Hiccup and Astrid walk away from an unconscious Snotlout and his buddies. Hiccup ask her "are you feeling better after beating the shit out of Snotlout?"

Astrid smiles at him "actually I'm feeling great about kicking his ass after all the shit he's put us through!"

Hiccup smiles "I think you got some of that payback out of you."

Astrid sighs "no, that was just for our baby brother. I really wanted to beat some more out of him but I couldn't do anymore because I only wanted to make it clear that if he wants to harm my family then I have no problem putting him in the ground."

Hiccup smiles "everytime I beat him, it was over him hurting you."

Astrid smiles "and those times, I was in danger and helpless."

Hiccup smirks "that's why I gave you that whistle to call me when I'm not around."

Astrid blushes "and it was very romantic and now that you ended the war against the dragon queen, we can focus on rescuing them from dragon hunters and trappers."

Hiccup smirks "rescue dragons? I thought you were going to say make love like we're on our honeymoon."

Astrid blushes and says "oh no mister, we have to have a ceremony wedding for us to have a honeymoon and right now we have to figure out what our date tonight will be."

Hiccup sighs "okay, but first my dad should be getting the ship ready to ship Snotlout off Berk for a month to learn about women rights."

Astrid sighs "that reminds me, where was you shipping him to?"

Hiccup smirks "Big Bertha on Bog Burglars. I figured Bertha could teach him some manners."

They walk to the arena to see how many dragons they have now after killing the Red Death.

Fishlegs smiles when Hiccup and Astrid walk in and says "we have a ton of dragons and no where to storage them."

Hiccup smiles "well then I guess I have to work on a dragon housing building for them to sleep in."

Astrid smirks "looks like you will have your work load back up for months?"

Hiccup smiles "don't worry, I'll make time for you everyday."

Astrid blushes at his reassurance at feeling loved.

They work on getting the dragon's trust and finding villagers that will partner with them. Once that's done, they move on to the next dragon.

Hours later, Stoick and Spitelout walked into the arena with a smirking Snotlout following them.

Stoick sighs "uh Hiccup and Astrid, how is the dragon training going?"

Astrid smiles "it's going along great- what is Snotlout and Spitelout doing here?"

Hiccup curious ask "are you two wanting to train dragons?"

Snotlout smirks "actually we're here to announce that Astrid and I are going to date or you can go to jail for assault me without reason."

Hiccup and Astrid look at each other and then back at the adults and Snotlout and laughs causing the adults to look at weird.

Stoick sighs "Hiccup, this is serious, Spitelout is pressing charges against you for attacking him for no excuse and is willing to drop the charges if Astrid agrees to date Snotlout!"

Hiccup and Astrid stop laughing and turn serious. Astrid sighs "Snotlout and Spitelout, there would be a cold day in hel before I date Snotlout here and it would be very stupid to challenge the alpha and the alpha's fiancee."

Spitelout sighs "I really thought you two were wise to agree to the offer but you two are teenagers."

Hiccup turns around "me and Astrid have to get back to work and there's the door for you two jackasses."

Snotlout scowls "don't you dare turn your back on me Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third!"

Hiccup scowls "actually you should never turn your back on me Snotlout, which is what you did when you tried to rape me at ten years old."

Snotlout scowls "are you still mad about that?! It was Five years ago and you should of drop her and accept that your a hiccup and no one wants you around!"

Hiccup smiles "and this is why me and Astrid agreed to ship you off Berk for a month."

Snotlout gasped "you and Astrid agreed to throw me out of Berk?"

Hiccup smiles "yeah because you need to learn manners about girls and the meaning of the word no and it's only for a month!"

Snotlout scowls "A Month?!"

Stoick sighs "sorry, but they got tired of you bothering them and wouldn't leave them alone so off with you before they kill you."

Spitelout sighs "brother couldn't you do something to keep him here?"

Stoick sighs "your son doesn't want to leave them alone and I don't want to bury a nephew."

Spitelout sighs "let's go son."

Hiccup walks up to his uncle and says "uncle?"

Spitelout sighs "what do you want nephew?"

Hiccup smiles "nothing, just this" and punches him in the groin and then uppercuts him and says "was for letting your son beat up my baby brother and your both lucky I don't have Toothless and Stormfly have Jorgenson soup."

Stoick gaped "Snotlout beat up Brian Hofferson and Hiccup you don't have a baby brother."

Hiccup smirks "I will when I marry Astrid. So I look at Brian Hofferson as me and Astrid's baby brother and I think if you and Astrid's parents died, me and Astrid would raise him as our own, so we stay together as a family."

Astrid smiles bashfully and says "Hiccup, if we were married right now, I would take you to your house and makeout with you."

An hour later everyone was in the Hall eating and drinking mead. The celebration of the defeat of the Red Death has begun.

Stoick smiles "Tonight we feast and celebrate my son's defeat of the biggest dragon in record and his plan made sure we would be safe!"

