Hello everyone, here's a new story for you all to enjoy from one of my favorite games and shows.

Disclaimer I own nothing of this Assassins Creed nor Legend of Korra thank you and enjoy.

An Assassin in Republic City ch1

London 1868

It was a dark night in London as the trains going on the same daily trail. To normal people it was just another way of transportation for people and cargo to those who truly know it's cause was the secret base of the London assassin's who have been long and hard been fighting the Knights Templar of London for decades and to everyone it will soon come to an end for four of the best assassins of the order have set out to find and kill the grandmaster Templar.

Up on one of the many cities rooftops was a lone figure sitting waiting for an opportunity to strike. He looked to be around his early twenties wearing a blue coat with yellow linings on the outside along with a red cape on his right arm, a white shirt and buttoned vest, black pants and boots with metal knee pads along with black fingerless gloves. On his left arm was gauntlet attached with a hidden blade along with a hook connected to the blade.

The assassin took deep breaths as he tried to collect himself over the situation that happened a few hours ago as he took something from his coat pocket showing to be a golden shroud as it began to glow but quickly tucking it away hearing the whistle of a train seeing it coming his direction. Standing up he began to sprint jumping mid air as he aimed his left arm to the train and the hook fired with a strong piece of wire grappling pulling him back onto the train. The assassin put his hood down and put on a blue top hat with a red sash entering the car where there were other assassins with their hoods on or with top hats seeing one of their mentors.

"Mentor is it done?" One assassin asked nodding for an answer.

"Yes Crawford Starrick is dead the London Templar's are no more our mission is done." The mentor said making all the assassins cheer for good news.

"Very well then mentor let's celebrate firsts rounds to the mentor lads!" Another member dressed more as a gang member said as they all left to the nearest tavern.

"Come mentor best not keep the men waiting." The assassin said having nod.

"Yes let me just finish getting a few things now that this is done my time being with the London assassins is over." The mentor then left to his own train car which was an office with many things all around his room. He sat down on his chair as he pulled one of his drawers showing a small wooden box placing it on his desk he opened it and took what it was inside. It was the shape of a giant ball made out of gold with similar lines as the shroud he took from his pocket.

"These artifacts or pieces of eden they cannot be in human hands they have caused enough problems I must take them somewhere no man can reach." He muttered until from the other train door, he heard a voice.

"Vincent you bastard where are you!" A man in his early twenties wearing an outfit similar to his only darker shouted in rage as behind him two people came walking a female helping another man of Indian descent having blood coming down on his leg laying him on a table.

"What happened?" An assassin asked the one who came shouting on the train.

"We have a traitor in our mists our mentor Vincent he's been with the Templar's for far too long we must kill him now before he leaves with that shroud." The female said as the assassin took it seriously.

"We saw him going to his office we must hurry!" The three assassins ran into the office to have it locked seeing Vincent taking the apple and shroud opening the door window and jumped out running away.

"Hurry Jacob he can't leave with those pieces of eden." The female told Jacob while the two jumped out of the train and ran after the traitor.

Vincent ran across the rooftop looking back to see two assassins chasing right behind as he took out a smoke bomb slamming it on the ground as the assassins coughed, trying to catch him.

"Damn him." Jacob said seeing Vincent heading towards a river as he jumped onto a ferry followed by using his grappling hook putting him on top of a bridge.

"There!" The female saw a stagecoach and the pair jumped on and began to run to the bridge.

Vincent looked around seeing the sun about to rise seeing that night is almost done. Vincent took another step only to get tackled by Jacob pushing him off of him only to see the female trying to stab him with a hidden blade. Grabbing her arm throwing her next to Jacob. Vincent reached to his coat pocket pulling a kurkuri knife with his hidden blade extended.

"Jacob and Evie Frye the heroes of London." Vincent calling the two assassins.

"Spare the praises Vincent hand over the pieces of eden and you might have a quick and painless death." Jacob said.

"No the Assassins and Templars have been fighting for too long for these artifacts they need to be hidden far from anyone's eyes. Starrick was right humanity needs to evolve and change but with this, this isn't the way." Vincent said putting his knife away showing them the apple.

