Here it is! Them moment you have all asked about. I had a lot of fun with this chapter, sorry it is so late getting to all of you. I wanted it to be juuussstt right. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 4:

***Harvey's POV***

Although it had barely been an hour that he saw her, it felt like days. And since she was unconscious being wheeled through an ER was the last time he saw her, his nerves had all been shot to shit. As he followed the nurse to her room, he did his best to keep his nerves at bay. When the door opened, it took all his energy not to grab the door and rip it off its hinges. He raced forward into the room and when he saw her, he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. She was there. She was awake. And although she was a little pale and looked exhausted, she was there with him and that was all that mattered. He drops her purse on the counter next to him, takes three long strides and he was at her side. He reached for her right hand noting the I.V taped to her arm and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He pulls back murmuring, "God, you scared me Donna", he stands there, breathing in her scent and rubbing circles on her hand. Some time later, she brings a hand up to his cheek and pulls him back so she can look in his eyes. "Hey, hey, hey," she begins softly, "Harvey…I'm alright…I promise," she continues, trying to calm my nerves.

I stand up, still holding on to her hand and reach behind me to slide the chair behind me closer to her bedside. "What did the doctor say?" I ask quickly, "they haven't told me anything, they found out I wasn't really your husband," I admit, slightly embarrassed I thought that would work. "I can't believe you thought lying would work Harvey," she lightly chastises me with a chuckle. I glance up at her and she can tell by the look on my face that I have been through hell and I can see she instantly regrets trying to joke around right now. "I'm sorry," she responds while bringing her hand up to cup my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into her warmth, giving her palm a light kiss, "so what happened?" I ask again, "Are you going to be okay?" "Yes, Harvey, I'm fine," she assures me. But she's not, if she were she wouldn't be sitting here in a hospital gown, hooked up to an I.V. and oxygen. "I was severely dehydrated and a little run down but I'll be okay," she continues. How could he not have noticed? She is always so in tune with what is going on with him, how could he have missed something like this? "Were you sick more than just the other night?" I ask, "don't lie to me Donna," I continue with a slight warning tone in my voice. She doesn't answer right away but when she does, I can tell she is hesitant and holding back, "about that," she starts before looking down at our intertwined hands, "there's something I need to talk to you about."

***Donna POV***

I'm staring at our intertwined fingers and my mouth is suddenly completely dry and I try swallowing but it doesn't really seem to be working. I take in a big breath, already feeling the happy tears stinging my eyes and as I let out the breath I just took in, I lift my head to meet his questioning eyes. "What is it?" he worriedly asks, "whatever it is, you know you can tell me anything right?" "I know Harvey," I answer, "just give me a minute". I glance at the room around us and figure since they want to do an ultrasound, it is now or never. I want him to hear this news from me, not some random medical professional. I lock my eyes with him and start, "do you remember that conversation we had at William's christening?" I quietly ask. I can see the wheels turning in his head as I continue playing with our fingers. "About how ridiculous Louis' planning was?" he responds, "yeah I remember but—-" "Not the conversation I am referring to Harvey," I abruptly interrupt him. We sit in silence for a moment, Harvey sitting there looking at me with a bewildered look on his face and me slightly smiling at him, hoping he will come to the conclusion on his own.

She disconnects their hands and as his hand lays on her leg, she reaches for her still flat stomach, pausing to look down and then back up to Harvey, tears streaming down her face, "Harvey, you're gonna be a dad," she all but whispers through her tears. She can hear his breathing hitch and she takes a moment to wipe the tears from her eyes. Before she knows what is happening, Harvey has grabbed her face in his hands and crushed his lips to hers with all the force and love he has. They break apart, gasping for air and both letting out a chuckle, "you're pregnant?" he asks, "sure am. New York's best closer officially closed this deal," she teases him. He pulls back to see her face and they both chuckle at the response. They stay there, just staring at one another before Donna realizes Harvey is crying, "are those happy tears?" she cautiously asks. "These are the happiest tears I've ever cried Donna", he answers. He sits down again, wrapping his arms around her hips and laying his head down in her lap. She drops her hands to his head, caressing his hair and wiping the tears from his cheeks. "Hey little one, it's your dad, "Harvey mumbles and more tears fall from Donna's eyes, "I can't wait to meet you," he turns his head to kiss Donna's stomach before sitting up in the chair again. Still holding her hand, they hear a soft knock on the door and they turn to see the nurse from earlier at the door, "Miss Paulsen, are you ready for the scan?" she asks kindly. Harvey's eyes go wide as his head snaps between Donna and the nurse, "scan? What scan? I thought you said you were fine," he nervously asks, "is there something wrong with the baby? I mean you did faint after all," he continues to ramble but Donna squeezes his arm and he turns to look at her, with worry filled eyes, "Harvey, it's alright, it's just a precaution, I haven't had an ultrasound yet," I begin to explain, "I had an appointment for next week but since I'm here they decided to go ahead with it tonight." He visibly relaxes and a wide smile starts to spread across his face, "so we're gonna see our baby tonight?" The nurse is the first to respond, "that's the plan Mr. Specter."

