Chapter 1: Reception

Yotsuba sat at a table with her four sisters. She was relaxing and just listening to music at the wedding reception. Her wedding reception. She was now officially married to her beloved Fuutarou-Kun. She was no longer just one of the Nakano Quintuplets. She was special. She had earned this. He chose her. She was now Yotsuba Uesugi. It still felt unreal. It seemed like a dream that this was her reception, and that she would soon be on her honeymoon, and then would finish moving into the house her and her newly wed husband had picked out.

"So, Yotsuba-Chan, how do you feel?" Ichika asked.

"Like if I bounce around too much my boobs are going to fly out of this dress." Yotsuba shook her head.

"I'm sure Fuutarou-Kun wouldn't mind." Ichika winked.

"Where is Fuutarou anyway?" Miku asked.

"I think he went to the bathroom." Itsuki said as she looked around. "Takeda-Kun is gone too."

"What are those boys doing?" Nino groaned.

The boys in question were in the bathroom. Fuutarou was looking in the mirror, trying to psych himself up to enjoy himself. He had been nervous all week. He had nearly messed up the game Yotsuba had originally planned for the wedding by forgetting the ring. And then his beloved had to tease him and make him think he screwed up just for shits and giggles. Now, the games had passed and it was time to dance. And just moments before he found himself in this bathroom, he realized….he had no idea how to actually dance.

"You did fine on the first dance." Takeda said.

"Yotsuba and I practiced that for a long time and I still nearly screwed it up."

"So spiritless, where's the man who declared that he'd get the best scores in all of Japan?"

"Compared to this, academic achievement is nothing."

"I feel sorry for Yotsuba-Chan. If you're this frozen for the reception I can only imagine how much of a bore you'll be on the honeymoon."

"During the honeymoon, we won't be surrounded by hundreds of people, many of which I don't know."

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"I embarrass myself."

"Tsk tsk." Takeda shook his head. "Do you honestly think Yotsuba-Chan will care? She'd probably love for you to do something embarrassing. It'll give you more stories to tell to your kids in the coming years."

"Well, still." Fuutarou had nothing to counter that. He knew he couldn't spend the entire reception held up in the bathroom. Especially with Takeda refusing to leave him alone.

The two left the bathroom and returned to the reception. Another song was starting and Fuutarou found himself being embraced by Yotsuba. He nervously rocked from side to side and she pressed her chin into his chest.

"Nervous much?" She beamed. Itsuki and Miku had a talent for knowing what he was thinking but Yotsuba alone was the one who had an uncanny ability to always know what he was feeling.

"Just not much for dancing." Fuutarou admitted.

"Don't worry, I don't exactly want to bounce around in this thing." She puckered her lips and shook her chest a little bit. "At least not until we get to the hotel room." She rightfully earned the blush that crept upon his face. That was her way of breaking the tension. Nothing got his mind off his few inadequacies like reminding him that he was dating-now married-to a drop dead gorgeous girl who lived to support him and see him smile.

"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world." Fuutarou muttered.

"Well you are." Yotsuba felt pretty smug saying that. "But I think luck had very little to do with this. You made a choice, you chose me. And I chose you long ago."

"You earned my love." Fuutarou said. "Sometimes I think I didn't do as much to earn your support."

"You did plenty." She rested her head on his chest. "Uesugi-San. Well, I guess I'm Uesugi-San now too."

"Yep, you asked for this Yotsuba Uesugi."

The days of Yotsuba Nakano were over. Her family were all taking steps towards their own independent lives. She was the first to get married. That much felt right. She was the first to meet Fuutarou. She was the first to change. She was the first to screw up. She was the first to improve herself. She was the first to embrace Fuutarou as a tutor. She was the one to get married.

Not that the others were slacking off. Ichika was one of the hottest actresses in the country. She had thrown herself into her career, and was being rewarded for it. She was beloved by the whole nation, and many people outside the nation as well. Yotsuba made it a point to record every interview and collect every magazine she appeared in-even if it was a bit risque.

Nino had actually gone to university with Fuutarou. They both got business degrees. But whereas Fuutarou got a high paying job for a major tech company, Nino took a bigger risk. She hadn't been as good of a student. So, with a loan from their father, she opened up a bakery. Miku had gone to culinary school, and had gone into business with Nino. Nino handled the finances, Miku handled the customers, and they both worked the ovens.

Itsuki had gotten her teaching degree and was now a third-grade teacher. Because of summer break-and the role she played in bringing Yotsuba and Fuutarou together- she had been chosen to be Yotsuba's Maid of Honor. With that, she had spent a lot of time with the Best Man Takeda. Rumors had started that the two were dating. The rumors were true, even if Itsuki didn't really realize it yet.

Yotsuba didn't have as much aptitude for an actual career. So long as Fuutarou made enough to pay the bills, she was happy working small jobs just to have some extra spending money. She worked at a flower shop most days. Aside from that, she kept herself occupied with volunteer work. She helped out at soup kitchens, community events, and coached both soccer and basketball. Staying active and helping people was a better alternative than wasting away in the apartment. Ah right, she wouldn't be living in that apartment anymore. She and Fuutarou were moving in together.

And as nervous as he might have been, she was equal parts nervous and giddy. They almost never had any proper alone time. Now every night was going to be alone time. And the implications of that excited the young woman to no end. She just hoped her husband was equally excited. She didn't know that his mind went to those places on an hourly basis, especially when he had such a clear view of her….biggest assets.

"There's no need to be nervous." She said as she rose to the tips of her toes. "This should make you excited." She planted her lips on his. There was one or two "oohs" from the guests, watching them waddle around to the music. She had kissed him a dozen times over and still, someway somehow, it still caused her heart to jump around like a frog.

A few hours later and the reception was coming to a close. People started to leave, offering one last congratulations to the married couple. Eventually, the pair left as well, leaving Itsuki and Takeda to oversee the clean up while they gallivanted towards their honeymoon.

The night that followed was a long one, full of unbridled passion. The two were tempted to spend the entire vacation holed up in their hotel room, but better judgement won out and they explored the city of Kyoto, where they had met ten years earlier. They took dozens of pictures that Yotsuba would spend the following weeks filing into a photo album along with all their wedding photos.

Then, at the end, they returned to their house. Life would set upon the path of the new normal. Fuutarou and Yotsuba Uesugi- husband and wife, a career businessman and the community leader he was married to. This was only the beginning of married life though. The true adventure was on the horizon.

AN: I love thinking about weddings involving my favorite characters. I think this is like ...the fifth time I've written a wedding. I chose Yotsuba as the bride because I had the most fun with her After the Confession story and the most interesting ideas of what she'd be like as a wife. So, stay tuned for more of this.