Hiccup sat next to Astrid eating together and drinking yak milk. Some villagers pat Hiccup on his back saying "good job" or telling Astrid "that she better not let him go."

Her reply was "I plan on marrying him."

Hiccup ask Astrid "are you happy that Snotlout was shipped off to Bog Burglars today after lunch?"

Astrid smiles cheerfully "absolutely! He has been an ass for the last eight years."

Hiccup smiles "so am I."

Astrid blushes "what about tonight? Got anything you want to do tonight?"

Hiccup smiles "actually, uh no. I have nothing to do tonight but celebrate the end of the dragon war with my fiance and the village."

Astrid blushes "well I want to celebrate that too, but not here."

Hiccup curious ask "what do you want to do to celebrate?"

Astrid blush intensifies "well I was hoping that we could go take a walk and maybe we could make passionate love or-"

Hiccup puts a finger to her lips when she mentions love so that the villagers don't hear her talk about wanting sex and says "let's go take a walk and talk about how much we love each other."

Astrid smiles seductively and nods her head.

The two leave the great Hall to take a walk around the village heading for the Cove unaware that four sets of eyes were watching them leave together.

Valka smirks to Stoick "you know what she plans on doing tonight with him?"

Stoick sighs "unfortunately yes and I just hope he doesn't get her pregnant."

Ingrid smirks "I'm going back home to check and see if I have moon tea ingredients for the afternoon."

Alistair sighs "she is going to be in trouble in the morning for that but I'll let her do what makes her feel happy."

Valka ask "this would be the second time that they have sex before their ceremony wedding right?"

The other three nod their heads yes.

Valka smiles "I'm sure that if she decides, she wants kids right now that she wouldn't have ask her mom or me this morning about moon tea ingredients and when the best time to have sex after your moon cycle ends so she doesn't end up pregnant when the moon tea fails."

Stoick and Alistair gaped at Valka and turned to Hiccup and Astrid walk out the door "at least they are responsible for their messes."

Hiccup and Astrid walk to the forest and on to the Cove to watch the stars.

They lay down on the grass and look at the stars shining through the night sky.

Astrid sighs "this is perfect and peaceful here Hiccup."

Hiccup sighs "so when do you want to show each other how much we love each other?"

Astrid smirks "how about now?" And rolls over to him straddling his waist and says "I hope you can last for a while because we have two hours of love making to do!"

Hiccup smiles "whatever you want, I'll do to make you happy."

Astrid smiles seductively at him kissing his lips deeply.

Hiccup runs his hands up and down her back landing on her waist.

Astrid moans as their tongues battle in her mouth. She breaks the kiss when she feels him Harding between her legs and smirks "looks like someone wants free?"

Hiccup blushes and says "okay yes I'm getting turned on."

Astrid pulls his shirt off and kisses his lips again before he breaks the kiss to pull off her shirt.

Hiccup sighs "I never thought we would be doing this before our wedding ceremony."

Astrid blushes "well I'm happy we're doing this as long as it's with you only."

Hiccup smiles "can you get up so we can remove our pants and underwear?"

Astrid smiles seductively and gets up and removes his pants and underwear freeing his length "you have grown since the last time we had sex."

Hiccup smiles "well it's been a year since we did this."

Astrid smirks "well now let's continue."

Hiccup removes her skirt and leggings and underwear leaving both of them nude.

Astrid smiles "I want to ride you first."

Hiccup smiles "as you wish, milady."

She eases his length into her entrance causing her to moan.

Hiccup sighs "are you sure you can handle doing this?"

Astrid sighs "it's been a year since the last time we had sex and you have grown up since then in some places. And it's supposed to hurt a little before the pleasure kicks in."

Hiccup pushes his length inside her fully causing her to gasp at the notion.

For a half an hour, she rode him, then they switched places where he was on top.

Then for a half hour, he took her from behind and then pin her against a tree for a half an hour thrusting into her until they both came for a second time.

After two hours of making love, they both laid down on their clothes and covered themselves up with a blanket and falling asleep from exhaustion.

Next morning they wake up and get dressed and head back to the village.

Astrid went home to see her mom had the moon tea ready for her and blushes.

Ingrid smirks "how was the second time that you two did it and how long did you both do it?"

Astrid blushes and whines "mom!"

Ingrid laughs "oh, sweetie."

Astrid blushes "we did it for two hours and it was best sex again for a second time."

Hiccup walked inside his house to see his parents sitting at the table looking at him with a smirk on their faces and says "not a word."

They have breakfast together and then Hiccup heads to the Forge to begin work when a man walks up to him and ask "are you Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third?"

Hiccup curious says "yes and you are?"

The man smiles "my name is Viggo Grimborn and it seems you have made a name for yourself and we will run into each other soon" and leaves the island.

Hiccup sighs "I have no idea where he came from, but I'm only focused on living my life, marrying Astrid and protecting the dragons from danger."