Chapter 27

Midoriya was trying to find backup for the flag when he came across Uraraka and Jirou. The three backtracked a bit further, only to find Honenuki watching over a fallen Kaminari and unconscious Aoyama. They had no idea why he had not taken them towards the Class B jail, so they figured he must be waiting for someone or something.

"Okay, I'm going to get close and attack him," Midoriya whispered to the girls. "You two can attack from afar." They nodded, although Uraraka was hesitant since she had improved her close combat skills greatly during her internship. Regardless, she trusted Midoriya enough for the three of them to take out one Class B student.

Midoriya activated Full Cowling and rushed Honenuki. The Class B student was more observant than he appeared as he was ready in an instant, blocking Midoriya's tackle and holding his ground. Midoriya swung a fist for his face, but Honenuki threw his arms up as defense which still hurt him. He stumbled back a bit, and then a rock hit him in the shoulder which Uraraka threw.

Honenuki grimaced. He knew he was in a tough spot, and he needed help. He tried bending down to use Softening on Midoriya, but he was too quick, far faster than he remembered the green haired boy being during the Sports Festival.

Midoriya landed a direct hit to Honenuki's chest which harshly blew him into a tree. Honenuki yelled out in pain, hoping Kodai or Komori or anyone else was nearby to hear him. He lifted his hand up to his ear to press a button and speak into the earpiece. "Gon, get back to me!" he shouted into it.

Midoriya's eyes widened as soon as Honenuki had raised a hand to his ear to speak. He tried attacking again before he could say the words, but he was too slow. His fist connected again, and Honenuki's body fell over to the side above a bunch of tree roots.

Gon heard Honenuki's cry for help in his earpiece. He must have really been in trouble. Gon flicked a wall of ice away. "Kamakiri! Get back to where Honenuki was!" The tall boy hesitated for a moment but conceded. He sprinted back into the forest while Gon continued fighting Todoroki, who was relentless with his offense and defense.

Kamakiri rushed back with his blades out, but then he opted to fight with just his hands. He saw the two girls and he did not want to hurt them really badly by accident. It was fine against Todoroki because he mainly used his blades as an offense to cut through ice and slice through fire as best as he could. He never once cut the Class A boy.

The tall boy lunged at Jirou, but she had heard him coming from a while away. She spun around and lashed her earphone jacks out, which Kamakiri knocked away with his hands. He landed a direct punch to Jirou's shoulder which knocked her to the ground. Uraraka came up and caught his next punch, but all of her fingers were on Kamakiri's skin. She gave a push, and then the boy floated up between two tree branches where he got stuck.

Midoriya was watching the unconscious Honenuki closely. It was a good decision, but the Class B student became impatient. He suddenly kicked his leg out at Midoriya's shin, and Midoriya bit his lips in pain. Honenuki got to his feet instantly, ready to fight, even though he was hurt pretty badly.

"So you weren't unconscious after all," Midoriya stated once he regained his balance and the pain faded away to the back of his mind.

"Nope," Honenuki replied with a grin. He had noticed as he was getting up that Kamakiri was stuck in a tree, and the two Class A girls – he recognized Uraraka but not the other girl – were both standing. He quickly raised a hand to his ear and said, "Gon get over here!"

Midoriya burst off and tackled Honenuki to the ground, ready to punch and knock him out for good. But Honenuki was better than that. He used all his strength to shove Midoriya off him. Jirou's earphone jack lashed out at him and scratched his cheek, but he bent down and softened the ground around where she was standing. Jirou sank, but Uraraka was running towards him, ready to fight.

The ground hardened around Jirou, but now she was really stuck unless she got herself out or someone else did. She watched in amazement as Uraraka caught Honenuki's punch and slammed him to the ground. Even Midoriya was highly impressed, and he delivered the blow to knock Honenuki out for sure.

On Gon's side, the green haired boy punched through another wave of ice, followed by deflecting the blast of fire with the wind of his next punch. Small embers scattered all over, and Gon was sweating from the heat of the bright fire that broke off in numerous directions as he blasted it all away. He heard Honenuki's second call for help in his earpiece. Getting frustrated that something bad was happening, Gon put more power into his next attack.

Todoroki sent more ice at Gon with the intention to freeze him, but the green haired boy punched it directly. The ice shattered instantly, and powerful wind that followed blasted Todoroki deep into the forest as he bounced off the ground several times. He groaned in pain and exhaustion. He had fought Gon and Kamakiri for far too long, and he was running out of steam.

Gon bolted off in a different direction in the forest, back to where he was earlier when Honenuki first came to his aid. He zigzagged past the trees, and when he knew he was close, he began bouncing off the trees themselves.

Just as Midoriya was about to reach down and take the earpiece from the unconscious Honenuki, he heard the whirring sound of something fast that Uraraka and Jirou were not paying attention to. Uraraka had just gotten Jirou out of the ground by making her weightless and pulling her out. Midoriya lifted his head past the tree that hid him from view of the person coming their way when he saw a flash of green burst off a tree.

Gon's gaze hardened as he bounced off a tree and kicked the air as a way of showing that he was here. Gon landed on his feet, but the kick blew up a huge tornado of wind. The trees shook, big branches broke off, and a tornado of leaves and dirt circled around for a bit. Midoriya, Uraraka, and Jirou covered their eyes and were pushed back even as they tried to stand their ground until everything died down.

Gon glared at the three. He saw Honenuki laying on the ground, likely unconscious. Kamakiri was still wedged between branches that did not break off next to him. Midoriya was ready to attack, although a little nervous, but Gon burst off first and tackled Uraraka to the ground. The brunette was caught off guard completely. She expected him to go after Midoriya. She could barely put up a struggle before one push into a tree knocked her out.

Since Uraraka was unconscious, Kamakiri fell to the ground now that his weight returned to his body. "Take the other girl out," Gon ordered without looking back to check if his classmate was okay. He knew Kamakiri was fine.

