Here is the last chapter. I hope you like it.

Chapter 14.

Home At Last.

Anzu could barely stand upright when they arrived back in Seto's private laboratory.

Waiting for them was a nervous, anxious Mokuba and a very worried, angry Sara.

When Seto had not returned home last night, Mokuba had used the excuse that there had been an urgent call for him to deal with a problem at Duel Academy, and that was where he had gone. This morning she had been trying to reach him to say the twins were unwell, and that the children's nanny had diagnosed them as having Chicken Pox.

Concerned when she discovered that no one at Duel Academy had seen him, and already knowing that he had not been to the office at all, she had grown worried.

Her immediate thought was to check the laboratory, where she found Mokuba manning the control panels. It did not take her long to force a confession out of him.

Seto glowered at his brother for telling his wife the truth.

"I'm sorry Seto, but what was I supposed to say?! It's not fair! You always leave me to cover up for you and I'm done with lying."

Seto's jaw twitched. "I'm not arguing with you about it now Mokuba. Anzu needs help. Get the medi-kit."

As Seto spoke, Mokuba noticed that Yugi was standing behind Seto. His almost unconscious wife was draped over his shoulder and Yugi was having to hold her upright.

"Shit!" Mokuba gasped, immediately running to the cupboard where they kept an oxygen kit, defibrillator and radiation burns kit.

Sara forgot about being angry at her husband. "What happened?" She ran over to help Yugi with Anzu, who's legs had completely buckled.

"I's okay. I've got her." Yugi scooped Anzu up bridle stile and carried her over to a padded bench seat.

He placed her down and Seto quickly put monitors on her to check her vitals.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when he said it appeared to be nothing more than severe exhaustion. But the monitor said she was very dehydrated and needed fluids.

"Carry her upstairs and I will get the nurse to put in an IV to get some fluids into her quickly," Seto explained. Luckily, the children's nanny was a qualified nurse and was used to dealing with most of the Kaiba family's medical needs.

Nodding, Yugi lifted her up again and followed Mokuba upstairs to one of the guest rooms.

"I should phone Grandpa," said Yugi. "We've been gone longer than I said we would. They'll be wondering where we are."

It was a difficult conversation. They had been worried sick and his mother gave him a bit of telling off when he told her they had been so immersed in testing Kaiba's new virtual reality game, that was being designed for Kaiba Land, that they had lost all track of time. He hated lying to his mother, but he could hardly tell her that Anzu had swapped bodies with a long dead Egyptian Queen so he and Kaiba had gone to the afterlife to save them both. Apologising, he explained that they were just holding a debriefing meeting and would be home shortly. His mother seemed to buy his explanation, but Yugi suspected that Grandpa had already guessed where they had really been.

After some IV fluids, a cup of Miso soup, followed by some Oreo cookies, Anzu felt much better and was able to go home.

"I'm sorry I worried you Yugi." Needing sleep, she yawned as they drove away from the mansion. "It's such a relief to be myself again, but I'm so exhausted. Being a dead person kinda sucks..." she shivered at the thought; technically, she had been a spirit in the afterlife for a day and a half.

He looked at her and smiled. He was relieved to see she had some colour back in her cheeks and that her sense of humour had returned. "But I bet being with Atem was cool. I kind of envy you."

She raised a teasing eyebrow at him. "Are you saying you wish you could have been Queen Teana instead of me?" Her lips pursed as she tried to repress her amusement.

He blushed and gaped at her. "No! I'm not... I mean. You already know he's more like a brother to me. What I meant was.. just getting to spend time with him. By the way, what did you two do together?" His voice sounded a bit tight and she sensed he was a little worried her old crush on Atem might had been re-ignited.

"Yeah... It was nice to see him," she said, casually. "But being Royalty isn't all that great. Servants follow you everywhere and you hardly get any privacy. They even help you wash and dress!" There was a slight grimace on her face as she spoke.