"Please Vincent don't do this give us the pieces." Evie said trying to get him to listen.

"No, no one should have their hands on these items there is only thing I have to do." Vincent said as he jumped on the bridge.

"Jacob don't!" Evie saw her twin brother fire a shot from his revolver having Vincent take the shot from his back and fell onto the water with shroud and apple. As he sank to the watery bottom he looked at the pieces and thought.

"At least they're away from human hands." Vincent said closing his eyes not seeing the items land on top of him as a golden aura began to shine and in a flash he disappeared along with the items.

In republic city

Struggling to wake up with a groan Vincent opened his eyes as the blurred vision become more stable he woke up in an alleyway standing up he grabbed his head gaining a headache looking in a puddle and looked confused. He looked like he was in his late teenage years as his hidden blade attachment still fit his arm but his clothes looked a bit big for him.

"What is going on with me?" Vincent felt something on his shoulders looking to see himself wearing the shroud of eden along with the apple of Eden.

"What how can this be these should be at the bottom of the ocean?" Vincent said grabbing the apple for the surroundings to get darker while some surges of gold came from the apple. As he stood up he saw an image of someone standing in front of him.

"Minerva from the ones who came before?" Vincent confused seeing one of spirits he's heard so much about.

"Rise young warrior your task is not finished yet." The spirit said getting his attention.

"What?" Vincent hearing this.

"You have been given one final task and that is to keep the shroud and the apple safe in this new world not so different from yours." Minerva said.

"What am I in another London?" Vincent asked her.

"No the world you're in has advanced in their technology yet still hold the ways of the old as well." Minerva showing Vincent images of moving carriages on their own a massive ship floating in the air. The images then changed to people who seemed to live in the cold wearing fur coats seemed to be hunting.

"What is this place?" Vincent not understanding.

"The task you have taken upon is long and hard task but there is one person who can aid you. In this world the humans have also managed to evolve differently than yours, there are some who are willing to bend and manipulate the elements to their whim either for sport or for combat." Changing the images to show adults and even little kids bend the water ,earth, and fire to their surroundings.

"And the one you must find is the one person who can bend the three and the last one air." Minerva showing a silhouette of a person bending all four at once with glowing white eyes.

"You must be prepared for I suggest you follow the same way as your former allies have done before, now go time is at the essence." Minerva said feeling as if she's running out of time.

"Wait I have so many questions I want to ask you." Vincent said trying to convince her to stay.

"Find the person who can bend all four elements for the person calls themselves The Avatar." And with that Minerva disappeared within the apple and everything went back to normal seeing himself in the same dark alleyway. Vincent putting the apple back into his coat pocket and walked his way out.

Stepping his way outside he was almost blinded by the bright light of the sun seeing many people wear clothes mixture of Chinese and what people in the United States and London would wear. Looking at the sky he saw the blimp from his vision flying above them and the vehicles from before in front of his very eyes. Looking he only had one thing left in his mind.

"Well then time for me to get started." Vincent said as he walked away covering the shroud with his coat.

Six Months Later

A door of a random building was slammed opened as two people dressed in red and black threw a person wearing a blue suit resembling those from the water tribe into the ground as he looked back in terror.

"Please we won't cross your territory again please spare me." The gang member begged as someone walked out of the building. Out of the building was Vincent having a wardrobe changed during his long six months in the ever changing Republic City. He now wore red and dark blue leather coat a green vest, white shirt and red sash gray pants.

"How many times did I have to tell you triple triad gits that if we see one more of you stepping into our territory then well then we won't hesitate." An experienced Vincent said as Shady Shin glared as he then began to bend the water about to attack him only for the two members jab multiple times in the arms letting it fall back into the ground.

"That wasn't nice." Vincent said with a flick of the wrist his hidden blade came out and was about to strike his chest.

"Boss! Boss! There's trouble down at the folk place with phonographs." Another gang member said with Vincent looking back at Shady Shin having him hide his blade and punch him in the face.