Midoriya activated Full Cowling and lunged at Gon. Kamakiri was just about to attack to Jirou when the girl was pulled away and she screamed in surprise. Gon threw her into the approaching Midoriya. The curly green haired boy's eyes widened as he slammed into his classmate, and they both fell to the dirt and rolled over several times.

Somewhere in the middle of that, Kaminari had woke up and saw the fight that was about to happen. He quietly went over to Honenuki and began dragging the unconscious boy over to Class A's jail.

Gon knew Kaminari slipped away with Honenuki. He turned to Kamakiri and said, "Take whoever you can back to our jail. I'm going after Kaminari. He took Honenuki."

Midoriya slowly crawled to his feet. He thought Jirou might have been knocked out because of how quickly they collided. Gon had went off in some direction he did not know, but he saw Kamakiri dragging Uraraka and Aoyama with him.

Suddenly, Mandalay spoke telepathically in his and everyone else's mind. Class A is winning 2-0. Midoriya was shocked. He did not know which two Class B students were captured and put into the jail, but someone must have done it.

The green haired boy from Class A began mumbling to himself. "So now I could go and get Uraraka and Aoyama back, but to protect them, I'd have to take them to our flag where the flag defenders can guard them. But that takes too much time. I'll have to hope someone else runs into the guy taking them and get Uraraka and Aoyama back. My job is to get to the flag."

"Deku, get to the flag. We're attacking," Bakugo gruffly ordered through the earpieces.

Midoriya took a deep breath and responded. "Sure. I'll be there soon. Uraraka and Aoyama are unconscious, and someone from Class B is taking them to their jail. Stop him if you see him."

"Midoriya," a weak voice said from behind the boy. He spun around and saw Jirou on the ground. "Put me up against a tree. I don't want to just lay here defenseless." Midoriya did as he was told.

"Can you get up?" he asked.

"I still feel a bit dazed after crashing into you," she responded. "I'll be fine in a bit. Go do your thing." He nodded and ran off through the forest towards the Class B flag.

A bit further away, Gon was carrying Honenuki back closer to their flag in hopes of running into a different person or group. He knocked Kaminari out, although he doubted the blond teen would remain that way for long, and left him on the ground. Now, Gon really needed to get to the Class A flag, and he needed to do it quickly. He knew Bakugo would not sit around and wait for long if he spotted their flag, and he could take it with some help. Gon needed to do the same to even it out, especially since they were already losing.

He saw Kamakiri up ahead, slowly dragging Uraraka and Aoyama with him. Kamakiri stopped walking when a different group came into view. It was Tokage's offense group, and with her were Bondo, Tsuburaba, and Tsunotori.

"Hey! Guys!" Gon said tiredly yet excitedly as he jogged up to their group.

"Gon," Tokage greeted. She frowned at Honenuki being in his hands but did not ask anything about it.

"Okay, someone here needs to help Kamakiri take all three of them back to our jail or flag," Gon said while referring to Honenuki, Uraraka, and Aoyama. "The rest of you, come with me. We need to find their flag and take it."

"Yeah, I'm actually really tired," Kamakiri agreed. "Just need to chill for a bit before I get back into it."

Tokage and Tsunotori glanced at him oddly. They did not know Kamakiri as the type to get tired easily, but he must have been fighting for a while if he felt that way.

"We ran into Iida and Kirishima on our way here," Tsuburaba announced suddenly. "We didn't fight for long. They ran away after a bit." He turned over to Kamakiri. "I'll help you take them back. You guys go ahead, don't waste time."

Gon nodded gratefully and handed Honenuki over to the two boys. Gon, Tokage, Tsunotori, and Bondo headed towards the flag.

At the other side of the boundaries, Bakugo was getting impatient and did not want to wait for Midoriya any longer. The three charged towards the group of five, and Rin and Kaibara were on them immediately. Kendo called for Shiozaki and Shishida to help through her earpiece and enlarged her fists.

Kaibara turned his arms into drills, but Bakugo exploded over him. Rin fired off his scales at the ash blond, but Bakugo blasted those away too. He landed in front of Rin and fought him hand-to-hand.

Sato fought Kaibara and looked like he ate lots of sugar a few minutes ago. They both beat each other up with every hit, but neither of them backed down as they battered and bruised each other.

Sero stood at a distance and shot his tape out towards Kendo, but she swung a fist out before it even got close. The wind from the powerful punch scattered the tape away. Yanagi used her telekinesis to aim at Sero with a barrage of pebbles, and he could not dodge them all with many of them being direct hits.

Bakugo aimed a small point-blank explosion for Rin, but he got slammed by one of Kaibara's drill hands and pushed to the side. Kaibara was already panting, and he had a tough time dealing with Sato who was pushed back a bit as well. Yanagi barraged Bakugo with pebbles, but he just held his right hand to the side and blew them all away with an explosion.

Fukidashi shouted out a loud 'boom', and an explosion blew up in front of Bakugo. It was not too powerful, nothing like his own, but it still hurt.

Shiozaki and Shishida entered the fray, with Shishida immediately transforming into his beast form and fighting Sato. Shiozaki tried to use her vines to restrain Bakugo, but Sero got his tape around her to stop her.

Midoriya finally came through, and he brought Kirishima with him. "Finally!" Bakugo shouted and tried to blow Rin up, but he surrounded himself with his scales and completely protected himself. Then, Bakugo tried a close combat approach and slammed Rin to the ground with explosions for extra damage, knocking him out.

Yanagi did not have a whole lot to throw with her telekinesis now. She threw the twigs and branches next to her at Midoriya which unbalanced him in the air. Kendo rushed over and delivered a strong barrage of punches which the curly haired boy did his best to defend against. She finished off with a final punch which blasted Midoriya back.

"Kendo, watch out!" Yanagi shouted, but it was too late. Bakugo jumped over to the ginger haired girl and released an explosion, knocking Kendo away several meters. She was not down yet, though, and Kirishima went to fight her next.

