurately, didn't really bother to know. But considering his dear father Jeralt knew quite a lot about them, being the former Captain of the (allegedly) renowned Knights of Seiros, you'd think there would have been a passing mention of them at some point.

Regardless, here he was in Garreg Mach, a fortress monastery in the dead center of Fódlan. Where a lot of really important kids come by to learn how to do really important things in their really important nations. He didn't really know why any of the three were particularly important, or why he should even care about why others considered them important, but that's what he was told by Jeralt.

Why that Archbishop lady, whose overly familiar gaze honestly made his skin shiver at times, believed that someone like him (who needed to be taught about these seemingly basic things to begin with) was the best pick for teaching them was also beyond him. But that's the situation he was in, and there wasn't really much choice in the matter judging by how resigned Jeralt seemed about it.

Which was how he found himself a nice secluded corner in the gardens of the monastery, sitting down, and losing himself in his thoughts where he figured he could be all alone. To ponder on the odd course of events that has come his way.

A peculiar situation you have found yourself in, haven't you?

Or he would have been alone had it not been for the roommate he finds himself sharing in his cranium. Though he could not see her at the moment, he could still feel the presence of that odd girl So-




Yes, Sothis that was what it was, the odd pointed-eared girl that was lounging about on some sort of stone throne…. thing. It'd probably be best to remember her name lest he gets an earful (or would it be a mindful?) of ridicule for daring to forget it. The girl who quite literally occupied his mind seemed to be the irritable sort.

"That implies I had some part in getting into this, so it would be more accurate to say the situation found me." He said dryly, not bothering to keep the conversation internalized as he had little concern of being stumbled upon talking to himself. "But I admit, I do find myself a bit confused to say the least."

Hmm, your words do ring true. It is rather strange how eager that woman was to drag you into the fold. From what I can tell you are more than qualified for what they ask from you, imparting your knowledge and experience upon these children would be but child's play. But in terms of suitability they could have done with someone of more…personable disposition.

Byleth wasn't particularly offended by the lowkey jab at his social skills. Just the idea of him having them would probably be enough to make Jeralt and the other mercenaries bust a gut at the absurdity of the picture.

But there is no use wasting time pondering upon that woman's intentions. We will surely grasp onto them at some point or another. But for now, it would be best to simply let this river's flow take you wherever it may lead us and, ahhhh… rest for now…

Byleth found the corner of his lips turn slightly upwards at that. Not nearly enough to form a smile, but a look of amusement still managed to grace his features. He could just imagine the green haired girl slouching on her stone seat, waving her hands in front of her mouth as she yawns without shame.

He got up from his seat in the garden, and turned his head towards the sky. The last traces of sunlight slowly fading as night started to creep in. Yes, some rest could do them both some good now. And hopefully tomorrow would have less surprises in store for them.


"Would you care to repeat that Claude?" A dignified voice softly rang out in the relative stillness of the monastery's library. The speaker, Edelgard von Hresvelg, gently placed her teacup upon the table at which she sat, raising an eyebrow slightly with an incredulous look.

The Imperial Princess, and future leader of the Adrestian Empire, was not one to wear her heart on her sleeve. But the words that passed through her ears at that moment was enough to let a hint of surprise seep through the normally cool countenance of the Black Eagle's leader. Her white hair swaying as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

Said incredulous look was directed towards one of the other occupants of the room, Claude von Riegan. Heir to the predominant household of the Leicester Alliance, and current leader of the Golden Deer House. His right arm hooked casually around the stile of the chair he was occupying, his other holding the cup of tea in the air as he tipped his chair backwards.

The easygoing air about him could be considered disgraceful for one of his status, were it not for how naturally it clung to him.

"Not sure why it needs repeating, but sure? What harm is there in sharing good news twice?" Claude said, as a hint of bemusement colored his face. Ignoring the slight narrowing of Edelgard's eyes, he continued on. "That merc that helped us out back there, Byleth I think they called him? Well, I overheard that our dear Lady Rhea has decided to make him our new professor!"

The amused tone of voice he used to convey this supposed piece of good news did poorly in hiding the edge of intrigue layered into them. The calculating glimmer in his eyes was not unnoticed by his two other companions in that room, but it was left without mention.

"I don't mean to appear skeptical of your words Claude." The third person in the room spoke up. "But would you don't mind sharing where you learned this piece of information? Bizarre is too light of a word to describe it."

The line of questioning came from Dimitri, Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and leader of the Blue Lions. His blond bangs shifting over as he directed a spear of curiosity towards Claude with his blue eyes. His cup of tea finding itself untouched as his attention became fully focused on the odd news shared.

