Weeeee! I basically wrote this for 3 people.. myself included XD If you've never seen Seaquest DSV, it's well worth the watch!

Just some timeframe info, Seaquest 2032 was the final season for that show, so I aged everyone up about 30 years :D

Hope yall enjoy this!


Gordon was practically vibrating in his seat as he waited for the final flight checks to be completed by Virgil. He could easily blame his jitters on the hastily chugged coffee as the alarms had sounded around the lounge, but he knew better. This wasn't a typical rescue.

This was legendary.

It was only made more so by the presence of John, also looking a little out of sorts in the seat behind their older brother. There were only a few things the red-head truly got excited about and today's rescue was one of those. The way he kept checking EOS' portable unit was a glaring tell.

The Seaquest was known by all aquanauts as the leading ocean vessel for exploration and research. The technology even came close to matching their own and Gordon was eager to get a chance to see her. If he was lucky, he might even earn himself a full tour after they rescued the research crew that had gone missing in one of the deeper trenches they were exploring.

He had questioned why the advanced sub would need Thunderbird 4's help considering all the tech they had, but then, that's why John had been eager to offer his services. The Seaquest had been hit by a virus, aggressive in nature and nearly crippling for the boat. Gordon could still see his brother's face when Captain Wolenczak had voiced his concerns with dealing with the attack.

The aquanaut only knew about Wolenczak's abilities as a computer genius because of their own resident genius' obsession with his work. John had been well into coding before it lead him to a few of the captain's works. After that, he lived in those documents, going to as many conferences featuring Wolenczak as possible. To date, however, Gordon was sure his brother had never actually spoken to the man.

With a grin, he turned in his seat as Thunderbird 2 finally pulled forward. "You gonna be okay, John? Don't need you fainting when we get there."

Per usual, John didn't take the bait, but there was a noticeable tension in his shoulders that almost made Gordon want to laugh. "I'm fine, Gordon." And, apparently, two could play at this game. "You just better be ready to show the crew how well you can handle your own sub."

Gordon's smile faltered slightly at the weight dropped onto him and he swore he could see the hint of a grin on the astronaut's face. He had his own reasons for admiring the captain. One of which was the man's personal craft that could outmaneuver just about every small water craft out there. Except, maybe his 'bird, but that had never been tested. The idea of racing the elder man sent his stomach in knots.

"Alright, you two," Virgil warned, already aware of where his brothers might go with their quips given the chance. "Gordon turn around. You two just focus on getting that submarine up and running and finding those scientists."

"FAB, mom." Gordon pulled on another smile, turning to see the bright blue sky, Tb2's nose aimed to launch them towards their next rescue. The youngest should have known better, but his brothers were just too easy to mess with sometimes. Timing had been his mistake, registering too slow the mischievous glint in Virgil's eyes as he ignited the jets, sending the green behemoth into the sky at a rate he knew Gordon greatly disliked.

When his stomach finally righted itself, he released the armrests and sent an annoyed glare in the engineer's direction. "Not cool."

Both brothers laughed, John's much more subtle, but still present. Virgil keyed in their destination, offering a semi-apologetic grin. "Hey, figured you two might like to get there sooner rather than later."

"Yeah, well, I think we left my stomach back on the island." Gordon let out a breath, allowing a smile to find it's way back. "But I'm sure John appreciates it. Ready to show EOS to the captain and all."

"Gordon," John's tone warned of an impending comeback if he wasn't careful. "You know I can't just parade her around like that."

"Why not?" EOS questioned, her voice small from the box in his lap. "I've read all about Lucas Wolenczak and his work with artificial intelligence. I would love to meet him."

A halfhearted grumble sounded from the astronaut and Gordon could guess that he wanted to introduce the two just as much. EOS was a phenomenal advancement into the world of self aware AI. Why wouldn't he want to show her off to another who had worked in the same field and may have had a hand in her creation? But there would always be a risk to alerting people about the companion, especially someone as skilled as the captain of Seaquest.

Gordon felt a pang of guilt for the jab, knowing how much he would like to show off Thunderbird 4. The situations were slightly different, but at the same time, would it be dangerous to allow the crew near their technology?