"The fun just never ends, you know where to leave him Hashashin's with me!" Vincent ordered as they climbed up the building and began to run across the rooftops. Over the past six months since he arrived at Republic he managed to make time to learn and study the history and culture of the city and the four nations all the while setting up a brotherhood among the city and formed a gang made of benders and non benders alike under one name the Hashashin. He began to form territory taken from another opposing gang from the Triple triads. But he still hasn't made any progress on his mission to find the so called avatar. Jumping down the ground he took wooden pieces from his coat putting them together as it formed a cane with a pommel resembling a dragon walking out of the alleyway.

"Now remember stick to the shadows and roofs no sudden movements." Vincent told them seeing three members of the triple triad threatening an old shop owner.

"Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money, or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment." A man with a white shirt and gray coat threatened with his partner lighting his fist on fire with a grin.

"You shouldn't be here you're on his territory and you know what he does to men like you." Chung talked back making the middle man of the group grab him by the shirt collar putting him close to his face.

"I don't care if we're in the Hashashin's territory, you still owe us money so give me the money, or else." The gang member said seeing it was time for Vincent to intervene.

"Or else what, hoodlum?" Vincent and the gang members heard a voice coming from someone as from the streets seems to be a new face. She had long black hair tied with three ponytails one on the back two on each shoulder. Her body tone showed she has a decent training of some kind even though they're both the same age. Her outfit as far as Vincent could tell was Water tribe given also by her tanned skin and blue eyes. She looked at the gang members with a cocky smile. Only for the three to burst out in laughter.

"Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things. You're in Triple Threat Triad territory, and we're about to put you in the hospital." He threatened her with a smile.

"Well I believe it's time for you three to leave don't you think." The gang members turned not seeing it who was.

"Oh yeah and who do you think you...are." The gang leader losing his confidence seeing Vincent walking towards them with a smirk on his face.

Insert assassins creed 3 fight club theme

"Gentlemen I'm only going to say it once leave this place and you won't have to go back to the hospital with broken bones from neck to legs." Vincent threatened. Growling in rage the three began to take their stances with one having fire on his fists the other ready to bend the earth and fire.

"We not afraid of You anymore this time Brooks the Hashashin's are going down by us. This time it's you who's going to be in the hospital." He said to Vincent who gripped on his cane ready to fight.

"You're the only ones who are gonna need a hospital and, for your sake, I hope there's one nearby." The water tribe girl said a With a cocky tone smashing her fists together.

The gangsters adopt a confused look. Cut to Korra, who rubs her right fist into her left palm with a wicked look.

"Who do you think you are?" The gangsters adopt a confused look. Cut to Korra, who rubs her right fist into her left palm with a wicked look.

"Why don't you come and find out?" The girl said only for one the gang members eyes twitch enraged and began to bend a water bullet only to get distracted by Vincent punching him with his metal brass knuckle in his left arm followed by a smack with his cane another jab in his stomach making him fall to the floor. The earthbender gangster, enraged by what happened to his friend, charges the water tribe girl by jumping up. However, before he could land and earthbend, she extends the portion of earth where he was going to land on, catapulting him high into the air.

"What just happened?" An old lady from the crowd said not believing her eyes.

"Did she just earthbend?" A boy from the crowd said confused getting Vincent's attention as he saw the fire bender aggressively bends a large fire stream at Korra only for the fire to be parted by the cockily grinning girl, jumping forward, deflecting the man's fire by holding two small flames in her palms. As she reaches the man, she grabs his hands. The man screams in fright.

"Can she firebend, too?" The same woman as before now even more confused.

"Could she be?" The boy next to her wondered in awe.

"The avatar." Vincent said seeing the person he was tasked to find. The girl then with enough strength throws the man through the window of a radio shop.

"Got an idea about who I am now, chumps?" The now known avatar said with Vincent walking next to her but the pair heard the roaring engine of the Satomobile, as they looked to see it going right. towards them. The two moved aside to avoid being run over as the The satomobile drove towards the shop as the members tried to get on and drive away. The earthbender gangster extends the part of earth where he was running, causing him to fly inside the Satomobile with a yelp.

"You're not getting away!" She shouted about to move the ground.