Kendo staggered to her feet, and from her peripheral vision she saw Bakugo slam Yanagi to the ground as well just like he did with Rin. Even if her classmates fell, she was going to stay standing…she hoped. She and Kirishima exchanged blows, but both of them were tired and neither was really hurting the other. Fukidashi yelled something else and following that was a howl of pain from Bakugo. Kendo had no clue what he did, but she hoped it worked. She then vaguely saw Kaibara and Bakugo fighting, which meant the ash blond boy was not done yet.

Midoriya got to his feet and jumped behind Shiozaki who was fighting Sero. He was ready to punch her in the head and knock her out when all the vines extended and shielded her in a very thick clump. Midoriya's hand was stuck, and her vines threw Midoriya against a tree.

Sero wrapped tape against her legs and vines to hold her in. Her vines broke out, but her legs could not. He wanted to force her down, so he went in close like Midoriya had recommended, but she just made her vines come in front of her since Midoriya was struggling to even stand up behind her, so she felt she had the time. Sero jumped back a few times and grimaced. He was not good enough to get in close…but Bakugo was. "Bakugo! Get over here and beat her!"

The ash blond grumbled something and left from Kaibara and Fukidashi who had created a durable shield to block Bakugo's explosions. He ran over while Sero went to handle Fukidashi.

Shiozaki was tired from the amount she used her vines, but she did not want to fall. Eventually, though, Bakugo used an explosion to kill her vines and took her down too. Sero beat Fukidashi in close quarters but Kaibara, who was much more skilled, did not standby and do nothing. Now, Kaibara and Sero were fighting, but the boy from Class B had the advantage. Shishida had managed to knock out Sato using brute force. He, Kendo, and Kaibara were the only ones left standing from Class B. Shiozaki was not unconscious, but she was too tired to continue using her Quirk.

Bakugo took the flag and exploded into the air. He did not care to take down the others or bring any Class B students to their jail. He would leave that to his classmates.

Kendo and Kirishima were exhausted, though Kirishima a bit moreso. He had run all over, from his chase of Gon to the chase of Kodai and Komori to taking them back to the jail. But a bit after he separated from Iida, he ran into Shoji and Hakagure and gave the two unconscious Class B girls to them. And now finally, Midoriya pulled him over here. Kendo delivered another forceful blow where the redhead's Hardening was not covering him, and he fell to the ground, panting hard.

Kendo was looking around and noticed the flag that was gone. A look of sadness flashed across her face, but it quickly faded when she heard Kirishima stand up and run to attack her. However, the ground rumbled as a barreling sound closed in. Shishida charged Kirishima, still as a beast, and knocked Kirishima away like he was nothing.

Sero broke away from Kaibara to try and tie the two standing Class B students using his tape, but his mistake was leaving Kaibara. The Class B boy swung his drill arm at Sero's legs and punched down at his back, injuring the Class A student from fighting more.

Kendo was ready to fight, though it looked like only Midoriya could. The curly green haired boy lunged towards her, but her enlarged hands blocked his punch. She endured the pain and punched in front of her, hoping either her hand or wind managed to throw him away. Neither of those happened as he bounced around her and shoved her into the ground.

Shishida charged towards Midoriya, but Midoriya was not giving up. He jumped over Shishida's impulsive arm and came down with a punch to the top of his head which slammed the beast down. Shishida immediately reverted to his human form.

"Bakugo took our flag! We need backup back where the flag was!" Kendo had yelled into her earpiece from the ground while Midoriya attacked Shishida who was now out. Kendo crawled back to her feet as Midoriya panted, but he still kept up his fighting stance. He was the only one left from the Class A attackers. Sato was unconscious, Kirishima was still sitting up but Kendo watched him closely, and Sero was conscious but Kaibara was watching over him. Kendo and Kaibara could fight Midoriya together if it was needed, but their classmates lay around everywhere. Shiozaki was exhausted, and Shishida, Yanagi, Rin, and Fukidashi were all knocked out.

Midoriya flitted his eyes between Kendo and Kaibara. He gave up his offensive stance and ran towards Kirishima. He scooped him up and ran into the forest. "Nice, he just left me here," Sero grumbled while Kendo and Kaibara let out a chuckle.

Kaibara brought Sero to his feet while Kendo gripped him tightly and walked him towards the jail. The other Class B boy stood where their flag was and watched over his fallen classmates. Shiozaki got to her feet, and a minute later, the two could see Kamakiri and Tsuburaba behind the trees. Kaibara ran up to them and saw two Class A students in their arms as well as Honenuki.

"You guys beat them?" Kaibara asked the two and walked alongside them.

Kamakiri shook his head. "It was Gon." The three words explained a lot to the black haired teen who was not with them before. He did not ask about Honenuki.

Tsuburaba craned his head over to where he could see where the flag should have been past Kaibara's body. "Jeez, what happened over there? So many bodies. Someone take the flag?"

Kaibara nodded darkly. "Bakugo took it. I wanted to chase him, but he's too fast in the air. I wouldn't be able to keep up." He sighed out loud. "Anyways, you guys get them over to the jail. I need to watch over here."

A few minutes later, Mandalay spoke in everyone's heads. Class B has taken the lead at 2-3. They received points for putting Sero, Uraraka, and Aoyama in the jail. Then, not even 30 seconds later, she spoke again. Class A has taken the lead 7-3. Then, another minute later, Class B put Sato in their jail to make it 7-4.

Gon and Tokage were not too surprised as they heard from Kendo that Bakugo took their flag. But now, they were ready to take Class A's flag. They were hiding a bit away in the trees, wary of Tsuyu and Ojiro patrolling nearby. The Class A students appeared to not know there was a group waiting to attack.

"It's only us four," Gon whispered, looking at Tokage, Bondo, and Tsunotori. "But we can beat them." The four looked over to where the flag defenders were standing. Yaoyorozu had a cannon next to her, ready to fire…something. She also held a shield and a rod in either of her hands. Mineta's sticky purple balls were littered across the ground, and there was a small and faint trail of blood coming down across his right cheek from his head. Ashido and Tokoyami were standing nearby as well.

