Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or the characters. I own nothing here except for the plot


A scoop of beans, and a slice of bread with a warm beer can. Peter glanced at the mushy goop that was food. Food- his breakfast for the day. He sighed and wandered to sit on the corner of the hall. Energy, he needed food to live. Living after the destruction of Thanos was hell. Food and water were scarce. Everyone had to get by on what they have. The young man didn't want to complain, but it all tasted awful.

People were chattering around him in the dim hall. Sometimes he would nod to some familiar faces. It was a slow day.


He glanced at the direction of the voice. "Miles?"

A dark-skinned skinny prepubescent boy hopped towards him. He was also carrying his own plate of food. The boy was one of the few people he had gotten close in the base. He made space for the boy to sit.

"I've heard from my uncle that you took down 20 Blues," Miles rejoiced excitedly. Peter could only wince remembering his last mission. It had been a month already.

Flash was still recovering from his injuries.

"Aaron's exaggerating, you know him," he tried to brush it off.

"One day, I'll join you guys. I'm gonna be like you. I'm gonna beat those aliens like Captain America- an Avenger."

Peter choked upon hearing Miles' proclamation. It was weird to hear such conviction from a 12-year-old. At this age, Peter remembered going to science camps and playing games. He with Ben and May would spend nights watching Star Wars every Friday's. Normal. He clenched his fist tight- Ben and May.

"An Avenger?" Peter wondered. It had been a long time since the Avengers existed.

"Yeah, didn't Captain America say were all Avengers? I heard him say it. But my mom covered my eyes, so I didn't see him. So I'm gonna be an Avenger! Who's your favorite Avenger?"


New York was the first city that the Titan and the Blues invaded. Peter could still remember that morning and how...

"It's been a long time, kid," he murmured with longing.

"I told you mine, you should tell me yours," Miles pleaded to the older teen. He clasped his hands for Peter to see.

"You're not gonna let go, are you?"

Miles nodded to Peter.

"Iron Man. He was my favorite Avenger. Tony Stark was so cool, and he saved my life once. Yeah, he's my favorite."

"Wasn't he the first...?"

"Yeah, he was the first."

Silence followed them as they continued their meals. Miles kept on fidgeting as he chewed his bread. The boy was restless.

"Hey, Peter? When do you think I could join you? Because dad and mom wouldn't tell me," the boy pouted. The older teen placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"There. There are things that you could do here, Miles. You're still 12. Leave the fighting to us..."

"Not you too. Uncle Aaron told me to stay here. You know, I could do more out there. I got the best scores in the fighting class!"

"Out there is different, Miles. It's different from your classes. Your family is just looking out for you," Peter consoled Miles. They were silent for a while as they ate their meals.

Miles stopped. "But I wanted to help... Why can't I help, Pete...?"

"You're already helping. Not everything is about going out there and killing those bastards. You are still young Miles, okay?"

"Okay... I get it."

"You're a good kid, Miles. But fighting is different."

The boy looked down almost- crying. Peter's heart ached. No. He shouldn't. Aaron was going to kill him.

"How about this, I'll teach you some of my trade. But," the teen started. Miles' eyes lit up.

"Really! Cool!" Miles felt excited. "Sure?"

"But it's a secret. You're dad and uncle will kill me if they knew. I'm not saying that they'll let you go. It'll be another skill to show them you're prepared."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, secret?"

"Secret. I'm not gonna tell anyone. Promise. I'll be a good student."

"Good. Come on, let's finish our meals."

Miles made a vomiting action. Peter laughed it off.

The two continued eating. More people were coming in to dine in the hall. Peter knew, too well, Miles' feelings. It was familiar, the need to fight against these bastard aliens burned inside them all.

"Parker! Peter Parker! Toomes called for you!"

Mark was yelling for the older teen. Peter glanced at the man and his plate- finished. Meanwhile, Miles looked at the exchange with curiosity.

"I'm sorry, Miles. I gotta go," Peter said his goodbyes. His hand went to the boy's head. "Take care, okay? And keep it a secret."

Miles nodded his head.

"Parker, hurry up!"

Peter rushed to place his utensils in the make-shift sink of the hall. Looking back at Miles, the teen gave the boy one last wave. From afar- he didn't notice the glint of determination from the boy's eyes.

Lila was beginning to hate New York's subway tunnel. It was smelly, dirty, and full of rodents. The past month of hunting down the secret base was turning hopeless. The destruction caused by the first invasion had damaged some of the tunnels. Several of the landmarks in the map were gone from the streets and view. Deadend. There was a caved in.

Ditmas Ave.

The exit where her map said it should be was not there.

"Fuck, where the hell is it!" Lila cursed for the tenth time of that day. Squeak- the rats scrambled away from her position.