"Let me." Vincent told her grabbing her shoulder as from his coat pulled out blue and white revolver with the hammer resembling a wing and fired as a bullet flew towards the wheel popping it's tire making it where it tumbles a few times before crashing into a lamppost on the other side of the road. The two ran to check on them as they took off running

Theme end

"Well that seems to be the end of that." Vincent said.

"That wasn't so tough." The girl said as she folded her arms with a smile.

"No but this is." Vincent pointed up as she heard alarm sounds from up above seeing the blip coming above them.

"Police! Freeze where you are!" An Officer shouted while Vincent spots a hatch being opened and three cops jump out from it. anchoring metal cables on the nearby buildings, securing a safe landing.

"Cool! Metalbenders!" The girl seeing the officers landing towards the ground walking towards them as two more officers quickly managed to wrap the three gangsters and tie them up not letting them escape.

"We caught the bad guys for you, officers." The teen said proud of the result. But as the officer saw that Vincent was next to her he quickly made a battle stance along with two more officers.

"You're under arrest, too miss and Vincent leader of the Hashashins." The Officer said.

"What do you mean we're under arrest? Those are the bad guys over there! They were smashing up a shop!" Korra trying to defend herself.

"From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that." The Officer pointed out as was about to shoot out a cable towards her only for Vincent to use his cane to wrap the cable around it.

"Oh really Saikhan you and who's army." Vincent reached into the handle and pulled out slicing the cable in half showing the cane had a black blade sheathed inside.

"Wait, you - you can't arrest me! Let me explain!" The girl said.

"Forget it, they won't care anyway." Vincent told her as he sheathed the blade back and took out a smoke bomb covering the area in smoke making them all cough. The girl felt a hand grabbing her arm as she managed to see it was Vincent who was leaving her.

"Don't let them escape Saikhan ordered his men while coughing.

"Wait." She told him.

"For what?" Vincent asked only for her to whistle as a massive polar bear dog hybrid appeared with a saddle running towards them and the girl jumped on it now grabbing Vincent's arm lifting him to the saddle and the pair ran off.

"Girls got a strong grip I give her that." Vincent thought.

"Thanks for what happened back there I'm korra." The water tribe girl now known As Korra thanked Vincent who nodded.

"Vincent the name I take it your new here." Vincent wondered.

"Just got off the boat actually how do you know?" Korra said.

"Your water tribe outfit is a dead giveaway especially for the avatar." Vincent said surprising her as she made her pet stop.

"How do you know that I'm the avatar?" Korra questioned him.

"Kinda hard to miss the fact you pulled out three out of the four elements on those gangsters kinda hard to explain that if otherwise." Vincent said as they saw more officers heading towards as they continue the chase.

The pair kept running towards a bridge with one of the cops jumping off a building bended his cables towards her wrapping to her ponytail yanking at her. Seeing this Vincent used his hidden blade to cut the cable off and Korra bends the water of the stream behind her, immediately turning it to ice, creating a wall causing the cop, to crash against the wall at high speed.

"Thanks again." Korra thanked him.

"Don't mention it so where you heading to make such a mess?" Vincent asked with a smile.

"Air temple island you know where to go?" Korra wanting some directions.

"Sure I'll tell you where to go." Vincent said as he began to instruct her where to go and soon they were at the docks as they can see air temple island.

"We're almost there." Korra seeing how close she is only to hear the alarm again seeing they're right above them.

"That ain't good." Vincent said while korra thinking of a plan to escape having only to jump towards the water but several cables are shot from up above, successfully binding the animal's paws and lifting it in the air. While being suspended, six more cables are bent down, binding Korra and Vincent. Vincent tried to cut his cables out being free and began to try to save korra and her dog.

"There's no time you can leave now I'll get out of this no problem." Korra told him as he looked at her.

"You sure?" Vincent asked with an eyebrow raised having her nod.

"Ok then if you get out then till we meet again." Vincent placed something on korra's hand as she saw him stand and gave her a two finger salute and jumped off the dog seeing him dive down to the ocean water not seeing him swim up. Feeling the object in her hand it felt small like a coin but that'll be something to worry about later as she was getting closer the police blimp.

Seeing that the coast was clear Vincent swam up and began to swim back to the docks climbing back up.

