
As the tears flowed freely from her eyes, Anna felt relieved. He knew. Her husband knew the truth. In his arms, she felt renewed. She wasn't fixed; there was still a long time for that. But within his strong arms, she felt this comfort she hadn't felt in a long time.

The sobs continued out of her lips for a while. John never asked her to stop or told her to calm down. Instead, he held her close and allowed her tears to flow.

When the sobs subsided, she still held on to John as if she let go he would disappear. Her body had ached for his protective touch for too long. She couldn't let it go now. His hands came up to her head and he gently kissed the top of her head.

"Let's go home," he whispered into her head. It was past midnight, probably close to one am by now.

Anna slowly removed herself from John's arms and met his eyes. She nodded. Her lips trembled.

"I need my things," she said, her voice broken from all the crying.

"You have plenty of things at our cottage. Tomorrow you can get the rest," he reminded her. Our cottage. Those two words warmed Anna's body. The long nights alone in the bedroom

upstairs had made her yearn for their small cottage. The place they had made their home.

Anna's head bobbed in agreement. She suddenly felt unsure of herself and stumbled slightly as she stepped forward. John helped to steady her and watched her carefully.

"I'm just tired," she explained to him. It was partially the truth. She hadn't slept well since it happened. To be honest, however, she was fearful of being alone in the cottage with John. She didn't fear him. It was the concern of how she would be when he touched her or when the nightmares came. Anna was not sure he knew exactly what he was signing up for. She wasn't the woman he had married.

John said that the suffering she had endured made her higher to him. But her suffering had changed her.

"Anna?" His words were gentle. He could read her so well. Carefully, he took her hand into his and caressed the back of it with his thumb. "Please don't worry. I love you. There will be absolutely no pressure from me."

Anna tightened her hand within John's and gave him a small smile, telling him she was ready to go home.

Tomorrow she would tell Mrs. Hughes that she was moving back into the cabin. It was too late for her to pack up her things, but she needed to go home now.

When they reached the cottage, Anna's eyes grew heavy. The lack of sleep from the past weeks and walk home had worn her out. She climbed over the threshold and a breath she hadn't known she was holding escaped her lips.


Tears prickled behind her blue eyes. She was home.

John's hand landed on her shoulder and she jumped.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't mean…" Anna shook her head.

"It's not your fault. I… I'm sorry. I…"

"Don't apologize," he said firmly, but lovingly. The two walked into the house. He turned, closed the door, and locked it. Then John lit a light, as Anna sat at the table.

"Anna, you should go to bed," he said, her eyes were growing heavy.

Bedtime. Anna was scared of bedtime. She loved John so very much, but the idea of laying in bed with a man, even her husband, frightened her. It seemed ridiculous; John would never hurt her. She couldn't explain the fear she felt.

"I'll sleep in the guest room," John added.

"No, you shouldn't have to sleep in the guest room. I..I'll be alright," Anna lied.

"Anna, no more lies between us," John requested. Anna swallowed hard. The lie of Green still sat between the two of them. Her eyes fell to her hands, unable to meet John's gaze.

"You're not alright. It will likely be a while before you are alright and that is okay. Part of the reason you left the cottage was because of my touch, correct?"

Anna slowly nodded, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry," she cried. John's hand reached across the table taking her hand.

"Darling, you have nothing to apologize for," he told her.

"I've disappointed you."

"Anna, you could never do that," he said. "You are incapable of fault," he repeated the words he had said to Lord Grantham.

"But I…" she paused. She almost said she had still talked to Green after John disliked him so. Her lips sealed tight. She had to protect John from himself.

"Go to bed, Anna. I will sleep in the guest room until you are ready." His kindness made her tears flow again.

The two of them walked upstairs together. John was one step behind Anna. Reaching their bedroom, John stopped outside of the door to allow Anna to go in by herself. Anna's head turned toward him.

"Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" John nodded. He remained outside of the room while Anna got ready for bed, but then came back in when she told him she was ready.

As she laid down in the bed, John's heart nearly burst seeing her back where she belonged. He sat at the edge of the bed.

"Can you read to me?" John smiled. He grabbed the book they had been reading together off the bedside table. With little light in the room, he lit the lamp and turned it low.

John read through the next chapter in the story. When he looked up a few pages in, he found his wife sleeping peacefully. Her breaths were even.

Slowly, he shut the book and placed it back on the bedside table. He wanted to bend down and kiss her forehead, but decided against it. Turning off the light, he stood.

His brow creased, concern for his wife's healing consuming him. He prayed he would be able to help her through this and that the two of them would come out even stronger.

More soon?

Not sure if I want to end my series of one shots here or to continue. Depends on my muse, I think. Today it was running like crazy. Three updates in one day-I would almost want to try to update my other before the day was over. However, my children wake early and I do need sleep. Haha. Thank you to everyone!