The sight of the leaders of the three Houses partaking in a discussion while sipping tea was an oddity in of itself. But meetings like this between the three, while not quite enough to be called frequent, was not an altogether uncommon occurrence. To have the heirs of the separate nations of Fódlan casually interacting with one another would normally be begging for a political stir or two. But within the confines of Garreg Mach, as neutral of a ground as you can get in Fódlan, they were merely three students sharing a nighttime drink in the school's library.

These little get togethers formed somewhat naturally as the three would come together to discuss whatever significant developments had occurred, inter-House disputes, or (more often than any of the three would like to admit) just a convenient escape from their own House members. The last of which being the main reason for that day's meeting if only to avoid the constant, albeit well-meaning, pestering about their health in the aftermath of the bandit attack.

"Well I was just strolling around to relax a few hours ago. You know, calm my nerves down after the positive fright I got from that bandit ambush." Claude said, overlooking the blatant looks of doubt at the idea that he endured any sort of fright at all from that event. "And my stroll just happened to lead me near our good old pal Seteth talking, well ranting might be more accurate, about it to someone in the Common Room."

"I see you have yet to drop your hobby of eavesdropping on others Claude." Dimitri said with a heavy sigh, not bothering to hide the disapproval dripping off his words.

Edelgard merely sipped her tea in response as she waited for the brown haired Riegan to continue; not letting either approval or disapproval show on her features.

As expected from Dimitri, as open of a book as ever on these things. But usually the straight-laced Edelgard would chime in with her colorful criticisms. Hmmm. Could it be she's more interested in the subject than she's letting on?

Claude thought to himself as he internally selected what pieces he should share, and what parts he would be better off omitting. There were certain juicy bits he'd like to keep to himself for now and use for future baiting. While these discussions between the House leaders were rather cordial in nature, there was little reason to play all the cards he had at hand.

Relatively friendly terms they may be on, they were leaders of rival Houses at the end of the day. Giving just enough to spark their interest, gather their thoughts and intentions in reaction to it, and allow him to calculate his next possible options based on the scraps he can carve off of them.

They don't call him the Master Tactician for nothing after-all. Though even he thought the title was a bit much at times. If only because it's difficult to be a master tactician when everyone thinks you're one based off of self-aggrandizing titles alone.

"Hey now, it's called the Common Room, the way I see it, you can't really call it eavesdropping when you're chatting away in there. Can't be entitled to privacy in a non-private space after-all." Claude deflected back with ease, with the nonchalant rebuttal causing Dimitri to respond back with yet another sigh of exasperation. The Prince opting to drop the subject as he knew it would lead to nowhere.

"Poor taste in hobbies aside." Edelgard began as she leaned a touch forward in her seat, betraying her desire to know more. "You were saying Instructor Seteth was quite vocal about this?"

"No doubt about it. The guy was going on and on about how he just couldn't understand why the Archbishop would make such a sudden decision to welcome a stranger she just met into their ranks." Claude nodded in response to her inquiry. "Then went on a whole new tirade about how she decided to make him a professor on the spot to boot, over all the other potentials after that other guy ran-off."

Said other guy being their original candidate for a new professor at the monetary, who quickly ran away and was not seen from again when the bandits assaulted their camp. To be honest none of the three actually knew his name, since he left so meager of an impression in their minds. Merely pouring on the usual flattery directed towards their positions rather than them as individuals when they were first introduced. Little of value was lost in their opinion.

"The Instructor does have approach a good point though?" Dimitri said, as they all shared a look. "The man is second to only the Arch-Bishop in authority here, so for her to make such a decision while completely ignoring his input is nigh unprecedented."

Seteth was a man who could be a bit rough around the edges or, as Claude would put it, somewhat of a hard-ass. But his authority within the Church was unquestionable, with few decisions being made without both him and Rhea coming to consensus on the matter. So, for her to completely bypass him and make this kind of decision on her own…

All three House leaders frowned at the thought that simultaneously passed through their minds. Something was going on in the background here, something that not even the second highest power in the Church was privy to; and it was centered upon the unusual figure that was quickly seeping his presence into their lives.

"Well he is the son of that Jeralt guy, right? Maybe being the kid of a former captain of the Knights of Seiros stacked the deck in his favor?" Claude added, though not even he seemed convinced by his own words.

