This is Berk, an island in the archipelago sea. A Viking village raided by dragons and any other enemy tribes. Chief Stoick and Valka had just gotten married at nineteen years old.

Stoick smiles at Valka "want to try for baby?"

Valka smiles "sure."

Stoick carries Valka to their bedroom to consummate their wedding in front of six witnesses.

Two months later, Valka wakes up and runs to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet.

Stoick gets up and goes check on her. He ask her "are you okay?"

Valka sighs "it must have been the dinner."

Stoick sighs "maybe you should go see Gothic?"

Valka smiles "maybe your right."

Stoick leaves the house to go run the village. While Valka leaves to go visit Gothic.

Gothic runs a test on Valka and smiles drawing a heart on Valka's stomach.

Valka smirks to herself while rubbing her stomach. She leaves to go find Stoick and tell him their going to have a baby.

Stoick was checking on the fishermen that were getting ready to leave catch fish to stock up for winter.

Valka ran down to the docks to tell Stoick the good news.

Stoick turns around to see Valka and ask "are you feeling better?"

Valka smiles "Stoick, we're going to have a baby. I'm pregnant!"

Stoick gaped at the news then hugs her gently giving her a kiss and rubs her stomach.

Stoick and Valka walk up the ramp to go announced the news to the village.

Valka smiles "I hope we have boy."

Stoick smiles "a boy that's stronger than any Viking around here."

Valka leaves to go visit her best friend Ingrid Hofferson. They were like sisters.

Stoick check Bucket who takes care of his sheep.

Night time came and everyone headed to the great hall for dinner.

As everyone took their seat Stoick yells for their attention. Everyone stops talking to hear what their Chief has to say.

Stoick smiles "everyone "I would like to announce that this morning, my wife Valka, your chieftess has told me that she's pregnant with our child." Everyone toasted to Stoick and Valka having a baby.

While everyone was celebrating the news of Valka being pregnant, the warning bell rings signaling dragon attack. Bucket runs in and yells "dragon raid!" Stoick and the villagers run out of the hall to defend the village. Valka tries to sedate any dragon that she faces.

Stoick ask "what do we got?"

Spitelout yells "monstrous nightmares, deadly Nadder, gronckles, hideous zippleback and terrible terrors."

Stoick ask "any Nightfuries?"

Spitelout shakes his head no "none so fa-"


"Get down!"

Nightfury blast a catapult to pieces.

Villagers fight off the dragons. Bulch hits a Gronckle with a bolo.

Stoick hits a Monstrous nightmare with his axe.

Valka tries calming down a deadly Nadder with her hands. A Viking charges at the Deadly Nadder causing it to spin wracking Valka in stomach with its tail.

The dragons leave with their kill while others were caught and killed or captured.

Ingrid assist Valka to Gothic after seeing Valka holding her stomach.

Gothic place her hand on Valka's stomach and to sense the heart beat but feels nothing and shakes her head no. Ingrid hugs her best friend's shoulder while Valka cries over losing the baby.

After Stoick gets review of the loses, he looks for his wife Valka. He checks around the village when Ingrid runs up to him and says "your needed at Gothic now!"

Stoick follows Ingrid to Gothic's hut to see Valka sitting on the bed with her head in her hands and ask "sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Valka sighs "I lost the baby!"

Stoick sighs wrapping his arms around her back "it's okay, sweetheart, we can try again in the future. It's no reason to get upset over losing the baby."

Valka cries "I lost it from getting hit by Deadly Nadder tail!"

Stoick sighs "it's okay dear, maybe Odin says it's not the right time to have a baby. We can try later in the future."

Valka smiles at him and they leave Gothic's hut heading back home.

Four months later, Stoick gathered some of the men to search for the nest.

Spitelout whines "those ships never come back!"

Stoick gumbles "if we don't end them, they'll end us. Now who's with me?"

The men cheer "lets go find the nest!"

The Vikings load the ships with catapults and weapons to hunt for the nest.

Stoick oversees the loading when Valka walks down to the docks for something. He ask "Val, what's wrong?"

Valka smiles "nothing's wrong. I just came to see you off to go search for the nest and to tell you come back to us safely."

Stoick smiles "you know I'll come back to you all."

Valka kisses him and waves bye to him and heads back up the ramp to the village to see Ingrid.

Ingrid walks up to her and ask "did you tell him?"

Valka sighs "I hinted that I was pregnant after miscarriage, but he missed it."

Ingrid smiles "well me and Alistair are trying for a baby as well."

Valka smiles "good for you two."

Ingrid smirks "so are the Jorgensons, Ingermens, Thorstons."

Valka sighs "did your husband go with them as well?"

Ingrid sighs "yeah, he went with them."

Valka sighs "they'll be fine out there."

Ingrid smiles "I sure hope so. I can't imagine continuing on without Alistair."

Valka sighs "same here."

They walk to the great Hall to sit and chat with other girls.

Mrs. Thorston was talking to Mrs. Ingerman and Mrs. Jorgenson.

Valka ask "how have you three been?"

Mrs. Thorston smiles "we are doing good. Just worry about this never ending dragon war."

Mrs. Jorgenson laughs "thinking about the enjoyment of becoming a mom in the future."

Ingrid smiles "yep, having a son or daughter is the best."