"This is going to be interesting maybe I'll finally have something new to do in this city." Vincent said looking up on the blimp.

Republic City police station

"Let's see here. Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property, not to mention evading arrest and aiding a wanted gang lord." Inside an interrogation room Korra had her hands bound to the table as a police officer read her charges slamming the clipboard on the table glaring at Korra.

"You're in a whole mess of trouble, young lady." The Officer telling her this while korra trying to reason with her.

"But there were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper, and I had it...Wait gang lord?" Korra confused hearing this as the officer grabbed her clipboard taking pictures out showing the same person who helped her with the escape only this time having a mugshot with a smile on his face and another with the same clothes but with a hood of the same color with multiple people having a similar look to him others with hoods or top hats fighting another gang.

"He's the leader of a gang called the Hashashins who are mostly used to start gang wars with other gangs and managed to take control of a small portion of the city in a span of just six months. But this is about you and should be in a cell." The Officer said still glaring at her.

"But I couldn't just sit by and do nothing it's my duty to help people. See I'm the avatar." Once korra said the officer slammed her fist on the table.

"Oh, I am well aware of who you your "Avatar" title might impress some people, but not me." She warned korra sitting on the other end of the table.

"All right, fine. Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge." Korra ordered to one sitting at her.

"You're talking to her. I'm Chief Beifong." Chief beifong stated seeing how korra won't have anyone to her advantage.

"Wait, Beifong? Lin Beifong? You're Toph's daughter!" Korra hearing her last name thought she could see it from his point of view.

"What of it?" Lin asked not seeing any point of this.

"Well then, why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They saved the world together." Korra wanting to know why.

"That's ancient history. And it's got diddly-squat to do with the mess you're in right now. You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place!" Lin angry of thinking just because of something from years ago was going to let her escape Scott free.

"Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here." The metal on the window slid open as an officer told her the news letting out a sigh, she told the guard to let him in making the wall in front of them slide aside letting in a man who seemed to be in his forties with a goatee while bald showing a blue arrow tattoo on his forehead wearing what resembles a monk.

"Hi Tenzin, sorry ...I got a little sidetracked on my way to see you." Korra told him as he took a deep breath looking at Lin and smiles.

"Lin, you are looking radiant as usual." Tenzin saying hello to Lin as if they've been long time friends.

"Cut the garbage, Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her. Or have any ideas as to how to capture Brooks this time?" Lin said as Tenzin had a serious look on his face.

"My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay said while Korra tried to say something on her defense.

"As for the Vincent well nothing has come to mind yet. Now If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's regrettable events and cover all the damages." Tenzin told her as Lin glanced over Korra sighing and nonchalantly raised her left hand, opening the cuffs that were binding Korra's hands to the table.

"Fine. Just get her out of my city. We'll deal with you know who on a later time." Lin wanting them both to leave having too much trouble to deal with.

Later on that day

Nightfall arrived as across the ocean a boat

As Tenzin and Korra walked out of prison with the warning of having Korra leave Republic City. Tenzin, who sadly looked up on his father's statue and the previous avatar Aang, bows his head and looks over his shoulder toward Korra, leaning on the railing, watching how they move away from the city, and Naga her pet polar dog, sleeping on the deck. Reaching into her pocket she took out what was a silver coin showing a strange symbol of two lines together curving downwards as the back had words on it.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted"

Korra sighed seeing as this could be her one and only souvenir from the city letting out a sigh of sadness. The boat made it in the harbor of Air Temple Island along with a larger ship has docked there as well with some people standing beside it.

Korra, sadly bows her head while sighing walking out of the boat.

"From the expression on your face and seeing you free means you've met chief Bei Fong." Korra gasped as she turned to see it was Vincent leaning his back to the boat.

"You, how did you get here?" Korra confused to seeing him again.

"I was here this whole time the silent treatment almost put me to sleep." Vincent walking off the boat.

"Is it true that you a leader of a gang?" Korra asked Vincent who raised his hands and gave a mock bow.

"Indeed I am Vincent Brooks leader of Hashashins and hero to the people of Republic City." Vincent properly introduce himself with a smirk on his face.