"Really?! I never thought about that. Does Atem let them wash and dress him too?" He could not hep but snicker at the thought of Atem letting someone else wash and dress him. His dear friend was quite a private person at heart.

"I thought you and Atem shared memories?"

He snorted. "We didn't share things like that! It was mostly gaming strategies and nice childhood memories – stuff like that."

She nodded. "I was surprised too. But, yeah, he let's his servants tend to his needs. Royalty is a bit pampered and spoilt to be honest."

There was a moment of silence as they waited at some traffic lights. She watched him fidget a bit, while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He only ever got like that when something was on his mind but he did not like to ask. "What's wrong Yugi? If you're thinking about my feelings for Atem then you shouldn't worry. I outgrew my crush a long time ago."

He cringed slightly. "I wasn't...!" He bit his lip. "Am I that obvious?"

She nodded and reached out and squeezed his thigh. "I know you too well. But you have my word. I don't feel anything romantic towards him. It's you I love." She felt him shiver slightly under her touch and decided that while he was driving was not a good time to confess to waking up with no clothes on in Atem's bed, with his arm draped over her.

"I believe you. But we should talk when we get home." There was no malice or accusation in his voice as such, but she sensed that he knew more than he was letting on and was giving her the chance to be honest with him.

"Yeah. Of course." A chill ran down her spine and she suppressed a shudder. Had Teana told him where she was right before they were swapped? Or had a silent communication passed between him and Atem? "Have you heard of the Tekh festival?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so. I hope it's not like an orgy?" He snickered.

"Yugi!" Anzu blurted, resisting the urge to slap him, just in case he lost control of the car. "Sometimes I think too much of Jonouchi's bad influence has rubbed off on you." However, she still giggled, because given what Atem had told her he was not that far off the mark. "It's actually a feast of drunkenness to honour Hathor."

Yugi chuckled. "Drunkenness that results in orgies, I expect." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, I didn't witness any. We were too busy trying to find Kek and worrying about Teana and me."

It was only then that she realised they were pulling up on the forecourt of Kame Game. The traffic was nowhere near as bad at this time of the day and it had only taken them fifteen minutes.

Anzu's emotions flooded over when she scooped her son into her arms and kissed his soft, pudgy face. There had been moments where she thought she might never cuddle her baby boy again and she was overjoyed to see him. Confused that his mother was crying, Little Atem started crying as well.

It brought tears to Yugi's eyes to watch their tearful reunion.

His mother entered the room and looked at him with slight surprise as she placed the tray of drinks on the table. What on earth was going on? Her daughter-in-law was such a together sort of girl, who was never known to be tearful in front of others. What could possibly have happened while they were testing Kaiba's latest game that was resulting in such an emotional outpouring? "Exactly how dangerous is this virtual reality game Yugi?" She recalled him going off for days on end when he was a teenager and coming home with bloodied, singed and torn clothing. Sugoroku always seemed to cover for him. But the pleasant old man had been a wayward rogue in his younger days and she worried he was leading her sweet, innocent boy down the same path with his stories of tomb robbing and gambling. That Duel Monsters game had landed both of them in the hospital, but none of Yugi's friends would tell her what the heck was going on either because they too seemed to get into similar scrapes.

Blushing, Yugi shrugged. "It wasn't dangerous Mum!" He lied. "The game was... erm, we had to rescue children from a child eating dragon." That was the only thing he could think to say, and he grimaced when his mother looked at him with horror.

"I certainly don't know what to say to that," she said, shaking her head in dismay.

"Virtual reality can seem very real to those participating. Such is the bond between Anzu and her own child that the grief felt during the game was real." Sugoroku winked at Yugi as he spoke.

"Yeah, that's true Grandpa," Yugi smiled. "Anyway. We should be getting home."

"But, Yugi! I've just made some tea!" His mother complained. "And I have some of your favourite chocolate cake."