Deciding to drop the topic, Gordon pulled up a view of the trench location, wondering just what today would bring. Optimism seemed the best course and he let himself focus on the chance to pilot his 'bird for a crew he admired. Given the chance years ago, he might have put in an application to join them.

That was a thought. What would life have been like if he'd never joined his brothers? Now that he had his own sub, would Seaquest live up to the hype he'd given her? Rules and regulations, but all the time to research the undersea world he could easily lose himself in for hours. International rescue didn't really leave a lot of time for some of the things he enjoyed, but it did offer so much he would never want to lose. Saving lives seemed like a good trade off. And if pressed on the issue, Scott would give him a week or two to delve into his own research at the bottom of the sea. After this rescue, he might have to request just that.


As far as bad days went, this one ranked pretty high up there. Lucas had sequestered himself to his quarters with explicit instructions not to be disturbed unless it was by one of his programming team.

Each member was currently trying to isolate the aggressive virus as it ran rampant through their systems. The ship was quickly succumbing - life support functional only because he had barricaded it once he realized what was happening - and with the research sub still not responding, they'd been forced to contact outside help.

Lucas had only heard stories of the rescue team's efforts and been intrigued, but Seaquest had just about everything it could need. There had never been reason to invite International rescue down.

"First time for everything," he spoke to no one in particular, keying in another string of code as he caught the tail end of the virus. It didn't help that he was out of practice. Captaining the Seaquest had been a dream he was in his fifth year of living, but it came with a constant need to monitor her crew and all the assignments she'd been given. On top of that were a plethora of diplomatic conferences, all of which pulled at his resolve.

Blue eyes, rimmed with wrinkles flicked to the picture on his desk, softening with the desire to speak to the man long since passed. Bridger had been his lifeline, a voice to listen to as he had climbed the ranks from ensign to commander. Even though he'd never made it to see Lucas reach his own command, Bridger had never doubted the possibility.

A knock sounded off the door to his room and it pushed open before he could respond. Lucas didn't need to look up to know who it was. Only one person aboard his ship would be willing to ignore his instructions.

"Hey, Captain," Tony stepped in, considerate enough to at least use the proper rank. The man, appearing twenty years younger due to the side effects of his genetic experimentation, had a look of pure excitement on his face.

"What is it, Tony?" Lucas questioned, returning to his task.

"I know, bad time, but uh, I was wonderin'." There was an air of giddiness to the man's tone that made him look up again. When their eyes met, Lucas could see that same, energy-charged youth he'd met so long ago.

"Go ahead?" He couldn't help the slight smile, urging his friend to continue.

"If uh, if International rescue allows…" a sheepish chuckle betrayed him.

Lucas could relate, already aware of what Tony was asking. "You'd like to go with them to find Dr. Levine and the others?"

"Yes, please." Tony grinned, unable to control his excitement even in a crisis.

An alarm from his console drew Lucas back to his own crisis, but he knew better than to leave his friend in a lurch. "If International rescue approves, you're clear to assist."

"Understood," Tony beamed before backing his way out of the room, leaving his captain to continue trying to secure the ship. With any luck, and the help of the rescue team, the day might end on a happier note.


It took an hour to reach the location and another half to bring Thunderbird 4 to the depths where Seaquest lay, waiting in the dull lighting of her failing systems. Gordon couldn't help admiring her mammoth structure and the organic coating that made her blend in so well with the environment. John, beside him, peered through the front as well, both brothers watching as a hatch slowly opened in her side as crew manually worked at the machinery.

"Holy cow… This is actually happening." Gordon whispered, eyes unblinking as he propelled Thunderbird 4 towards the opening.

"Steady, little brother," John warned, but he could hear the same restrained awe. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and they both knew what it meant for the other.

Gordon's eyes followed the inner workings of the launch bay, finding the vacant hatch he and John would be using. His lips thinned as he debated the best way to anchor them, deciding on the moderately awkward nose up, tube connection. Getting out would be easy. Back in, not so much.