One month later

Valka was taking caution due to being pregnant. Ingrid walks up to her and says "guess what?"

Valka smirks "what has you all excited?"

Ingrid smiles "I'm pregnant!"

Valka smiles "well if they don't find the nest, then Alistair will be happy to come home and find out his wife is pregnant."

Ingrid smiles "I'm hoping for daughter the first time and a son the second time."

Valka smiles "I'm hoping for a boy first."

Ingrid sighs "I heard Avila was hoping to have boy as well."

The blast horn blew signaling that the guys are back.

Valka and Ingrid walk with the rest of the villagers to welcome the warriors back. Stoick steps off the boat frustrated that they couldn't find the nest. Valka ask "did you have any luck finding the nest?"

Stoick sighs "no we got attacked when we began entering the helhem's gate."

Valka smiles "how about we celebrate me and Ingrid being happy?"

Stoick sighs "what could we celebrate? And why does your stomach stick out little?"

Valka smiles "well dear, I'm pregnant along with Ingrid."

Stoick lifts her up and spins her around with joy. Valka giggles at his antics. He sets her down and kisses her lips, then rubs her stomach. "Our baby will be the heir to Berk."

Valka sighs "I hope we don't lose our baby like last two miscarriages."

Next thing they hear is Alistair yelling "YOUR PREGNANT WITH OUR FIRST CHILD! I'M SO HAPPY!" Valka giggles at Alistair reaction.

Stoick smiles "I take it Ingrid's pregnant as well?"

Valka smiles "yes and she hopes to have a daughter."

Stoick and the villagers celebrate Valka and Ingrid becoming pregnant.

Night time came and men and women celebrated Valka and Ingrid drinking mead except Valka and Ingrid. They had water since being pregnant. Telling jokes about nonsense or heard something funny.

Spitelout and Avila left walking home drunk. Avila change into her night gown. Spitelout smiles "how about we try for a baby?" Avila kisses him. They proceed to make love.

Fishermen and his wife left drunk to go home and without sense made drunk love.

Thorston did the same without a thought.

Next morning everyone was waking up with a heavy headache and hangovers. Some woke up naked in bed with their wives and no memory of making passionate love last night.

After having breakfast breakfast, Valka decides to stitch a stuff Deadly Nadder toy together for her baby.

Stoick decides to spend the day with his wife doing laundry and cleaning the house. After cleaning the house and doing the laundry, Stoick builds a crib for their baby when it's time.

Alistair decides to spend the day with Ingrid.

Two days later, Stoick returned to chieftain duty. He visit his best friend Gobber, their village blacksmith.

Gobber smiles "are you looking forward to becoming a father?"

Stoick smiles "very much, but I don't know how to raise a baby."

Gobber smiles "take it one day at a time, Stoick."

Stoick nods his head and patted him on the back and checks on the villagers to see how the village is running.

Two months later Mrs. Thorston, Mrs. Ingerman and Avila Jorgenson were hanging out with Valka and Ingrid.

Avila announced that she's pregnant. The other share gossip about the villagers.

Mrs. Ingerman ask Mrs. Thorston, didn't you and your husband make love two months ago?"

Mrs. Thorston smiles "yes, but I drank the moon tea so I don't become pregnant."

Mrs. Ingerman smiles "same with me, I'm not ready for a baby yet."

The girls go home to be with their husbands. The men was returning back from work. Since it was sunset and the day was ending quickly. Valka prepare dinner. Stoick walked inside the house to see Valka preparing dinner and decides to join her in making dinner.

As the days go on Valka's stomach was continuing growing big. Ingrid's stomach was growing slowly. Her baby would be a month younger than her own. As the village was at peace until the blast horn blew signaling dragon raid.

Valka, Ingrid and Avila stay in the great hall with women, children and elderly. The rest grab their weapons and begin fighting dragons.

Stoick ask "what do we got?"

Bulch exclaims "Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmares, Hideous Zippleback Gronckles and Terrible Terrors."

Stoick sighs "any Nightfuries?"

Bulch sighs "none so far."

Stoick gets in a fight with a Monstrous Nightmare. The nightmare disarm Stoick causing him to engage in hand to hand combat, punching the nightmare in the head. As the raid drags on, soon the known whistle that strikes fear into the hearts of every viking.

Someone yells "NIGHTFURY!"

Another yells "GET DOWN!"

Everyone hits the ground as the Nightfury blast the catapults around the village.

As soon as the raid was over Stoick sighs and ask "what did we lose as far as food?" They tell him what was taken.

Two weeks later, Valka was forced to have her baby two months early so it was born smaller than normal babies. Stoick sighs "his name will be Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third."

Valka worrie says "I don't think he'll survive through this winter."

Stoick smiles "he'll grow up stronger than everyone on here." Valka sighs "he weak to survive the winter."

After delivering Hiccup, the moms congratulate her and Stoick on their baby boy being born. Mildew started running his mouth about Hiccup should be thrown in the sea for being a runt. Some of villagers agree with him. Then Valka punches Mildew in the jaw and yells "if you talk about my son like that again and I'll throw you in to sea with old weapons tied to your waist so you drown!"

Mildew leaves rubbing his jaw.

Now Stoick and Valka look forward to raising their baby boy Hiccup as a family.