"No, that doesn't sound right for the Arch-Bishop. While some of her decisions can be deemed questionable, acts based on nepotism has not been one of them." Edelgard stated firmly, with Dimitri nodding in agreement with her line of thought. "Merely being related to Jeralt would not be enough for her to take such sudden action…"

The two have had numerous disagreements in opinion over their evaluations of the Arch-Bishop, but in this case there was little to debate. Arch-Bishop Rhea was not one to value blood over skill. Her staff at the monastery came from all sorts of backgrounds. With nobles and commoners alike working under her oversight for their deeds rather than who they were connected to.

"Well you know Lady Rhea, she's always been a bit of a tough nut to crack. No point in speculating on it too much at the moment." Claude said as he waved his hand in the air, with the other two nodding in agreement. "We'll probably get to understand the decision more... once he gets put in charge of the Golden Deers."

And with that Claude sipped his cold cup of tea as he dropped yet another bombshell upon the group.

"….I beg your pardon." Edelgard said, as a stiff smile found its way onto her face. The corners not even beginning to reach her eyes. "I don't believe you mentioned Sir Eisner being assigned a specific House to instruct yet?"

"Oh, no he wasn't given a House to teach yet. But come on? What other option was there but mine!" Claude said without a hint of doubt. "Did you see the way he moved from one poor soul to another so naturally? If that isn't Golden Deer material then I don't know what is!"

He could remember the scene clearly even now, astonished by the mercenary who moved like a blur in combat. But it was not just his dexterity in that battle that impressed him. The unusual shade of hair that contrasted so starkly with his supposed father. The sheer quantity of skillsets he put on display that had no right to be at the disposal of a mere mercenary.

And most unnerving of all were his eyes.

Those eyes that seemed to look right through him, peering behind every tightly built wall and secret corner he tried to keep hidden. A look that sent true shivers of fear and unease down his spine the moment it laid upon him, and made him feel as if he were being stripped bare. Yes, this bundle of secrets that called itself Byleth was his to unravel, and he would not give up the opportunity to Dimitri, Edelgard, or anyone else.

"You're certainly one to get ahead of yourself Claude." Dimitri said coolly. "Your eyes could do with some clearing up, because I cannot fathom how one can look at that man and not see how suitable he is to guide the Blue Lions to perfection. Though he may not be a Knight, his swordplay would be of great benefit for us who aspire to not sully the Kingdom's good name."

The sight of Byleth's sword cutting from one foe to the next, trailing through each enemy as if it were cutting through naught but water stuck to him. But what truly remained in his mind's eye was that face. It was a face of stone, a face of unbelievable composure, as if the exchange of death that man was partaking in was trivial.

It was a sight that should have terrified him, for such coldblooded killing was the antithesis of his ideals, yet somehow those cold eyes only drew him in further. A heart unburdened by the temptation of emotion in the fires of conflict, that was what his House, no… what he needed.

He could not let these two have that before him. He would not allow such an opportunity to grow to go to waste. For the safety of his friends, for the future of his rule, and for himself and his true goal. Not Claude, not even Edelgard would be allowed to take this from him.

"You both tell such amusing jokes with such straight faces. But come now you two, the time for jests is over." Edelgard said, her teacup now sitting on the table completely ignored as she spoke with a voice brimming with self-confidence. "Sir Eisner certainly displayed impressive grace and skill in the blade in that scuffle. But what shone true was his capability to direct us on the plain of battle so efficiently despite only just having met us. Surely the Black Eagle House have the most to gain from such talent in command?"

To say the three were surprised at the way he was able to so easily conduct them would be putting it lightly. While they always said to others that their status should be ignored few ever truly took those words to heart. There was always an unspoken barrier between them and others that few dared to even attempt to breach. And Edelgard in particular always felt that sting as she was placed upon a pedestal she had no desire to occupy.

But he was different somehow. Whether through ignorance of their status or even indifference, he did not seem to even take it into account and had no qualms about giving them orders. Speaking to them on the plain of battle as equal individuals, and not merely as important pieces on the chessboard. If that were not enough, the insight he had on the battlefield was simply astounding. It was as if he had a bird's eye-view, capable of discerning enemy positions and what best way to approach them.

Then there was that moment where he protected her from the bandit's leader. Though she had little fear of danger in that moment, the foresight needed to parry that attack was unbelievable. It was as if he knew it was going to happen, and exactly where the foe intended to strike. To respond so quickly and with enough force to fling the man aside was simply riveting.

But what truly fueled Edelgard's desire to have this man as her teacher was not for those practical reasons. No, for what felt like the first time in her life she was basing this decision purely on emotion. Like a moth to a flame, she couldn't help but find her attention fixing itself upon the individual known as Byleth Eisner.