The nurse walks through the room, prepping the ultrasound machine and helping Donna get in position for the scan. "I was going to tell you tonight so you could be there for the scan," Donna informs Harvey, "I don't want you to think I was keeping something from you, I just wanted to wait until I was 100% certain," she continues. "Donna, I understand, you don't have to justify yourself to me," he answers, "I'm just glad I know now," he finishes as he places a light kiss on her hand. "Alright Donna, I need you to raise your gown a bit," the nurse informs Donna as she walks over with the ultrasound machine. Donna moves to cover her lower half with blankets and lifts her hospital gown up to expose her still flat stomach. The nurse lowers the head of the bed and Donna leans back on the pillows. The lights are turned down and Harvey hasn't taken his eyes off Donna. Donna turns her head towards Harvey, grabbing his hand again and sharing a small smile with him to which he winks back at. "Ready?" the nurse kindly asks, "yes" both Harvey and Donna respond.

The cold ultrasound gel is applied to Donna's stomach and the nurse begins her scan, looking for the baby's heartbeat. "The first scan can be a little tricky, the baby is very small," the nurse informs them. Donna's eyes are locked on the screen, watching as the nurse locates their baby while Harvey's eyes are still glued to Donna. The nurse halts her movements on Donna's stomach and Donna raises a hand to her mouth as she lets out a gasp. "There," the nurse informs them, "there's your baby". Harvey's head snaps to the screen to see first hand the life he and Donna had created. His vision goes blurry once again as he stares in awe at the screen. Donna turns her head to Harvey again, tears now running down both of their cheeks. Harvey squeezes her hand reassuringly and they both turn back towards the nurse who has grabbed a different device, "now we're gonna hear the heartbeat." It's quiet in the room as the couple waits to hear the heartbeat for the first time, it feels like an eternity and just as Donna was about to say something, the room is filled with a loud whooshing sound that is rhythmic and strong. "Wow," Donna breathes. She can't find the words to sum up how and what she is feeling. She had known for over a month she was pregnant but being here, with Harvey hearing the heartbeat, it's like she is learning for the first time all over again that she will be a mom.

The nurse finishes up, taking pictures and measurements and printing out photos for the happy couple. Donna uses a towel to wipe off her stomach before covering herself up again with the blankets. The nurse leaves shortly after, letting them know they have a room ready for Donna for the night. She hands them the ultrasound pictures and leaves them. "I think it's a boy," she tells Harvey. He turns to her, "really? I think it's definitely a girl," he challenges. "Nope, it's a boy, call it mother's intuition," she quickly responds. A comfortable silence falls over them as they sit looking at the ultrasound pictures until Donna's head snaps up, "Harvey, where's my purse?" she asks. "Oh, it's right over here," he stands to fetch her bag, handing it over to him. She starts riffling through her bag, clearly on a mission, "need a hand?" he asks comically. "No….I just….am looking for….AH HA!" she cheerfully exclaims, "found it!" "And what did we find?" he inquires, "hidden treasure?" "Something like that," she responds before moving the purse from her lap, now holding a small white box in her hands. His eyes look down and he gives her a questioning look, "what is that?" he asks. "This is for you," she responds as she holds out the small white box for him. He takes the box and sits down on the side of her bed, next to her legs. He opens the flap of the box and his breath hitches, inside the box is a small white onesie reading, "new York city's best baby", he chuckles at the statement, pulling out the onesie before realizing there is another item in the box. He lays the onesie on his lap before seeing a desk name plate with the phrase, "world's best dad". "This was going to be our surprise during dessert but…," Donna trails off. He sits there, with his head down, staring at the items, not realizing how much time had passed until he feels her hand on his arm. He looks up at her, tears in his eyes and whispers a soft, "thank you" before reaching for her hand and kissing it.

There is a knock at the door and in walks a man in a white coat, "Miss Paulsen, just wanted to let you know that everything looks great for you and the baby, you'll be staying the night with us so we can re-hydrate you but we see no reason why you can't be released tomorrow morning", he continues, "however, if your symptoms continue to increase in severity, we may need to discuss medications and further options to keep you healthy during this pregnancy." "Thank you Dr. Mathison, I appreciate it," Donna replies. They go over some more information, schedule her next appointment and ultrasound before the hospital transport team is there to take Donna to her room. While they are getting Donna settled in the room, Harvey steps out to phone Ray to ask him to bring some items to the hospital. Once off the phone, he walks back in to her room to find Donna sitting up in bed, looking over a hospital menu, "hey, you hungry? We didn't really eat a proper dinner," she starts, "it won't be Carbone but it's better than starving." He walks over to her, sitting in the chair next to her bed, looking at the menu with her. "How are you feeling?" he gently asks her, "better, still a little off but, getting there", she replies. He takes a deep breath but before he can continue, she cuts him off, "I'm going to be fine, Harvey, I don't want you to worry so much about me, the doctor and nurses recommended some foods to try that shouldn't be too hard on my stomach," she tells him.

