Danny leaned into the warmth of Sam and Tuckers arms as they embraced him. He'd just spent the last two days trapped in a lab in the GIW facility, and his friends had spent that time concocting the perfect plan to get him out. As far as Sam and Tucker knew, the only tests the GIW had had time to perform had been non-invasive, and he wasn't going to tell them otherwise. For now, he was just happy to be home, and his parents none the wiser, having already left to spend the weekend at Tuckers house with Sam.

"You guys are the best!" he said breathlessly as they pulled away. They both laughed.

"We're just glad you're okay, man," Tucker tells him, followed quickly by Sam.

"You can't do that to us, we were really worried about you." He can see the truth of her words in her eye's, and the fact that she would even admit that he worried her made him feel a little guilty.

"It's not my fault they can't take a hint." he opened the door behind him. "Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow, right?" they both answer in the affirmative, and he makes his way into the house with a sigh of relief. Home at last. "Mom! Dad! Jazz!" he shouts into the quiet house. "I'm home!"

"Jazz went to the library, sweetie." Mom says, as she pokes her head out of the kitchen. "Welcome home. Did you have a fun weekend?" Danny forced his smile into a large grin that he didn't feel entirely fit.

"It was a blast! Me and Tucker played Doomed while Sam quizzed me on the homework!"

"That's nice dear." she said with a polite smile. "Why don't you go upstairs and get cleaned up for dinner and you can tell your dad and me all about it?"

"Okay." Danny trotted up the stairs, ready for a hot shower to wash memories of white walls sprayed with green from his mind. At the top of the stairs his foot seemed to fall through the floor, which wouldn't have been surprising except that when he glanced down to pull it back up, the floor was encased in swirling, ectoplasmic green, and he shrieked in terror as he fell through. The last thing he heard before the portal closed was Jazz screaming his name.

Unlike going through the portal in the basement, this one makes his stomach feel like it's dropped out, and like he's being twisted and crushed like taffy, before it spits him out into a sterile, white walled, lab. The colour of the walls makes him feel like he's going to be sick, because the GIW had to have figured out how to get him back, and he couldn't handle that again so soon. Except that it's not quite the right white. There's streaks of dirt gathered in corners, and ruddy stains on the walls, and the GIW is nothing if not meticulous about their white. So it's not them.

An excited gasp grabs his attention, and he swivels his head towards it at the same time as he stumbles to his feet. There's a man in a lab coat, a symbol he doesn't recognise on the lapel, and it's further cemented that this is not the GIW. Because underneath that white -so white- lab coat, is street clothes. Not a pure white suit, but jeans and a sweater.

"It worked!" the man exclaims, in a heavily accented voice. "An interdimensional being, pulled to me by my own genius!" and, okay. This guy is just as crazy as any of the GIW scientists, if that particular glint in his eye is anything to go by. And he'd been called 'interdimensional', which meant that it might be okay to use his powers. His eyes lit up green.

"Send me back." he stated in as level of a voice as possible. This might not be GIW, but that didn't mean that he was safe. The man grinned.

"Ah," he started. "That is not yet something we can do. Or want to. You will be staying for observation." 'observation' his ass. If this turned out to be anything like the GIW 'observation' would quickly turn into experimentation. Danny clenched his fists.

"Send. Me. Back!" he shouted, a little bit of a wail entering his voice, causing the tables in the room to shake.

"My, aren't you an interesting specimen." a woman's voice, smooth and unaccented, and Danny swiveled his head in her direction, to see a woman with red hair tied into a bun, and a gun holstered at her hip under her white lab coat.

She made him uneasy, reminded him a little of Spectra, with her sharp smile and calculating eyes. Like Nurse K, and her easy demeanor as she strapped him to a table and electrified it. He kind of wanted to puke.

Instead, he went intangible, and threw himself at the nearest wall. A gunshot echoed behind him, and moments later the lights went red and an alarm blared through the building. He passed through another wall before going ghost, ignoring the pain from straining his core.

He made it through several more walls, the occasional gunshot echoing behind him, before his intangibility flickered out and he ran face first into the next one. He stumbled back, a hand going to his face instinctively, before he heard another gunshot, and pain ripped through his stomach. He gasped as he collapsed to his knees, eyes going blurry as he clamped his other hand to his left side. He glanced down at the slowly spreading green, and his vision flickered as he transformed back to human. Pain throbbed through him as the green was covered over by the red of his much faster moving blood. Hot, where his ectoplasm had been cold.

Suddenly there were hands all over him, pulling him to his feet, forcing his hands behind his back as something cold and metal was clipped around his neck. His vision blurred again, and he slumped in the grip of the hands on him as they closed, and everything went black.