From the moment she laid eyes upon him an odd sense of kinship sprang up in her that refused to dismiss itself. An itch that simply refused to be scratched no matter how much she tried to ignore it. The more she tried to understand the unusual surge of familiarity, the more its true natural escaped her grasp.

She needed to know what exactly was connecting her to this man, and the only way she could understand this mystery was having him as her instructor. She was as sure of that fact, as sure as she was in the ambitions that drove her forwards.

The air of cordiality was now gone, replaced by the stillness of tension as the three individuals eyed each other warily. The time for friendly chitchat was now over, and it was clear there could only be war ahead. The three were not willing to give in, not on this, and each were preparing their next move.

Claude, ever the schemer, was the first to do so. His hand reaching into his sleeve as he pulled out—


To say that Seteth was having a somewhat stressful morning would be like akin to saying that the ocean was somewhat wet. He had spent much of the previous night venting his frustrations to the newly arrived Jeralt concerning the imprudent appointment of the man's son. But to his surprise the man himself largely agreed with his assessment, also voicing his annoyance at this impromptu decision.

It was oddly cathartic to be able to share his burdens with the former Captain, and he was overjoyed to have someone listen to his complaints about the recent indignities he experienced.

The whole mess was just one layer of frustration piled upon another. As much as he adored Lady Rhea and held her to the highest possible esteem that any one person could. He simply could not decipher what thoughts were running through her mind in that moment she welcomed this Byleth into their ranks. And without even bothering to ask him for his thoughts on the matter before coming to her decision!

Hell, he couldn't even direct too much of his grievances towards the object of his complaints. Byleth himself seemed just as confounded as he was when Lady Rhea announced to them that he was to be made the new Professor! Sure, he certainly did make a good impression given his deed of protecting the students from those repugnant bandits. But just how good of an impression did he make to be practically engulfed in Lady Rhea's good graces almost instantly?

He didn't like it, no he didn't like it one bit.

But that was yesterday, after Jeralt graciously helped him unload the troubles he kept close to his chest, he was sure that a good night of sleep would have him prepared for whatever surprises were in store for his future.

…He wasn't quite prepared for one such surprise to slam into him but one hour after his waking.

"So, allow me to make one thing clear before we begin." Seteth said, his fingers pressing against his temple as he tried to stem off the encroaching headache. His dry voice directed to the three students awkwardly sitting in the three chairs positioned in front of his desk. "I am not having the best of days. One surprise after another has stumbled upon my lap, and my capability of dealing with said surprises has not been as productive as I would like them to be."

He paused to let the words sink in for a moment, before firmly grasping the report that lay on his desk with his free hand.

"Regardless, I woke up today with the hope that things would calm down from the excitement of yesterday." He continued on.

Another pause. He slowly let a breath out, and then started directing a glare at the disheveled students sitting before him.

"So, imagine my surprise when Tomas barges into my chambers and informs me that not only have three students decided to have an impromptu duel in the midst of his library. But those three students were the esteemed leaders of our very own three Houses. How. Very. Exciting." Seteth couldn't help but spit out those last three words in exasperation. "Well, I say duel, but it would appear the term brawl would be more apt would it not?"

The students had the dignity to look embarrassed in response to that.

"Yeah, that sounds about right!"

…Or at least two of the three students had the dignity to be embarrassed at least.

"Well now, you seem to be awfully chipper Sir Riegan, for someone who apparently-" Seteth stopped for a moment to read the report in his hand, raising his eyebrow as he scanned the words on the page. "-got his head introduced face first into a bookshelf."

The owner of said mildly bruised face merely grinned in response as he laid back in the leftmost seat. While the occupant in the middle, Dimitri (who also seemed to be trying to stave off a headache of his own in vain), took a wary glance at his neighbor. Edelgard noticed the glance, and avoided eye-contact while her face flushed a bit in what might have been shame.

"Well now, that is certainly unexpected." Seteth blinked, his initial assumption being that the physical altercation was largely between Claude and Dimitri, due to them sporting the most visible (albeit minor) injuries. "I take that to mean it was the Lady of Hresvelg who was responsible for the… bookshelf introduction?"

"Well that is to say, umm, yes instructor that is unfortunately the case." Edelgard replied slowly at first, but freely owned up to the assertion with her usual dignified voice.

"May I ask why?" Seteth asked, his curiosity piqued in spite of himself.

"I must clarify that there wasn't truly a desire for any of us to engage in a physical altercation." Edelgard said, after lightly coughing to clear her throat. "We had every intention to resolve our dispute through reasoned debate."