There was a rustle of leaves behind them. Gon whipped around and saw a long tongue stretching directly for Tsunotori. It was too fast. He could not react. The tongue slapped her in the forehead and caught her by surprise. Over from Gon's side, he saw Ojiro rushing in. Then, from in front of their group, Ashido was running up too.

"Go!" Gon shouted out, and they put their plan in motion even though it was not on their accord. Bondo sprayed his glue over towards Ojiro. Tokage split herself and attacked Tsuyu hiding in the bush as well as the approaching Ashido. Tsunotori launched two of her horns and used them to carry herself and follow Gon towards the flag.

Ojiro jumped over the glue and landed down with the slap of his tail which directly hit Bondo's head. Bondo threw a sloppy punch, but Ojiro threw his right hand up and knocked Bondo's punch aside. The martial artist launched his own powerful fist right into his opponent's chest. Bondo grimaced as he understood the skill gap between them in close combat.

Tsuyu had no effective way of dealing with the small pieces Tokage split herself into. While Ashido did have a way, the tiny pieces of Tokage were too quick and agile to hit. The Class B girl pelted the other two girls, but her attacks did little damage. The individual pieces Tokage split into were not that strong.

Gon and Tsunotori rushed the flag. Gon watched his footing carefully to not get stuck in any of Mineta's Pop-Offs that lay on the ground. The girl behind him had the luxury of flying right over. The two Class B students heard Yaoyorozu say something into her earpiece if anyone could help near the flag while she got ready herself with her weapons. She pushed something on the cannon next to her, and a capture net flew out.

It was big; Gon and Tsunotori could both tell it could capture them both. Gon jumped to his left and out of the way while Tsunotori used her horns to guide her along to the right.

Tokoyami stood still, but his Dark Shadow came out in an attempt to push Gon into a Pop-Off now that he was separated from Tsunotori. Gon had already crossed all the sticky purple balls on the ground though because Mineta left a fairly wide circle empty of them around the flag so that the defenders could move freely too. The hit from Dark Shadow unbalanced Gon, but he looked back to make sure he was still far from the Pop-Offs. Dark Shadow attacked again, but the green haired teen cupped the strange bird creature between his hands and stood strong as best as he could. The Pop-Offs were closer behind than he would have liked.

Gon waited patiently for Tsunotori to beat her opponents, if she could. He was not too sure if she could handle Yaoyorozu on her own, but he watched as Mineta tried to pathetically punch Tsunotori off her horns, only for the Class B girl to knock him away. A metal rod used by Yaoyorozu harshly poked her and pushed her back.

Suddenly, Gon felt the ground leave from below his feet. He still had his hands on Dark Shadow, so the bird creature yanked him into the air, and Tokoyami was ready to slam him back down. Gon let his hands free and began to lose height. He looked back to see that he would fall into the Pop-Offs if he did not do something about it. With a consecutive kick backwards from either leg, he pushed himself forward enough to stay in the area where there were no Pop-Offs around the flag.

Gon readied a kick from the air behind Yaoyorozu. The Class A boy with a bird head knew what his opponent was about to do, and he did not send Dark Shadow to take a powerful kick from a powerful opponent. "Yaoyorozu, watch out behind you!" he yelled out in time. The girl with her hair in a ponytail turned around with a worried look about what was happening. Her eyes widened when she saw Gon about to kick, so she raised her shield to defend herself from the blast of wind she knew would come.

The green haired boy from Class B used a powerful kick in the air which blew him back far, out of the circle of Pop-Offs. Tsunotori was pushed away too as she was still floating on her horns, but Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami stood their ground. Mineta, who just came got back for a few seconds after the foreign girl from Class B knocked him away, was blown away again, but this time a lot further.

The wind subsided. Tsunotori recovered quickly and got off her two horns and launched a third one to barrage Yaoyorozu who was faced the other way to have shielded the wind from Gon's kick. The horns struck the tall girl, and even as she turned around to attack and defend using her rod and shield, Tsunotori controlled the horns expertly and avoided her opponent's attacks.

The control did not matter much since Tokoyami called on Dark Shadow to knock the horns away. Behind Tsunotori, Ojiro jumped through the air to get the upperhand on her. Gon warned Tsunotori from afar as he was running back towards the flag too. Tsunotori turned around in time and leapt away from Ojiro's tail that smashed the ground a second later.

The blond boy from Class A landed softly. He had some dried glue on his clothes but looked fine otherwise. It was just some glue from Bondo that managed to tack on his clothes rather than his opponent.

Everyone heard a frustrated shout from where Ashido, Tsuyu, and Tokage were fighting. Ashido was caught in some glue, and Ojiro's eyes widened in surprise. "I thought I beat him!" He thought about all the effort he put in to outmaneuver and attack the tall Class B boy who was still spreading his glue.

Tokoyami still had his eyes on Gon. "Focus on him," he recommended and nodded to the green haired boy who was easily hopping around the Pop-Offs and coming back dangerously close. Gon looked to be aiming for the boy with a bird head, and Dark Shadow came out to attack. Gon cut to his left and went for Yaoyorozu instead.

She held up her shield which faced significant pressure by blocking Gon's punch. Yaoyorozu remained on her feet, and her shield was fine too. Gon jumped forward, holding his right fist out, ready to punch. His opponent swung her rod out in front of her and whacked him to the side. Gon cried out in pain, but he quickly recovered. He darted back to Yaoyorozu and swatted her shield out of her hand. At the same time his hand connected with the shield, he kicked his left foot out and reached behind her. He hooked onto one of her legs and pulled his leg back towards his body. Yaoyorozu was unbalanced, so Gon palmed her midsection and slammed her into the dirt below.

As soon as Yaoyorozu hit the ground, a solid black force crashed into Gon and pushed him into the forest. As he flew through the air, he knew he was hit by Dark Shadow.