"How are you a hero?" Korra said.

"Maybe the next time you get back to the city you should spend more time with the locals." Vincent said seeing two two Air Nomad gliders come swooping into view, of his and Korra seeing they were two girls probably siblings wearing similar clothes and staffs running to hug Korra.

"Are you coming to live with us on the island? One girl said with a smile, happy to see Korra.

"No, I'm sorry, Ikki. I have to go home now." Korra saddened by it as the girl bows her head in disappointment.

"What that can't happen not after all the work I've been doing." Vincent thought hearing the news.

"Shame and to think you were going to stay there are so many places for you to see." Vincent told her getting the girls attention.

"Did korra bring home a boy?" The younger sister whispered to her older sister who also looked at the two.

"And not just any boy it's-" she was about to continue until a gust of wind flew towards Vincent dragging him away from them as Vincent quickly used his cane sword to impale the ground and hanged on while his hood was placed on his head feeling the gust of wind is gone with Tenzin arriving in front korra of the girls.

"What are you doing here Vincent you're not welcomed here?" Tenzin warning Vincent as more members of the white Lotus arrived to help Tenzin.

"I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, about how the avatar ran from the South Pole just to complete her airbending training how cruel making a student wait Tenzin." Vincent telling him putting his sword back making Korra have her eyes wide open.

"How do you know about that." Korra asked as to how he knows of her running away.

"Oh please I have eyes and ears in places that none of you would believe it." Vincent told them as Tenzin and Korra heard a crow cawing flying from the White Lotus ship landing on Vincent shoulder petting it.

"Now back to the matter at hand the REAL matter at hand and that's her. You know better than anyone Tenzin that she needs to be in Republic City to finish her training since the situation in hand isn't safe for anyone, the city needs the avatar and you know it." Vincent said making Tenzin stand down in slow realization of him having a point.

"He's right I have done my best to guide Republic City toward the dream my father had for it, but you're right. It has fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should've put off your training in order to uphold his legacy." Tenzin seeing that he hasn't made much progress with the city looking at Korra.

"But you are his legacy...You may stay and train airbending here with me. Republic City needs its Avatar once again." Tenzin realizing it and Korra cheered happy to hear that.

"Yes! Thank you! You're the best!" Korra told Tenzin as the sisters and a kid went to hug her along with Tenzin. Vincent seeing this smiled as they didn't know he had a victory this time.

"And with that you're staying see ya around avatar." Vincent mocked bow again walking back to the ship.

"Guess so." Korra told him as he took the boat back to the city seeing that he still has more work to be done.

The following morning

In Republic City's city hall was a large cheering crowd gathered in front of it filled with journalists and photographers taking pictures left and right of korra along with Tenzin and Lin. Korra looked into the microphones looking into the masses looking overwhelmed. She clears her throat and leans forward to speak.

"Hello?" The microphones all screeched giving them ear pain for a good second tillthey began to work.

"I'm Korra, your new Avatar." Korra introducing herself to the crowd getting questions left and right.

"Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?"

"Were you trying to send a message to the Triads and the Hasashins yesterday?"

"Will you be fighting crime or the Anti-bending Revolution, or both?"

"Will you be working with Chief Beifong and the police?"

Reporters all talked left and right while up on a roof with binoculars on was Vincent looking at korra seeing what she's going to do.

"Uh ... yes, I am definitely here to stay, but honestly I - I don't exactly have a plan yet. See, I'm still in training, but, look, all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world, and I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you!" Korra said her speech making the crowd go wild as more pictures were getting taken. Vincent put away his binoculars standing and prepared to walk away.

"And with that the plan goes on without setbacks. Be ready Korra cause we are in one hell of a show!" Vincent shouted as he jumped off the building in a swan diving position and disappeared.

In another part of the city in unknown location a person with a strange outfit walked into someone listening to the radio turning it off and placed his hands on his back looking at a map of the city as a portion being white with a similar symbol of the one in the coin.

"Amon, how do you want to handle this?" His lieutenant asking wanting to know their next move.

"So, the Avatar has arrived early. It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans." Amon said showing his face being covered with a mask placing a knife at the symbol.

Chapter end

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