"So, what exactly occurred to turn this dispute from a "reasoned debate" into an outright melee?" Seteth asked with skepticism.

There was a brief moment of silence as the girl of Hresvelg had to take a moment to maintain her composure.

"…He pulled a r—out of his—" Edelgard murmured out quietly in response, trying her damndest not to look directly at him.

"He pulled a what out of where?" Seteth asked, not being able to fully make out the mumbled words.

Dimitri sighed, and sat upright glowering at his right-side neighbor as he did so.

"He pulled a rat out of his sleeve Instructor." Dimitri clarified in ill-humor.

Seteth blinked once more at that. He did not think his eyebrow could raise further up than it already had, but this latest piece of the puzzle somehow made him succeed at doing so.

"A rat you say." Doubt coated his words as he tried to come to grasp with what he just heard.

"Yes Instructor, the "altercation" occurred because Claude, our great Master Tactician, thought the best way win our dispute was to pull out a rat from his sleeve and throw it in Edelgard's direction. The rodent waking upon impact and resulting in Edelgard…"

He paused for a moment to consider the right words to describe the absolute state of panic that came about from Claude's poorly thought out prank.

"…Becoming alarmed at its sudden presence." He finished diplomatically, not wanting to risk incurring the wrath of the already displeased Princess.

He already had enough of a headache to deal with as it was, thank you very much. And he wasn't even the one who got his head pushed into hard furniture.

His memory was still slightly groggy from the events of the night before, but even then he still recalled the look of horror that dawned upon Edelgard's features the moment she realized just what it was Claude had pulled out of his sleeve at that moment. Worse still was the shriek of terror that came when said object of horror was carelessly tossed at her. It was at that moment that the Imperial Princess' fight or flight instincts kicked in.

With a heavy emphasis on the fight part of it.

The resulting bruises upon both him and Claude's bodies came about as a direct result of trying to calm the panicked girl down. It wasn't nearly as easy as either of them thought it would be. With the girl's slim figure belying a startlingly amount of strength.

At the very least he had the satisfaction of having the sight of Claude's smug face shoved between the bookcase shelves imprinted in his mind. That almost made up for the whole ordeal.


Seteth soaked in the information Dimitri just provided him with a serious expression. Or as serious of one as he could convincingly put up at that moment, before redirecting his attention towards the apparent perpetrator of this fiasco.

"Would you mind me asking why exactly you keep a rodent hidden within your sleeves?" Seteth couldn't help but ask the question that was unspoken but lingered on everyone else's minds.

The little king shrugged his shoulders at that.

"It was for emergencies." He stated confidently, as if it were just common sense.

There was yet another awkward period of silence that followed that response.

"What in the Goddess' name sort of emergency would need you to keep a sedated rat on your person?" Dimitri asked, after it was clear no one else would ask the question in his stead.

"The Imperial kind, obviously." Claude said with yet another shrug of his shoulders, the answer earning him two very hostile glares from the other two students.

Oh, by the Goddess, if I don't stop this now they are going to bring ruin to my office with another brawl.

Seteth thought to himself, coughing to get the three's attention upon him, and hopefully not consider making a mess out of his work space.

"Well, now that we have the details of the altercation settled for now. Would one of you mind detailing what caused this dispute in the first place?" He asked, half from a genuine desire to know, and half to distract them from picking up from where they left off the night before.

"Ah, yes, I would be more than happy to elaborate on that instructor." Dimitri visibly brightened upon the change of subject. "You see, the news that Sir Eisner is to become one of our professors happened to have reached our ears. And we couldn't help but debate over whose House was most suitable for his tutelage."

In contrast to Dimitri's invigorated demeanor, Seteth thoughts turned sour as the words were spoken.

And once more things circle back to him.

Just what was sort of sorcery did he pull to make such an impression on everyone!? Was he the only one that thought the fixation on this dull stranger (commendable hair color not withstanding) was strange!?

The twitch in his eye in response to the name was left unnoticed as the three students dismissed their previously embarrassed countenances, and engaged in enlivened discussion. The three bringing up the various ways they thought the new professor could bring to the table to their respective Houses, and countering the arguments of the others. The heated debate only contributing more to Seteth's ever growing confusion on the individual that seemed to be at the center of all his recent troubles.

"Well be that as it may." He began, as he once more put aside his irritation, promising himself to book another session with Jeralt later. "While your enthusiasm is certainly being considered, which House our new professor will be assigned to was not up to either me or Lady Rhea to begin with. So, we are not the ones you should be trying to convince."