Tsunotori, seeing that Tokoyami was distracted, swiftly ducked under Ojiro's outstretched arm. She aligned herself so that Ojiro was between her and Tokoyami. The girl launched two new horns and a horn she already had out at Ojiro, and she controlled them to push the boy into Tokoyami. The horns dragged them off into the Pop-Offs where they were stuck as the Pop-Offs were all over their bodies.

A bit ahead of the flag in the forest, Tokage recalled all her split parts and reformed herself. Tsuyu was waiting for Tokage to become whole, and she immediately jumped forward with an aimed kick.

The Class B girl could not dodge in time, so she reached her hands out to grab Tsuyu's leg and lessen the impact. The kick still sent Tokage stumbling backwards, tripping over branches but ultimately on her feet. Tsuyu kept up the pressure and lashed her tongue out which pushed the Class B girl into a tree.

Ashido was getting herself out of Bondo's glue. She was able to dissolve it using her own strong acid, which she was not expecting. When the glue and acid mixed, the glue essentially melted into very tiny particles that let Ashido escape.

The tallest boy from Class B was injured and exhausted. Both Ojiro and Ashido had dealt a number of hits to him, and Ashido came to put him down. She ran forward and sidestepped a lousy punch. She coated her hands in a weaker acid and mixed her dance moves with palms and punches. After a few hits, her opponent fell due to exhaustion.

"Mina, help!" Tsuyu cried out from behind as she jumped high in the air and over two of Tsunotori's horns. The horns followed her in the air, so Tsuyu grabbed onto a nearby branch and balanced herself. With her tongue, she slapped the horns to the ground but winced as they still hurt her tongue upon contact.

Ashido ran towards Tokage as the two engaged in hand to hand combat. The Class A girl had the upperhand and occasionally used acid coating to deter certain attacks from Tokage, but Ashido could feel she was wearing herself out after so much Quirk usage.

One of Tokage's arms split into a dozen pieces and distracted Ashido by flying around her face and often attacking too. Ashido tried swatting them aside with acid, which melted many of them, but it let Tokage get a clean kick to her opponent's stomach.

Tokage grimaced as she realized she would have to regenerate. That was a big drain of energy, but she began anyways while Ashido was still disoriented.

A cry from a bit in the distance alerted everyone's attention. Gon burst out of the forest, carrying an unconscious Mineta with him. At the same time, from the opposite side of the flag from where Gon was, Shoji, Jirou, and Hagakure entered to head towards the jail. They were carrying an unconscious Rin, Yanagi, and Fukidashi.

Their fights were subconsciously paused. Ashido eyed Jirou, so she explained with a sigh. "Todoroki and Iida went to the Class B flag and fought some people. They brought these three with them and saw us along the way, so they handed them off to us to carry them towards the jail. They're still looking for Gon."

"Well, he's right here, ribbit," Tsuyu said from up in her tree.

"Gon, take the flag and go!" Tokage shouted out at the same moment Ashido attacked her. The two fought for a bit, and Tsunotori came in and tried to fight too, but the other two girls were better than her. Tsuyu dropped down, aiming to kick the blonde girl from Class B and knock her out. She saw it coming and took a few quick steps back and outranged the kick with the distance she put between them.

Tsuyu hopped around in circles before striking again with her tongue to wrap around Tsunotori and slam her against a tree or the ground, but she ducked underneath. Tsuyu's tongue got cut on the horns of the Class B student before Tsunotori ran forward and hit Tsuyu hard with a headbutt using her horns.

Gon had not left even after Tokage told him to. He watched as Tokage and Tsunotori together took Ashido down. In his peripheral vision, he saw Shoji, Jirou, and likely Hagakure were approaching them. He knew his classmates were exhausted. Jirou lashed her earphone jacks out and whipped at both of them. Hagakure quietly came over and hit them a few times, causing the two Class B girls to fall over even though the invisible girl's close combat skills were not the greatest.

Gon grimaced. He did not want to fight all of them. Yaoyorozu was still down near the flag, and Ojiro and Tokoyami were struggling to get off the Pop-Offs, but they were not down. If they managed to get up, things would become really hard for him. Still carrying Mineta, he shot towards the red Class A flag.

Shoji was waiting for him, but Gon could beat him if he tried anything. He grabbed hold of the flag and instantly yanked it out of the ground. Shoji tried holding onto him with his multiple arms. The tall boy from Class A did get a hold of him, but Gon flooded his body with Nen and squirmed out, ripping away from Shoji's Dupli-Arms in a tremendous display of strength.

The green haired boy jumped over the Pop-Offs surrounding him but off away from the side where Jirou and Hagakure were. The two girls were right in front of the flag when they beat Tokage and Tsunotori, and now they were running after Gon. Shoji tried following after him too, but he had to carefully watch his steps because he did not want to get stuck. His pace was too slow, and his opponent got far out of his reach.

Gon bolted into the forest so he could cut the losses for Class B. He did not want to fight all three of them on his own. He could, but he should not be using that much power. I have 6 points with me. Kaminari might still be unconscious somewhere, wherever I left him. Bondo, Tokage, Tsunotori, Rin, Yanagi, Fukidashi…Class A will get 6 points too. But I can get 7 if I find Kaminari. He scoured the forest for the blond boy and saw him slumped up against a tree. He picked him up and sprinted away to their jail where he could get his class 7 immediate points.

Back where the Class A flag used to be, Ashido slowly got up. Jirou filled her in on what happened and asked if she could melt the Pop-Offs that were holding Ojiro and Tokoyami back. She did just that. Mandalay made a telepathic announcement for everyone. Class A extended their lead to 13-4. Not even two minutes later, the score was updated to 13-11.

Jirou's eyes widened. "11? How did they get 7 points? Gon took the flag and Mineta, so that's 6. Someone else must have been put in there too."

In the middle of the forest, having not run into anyone yet, the group with Tetsutetsu, Monoma, Awase, and Kuroiro found themselves up against Iida and Todoroki, two of the strongest students in Class A.