They order food and since Ray has dropped off a bag for each of them, Donna excuses herself to the adjoining bathroom of her hospital room. It takes some time to get her and her I.V. pole in place but she's Donna and nothing is impossible. She washes off her makeup, brushes her teeth and hair before changing into her own pair of comfortable pajamas, taking extra care with her right arm and I.V. She exits the bathroom to find Harvey had also changed into his pajamas and is spreading out sheets and a blanket on the couch by the window of her room. She almost starts to tell him he doesn't need to stay but she knows he would never leave her alone and now knowing she is pregnant, she better get used to him being attached to her hip for the next few months. She crawls back into bed, the weight of the day suddenly hitting her like a ton of bricks. He turns to face her and she meets his gaze, "you're tired" he states more than asks. "A little, it's been quite the day," she responds while reaching her hand out to him. He walks over, sitting on the chair beside her bed before she slides over in her bed, throwing back the blankets and patting the side of the bed. He chuckles at her but hesitates, "Donna, you both need rest and I don't think-" he is interrupted before he can continue, "you're right, we do need rest but so do you and I know for a fact I always sleep better when you are close to me," she retorts. He shakes his head before climbing in beside her. The head of the bed is sat up so he sits up and she leans her head down to rest on his shoulder. They sit like that for a while, both soaking up the events of the day before she finally breaks the silence, "we're gonna be parents" she muses. He turns to plant a kiss on her head before replying, "I can't wait," he whispers quietly. She reaches for his hand to place on her stomach before placing one of her hands on top of his. "Your boobs are gonna get huge aren't they?" he asks, she rolls his eyes before answering, "wow Harvey, way to kill a moment," she teases, "but yeah, probably," she chuckles before continuing, "guess that means I'll need some new dresses Mister," "anything for you Donna," he responds. That reminds her, "speaking of dresses, what happened to my dress from tonight," she asks him. "I requested they be as gentle as they could when taking it off you so once they got it off, they gave it back to me," he starts before continuing, "I know it was one of your favorites but they did have to cut one of the seams but I think it will be an easy fix," he finishes.

"Thank you," she replies, she is twiddling with the hem of the blanket and he can sense something is on her mind, "hey," he nudges softly, "what's going on in that head of yours?" She sits up before shifting her weight so she is facing him more before continuing, "are you mad at me," she cautiously asks. He squints his eyes and shakes his head before answering, "what could I possibly be mad at you for?" he asks back. "For not telling you sooner," she all but whispers. The guilt she felt earlier is creeping back and she questions whether it was right to keep this secret from him for so long. He takes a minute to mull over his thought before continuing, "mad is definitely not the word I would use to describe how I felt when you told me," he starts, "first, I was shocked and excited knowing we would be parents but yes, I was a little disappointed you didn't tell me when you first found out," he continues, "however, I'm not mad and I understand your reasons for wanting to wait to tell me and honestly, I'm glad you decided to wait, god forbid something would have happened, the pain we would have felt then would have been unimaginable," he pauses, rubbing soft circles on her hand as she looks out the window on the wall. She turns to look at him and can tell he is being honest with her and that's all she can ask. She knows he is hurt but she also feels his forgiveness and that's all the reassurance she needs. "Now that I do know, you can bet your ass I'm going to be there every single step of the way. I'm all in Donna," he finishes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She leans forward, resting their foreheads together before speaking, "What did I ever do to deserve you," she muses out loud, "I think the more pertinent questions is what did I do to deserve you," Harvey replies, pointing softly to her stomach before continuing, "and you, little one," Harvey lifts Donna's chin and plants a soft kiss on her lips and she knows he is sincere and that from this day on, they will continue with this pregnancy together.

They are interrupted by a knock at the door and delivery of the food they ordered. Donna's new night nurse comes in to introduce herself, hang another I.V. bag of liquids and take Donna off the oxygen now that her levels are stable. Once they are left alone, they start to eat, neither of them realizing just how hungry they actually were. Donna eats slowly, not wanting to upset her stomach and after a few minutes, she pushes the tray back, lowers the head of her bed and calls out to Harvey, "take as long as you need, I love you," she sleepily tells him. Harvey smiles to himself and finishes his meal in quiet. After finishing, he removes the trays from the room and gets ready for bed. Before he turns the lights off, he opens his bag one more time to find the boxed dessert from Carbone that he had Ray pick up for them before dropping their things off at the hospital. He places the dessert in the fridge figuring it will still be as good tomorrow when they are back home in their apartment.

He shuts off the lights before pulling back the blankets just enough for him to shimmy his way into bed beside Donna. He turns to pull her closer to him, his right arm going around her waist and he places a kiss to her cheek before whispering a soft goodnight to Donna and their little one. Even though the events of the night scared him more than he cares to admit, he feels safe and content knowing that tonight and every night from here on out, all night he gets to hold in his arms the two most important people in his world.