All heads turned to directly state at the man behind the desk, with the aura of the group seeming to scream out "What the hell are you talking about?"

Seteth sighed as he knew what he would say next would cause yet another bout of chaos to begin. But at the very least he wouldn't have to be the one forced to deal with it this time. Silver linings and all that.

"Due to the unusual circumstances of his appointment and the Arch-Bishop desiring to impart upon him a certain level of…" Seteth barely suppressed the grimace that threatened to creep onto his face. "…Agency in his role. It was decided that Sir Byleth would have the option of personally choosing which House he would like to tutor."

There was yet another period of silence that followed his announcement. And as he saw the look of realization at his implication start to glimmer in the eyes of the House leaders. He let himself indulge in just a pinch of sadistic pleasure knowing what will soon befall the object of his recent frustrations.

It was most certainly petty of him, but he was all too willing to take what he could get.

"Ah, well would you look at the time." Edelgard suddenly stood up from her seat, a rather convincing look of apology on her features. "It would seem as though I have somewhere to be at the moment. My sincere apologies for the mishap of the previous night Instructor, and I thank you for your understanding. But I shall be taking my leave now."

"What a coincidence!" Dimitri cried out as he also got up from his chair, interrupting what would have been her swift departure from the office. "I myself had forgotten a prior commitment I had to engage in. It would appear as though I too must say farewell."

As expected the sound of a seat scraping backwards once more made itself known in the room as Claude also got up from his respective seat.

"Now, now you two, why the rush? How about we all just relax a bit and take our time to look—" The friendly tone of voice giving way to a more ominous ring as he slowly let one hand inch ever closer to the sleeve of his shirt…

"Don't you even think about it." Echoed the voices of the three other persons in the room in tandem, as they glared at the smirking leader of the Golden Deers.

"Well, it was worth a try." He said as he threw up his hands. But before he could pull out his plan B that he had hidden away, another voice made itself known in the room.

"That won't be necessary." The soft words spread itself like silk upon the four people in the room, its gentleness simultaneously carrying an undeniable aura of authority with them.

Seteth sprang up in his seat as he looked at the individual who made her presence felt in the room. The gentle tip taps of her heels betraying her movements as she opened the door and let herself in.

"L-Lady Rhea!" Seteth's words stumbled out as the Arch-Bishop walked in. "What brings you here?"

She gave him a sincere smile in response to his surprised demeanor, and her rosy lips opened to answer him—


"Sooo, does anyone know what the hell is going on right now?" Caspar asked as he voiced the question that no one else seemed to want to say aloud. "Cause, I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I don't got a clue."

"We are just about as in the dark as you I'm afraid" Ingrid answered, her brows displaying her own confusion at their current situation. The daughter of the Galatea family fiddling with the pencil in between her fingers idly to pass the time.

"Nice, so it looks like we're all confused peas, sharing the same confused pod." Hilda exclaimed from the opposite end of the room, her pigtails swaying back in forth as she shifted her head side to side in boredom.

"Peas? I do not see how we are like peas at all? And are we not in the Cardinal's Room, and not a pod?" Petra questioned her from her position.

"Uh, no what I mean is that we're, you know, in the same boat." Hilda tried to explain.

"There is now a boat? I thought we were all in a pod?" Petra asked, her confusion only growing worse.

"Umm…" Hilda's face scrunched up in consternation, as she struggled to find the right words to convey her meaning.

"Petra dear, it's an expression to say that we're all experiencing the same thing, that's all." Dorothea chimed in to prevent the conversation from spiraling further "Sorry about that Hilda, she's gotten used to our language, but figures of speech are still something that she has a hard time with."

"Ah, it's no big deal." The pink haired girl nodded in understanding, relieved at Dorothea coming to her rescue.

"If you are all done with your babbling, perhaps we should get back to Caspar's original line of questioning?" A dark voice cut-in sharply. All eyes turned to Hubert von Vestra, who sat with his arms crossed, his ever-sour expression grimacing in annoyance. "It is not every day that we find ourselves in this room, nor with all three Houses of our school represented. I would personally like to get to the bottom of this."

While somewhat crudely put, the dark-haired individual expressed a good point. Eight from the Black Eagles, eight from the Blue Lions, and eight from the Golden Deers. All 24 of the students from Garreg Mach's esteemed Officer's Academy found themselves situated together in the Cardinal's Room rather than their respective classrooms.

"Well, uh, I got an idea." The rough voice of Raphael echoed through the room. "Maybe we're all here for, you know, class?"