Todoroki pushed his ice out towards Monoma and Tetsutetsu. Monoma had copied Tetsutetsu's Quirk because it would be useful versus Iida, but knowing that, Todoroki chose to target them. Kuroiro hid into the shadows as soon as they spotted the Class A boys, so the two did not know they were dealing with a fourth student as well. Monoma and Tetsutetsu broke their way through the ice.

Meanwhile, Iida was running around in zigzags to catch Awase off guard, but it was not working. The boy was very attentive to his surroundings. Finally, Iida ran in and swung his powerful leg, but Awase fell to the ground and rolled away in time. He contemplated reaching his hand out to Weld Iida with the ground, but it was very dangerous. Iida was moving too quickly and Awase was stationary, so he could easily pull his arm or tear a muscle.

Above the trees, a sound of explosions approached by the second. Bakugo dropped through the trees and instantly targeted Tetsutetsu with a yell, leaving Monoma to Todoroki.

With one less opponent to worry about, Todoroki flooded everything in front of him with ice. It pushed Monoma into a tree where he was frozen and stuck for the time being. The boy with a large scar on his face turned and watched Bakugo and Iida fight against their opponents.

That was when Kuroiro struck. He darted out of the shadows when nobody was watching or expecting him and punched Todoroki on the back of his head as hard as he could. The teen from Class A was already tired, having used his Quirk a lot throughout the exercise so far. He fell to the ground with a thud that alerted Bakugo and Iida about it, but they were preoccupied and could not move away yet. Kuroiro grabbed Todoroki and disappeared into the shadows again where the other two students could not follow him.

Bakugo grit his teeth but grinned madly at his opponent. Tetsutetsu was on edge because he had seen what Bakugo could do before. The ash blond boy pummeled the teen covered in steel with rapid explosions which overwhelmed him and his Steel began to falter. However, Bakugo was not satisfied yet. He blasted an aimed and direct explosion at Tetsutetsu to not hit the trees which launched the Class B boy into the distance.

Iida was still trying to land a solid kick on Awase, and Awase was trying to Weld his opponent to the ground or a tree, but neither of them got a good opportunity. With Kuroiro gone and Monoma and Tetsutetsu out for now, Iida realized he could use his full power without much risk. Even if Recipro Burst failed, Bakugo could still handle Awase when Iida was unable to move.

The tallest boy there charged up the engines on his calves. He activated Recipro Burst without shouting it out and stormed after Awase, tackling him into a tree and leaving him too injured to retaliate.

Iida's engines stalled as they cooled down for the several seconds where he was immobile. Bakugo grumbled something under his breath. "That bastard took IcyHot. Might be headed for the jail." He looked over to Iida who seemed to give it a serious thought.

The engines were fine again, and Iida began moving again. "Let us take these three to our jail. Nobody else is around here from what I know, so it has to be us." Surprisingly, Bakugo did not retort something about not being told what to do.

Iida and Bakugo took Awase, Monoma, and Tetsutetsu to their jail. Along the way, they ran into Midoriya and Kirishima, so they passed the three Class B students to them. Bakugo exploded off to fight Gon who he was sure was not in the Class A jail yet. He knew nobody would be able to capture the biggest threat from Class B without a significant advantage…but he thought he could.

Midoriya sighed as he watched Bakugo propel himself away. "He thinks he can beat Gon now…I don't know what changed since the Sports Festival."

"Well, he had his internship," Kirishima responded while dragging Tetsutetsu. "But, so did Gon."

Midoriya, Iida, and Kirishima dragged the defeated Class B students back to the jail. There, they saw almost all of the remainder of the Class A huddled around making a plan and watching the three boys come in. The score update came to be 16-11 with Class A in the lead.

"I am glad you were able to join us," Yaoyorozu said with a smile to the newcomers. She was back on her feet despite having been beaten down by Gon. "Did any of you see Todoroki or Bakugo?"

Iida scratched his head. "Todoroki was taken by a Class B student. I do not know who he is, but he was able to travel in the shadows. Quite literally in the shadows, while carrying Todoroki." Just as Iida finished his sentence, Mandalay gave an update, with the score changing to 16-12. Iida nodded, "That may have been Todoroki getting put into their jail."

"Well, we're planning on splitting into groups and finding whoever we can," Ashido spoke up. "We're only three points away from winning. We can do this!" she exclaimed and raised an excited fist into the air.

Iida mentioned having an earpiece from Tetsutetsu, and Tsuyu said she had Tokage's earpiece. They figured they could listen in on the chance Class B used their earpieces. The students briefly continued talking about their plans before splitting into three groups between the 11 of them.

Back at the Class B jail, Gon met up with Kendo, Shiozaki, Tsuburaba, Kuroiro, and Honenuki, who was now up again. Tsuburaba had unfortunately been knocked out by Todoroki and Iida, but the two girls were up yet exhausted.

"Gon, find Kamakiri and Kaibara," Kendo told him as soon as he came into their view.

"What are they doing?" he replied with a frown.

Kuroiro stood up to his feet. "They're looking for people to capture. We can still win this. Let's go." Gon nodded, and the two of them were stepping away.

"Kamakiri and Kaibara have our earpieces," Shiozaki called out as they were jogging off.

Honenuki stared in longing from behind. He stood up and ran after them too, leaving Kendo and Shiozaki in shock. "Wait, Honenuki, don't leave us!" the class president called out. "We're exhausted. If anyone comes here, it's over. They could take us three and win."

Gon and Kuroiro paused and looked back, and Honenuki looked back at the girls and the unconscious Tsuburaba. He glanced at his other two classmates who were heading off, and they all nodded in mutual understanding. Honenuki walked back towards the jail and sat down next to Shiozaki and watched Gon and Kuroiro disappear into the forest.

Gon knew some of their earpieces were probably taken. Considering the number of points Class A had, they must have taken someone with an earpiece by now. Gon raised his hand to his earpiece and spoke into it, "Kamakiri, Kaibara, it's Gon. Kuroiro and I are looking for you."