She took out a pen from her utility belt and marked the map. The city of New York was too big. One-fourth, she still hadn't reached one-fourth of the area. Just Brooklyn.

"Calm down, Lila," she focused on. "What did dad taught you? Calm down and think."

She glanced back at the map in her hands. Then she took out another chart of New York from her knapsack. Internment camps, farms, barracks, and the Kree headquarters secured the place. The Kree had taken control the whole of Manhattan.

Then she noticed the parts in Queens and Brooklyn. Various freedom fighters had holed in these cities. But. They were not her concern. Her encounter with them was scarce for this month. Right now, she was under Ditmas Ave searching.

An idea popped into her head.

"Navy, navy, navy yard," Lila beamed excitedly. She circled the red mark. If she was correct, underneath an unregistered SHIELD warehouse was a bunker. The place was crawling with Kree. But something was telling her that it was her best shot locating the hidden SHIELD base.

Tonight- she'll be preparing her arrows. The Kree were arrogant, and they'd never see her coming.

"Tonight we'll be heading a raid in Brooklyn's Navy Yard," Toomes explained to the everyone in the room. His hand pointed the site on the map. Everyone focused on at the spot. "You know your places, roles, and the plan. This is our chance. We'll depart from the base at 14:00 to scout first. This will be difficult, everything always is. But we're ready, we can do this! Will kill these fucking aliens!"

This was it.

Peter glanced at the faces of the people with him. Anger, determination, and fire blazed on everyone's face. They were all ready.

Then somebody spoke up.



Peter joined in the chanting. Tonight there's hope for them.

The Kree were scrambling to positions. Something was coming for them. Boom! Scarlet energies grabbed them. It was squeezing them out. All they felt were intense pain. It was just like the reports said- pop!

Blood splayed over the blazing streets of Vilnius.

The galaxy was tremendous, wild, and they had conquered it. But. This cold backwater land they had taken was crumbling them down. The battalion stationed at the plaza felt fear. Kree never felt fear, it was immediately beaten out of them.

But they trembled to look over the corpse of their comrades. Their machines up in the air and the buildings around them were burning in a fire. The scarlet energy earlier ruined it all.

"In your positions! Fire at will!" A Kree commander shouted. They must survive, they were Kree warriors.

Silver blurred around them.

Before they could fire down- their heads were cleanly cut off. The commander could only stare at the heads of her soldiers. Then she felt it. A cold, sharp blade was directly on her throat.

She grabbed the hand of her attacker. Air.

A tap- she turned to punch again, nothing.

Only silver.

"Pietro, play nice."

"But look at its face, sister."

It, they called her an 'it.' They were mocking her. She, a Kree commander. These lesser beings were laughing at her. Mocking. Rage was exploding in her veins.

"We must finish this within time. We have another session, brother."

"Of course, of course. In a second."

Before her mind could register anything. She was watching her body flowing with blood without her head on it.

Stephen examined the plans once more. They're ready. Days of gathering intel and training the resistance were coming to fruition. Before their signal cut off, alarming news was coming through Europe. Sokovia was expelling the Kree and had expanded over Belarus and Lithuania.

Whatever weapon they had, it was effective.


New York, no, the world needed those weapons.

Wanda didn't like the filthy stares the men always gave her. Pietro walked by her side. As much as they wanted to kill them, they couldn't. Not yet. The scientists glanced at the twins over.

"Pietro... something..."

"Ignore them, sister. They are nothing," her brother remarked boldly.

Weapons, not humans.

She didn't need her powers to know what were they thinking again.

"Strap them in," Dr. List commanded. He jotted down more notes.

The guards strong-armed the twins apart from each other. It was a routine for them. In the last few weeks, the experimentation was becoming more frequent. Their bodies were being enhanced, stretching their limits.

"Prepare Bagrov and Lowell," the doctor ordered. "Strap them in also."

Several wires and cables were meticulously attached to the participants. The twins were on the right, and the other participants were on their left, facing them. Wanda noticed that she was being linked to the man in front of her- a scientist working for List.

Dr. List walked to the middle of the room, looking at his subjects. Baron Von Strucker was sitting, listening to the scientist. A breakthrough that surpassed Captain America, the Twins were in their grasp finally. Hydra had gotten it's due.

"Herr Strucker, the bodies of the weapons as instructed was considerably enhanced. Today we will witness another miracle. It is not the body, but the mind. Our brains have the potential to do something more. No, it is not Aldritch Killian's Extremis Herr Strucker. It is something more."

Dr. List was smiling. It was the most important discovery he had for a long time. The commander's challenge had aroused his scientific mind. There would be a miracle. Miracle. Today it would all come to fruition.