Felix sighed at that and was about to respond with his typical bluntness, but paused before doing so. The Cardinal's Room, usually setup with a long table to accommodate the numerous monastery officials was nowhere in sight, instead replaced by the 24 desks and chairs that the students found themselves occupying. A long desk that he did not recall being there previously was situated in the space that the students found themselves facing, with a long chalkboard occupying the wall behind it.

It really did seem like the room was converted to be a large classroom for them. With the rest of the students catching onto the changes that were made.

"Finally!" Claude's tired voice cried out "Someone figures out the obvious! Points to you Raphael, always knew you had it in you." Clearly happy that a member of his House was able to discern the self-evident.

The leader of the Golden Deers pointed a look towards the head of the Blue Lions, who answered him in an equally tired manner.

"Indeed" Dimitri replied, clearly unamused by how long it took for someone to notice the arrangement. "It seems like situational awareness is yet another subject our dear Professor could instruct us on."

It became clear to all in the room that their respective House Leaders were privy to the details they themselves were ignorant of at this point.

"Lady Edelgard?" Hubert asked his charge who sat in the seat beside him.

A displeased sigh escaped her lips as her eyes closed in disquiet. If Hubert didn't know any better he would have sworn that the object of his loyalty was actually sulking at that moment.

"Yes, Hubert, I am well-aware of what the current arrangement is." She stated tersely. "Just be patient and all should be made clear."

"Wow, someone seems to be in a mood." Hilda exclaimed with curiosity.

"Heh, don't mind her too much. She's just upset she didn't get first dibs like she wanted." Claude said with an all too amused smile. The accurate statement leading to Edelgard trying to burn a hole into his skull with her eyes. "But she's right, just wait for a bit and someone will be dropping by soon to explain what's up"

As if on cue, the doors to the conference room opened up to reveal Hanneman and Manuela. The monocle wearing man and the fur robbed physician striding in and taking their places at the front of the room.

"Good afternoon my dear students. Apologies for the wait, but there were some last-minute discussions that needed to be had that delayed us." Hanneman explained, the former Empire noble tilting his head down slightly in apology.

"As I'm sure you all would have noticed by now, the current classroom arrangement is not exactly what we consider the standard state of affairs. However due to certain extenuating circumstances, this Officer's Academy will be doing things a bit differently this year."

Hanneman stepped back and gestured for Manuela to continue from where he left off. Nodding in return, she stepped forward, making sure not to betray her own doubts on the news she was conveying to the class.

"Unlike previous years where each House would be assigned their own Professor to overseer the teaching of them independently from one another, this time they will be merged into one body. With a single professor taking charge of the tutoring, while Hanneman and myself will be acting in supporting roles should our specialties be deemed necessary."

Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude simply nodded along as they were already made aware of the new class style from Rhea's sudden visit to Seteth's office. But for the rest of the students the news came as a shock to them.

"Halt a moment Professor Hanneman! Lorenz asked, his eyes wide at the implications filling his mind. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this not mean that the Three Houses are being merged into one?"

It was not like the students were particularly insistent on the segregation of the Houses, but to have the longstanding tradition done away with practically overnight was something that was difficult to even fathom.

"Oh, nothing of the sort!" Hanneman quickly responded, waving his hands in a gesture of denial. "No, for all intents and purposes the Three Houses are still very much independent from one another. But due to certain special interests, as well as some rather unexpected amount of demand for our new professor, has led to a compromise of sorts that had to be made."

Hanneman would have loved to give more details if he had anymore to give. But it wasn't until the aforementioned meeting that delayed them did he and Manuela even learn about the new teaching arrangements to begin with.

It didn't particularly bother him all that much frankly. After-all, the less time he had to dedicate teaching in the classroom meant more time he could devote to his main passion of Crest research. But nonetheless, the short notice of the change blindsided both him and Manuela to say the least.

"New professor? I thought Jeritza was going to be our new teacher?" Caspar spoke up in response to the statement.

"Ah yes, I suppose we have yet to formally introduce our newest addition to the monastery's staff" Hanneman turned his head to the doorway, and made a "come on in" gesture with his hand.

The clacking sound of boots rang out as a figure entered from the doorway. Long black sleeves trailed behind him, as he made his way to the front of the room. One hand grasping a binder full of paperwork, whilst the other gently laid sat upon the hilt of the sword holstered at his hip. As he set down the binder upon the desk with a soft thud, he turned his head towards the students, the bangs of his dark blue hair swaying gently to the motion.