Kaibara hesitantly explained where they were as best as he could based on surroundings. He knew Class A would have a few of their earpieces too, just like Gon suspected. He and his travelling partner moved away from where they were and moved closer back towards their own jail where Gon and Kuroiro were coming from. They knew they would be able to spot each other.

They met up far away from their original locations while they were talking. Their hope was to have thrown Class A off their trail. "Let's go catch all the people we can," Kamakiri said as soon as they met up. That was all there was to say. No plans, no strategies…they needed points, and they would use their strength to get points.

The group of four ran through the forest without any interruptions. A destination was decided on the way.

The flag and jail areas of Class A were empty except for the students who were in the jail, many of whom were conscious. But the four Class B students could do nothing to get them out.

Several explosions brought the group's attention to something behind them. Bakugo landed, and Ashido and Kirishima were panting behind him as they ran on the ground. "Fight me!" the ash blond boy ordered Gon with a wild grin.

Gon grimaced and looked over to his classmates. All three were rearing for some action, so the spiky green haired boy made the first move by darting to his left and flicking his fingers constantly to shoot air cannons.

Bakugo blasted into the air and dodged them all using his excellent aerial mobility. Gon jumped and met him in the air and swung his leg out. A slice of wind cut through, and Gon felt himself falling so he flicked all 10 fingers below him and blasted back up. The ash blond teen allowed himself to fall and avoided much of the wind force, but then he shot back up and released an explosion only a few meters below and in front of his opponent.

The explosion knocked Gon away and threw up a huge cloud of smoke while the five students on the ground looked up in awe. Kamakiri and Kaibara quickly turned their attention to Kirishima and Ashido. The taller boy got his blades out of his hands and fought the redhead who he knew had a hardening Quirk like Tetsutetsu.

The two clashed, and Kirishima's attacks were slow and sloppy. The redhead's Hardening began to break and fail, and Kamakiri withdrew his arm blades to not cut his opponent fatally. He kicked the Class A student in the chest, and Kirishima growled in pain before finding renewed energy and punching Kamakiri in the stomach.

At that point, Kuroiro jumped in, not having an opponent of his own. He knew Kaibara would handle Ashido without too much struggle. Kuroiro tackled Kirishima to the ground with the redhead yelling out things about his attack not being manly because it was not a one versus one. Eventually though, Kirishima stopped struggling as the two Class B students knocked him out.

Kaibara found Ashido to be a tougher opponent than he was expecting. She slipped around a lot with agile reflexes, but he had gotten a few solid hits on her with his drills while she had burned him with some acid which did not bother him too much.

Kaibara threw his left drill hand out farther to his left, blocking Ashido from dodging that way. He knew she would jump back instead of going to the right because she had done it a few times before, and he picked up on the habit. When Ashido took a big step back, Kaibara surged forward and drilled her with both hands at her sides. The pain made her collapse and kept Kaibara's attention until a huge explosion sounded in the air.

Kaibara, Kamakiri, and Kuroiro darted their eyes up to the sky. Another huge smoke cloud covered the area around them and darkened their surroundings. They could not even see Gon or Bakugo until a strong gust of wind cleared out the smoke. Gon had his arms facing straight down as he stared eye-to-eye at his opponent.

Bakugo propelled himself ahead and blasted over Gon to be behind him. As he passed over, he swung his right hand out with the gauntlet attached, but Gon kicked behind him with both legs and burst away before Bakugo even finished going over him and extending his arm.

"Gon! Finish this quickly!" Kaibara shouted out, having to cup his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.

The green haired teen made no motion that he heard his classmate, but he spun around rather roughly. I've only used attacks in the air a few times! Gon thought as he grit his teeth and shot forward with some more kicks. I practiced flying around Whale Island, but it was really recent and I don't have much experience. He looked up at Bakugo with a serious expression as the other boy flew up higher into the air, readying an explosion. Bakugo has more air experience than me, he finally admitted.

Gon kicked his right leg up above him where his opponent was charging an explosion. He followed it up with a punch from his right hand too. The wind destabilized Bakugo. Frustrated, the ash blond shot towards Gon, and the green haired teen met his attack.

The two exchanged punches at rapid speeds above the trees and above the students watching from the ground. Every time they attacked, they would pull away, fly around, and attack again. They were flying around so fast that there were only one or two seconds between each attack.

Bakugo released an explosion from one of his gauntlets which Gon countered with a simultaneous punch and kick from his right side. The wind and explosion mixing together scattered out in a spectacular display of smoke, embers, wind, and brightness. Gon flicked all fingers on his left hand where he predicted Bakugo to be within the explosion. The Class A student was sent flying, and the smoke cleared out completely.

Bakugo was tumbling through the air, but he timed his explosions correctly to stop the momentum from Gon's attack that was pushing him away. He blasted forward and charged up a huge explosion. Gon sent a kick and a punch in his direction, but Bakugo released his huge explosion which pushed through the wind force from the attacks. The green haired teen covered his whole body with Ken and allowed himself to get blasted down, leaving a hot crater in the dirt.

The ash blond boy smirked wildly as he panted and lowered himself, too tired to maintain his explosions and height in the air. His smirk dropped when Gon came out of the hole, looking a little wary with some singed clothes, but he looked better than Bakugo.

"You thought I'd lose to one explosion?" Gon asked strongly while Bakugo ground his teeth in frustration.

Gon shot over towards his opponent while the ash blond fired explosions behind him to soar into the air. He could not move fast enough. Gon instantly stopped running towards where Bakugo was previously standing and instead jumped up and tackled the other boy back to the ground. The Class A student struggled to get out from under Gon, but the green haired teen palmed his stomach and ran off over to his classmates to say something.

Bakugo yelled out and exploded into the air just as Gon was coming back to deliver a final blow and take Bakugo with Kirishima and Ashido.

"Get to the jail! We're under attack!" Honenuki yelled into the earpieces that Gon, Kamakiri, and Kaibara heard as they were dragging Kirishima and Ashido back to their jail. Going after Bakugo was not worth it right now.

