Chapter 1: Sickness and Surprise

It was a glorious November afternoon. Chase and Skye tied the knot a month before & they just returned from their East coast, Florida honeymoon two weeks prior where they travelled along the coast and ended in Florida before heading back. On this particular day the pups were playing outside when Skye started to feel dizzy. Deciding to go inside for a little while she headed inside the Lookout but not before Chase noticed her walking away. Concerned for her wellbeing he followed her to the room they shared since the dogs were getting bigger and soon would start families. When he came in he closed the door & went to the pup bed next to her and laid down.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just started to feel sick & dizzy so I decided to come rest for a little while."

" Okay, mind if I stay with you for a little while? "

"Not at all. After all how could I say no to my husband." Skye said with them kissing each other passionately. After thirty seconds of them doing that they broke apart & ended up falling asleep for a little while. That night Skye was doing a little better but did not know what was about to come.


A few days later Skye had not felt any better but she didn't feel any worse except for the occasional puking. One night before bed Chase and Skye were in their room talking to each other.

"So what are you going to do about your sickness, cause surely it couldn't be a cold?" Chase asked .

"Well, tomorrow I am going over to Katie's to get it checked out and hopefully she can find out what is causing it."

" Okay, so you want me to go with you? "

"No, it's okay. I am sure I will be fine. Thank you though."

" Okay, well we should get to sleep. "

"Okay goodnight." Skye said giving him a quick kiss before laying down and going to sleep with him doing the same. The next day after breakfast Skye headed over to Katie's to have a checkup to find out what is causing the sickness. When she got their she was greeted by Katie.

"Hey, Skye, how is life being married?" She asked

" it is good. We got back about a couple weeks ago from our honeymoon and we couldn't be happier. I came over to ask if you could give me a checkup. I haven't been feeling well this past week and it hasn't gone away. "

"Sure come on over to one of the back rooms." She said as they headed to one of the rooms. "Okay could you please hop onto the bed here? Okay so could you tell me what has happened ?" She asked checking Skye over.

" Okay so we were playing outside on Tuesday but then I started to feel dizzy so I went inside to rest and for the last week I have been feeling sick and nauseous and have thrown up a couple times. "

"Okay, I think I know what it is but let me go get something really quick." She said leaving the room but returns quickly with a machine. Putting gel on Skye's stomach she looked up at the screen and saw a black dot. "Well I have good news and great news. The good news is that I found what is causing your sickness."

"Okay what is it."

"That's the great news. It is because you are pregnant." Katie said smiling.

"What I am!?"

" Yup, you are two weeks but you won't find out how many till next week. Would you like me to have Ryder call Chase over so you could tell him the news? "

"Yes please."

"Okay be right back." Katie said leaving the room to make the call. Over at the Lookout Ryder was playing on his puppad when he received the call.

"Hello, Ryder here."

" Hey Ryder, Skye was wondering if you could send Chase over to the pet parlor. She wants to tell him something. "

"Sure I will call him and let him know."

" Thanks Ryder. "

"No problem." Ryder said finishing the call. After he did so he swiped his screen to Chase's icon and tapped on it. "Hey Chase. Skye wants you to head over to Katie's. She wants to tell you something."

" Okay thanks Ryder bye. " Chase said ending the call and heading to Katie's. When he got there Katie pointed to where Skye was. When he entered the room he was Skye laying down with her eyes closed.

"Hey Skye, you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah I did. Katie found out what was making me sick."

"Okay what is it."

" Well, it is because I am pregnant. "

"Wait you are what!?"

" I am pregnant. You are going to be a dad. "


" Yes I am only two weeks so we can find out how many we are having next week if you want. "

"Yeah we can do that so we can prepare ahead of time. But could we keep the gender a surprise until after you give birth?"

"Sure we can. I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Well, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go." As they left Katie told Skye to give Ryder a note and to be careful and not to on any mission till a couple weeks after she gives birth. When they got back the pups greeted them.

"Hey, Skye, did you figure out why you were sick?" Rubble asked.

" Yes I did it is because I am two weeks pregnant. "

"Really you are?" Rocky asked .

"Yep, I am two weeks so we won't find out how many till next week. By the way Katie asked me to give you this note." Skye said handing Ryder the note.

" Okay I understand. Congratulations you two. "

"Thanks." Chase and Skye said at the same time. After that they played outside with Skye laying under a tree watching them. With both Chase and Skye planning to tell their families the next day.


Well here is the first chapter of Paw Patrol meet the Pups. Wow Skye spoke to Katie about how she had been feeling sick and when she went in and had no idea what was going on but when she came out she found out that she was pregnant. Stay tuned as she goes through with her pregnancy. Don't worry I'll put in more moments with the other puppy love in other chapters. Thank you to the kind reviews. Please review what you think. BTW school is starting up soon for me so I won't update as much as I would like but I will definitely finish all my stories. Well, see you next time.