"Good afternoon, my name is Byleth." He stated curtly as his eyes went from left to right to survey his suddenly silent audience. Surprise. Curiosity. Trepidation. Indifference. The variety of emotions he could gleam from the students before him was as diverse of a makeup as the students themselves. "From this moment on I will be your primary professor, instructing you all until the end of the school year. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He bowed his head slightly, his face unchanging from the stony blank slate that had always been etched on his features. Raising it up after a brief moment he then said:

"Are there any questions?"

And with that the room exploded in a chorus of overlapping voices at once, as the students tried to get their input heard over all the others.

"Seriously! You're going to be our Professor!" The blue haired second son of House Bergliez household shouted out in glee.

"Heh, so he's the renowned mercenary? I can take him easily." A voice tinged with arrogance muttered among the cacophony.

"You think you can take anyone on Felix. Didn't you listen to his Highness? If he's half as good as the Prince says he is, then you're going to get your butt flat on the ground in no time." Annette replied to her sullen neighbor

"If he's even a quarter as good as that Boar says he is then it'll make it all the more worth it." Felix scoffed in response. "That monster was clearly embellishing the story."

"I know he's Captain Jeralt's kid and all, but isn't he a bit on the young side to be teaching us?" Leonie asked in concern.

"His Highness assured those within his House of his capabilities. If he has his approval, then the man's age is of no consequence." Dedue stated with certainty.


The distinct sound of a pair of palms slamming upon a desk echoed in the room.

"Can you all quiet down!" Lysithea cried out, ignoring the self-inflicted stinging sensation in her now red hands. "I'm sure our new Professor expects some level of maturity here!"


The young Ordelia paused at that, before turning her head in genuine astonishment at the source of the unexpected sound.

"…How is he able to sleep with all this racket?"

"With far too little ease." Hubert replied bitterly as he glared down at the sleeping Lindhart that sat nearby him.

"Srnnk." Was the only response from the slumbering youth.

"Please, my friends! I know our new professor is cause for much excitement, but as esteemed members of the Officer's Academy we must have order!" Ferdinand's noble voice carried true across the room, and was nobly ignored by everyone else.

"I'm truly sorry Professor. I can't speak for the rest, but I assure you my House members are not usually this…rowdy." Edelgard said with sincerity as an apologetic look graced her features.

"Really? Cause last I checked this seemed to be the norm for your bundles of sunshine!" Claude said, as his own eyes glanced at the seemingly catatonic visage of Bernadetta in amusement.

The poor girl passing out as soon as she realized she had to attend class with this many people at once for the rest of the year.

Byleth's face looked impassive as always, but internally he was completely flabbergasted at the scene of Chaos that spontaneously erupted in the classroom. The laughter of his far too easily amused companion resounding deep in his skull.

It is going to be a long year isn't it?


Author's Note

So, it's been a hot minute since I have published any fanfiction to say the least. I've been writing as a hobby for quite some time now, but I haven't posted anything to the web since my last attempts at writing stories went to the wayside. Life happens, and while I might give those old stories another go, I won't be one to make any promises on that.

This work came about on a bit of a whim honestly. After playing through my first route in Three Houses I was overcome by a need to write something for it. Since I was still struggling to shove my torn out heart back into its hole from the game's amazing usage of pathos. So, believe it or not the initial draft of this story was only about a thousand words or so. Short and sweet.

But then I realized to be able to write what I wanted to in this work, that being whatever random lighthearted short stories of Byleth interacting with his dear students I could come up with, I needed a situation where he would interact with all of said students to begin with. Which didn't really make too much sense if I had him being assigned to just one House like the actual game story does. Thus, I had to contrive a situation in which he would take charge of all three Houses, and this mess of a chapter was the end result.

This fanfic isn't really meant to be a continuous narrative but a Slice of Life exploration of the characters largely set in Part I of the story. Some chapters will be humorous, portraying whatever dumb and wacky situations that seeps out of this odd thing I call my imagination. Others will be digging deeper into the interactions between the characters, and approaching subjects that the game didn't quite have the screen time to elaborate on.

I'm still playing through the other routes in the game, and watching as many supports as I can to get a proper feel for all the characters. So if any of them seem to be acting out of character (outside of the usual stretches for the sake of comedic effect), or not sounding the way they are supposed to, feel free to make mention of it. Byleth in particular was a character I'm struggling to try to get right. However, depicting an emotionless, yet oddly charismatic, character like him is proving to be quite a fun challenge to say the least.

So here is to new beginnings and all that. Hopefully you found some level of enjoyment from this spillage of words, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter sometime soon.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who pointed out the broken formatting of this chapter when Chapter II dropped. I honestly have no idea how that happened.