Sweet As Candy-Ch 1

Penelope Garcia peeped around the corner and saw that her ex boyfriend was still following her, she opened her coat and said, "don't worry baby mommy's not going to let anybody hurt you". She then pulled her coat together and blew out a deep breath as she blended into the shadows of the trees behind her.

As she hurried through the park she kept thinking and wondering how she could have been so stupid, why did she leave her family and friends all of those months ago, why did she let him pull her away from the people that loved her, especially Derek. She stopped and looked down at her watch and said, "pleaseeeeee be home, please be home".

The little baby started fussing and she said, "shhhhh it's okay buddy, it's okay, we're almost there, we're almost there" as she patted his little back as she continued up the path. Meanwhile a few blocks away Derek Morgan walked into his house and closed the door, he tossed his keys on the table.

He had been gone with the team for almost 2 weeks, he was exhausted and hungry, he walked into his kitchen and smiled as he smelled his mommas lasagna in the oven. He pulled the door down and said, "thank you momma" as he pulled it out and put it on the counter, he closed the door and then reached into the cabinet for a plate.

As he walked back out into the living room with his lasagna and fresh bread his eyes caught sight of a picture of her and him on the wall, he sighed and said, "why baby girl, why"?, he then put his plate on the table and sat down. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the beautiful smile on her face and said, "so beautiful, so so beautiful".

He shook his head and said, "snap out of it Morgan she left you, she left everybody and for what, for a stupid man that was cheating on her", he took a few bites of his lasagna and said, "forget her, it's time for you to move on, to find somebody new". He downed half of his beer and then started eating on his delicious food

Penelope stopped and looked around and smiled when she didn't see anything, she patted her sons back and said, "we're almost home little man, we're almost home, don't worry, don't worry". She then looked up the street and smiled as she saw Dereks truck in the driveway, she said, "some things never change hotustff, some things never change".

She held her coat close to her body and said, "here we go sweetie, here we go" as she started making her way across the street, the closer she got to his house the faster her heart was racing. The closer she was getting the more she was worried, worried about what he'd say when he learned he was a father to a beautiful little boy, a little boy that she didn't know she was pregnant with when she left with him, with Scott.

As she walked up the path that led to his front door she smiled and said, "please forgive me Derek, please forgive me", she raised her hand and knocked on the door and waited, waited for the only man she'd ever loved to open his front door. Derek put his dish back into the cabinet and dried off his hands as he headed through to answer his front door.

He put his hand on the knob and opened the door and his heart raced as the woman that left over a year ago was standing in front of him once again, she was still beautiful but sadly bruises now covered her face. Derek said, "P P Penelope"?, she weakly smiled and said, "can we come in"?, he looked around her and said, "w who's we"?, she opened her coat and said, "us, me and our son".

Dereks mouth flew open as he saw a beautiful little curly haired boy sleeping in his baby girls arms.