Last Time:

A few moments later 3 bright flashes appeared when they disappeared out stepped the Three Fates "What is it you want mother?"

"Perseus over there." She said she pointed at me. When she did that you could hear the gulps taken from the Fates.

"Yes I have a question about my daughter. Why is her aura fading?"

"Well we don't know how she has it but to save her she needs to become a primordial."

"What do you mean you don't know you are the goddesses of fate!"

"Yes but we can't do that, only a primordial can do that."

"Fine be right back," I said angrily.


Artemis P.O.V

After I dropped off my Huntresses with my brother Apollo, to take to Camp Half-Blood, Zeus called a meeting.

"Artemis where is your brother?" Zeus asked flatly.

"He's taking my Huntress to the Greek camp" as I finish saying that Apollo flashes in and sits down on his chair.

"Now that everyone is here does anyone have a problem with their domains?" A lot of "No's" could be heard throughout the throne rooms and one "Yes" could be heard. "What's your problem Poseidon?"

"Oceanus is starting to attack Atlantis." He said calmly.

"Do you need any help brother?" Zeus asked. Zeus may act rude and mean to his brothers but he is just playing with them.

"No I think not. I should be fine but I will not be able to help in the war with our father sadly."

"Ok we should be able to make do without you."

"Also Artemis, what's your progress with your hunt for the Manticore?"

"Very well but I did encounter someone, Father."

"Who?" Zeus asked genuinely worried for his daughter's safety.

"I don't know but he killed the manticore before he killed me."

"Daughter HOW did he kill him?" Zeus asked nervously.

"He killed him by disintegration, also why can't we do that?" Zeus looks over at Poseidon with wide eyes.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Did he do anything else?"

"He told me to give a letter to Hestia and then he made a dark swirling object and stepped through it. What was it?"

"He might be back brother." Zeus said seriously to Poseidon.

"Yes he might be"

"Who is he?" Apollo asked.

"Well we know for a fact that it is a primordial at least, We are thinking that it's Perseus the Primordial of Peace, But we don't know for sure."

"Don't worry, you are right." Said a mysterious voice that seemed to come from throughout the throne"

"Perseus?" My Father asked, almost scared, because of the pure power radiating off of him.

"Yes?" Perseus asked questionaly.

"Where are you?"

"Right below you." Right there sitting at the hearth with Hestia.

"What are you doing here?" Zeus Interrogated Perseus.

"I came to talk to Hestia about something."

"About what?"

"About her Heritage."

"What about her…." Zeus said before stopping.

Third person P.O.V.

"You know Hera that's not nice." Perseus said.

"H-How?" Hera said weakly.

"What did you expect? I am a primeval. I am one the first beings in this universe so you're little tricks don't work on me. Now, we got that out of the way of any other questions?" There was one hand that went up and everyone looked over to the Wisdom goddess Athena "Yes Wisdom goddess?"

"What is your domain?"

"Ahhh did you not tell them Zeus?"

"Yes but not all of them." Zeus said dejectedly.

"Really wow you did not tell them? Ok so Primordals can but not likely have multiple Domains depending on their purpose."

"So what are yours."

"They are Primordial of Peace, Balance, Immortality, the Ancient Laws and Gravity, To your next question I can show the laws later. Any others while I am here?"

"Yes are you here to stay and help us win the war?"

"Yes…." a bunch of people got excited "...but No." then everyone deflated.

"WHY?" Everyone cried except for Hestia.

"Because the longer I stay on this planet the more unstable it can get."

"What do you mean by unstable?"

"The reason most of the Primordials are not on earth anymore is because our power is so great that we will kill Gaia and the mortals just by our full power alone, Not including our divine forms. That is why she never took her divine form because she would have called on the wrath of our mother and that's scarier than the Pit himself."

"How are you gonna help us then."

"I will personally be making one of the demi-gods my champion." Then before anyone can say anything about the last statement a silver glow started to come from Apollo.

"Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The Peaceful one shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand."

After that Apollo passed out.

AN: WOW it's been a long time. I am super sorry for the long unexpected hiatus but something came up and then I reworked the chapter then didn't like it then did it again and again but I am still alive and not dead yay! Also I got Conformation from TV Pickle Himself.