"It's okay Yugi. I'm fine now," Anzu smiled through her tears. "I was remembering that horrid dragon eating those poor little children in that game. I just came over a bit silly." She turned to Yugi's mother and bowed her head respectfully. "Thank you Mrs Muto, we would love to stay for some tea and cake." Yugi smirked at how Grandpa and Anzu both corroborated his story about the game. His mother rolled her eyes at him.

But an unspoken line was drawn and there were no more awkward questions.


Stepping through the front door into her own home, Anzu paused by the door into the dance studio. She tried the handle but it was locked.

"The key's upstairs," said Yugi.

"Oh, okay." She let out a sigh. "I just wanted to go in there. I know it won't happen again, but I..." she let out a strained, embarrassed laugh. "I just wanted to see where it happened. It might get rid of my fears." She collected herself and her posture stiffened. "We should let the students know I'm well and lessons can start again tomorrow."

Yugi wanted to hug her but was carrying their sleeping son. "You sure about that? Maybe you should take a day off to rest."

She rounded on him. "I'm okay Yugi! Stop fussing," she snapped.

He was a little taken aback. "Hey! I'm not fussing. Just suggesting..."

"Well don't, okay?" She sagged against the wall. "I'm sorry Yugi. I'm just a bit stressed. Being back home is a reminder. I'm really scared of it happening again."

He adjusted the weight of his sleeping son so that he could put an arm around her shoulders. "I won't let anything like that happen to you again. From now on, I will make sure Kaiba doesn't do any more experiments without at least one of us there to monitor what he's up to."

"I wish I had your confidence. But it wasn't just Kaiba. All it needs is for someone else, like Kek, to be a jerk and BAM! Someone else ends up hurt."

"I don't think Kek will..." he began, but Anzu had not finished.

"You have no idea how scary it was Yugi. I went from happily teaching my students, to waking up frightened and..." She stopped short. Crap! She nearly blurted it out that she was naked in Atem's bed.

But Yugi did not seem to notice. He was too busy being reminded of his own terrifying experience. "I can assure you I do know what it feels like to have your soul ripped from your body. I nearly got fed to the Leviathan, remember?"

Anzu looked at him and frowned. "I'm sorry. I forgot about that."

"It's okay." He winked at her. "You'll soon put it behind you. When I remember Atem, I forget about the dangerous, bad things we did and just think about all the good moments." He leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

She smiled weakly. "I just need a good night's sleep and hopefully everything will seem better in the morning."

They made their way up the stairs to the living area. "Is there anything you would like me to do for you?" Yugi asked.

"Perhaps you could put Atem in his bed." She smiled wearily and bent down to kiss the sleeping toddler in Yugi's arms. "Grandpa must have worn him out!" She smiled.

"Yeah! I bet Grandpa's asleep by now too. They wear each other out!"

"They certainly do. I think I will go and have a shower and then go and have a lie down."

He nodded. "I will put this little guy in his cot and then I might join you," he checked himself "–not in the shower! For a sleep. I'm kinda tired too." He had not thought about how exhausted he was feeling until now. It had been an emotional day and a half.

"I wouldn't mind you joining me in the shower. I'll feel safer if you're there. But if Atem wakes up we won't hear him."

He winked at her. "That's okay. I'll keep watch and then use the shower after you. Then maybe we can have a cuddle?"

"I'd like that. But no more than a cuddle. I'm not sure I'm up to more."

"Hey! I wasn't even going to suggest it. I just want to look after you." He was not expecting her to be, and was certainly not entertaining the thought of having sex after the way she had collapsed only a couple of hours ago.

As soon as they had both showered, changed and checked Little Atem was still sleeping soundly, they snuggled down on the bed together for an afternoon nap. "You sleep," Yugi told her as she snuggled into his embrace. "I'll keep an ear out for when Atem wakes up."

"Thank you," she mumbled, already being lulled to sleep by the the gentle rise and fall of Yugi's chest as he inhaled and exhaled.

The End.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. I am especially grateful to all the follows/favs and nice reviews.

I just hope the ending was not too dull.