I shuddered slightly, forgetting that at night, it'd get terribly colder than it was during the day. And I was currently hiding in the Forest next to the Bodega, where I'd met that Shadowy Figure. I growled, supressing another shiver.

"This sucks." I huffed, K.O out of the mindscape beside me, nodding. Sure, he probably couldn't feel the cold as much as I could, but might be able to.

It was only about 2-3 hours after my leave, and the sun was already starting to set. It was really nice to watch inside, when you're warm and all; But watching it outside with nothing more than a teeshirt and shorts... I'm sure anyone would understand. I curled up tighter, trying to conserve my body heat. But of course it did nothing but help restrict my breathing further.

I uncurled, and stood up, rubbing my arms with my hands to try and get some sort of friction. Again, still nothing. With a sigh, a terrible idea came to mind. Carol was still at the Dojo, right? I shook my head, K.O gaining a curious look as I went down the path back to the Bodega.

"T K.O?" He asked, floating beside me. I gave him a glance, saving my breath for better matters.

"I thought... We didn't want to be found...?" He gave a nervous smile, poking his pointer fingers together. I narrowed my eyes slightly, and looked away to focus back on the path. It wasn't as down-trodden as I'd originally thought, but the gravel wasn't irritating at the moment.

As we got closer and closer to the Bodega, K.O decided now would be a good time to pop out of existance and back into my mindscape, allowing my powers to be used again. I hovered above the floor slightly, hearing some chatter on the inside of the Dojo once I got closer.

"Carol, we can try again tomorrow, alright?" Gar.

"...I... I guess you're right..." Carol. His... Supposed mother.

"Besides, I found Rad half asleep and Enid dragging him back out to the Bodega." Gar chuckled a bit, Carol soon joining in. "So, goodnight, Carol."

"You too, Gene.." She gave a small smile as he left the Dojo. I stayed hidden the whole while, before moving to go to the Dojo, glad she was still here. I stepped in through the doors when she wasn't looking, and stood by the empty snacking table, before saying something.

"Carol?" What I'd almost said was, 'Mommy.' I had almost called her Mommy. I can't believe myself. I had just met her, and now I want to call her my mom. Nothing could go worse.

She turned around with a start, her eyes widening. She opened her mouth, as if to call Gar back, and looked ready to run. Though, Carol closed her mouth dumbly, and sighed, thinking better of it.

"T K.O?" She asked, looking troubled by remembering my name. "What... What are you doing here...? I thought you ran away, because..." Carol sighed, shaking her head.

"I... I have my reasons!" I snapped defensively, before biting my tongue quickly. "I-I... I just want to stay inside tonight." I struggled to even say it, watching her look at me with slight disbelief.

"...You won't mind staying, will you?" Carol asked me, looking confused. "I didn't think you'd want to be around me, since I'm a hero, and all.." She laughed quietly. I crossed my arms uncertainly, rubbing them for a moment as I decided whether or not I really wanted to put up with it.

"...I'm not worried about that, right now, Mo-Carol. Carol." I stuttered slightly, forcing back a blush of embarrassment. Oh Cob, I almost called her mom again. Shit. "All I'm worried about is not catching a cold from being outside." Carol gave a small smile, sighing with relief.

"Then it's settled. You'll stay with me tonight. Do you think your Dad will mind if you do?" She asked, grabbing up her bag from today. I shook my head, and without another word, she took me back outside. She quickly shut off all the lights, and locked the Dojo doors, before leading me to her car.

There was a big Mace in the back of it, as if it used to be a defensive vehicle. It was a plain type of blue, but not one I minded. She unlocked her car and sat up in the driver's seat, while I hopped into the passenger seat. We both buckled up, before she drove out of the Plaza's parking lot.

Neither of us spoke, and it was probably better that way. I was too tired to even think of something interesting, while she looked as tense as ever. So instead, I turned up some rock music once I found it on the radio to help keep me awake.

She sighed, gripping the steering wheel tighter. Maybe she didn't like rock. I sat back in my seat, just letting whatever song it was, play out.

By the time we got there, the sun set had disappeared, and several dozen stars were there to guide my way in. I unbuckled and walked over to the presumably locked door, leaning against the side of it to wait for her.

Carol followed soon after, giving me a small smile.

"It's open, T K.O. You don't need to wait for me." She hummed, grabbing out her bag from the back. I blinked, before opening the door to the living room, stepping in once I'd found the lightswitch.

It felt homely, and something about the swords and more made me feel at home. More at home than I did in my own room. I gulped, hearing her steps come up behind me, so she could go in too. I stepped out of the way, still confused how I could feel like this.

"You okay, kiddo?" Carol asked me, giving another patient smile. I nodded, before crossing my arms.

"Now that I'm in here, do you got anyplace for me to sleep? I hate to break it to you, I don't sleep on couches." I grumbled, narrowing my eyes. She laughed quietly, before patting my shoulder to go follow her. We went through the kitchen, and down a small hallway, before she stopped at a closed door.

"This, is gonna be my room?" I asked with a glare. Carol's smile faded, and nodded slightly with a nervous chuckle.

"I haven't been in this room ever since I moved in." Her voice broke, and she squeezed my shoulder tighter. I shuffled away from her, before opening the door.

It was sparsely decorated, but there was still everything a kid would need for their room.

A bunk bed was set up at the far corner of the room, dark starred curtains covering the window. A small clock ticked silently just next to the bunk bed, and there was a dresser, and a nightstand. Sure, the colors weren't flattering, especially with how bland it was, but it didn't matter. I'd get someplace to sleep.

