Decided to post the final chapter tonight. Yay! Second fanfic done! Again, just want to give a shout out to the artist who recognized some of the scenes. You really are talented. I love looking back at the fanart! After this, I am thinking of posting my Tangled crossover fanfic. It is my latest finished story. If you can't tell, I am a bit of a Miraculous fan. Just one of my many fandom addictions haha. But now is the big moment. Will our girl get her happily ever after? There's a scene of reveal in here that I personally love! I hope the reveal has a romance and anticipation like this or like in my other story, Sleeping Ladybug. Without further ado, the final chapter of Cinderette.

With a huff, Lord Bourgeois led Captain Nino up the steps to the attic with Chloe by his side.

Cinderette was surprised to hear the door unlocked and see them come in.

"See! We told you!" Chloe said, "It's only Cinderette the servant girl."

"That is enough!" Nino silenced them and turned to Cinderette, "Dude-I mean, Miss, you are requested and required to present yourself to His Royal Highness, Prince Adrien. You are also required to try on the slipper."

"I forbid you to do this!" Lord Bougeois ordered.

"And I forbid you to forbid her! Who are you to stop the captain of the royal guard?" Nino asked, "Are you a king? An emperor? Some kind of decorated hero?"

"I am friends with the royal family," Lord Bourgeois answered.

"We'll see how that goes after this, bro," Nino said.

With Tikki in her apron pocket, Cinderette followed Nino downstairs. She stopped in front of a mirror to prepare herself. This was it! The moment of truth. Behind those doors inside the parlor was the prince and he was about to see the real her.

Looking in the mirror, Cinderette remembered her parents words: "Never forget to have courage and to be kind".

She took a deep breath and walked into the parlor. Prince Adrien turned around to see her. Before she arrived, Plagg told him he had a good feeling about this girl.

Nino closed the doors to give them some privacy.

"Your Highness," she greeted and curtsied to him.

"Do you know why I'm here?" he asked.

"You're looking for the owner of that slipper. I doubt it's me though."

Instead of asking her why, Adrien asked a different question.

"Who are you?"

"They call me Cinderette. As you can see, I am just a servant with no money, no home, no family. I would understand if you didn't bother trying the shoe on me to save yourself the disappointment or embarrassment."

"Now why would I do that? I don't care what the girl wearing the mask has or wears. I only care about who she is behind the mask and what kind of person she really is. So far, I really like her."

Cinderette smiled. He loved her for her. She sat down on the couch and took one of her shoes off.

Adrien held the slipper in his hand and slipped it on her foot with ease.

"A perfect fit," he breathed, looking up into her bluebell eyes, "Ladybug?"

As an answer, she removed her other shoe, reached into her pocket to reveal the other slipper, and slipped it on her other foot.

"Hello, Cat Noir."

He took her hands in his as they stood up. They looked into each others eyes and kissed.

As soon as they came out, the royal guards applauded at finding the girl (and wouldn't have Chloe as their princess).

Chloe suddenly pushed through them and marched over to the two.

"You! How dare you! After everything we've done for you, Cinderette, you do this! You really are selfish!" Chloe accused and turned to Adrien, "Please, Adrikins! Dump the maid and take me! Why marry a gross penniless orphan when you can wed the daughter of a lord with connections to other kingdoms you could trade with."

"Sorry, Chloe, but my decision is final," Adrien said, "Now, if you will excuse me, my father is expecting us."

Chloe cried and Lord Bourgeois watched helplessly from the stairs as they all left.

On the ride back to the castle, Cinderette told him about her real name being Marinette, how she got her awful nickname, and how she dreamed of getting her family bakery back. In the town, she pointed it out to him and waved to Alya. When they reached the castle, King Gabriel saw them immediately.

At first, he couldn't stand the thought of his son marrying a servant girl, but the moment he saw how happy she made him, the king was reminded of how he and the queen met many years ago. She made him happy, just as Marinette did with Adrien. So, he gave them his blessing to be married.

Right away, they got to work on the wedding with the first thing being getting Marinette's bakery back. It wasn't more than a day until she was able to get her family's bakery up and running again. Together with Alya's, Nino's, and the rest of their friends, they were able to bake a wonderful wedding cake and treats. No matter what, Marinette would always make time for her bakery, even when she became a princess and someday as queen.

On the day of their wedding, Plagg transformed Adrien into his dashing Cat Noir self with a crown and sash while Tikki transformed Marinette into her Ladybug self with a light red gown, tiara, veil, and flower bouquet.

All cheered for their new princess as they said "I do" and kissed. They broke apart to look into each others eyes.

"My lady," he said.

"My kitty," she said back and kissed him again.

From afar, Master Fu and Wayzz watched.

"They seem very happy, don't they?" Wayzz commented.

"They do," Master Fu replied, "Those two were made for each other."

And They Lived
Happily Ever After!