A/n: Alright guys so this story will have a lot of mature things here so I'm warning you guys now if your uncomfortable turn back now. Also there is strong language as well. This is your warning for the rest story thanks.

Chapter 1

The newest craze at Domino High was a small game, a tamagotchi. Everyone was playing it, sharing their pets and having them meet or sometimes even battle. Yami was leaning in the hallway alone, fumbling the keychain his own pet was hanging on. He found it quite curious this new trend, but he loved games just a bit too much to pass up on it. He watched the little animation pass the screen, and remembered all the small pets that it had battled to become this strong. It made him a bit proud though he wouldn't dare show it. He didn't have many friends around the school, but there were two others that just would not let him alone, no matter what how he tried to push them away. One of them was Yugi. His precious little Yugi, that he would protect at all costs. The boy that was connected to his Millennium Puzzle through some kind of fate. The other was a girl. Yami cocked his eyebrow a bit, as a flashing animation showed him that someone was requesting a meet up. He looked up and around to the source, and spotted the girl down the hall.

The girl he was his friend not caring how many times Yami tried to push her away, the girl couldn't stay away there was something about Yami that was so mysterious. Dawn smiled as she finally made it to him, "Good you stop I was hoping that me and you can do a pet exchange Yami" she smiled softly at him. Yami's eyes narrowed. Why couldn't she just let him alone? He hated how she followed him around, constantly pestering him about every new fad. He had thought to have made it very clear that he did not want this kind of attention, but apparently not. "Why would I?" He bounced himself off the wall, turning to walk away. Dawn looked at him, "Please Yami I just want to see what happens that's all I ask." Yami skin was itching with the desire to tell her off again, but for some god forsaken reason he didn't. He turned on his heel, a grin on his face and a spark in his eye. He leaned forward and spoke to her from a low angle. "Let's make this a game then. I win and you leave me alone; you win and you get your exchange." He shrugged lightly but the grin was unwavering. Dawn smirked, "Sure I'll play because I never back down from a game"

Yami raised his eyebrows. She was actually interested? The grin quickly fell back onto his face, this would be fun then. "Okay, the rules are quite simple", he said as he straightend his back. He held two fingers in front of him. "I will think of an object and you get 20 questions to guess what I am thinking of. The catch is I can only answer Yes or No. Fail to guess, and you lose." Dawn nods, "I agree to the rules so let us begin." "Ask away. I have an object picked out." He nodded. Dawn knew how this game worked. "Okay does the object have to do with games?" A nod. "Yes." Well that shorten the list of what could it be. "Alright question 2 does the object have to do with puzzle games." "No." He shook his head, a smile playing at his lips. Dawn thought for a moment, "Okay what about board games?" He shook his head again. "No. 16 more to go."

Dawn sighed she knew it was for a game. "Wait is the object the game itself." "Yes.", his eyes narrowed, she was getting there. "More specific. What game am I thinking of?" So it was actually a game itself, "Is it a digital game?" "Yes again.", he answered. How was she getting close, this was not supposed to go this way. Wait the answer was right in front of her the whole time how could she not see that, "Wow Yami this was fun but it's the game we are playing right now the digital pets the tamagotchi." His eyes widened. This was a first. The first time anyone had ever beat him. "Yes. Yes, it is.", he growled, pulling out the small gadget. He just wanted get this over with. How could she have guessed it? The obvious answers were always last one people thought of, why not her? His eyes narrowed again, slightly flashing in crimson. "I'll uphold my end of the bargain." Dawn smiled in victory she actually beat him, that made her so happy. She got out her digital pet and smiled, "Good because I won fair and square."

They made their little pets meet, Yami looking on annoyed. His strong and proud pet had to share its space with a tiny, weak creature. He didn't like it one bit, and his mind wandered back to their game again, how had she done it? He didn't have any tells, right? His poker face was impeccable, he was quite proud of it. His eyes glowed a deep red when he finally squeezed out the question: "How did you know?"

Her creature wasn't weak it Was sharing its kindness with Yami's and not even knowing that her pet was a reflection of herself, a little heart appeared on hers. "What do you how did I know? I know you like game so that was the first question I ask then it became of process of elimination until the answer was obvious."

Yami pressed his lips together. That was not the answer he had hoped for... Oh, what, hoped for! He hoped for her to finally leave nothing else! When the small animation has finally over, Yami pocketed his pet again and turned around without another word, walking away. Dawn watch him and frowned she looked at her pet and saw hearts. Dawn herself blushed, "No I don't like him he'll never like me or you. I mean come on he only cares about Yugi." She walked past one of the most dangerous guys in the school and saw their exchange. Yami walked up to the roof top. He frown was deepening at every step he took. He was annoyed. Why did he suddenly care? His pants fumbled the pet in his pocket, and when he had reached the roof he finally pulled it out again. Looking down at the once proud monster that had turned into a dancing fool, his grip tightened. "Fuck!", he yelled and threw his pet at the floor, shattering it into a hundred pieces.