Gon looked at his classmates and nodded. "Kuroiro, we need to get the flag quickly!"

"You sure you're good?" he asked hesitantly, to which Gon nodded immediately. Gon sprinted off towards the jail while Kuroiro travelled in the shadows to keep up.

At the jail, Honenuki was surrounded by Midoriya, Iida, Jirou, and Hagakure. Shiozaki and Kendo had gotten to their feet but were swiftly knocked back down by Midoriya. The panting of each student and the wariness on their faces made it clear to Honenuki that they were all tired. He only hoped someone would be able to come back and help. Shishida and Tsuburaba were still out from earlier fights.

Honenuki bent down to soften the ground, but Iida dashed forward and kicked him away and into the thick dirt wall that made the jail. Jirou plugged her jacks into the ground and used Heartbeat Fuzz to temporarily incapacitate Honenuki from the soundwaves. Midoriya bounced forward and, with a punch, knocked the Class B student out again. Earlier, they had made the plan to take as many students as they could in case they were interrupted anywhere.

Iida took Shishida and Tsuburaba. Hagakure took Shiozaki. Jirou took Kendo, and Midoriya took Honenuki. They had five points, and they just had to get three of them to their own jail, and then they would win.

Gon and Kuroiro blasted out of the forest. Gon did not even stop as he ran straight for Iida while the taller teen with glasses let go of his captures. Iida tried running out of the way, but Gon tackled him to the ground. He got up as he noticed some light bending a little strangely near him. He figured it must be Hagakure, so he ran where he thought she was when he felt a punch in his ribs on the left side. Even without strong Nen defense in the area where he got hit, he barely felt the pain. He stuck his palm out in front of him and shoved her away into Jirou as the two girls collided and fell.

Iida scrambled back to his feet and flattened Gon to the ground quickly and quietly without alerting him that Iida was coming. Gon flooded with Nen and threw Iida off him, but the blue haired teen landed on his feet. He charged Gon again when he hit something solid yet invisible – but it was not Hagakure.

Gon darted his eyes to his right for a split second. He saw Tsuburaba on his knees, having just blown out a small barrier of Solid Air. He beamed at him but quickly frowned when Jirou was about to attack when Tsuburaba was not looking.

Gon leapt forward and kicked Jirou's approaching jack away from his classmate who had just got up from unconsciousness and was still trying to adjust to what was happening around him.

Right then, a new group emerged out of the forest. Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Ojiro, and Shoji had entered the fight. Tsuburaba's eyes widened huge as he made more invisible barriers to block them off. However, Ojiro and Shoji broke them down without too much effort.

With a few hits, Yaoyorozu and Tsuyu took Tsuburaba down. Iida shouted out that they needed to take the weakened Class B students back to their jail. Iida himself grabbed Tsuburaba and began running. Midoriya was fighting Kuroiro, but Kuroiro could not keep up in close combat. He flitted his eyes around, but he did not have enough darkness in his surroundings to hide in and use sneak attacks.

Tokoyami's Dark Shadow extended towards Gon, but that was when Kuroiro saw his opportunity. He merged with the Quirk and took control of it briefly, for a few seconds, and attacked Tokoyami himself with his own power.

The extra time allowed Gon to go after Iida who was escaping, but Shoji and Ojiro blocked his path. He tried jumping into the air to avoid them, but Midoriya jumped up with him from a farther distance, and the two crashed down together.

Ojiro and Shoji surrounded Gon as both green haired boys stood up. Midoriya was right next to him and tried slamming his shoulder with an elbow, but Gon leapt back far enough in time. Ojiro surged forward and turned around midair to slam his tail into Gon's raised arms that protected him but still knocked him away.

Kuroiro was controlling Dark Shadow, but he could feel his grasp on the dark creature weakening. He lost control, and Dark Shadow kicked him out and slammed the boy with pitch black skin into the ground. Yaoyorozu and Tsuyu also surrounded him. While he was on the ground, he saw an invisible person dragging Shiozaki away, and Jirou was dragging Honenuki.

Kamakiri and Kaibara came at that moment when Gon and Kuroiro needed them most. They tossed Kirishima and Ashido into their jail. Kamakiri charged in to help Kuroiro while Kaibara ran after Hagakure and Jirou.

Kamakiri fought Yaoyorozu with blades against small metal rods. She was a harder opponent than he thought she would be, but he ultimately got an opening and retracted his blades to knock her aside with a punch.

Jirou and Hagakure sprinted as fast as they could while carrying their respective Class B student. Kaibara was gaining on them when a tongue wrapped around him and pulled him back. Tokoyami followed it up by smashing him to the dirt with Dark Shadow.

Meanwhile, Gon was still trying to run after Iida, but Midoriya stood in his path again, bursting with energy arcs around his body. Shoji and Ojiro were running towards him too from behind, and Gon sidestepped Shoji's multi arm punch and ducked under the tail whip from Ojiro.

Midoriya took the chance to punch Gon in the chest which knocked the wind out of the other boy. He flew back, close to the forest, and gave up hope of winning. He would not keep fighting. If he did, he would appear to have limitless energy. Shoji and Ojiro surrounded him again, but Gon made no action of getting up.

A few minutes late, but still giving an update, Mandalay said the score was 16-14. However, a few minutes after that, she said Class A had won 19-14.

Everybody collapsed in exhaustion. They all managed to gather back at the main camp where Recovery Girl had arrived and healed many of the 39 students.

I know I said it would come out pretty quick, but this was so long and I wanted to incorporate everyone. But, because I wanted to make everyone do at least one thing, almost all of the fights were pretty watered down. Many fights were very brief and vague because this chapter would be too long if I spent time describing every action. This isn't too exciting of a chapter, but I just wanted to write something that involves both classes, so I settled for a game of capture the flag. Anyways, the rest of the chapters will be more in line with what you're used to from this story. And it'll have cool fights, I hope. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!