My eyes widened after a moment, and I turned back to Carol with a look of disbelief. It... Felt like home should feel. I didn't feel trapped. I felt like I could actually sleep at night without being watched. I felt... Safe.

"Mommy...?" My voice broke, and my breathing picked up. I was struggling to keep control, K.O trying to break through and see why I felt so distressed. I hadn't meant to call her my mom. No. No!

I fell to my knees in front of her, my eyes slowly dripping with tears.

"T K.O?!" She gasped, kneeling in front of me. I shook, looking up at her, supressing sobs. Safe. Safe. What am I crying over? This is stupid. But I just can't bring myself to stop.

All of a sudden, I was pulled into a hug, and I stilled. I could feel her gentle hand on my back, rubbing it to try and calm me down. Her other hand was gently raking through my hair, helping my breathing slow.

Before long, Mom seemed to start humming something under her breath.

"Just follow these steps..."

I gasped, tensing up, as I started to hear her sing.

"And take a nice deep breath..."

At the last second, I hummed along, closing my eyes.

"It's gonna be alright..."

I fell unconcious, suddenly tired beyond belief. I teleported into the mindscape on accident, and flopped on the bed with a groan, ready to fall asleep there too.

K.O rushed in, his breathing a bit labored.

"T K.O!! Are you alright?! I-I thought maybe if I took control, you didn't have to show your emotions, a-and-"

"I'm fine." I grumbled, curling up on the bed facing away from K.O. "You can take control. I need some time."

K.O stayed silent, before the bed I laid on suddenly dipped a bit, showing that he sat down next to me.

"Are you really sure you want her to... Know about me just yet...?"

"I don't..." I curled up tighter, growling. "I'm already mad at myself for slipping up and calling her, 'Mommy.' I really am just a pitied kid. Aren't I?"

"No! No, no... T K.O. Don't talk down to yourself like that, okay? You were just feeling really bad, and didn't know what else to do..." K.O gently placed a hand on my side, rubbing it back and forth. "I-if anything... I think I was the one who said that..."

I paused, before sitting up and turning to look at him.

"That can't be right. I was in complete control, K.O." I narrowed my eyes, looking up and down his nervous form.

"I-I know! But... Maybe I influenced you to say it...? C'mon, T K.O, just trust me on this, okay..? I... Really think it's her..." K.O muttered, causing my last nerve to snap. I'd already been on edge from having been seen crying, but him suggesting that, after what happened today, Carol was indeed our mom.

"Enough! S-she can't be!" I snarled. Though, my breath caught in my throat and I choked down a sob. I won't believe it. Again, I was pulled into another hug, and I just flopped into it.

I didn't want to move, right now. I just wanted to be held. Wether it was K.O, or... My mom... I didn't care. I sniffled pitifully, burying my face into K.O's shoulder.

He gently patted my back, smiling. I sighed, still a bit angry that he managed to get me calmed down again. Somehow.

"So, T K.O..." K.O started, making me lift my head to at least look at him. "I'm putting everything I have on this. Carol's our mom. She's not dead, like dad said. And she's gone through a lot. Maybe because we're here, we can ask her more about herself? We can even explain ourselves!" K.O smiled, and I leered at him. His smile wavered, but he shook his head.

"Please, T K.O. Work with me on this... I want to know our mom."


I pulled from the hug when I finally agreed, and he looked about as nervous as I felt. This was a good idea, right? Tell our mom about this? Apoligizing for reacting so badly when she was revealed to be our mom? This was such a big task that I'd have to uphold, seeing as she wouldn't understand that it's not just me. And that it's not just K.O.

"I'm... Gonna see you later, then." I muttered, turning to look at the static-filled eyes. "I need to make sure mom didn't start taking our tempurature from me passing out." I chuckled, managing to get a short laugh out of K.O. We sighed, and I disappeared from his grip, waking back up.

But I wasn't on the floor in Mom's arms. I was in the bunkbed, covered up. I sat up, looking around to see if she was still in here, but no, she seemed to have left me be. She was trying to keep her distance, wasn't she...? I shook my head, suddenly noticing that there was a different noise.

"...Listen, Gene. I need you to tell everyone I'm gonna be gone tomorrow, okay?" A moment of silence passed, before mom sighed. "I know, but I can't. It's... Complicated. You understand, right?"

"Mom..?" I shuffled out of the hallway, startling her. She looked between me and to the side of her, before giving me a small smile.

"Gene, I'll call you back. I'll probably tell you what's happening later." She mentioned, before ending the call, and putting her phone back in her pocket.

"You okay, kiddo?" She asked, coming a bit closer and setting a knee down on the floor, so that she was eye-level with me. I nodded after a moment, holding my arm with a bit of nervousity.

"Yeah, but..." I sighed, looking away. "Mom... I-I'm sorry for passing out on you. I wanna tell you a lot of things, but..."

"I understand, T K.O. We'll talk in the morning. You caught me in the middle of calling off, anyway." Mom laughed, hiding her suprise from me calling her 'mom'.

"Alright..." I nodded, relaxing now that I knew what was going to happen tomorrow. "Uh... Goodnight...?"

"Goodnight pumpkin.." She smiled, and leaned in to kiss my forehead. I stayed still, glaring at her before huffing and heading off to bed. That hug before was pushing it, but I wasn't ready for anything like that. I paused in my doorway, before deciding to leave the door open.

I hopped onto the lower part of the bunk bed, and sighed, looking at the doorway. I scoffed silently, still thinking I was crazy, before turning over and pulling the covers over my head.

Guess things really do change in a matter of days, don't they?