They were more than happy to work with the angle as they made their way into the ship, a pair of crewmembers waiting to help them up and through another hatch. Gordon offered his best smile, which was easily encouraged by his own excitement.

They were met by a small group, one of which was an elder man, salt and pepper hair tucked under a captain's hat, a well kempt beard trimmed short. If it weren't for the insignia and John's sudden grip on his arm, Gordon might not have guessed who was standing before them.

"Welcome aboard the Seaquest, gentlemen," Captain Wolenczak greeted and there was a hint of relief in his voice.

When John didn't offer to respond, Gordon stepped forward, taking the Captain's hand. "Glad to be of assistance. My name's Gordon and this is John." He gestured to his brother who, other than the silence, looked calm and collected. The blonde knew better and continued. "He's our current expert on all things computery."

A grunt of annoyance sounded behind him as he felt the chime of victory. "I've brought some equipment to help take care of your intruder." John offered after finding his voice.

"Fantastic," Wolenczak regarded the red-head before gesturing to a man on his left. "This is Lieutenant Piccolo, my head security officer. If it's alright with you, he would like to accompany you during the rescue."

There was a moment of hesitation in the aquanaut's gut, one set there by older brothers who were slow to trust those they didn't know. Gordon, however, was more than willing to push the concern away, offering an encouraging grin. "I'd be glad to have some company. I'm pretty sure your people wouldn't mind seeing a familiar face."

Piccolo returned the smile and Gordon could see the same eagerness he felt at being aboard the Seaquest.

"Alright," the captain turned his attention to John. "John, you can follow me and we'll get started on my ship. Lieutenant?" The younger man turned upon being questioned. "Behave."

"Aye-aye, captain," and Gordon could hear the knowing amusement that he offered up to his older brothers whenever his actions were under scrutiny. Whoever the lieutenant was, the aquanaut was certain they were going to get along swimmingly.

"After you," Piccolo instructed once the Captain and John started off towards the exit.

"Won't you need gear?" Gordon felt silly asking, but his was needed for the victims.

"My uniform is equipped with an ion shield to combat the pressure for a short period of time." He tapped at an icon on his collar. "As long as we don't end up in the water too long I'll be fine."

A brow querked as the blond took in the thin material of the uniform. "That thing have a built in air tank too?"

Tony's grin widened with mischief. "Don't need one." His finger hooked into a removable patch of material over his ribs and lifted it. "Gills, see?"

"Tony…" Captain Wolenczak's voice called in mild warning from the hatch where he'd stopped.

Gordon was deaf to the conversation as he stared at the thin lines that twitched as the lieutenant spoke. His eyes grew wide and immediately darted to John, pleading a request that his mouth just wouldn't ask.

"No." John's answer was dry and definite.

"But-" he spluttered, excitement welling up in his chest and causing him to bounce on the spot. "Gills, Johnnie! Breathing underwater!"

"Sorry, kid," Piccolo cut in with a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, turning him back into the launch bay. "They quit giving these out over thirty years ago."

Thirty years? Through the fog of elation, something about that fact snagged in his brain. The lieutenant didn't look much older than Scott. There was no way they were giving gills out to ten year olds.

"Wait, what?" He asked, clearing his heart from his throat. "You don't look that old."

"Ah, ya, the genetic manipulation messed with my aging." The lieutenant answered as Gordon descended into Thunderbird 4. "Fifty-seven with the gorgeous looks of a forty year old."

Gordon was still hung up on the fact that a human could have gills, much less have a reduced cellular breakdown. He had so many questions, but training told him to focus on the rescue. There would be time later to discuss the how's and why's.

"Hang tight," Gordon partially joked as they made it into the back of Thunderbird 4. He climbed up into the cockpit while the lieutenant took hold of a handrail, letting himself hang in the open space until Gordon could retract the docking tube and right his 'bird.

"That was interesting," Piccolo offered as he straightened and made his way into the smaller area.

Gordon chuckled, "Imagine what it'll be like once we have a bunch of passengers in the back."

The older man groaned, "Not just any passengers. Scientists."

They both groaned, amused with each other as they took the submarine out of the launch bay and into the dark ocean