Elsie Hughes and the Three that Stole Her Heart

When the Littlest Bates Stole Elsie's Heart

John William Bates (Jack)

Elsie Hughes had sometimes wondered if she had chosen the right career path. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her job; it was that there were times she longed for a family. While she now had Mr. Carson, the two of them would never have children-much less grandchildren. She often wondered where she would be now had she chosen a different path than service. Perhaps she would have a slew of grandchildren to spoil. It wasn't something the longed for often, but there were times that she did.

When Anna asked Elsie a very special question one day, Elsie had a happiness she didn't think she would ever have.

"Mrs. Hughes, will you be Jack's Godmother? It is so important to John and me that you be an important part of his life. You have been such an important part of mine."

To say she was shocked would have been an understatement. A godmother? What a privilege. Tears of joy sprang in her eyes and she nodded happily.

"Oh Anna, I would be honored to be this little lad's Godmother," Elsie picked the baby up out of his cradle and held him close. The few day old baby cooed in her arms and it only made her heart burst more.

"I was thinking he could call you Godmama, almost like Grandmama. But if you don't like it, he can call you Mrs. Hughes."

"Oh no, Godmama sounds wonderful to me," she ran her finger down the curve of Jack's cheek. A Godmama. Her heart was bursting with love. She felt so completely honored that they would have chosen her. Anna had always felt like a daughter to her, but she would have never stepped into a role she wasn't invited into. But here she was, the one chosen to be Anna's son's Godmama. The word brought such joy to her.


When Jack was eighteen months old, Anna had come down with a nasty cold. John was out of town with his Lordship and it left Mrs. Hughes in charge of little Jack.

Since Jack's speech was still new, he couldn't pronounce Godmama and instead called her Mama. Mrs. Hughes was always concerned it would bother Anna, but all Anna did was laugh. He called her Mummy anyway. She said it was cute.

"Alright, little lass, what shall we do while Mummy sleeps?"

Jack pointed to the wooden train that sat on top of his small toy box. Elsie smiled.

"Oh yes, trains it is." Elsie picked the train up off the box and brought it over to Jack. Jack squealed in delight. "You know, your papa is on a train right now coming home."

"Toot! Toot!" Jack enthusiastically pretended to be the train.

"Toot! Toot!" Elsie copied. Then suddenly without warning, Jack turned and wrapped his arms around Elsie. Warmth spread throughout her body. It was the first time Jack had hugged her without prompting.

"Love you, Mama!" Elsie's heart swelled with happiness. Having the pure love of this little boy may have been the most wonderful feeling she had ever felt.

"Oh Jack, Godmama loves you too," she told him sincerely.

Madeline Elsie Bates

Elise had been a bit concerned that she wouldn't be able to love another child as much as she loved Jack. She had been around children most of her life. Just in the Grantham House, she had watched as the Crawley girls grew and then their own children. But she didn't have that same connection to any of them that she had with Jack.

When Madeline was born, once again she had been asked to be a Godmama. This time, with the new Bates baby being a girl, she had been double honored with her being named after Elsie.

Madeline's arrival had brought great fear and worry into their lives. She had come early and there had been concern she wouldn't make it. Elsie remembered those first few days, frightened Anna would lose her baby girl.

During those days, Elsie kept Jack. It only strengthened the already tight bond the two of them had.

Thankfully, Madeline proved to be a fighter.

At four days old, Dr. Clarkson gave the great news that she was going to make it. It was then Elsie got to meet the small girl. She was a tiny little thing, much smaller than her brother had been when he was born. That day, Anna had told her the small babe's name.

"Her name is Madeline Elsie Bates." Anna was beaming. Her eyes showed the tiredness from lack of sleep during those trying first days, but Elsie could tell how thrilled Anna was her daughter was now healthy.

"After me?" Elsie had questioned in shock.

"Of course," Anna replied. "I just pray she's half as strong as you are."


Madeline was a much shyer than her older brother. Whenever she was with her parents, she often hid behind her mother's skirts. She didn't want anything to do with anyone who wasn't her Mummy or Papa.

At sixteen months old, the little girl had only been walking for a few months. Anna and John had brought their children to the Servant's Hall for a Christmas feast with their friends, who they nearly considered family.

Anna had to sit Madeline down to help with the food and the girl ran right behind her skirt. Madeline peeked her head out behind her mother and glared at Elsie. Elsie waved to her small godchild. The little girl knew everyone in the room, Elsie the most with her being around her. Even so, Madeline always acted as though everyone else was a stranger.

Madeline tucked her head back behind her mother's dress, before peeping out again to meet Elsie's eyes again. Once more, Elsie waved. The little girl did it multiple times and Elsie realized she was playing a game with her.

A few moments later, the little girl walked out from behind Anna's dress and toddled over towards Elsie. Her small petite hands reached up begging for Elsie to hold her.

"Up!" At the small girl's insistence, everyone in the Servant's Hall giggled. It wasn't often they got to hear her little voice.

Elsie bent down and brought the small girl into her arms. Madeline inched herself up and placed a kiss on Elsie's cheek. Once again, a Bates' child had made her heart burst.

"Ah, no love for your Uncle Thomas?" Thomas asked the small girl. Madeline just turned her head away from him sharply and wrapped her arms around Elsie. Once again the Servant's Hall filled with laughter.

Charlotte Elisabeth Bates

"Anna, what's wrong, love?" Elsie had been shocked when Anna started sobbing in Elsie's office.

"I...I'm pregnant," Anna cried.

"But didn't you and Mr. Bates want more children?" Elise questioned. Anna shook her head.

"After we nearly lost Madeline, we were told we shouldn't get pregnant again. Dr. Clarkson said with my age and a previous dangerous pregnancy, we would be more likely to lose any more children we could have." Anna was starting to panic. Elsie led her to sit down in the chair and handed her a cup of tea.

"Oh dear."

"We have been very careful, Mrs. Hughes. I don't know how this happened," Anna cried into her hands. Elsie sighed, worried for Anna and what this would do to her.

"Well, we can't change that now, love. I have a feeling it'll all be fine. This little one will be strong like her mother."

And Elsie had been correct. Despite all their fears, Charlotte had been born absolutely healthy. The pregnancy had been easy.

When Elsie met the newest Bates, she already noted the determination in little Charlotte's eyes.


"Godmama, I am your favorite right?" Seven year old, Jack questioned Elsie. Elsie just laughed. Madeline had her arms crossed angrily across her chest at Jack claiming their Godmama loved him the most.

"I love you all the same," Elsie informed them all. Her eyes lingered over Charlotte, who was intently coloring at the table. While she did love them all the same, she hadn't bonded with Charlotte in the same way she had with the other two. The girl was less giving of her emotions and often kept to herself when Elsie was around.

"What are you drawing, love?" Charlotte glanced up from her paper, but didn't say a thing. Then she went back to her drawing. Elusive, the girl was.

Later in the evening, when Elsie was putting Charlotte to bed, the little girl handed Elsie the photo she made earlier.

"That's you and that's me," Charlotte told her. "Then there's the heart in between because we love each other."

"Oh, Charlotte, it's beautiful. I will have to hang this on my wall."

"You will?"

"Absolutely, love." Charlotte wrapped her arms tightly around Elsie and held her close for several moments.

"I love you, Godmama."

"I love you too, my little Charlotte."

This story will continue with other one shots with Mrs. Hughes and the three Bates children. That is, if you would like more. It will be done sporadically as they come to me.

Thank you!