"Spare me the details, doctor. Show me," Baron Von Strucker urged.

"Of course."

The scepter-

It glowed as the doctor took it and placed it to a contraption. Wanda glanced at her brother. The familiar hum of power was singing to her. She could see Pietro felt it too.

"Let us start..."

A great wave of electricity surged through them. Screaming, someone was screaming. Scarlet and silver began to bleed through the twins. Opposite. Opposite to them were the other subjects screaming in agony.

Wanda's mind began to break- memories. Hundreds of memories that were not hers flowed through her mind. Knowledge and information crammed into her brain, trying to fill her exhausted mind.

She was passing out.

"Is that it doctor?" Wanda could hear them talking.

"Not yet. Bring in the others, replace Bagrov and Lowell."

Another set of people were immediately brought in. Strapped in, wired, and the electricity came again and again. Wanda could feel her mind bursting. Her eyes were blanking in pain.

Flinching, she could feel something in her nape fizzled out.

Electricity surged one more time. Scarlet and silver permeated within the room. It was mixing with the dormant power in the chamber. Trapped.







Their minds- trapped in this endless torture.

Peter moved with the rest of the resistance cautiously in the dark. Water had dried out from the sewage. The place was the home of rodents and pest. Splat- the teen looked down. Cockroach. Science was right, cockroaches were going to outlive them.

"See something, Peter?" Betty asked him. She was holding her modified alien rifle tight. The others stopped. Cautious. They gripped their bags close.

"Nothing," he replied. "I just stepped on Earth's overlords."

Betty frowned at him. "Overlords?"

"Cockroaches, hey did you know that they'll..." Peter halted upon seeing Betty's lips curl down.


"A few more yards we're near the exit up north."

Her head turned to the direction he pointed out. They were near their positions. Their assigned task was simple, it was to cause mayhem. And explosions were the best distraction. It was the whole group's niche. Bombs and IEDs.

She nodded towards him. "Alright, let's get going..."

The East River was cold. Lila breathed a sigh of relief as she hid in the dark. Crossing the Wallabout Channel without alerting a single Kree was challenging. And. She rose from it.

Light. Lila immediately put on her diving mask and submerged herself into the water. She held her breath freefalling to the depth of the channel.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

She dived up again. The patrol ship was now leaving the area. Her camouflaged blended her to her surroundings. Dark. She checked her equipment. Arrows. Bow. Knives. Bombs. Grapplers. And her waterproof knapsack.

The warehouse was a few meters away from her. Lila went to work her way to it.

"Is this the place?" Robert asked. The man was one of the snipers with them. He was alert. Nothing. No one was in the area.

"Yeah, it's an Oscorp chem lab," Peter answered. He swung his rifle to his right arm.

The place was grimy and dilapidated. It was lucky that it survived from the first wave of invasion. Cobwebs, broken glasses, plastics, and chemicals were in disarray. They carefully moved in the dark.

"Are there, spiders? I hate spiders," Betty spoke up with disgust. She stepped on some spider eggs. Several other people nodded in agreement with her.

"Hey, spiders are cool. Jumping spiders can jump up 40 times their own body length. If a human does that," Peter raved at Betty. "They'll be able to jump over 230 feet."

"And we're all humans. Let's get to work," she frowned at him.


Peter moved deeper to the lab while the others slithered out the building. He and some selected members were going to plant bombs all over the district. The snipers then would take their position on the other side, waiting and guarding.

30 minutes.

That was their window of opportunity. Peter looked at the chemicals in the room. There were cobwebs all over the place covering big drums of chemicals. It was enough to fuel for the whole building to burn through the night. Jackpot. He opened his bags and began to set up the IEDs.

"Okay, I'll need something loud. Hmmm, let's see," the teen contemplated his options.

He picked up some wires and tubes. Glancing again at his materials, he grinned.

"I got it."

It took him 15 minutes to finish up the IEDs. He then spent another 5 minutes, placing them in areas of high effectivity. Done. Peter wrapped up his things before the timer went off. Peter didn't notice a brightly colored spider crawling and hiding in his bag minutes earlier.

Sprinting, he went out.

Tonight was their chance. Now, he was ready for the second part of the plan. He nudged his bag on his shoulders and prepared his rifle.

7 minutes.

He breathed in and exhaled.

4 minutes.

Everyone was out of the buildings.

1 minute.

Peter hid. And. The spider crawled out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! The whole block of buildings was blazing in a fire. And the Kree were coming.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: The survivors of post-Thanos would be 'random' at best. And, yes. I added Miles Morales. Yes, I do have plans for Strange. Maybe in the next two chapters, most of the characters would meet up. Possibly...

Yeah, your reviews on the chapter too.