Mike was in a peaceful sleep. When Mike had dreams about El they would either be the worst kind of nightmares or the dreams would be so good that Mike got depressed afterward when he woke up in the real world.

After winning the talent show, he went to sleep and had one of these dreams.

Mike lay in bed on a beautiful sunny morning. His arm was hooked around a woman's waist as her back faced him. It was always the same woman. He kissed her long hair that he imagined she'd have in the future.

Mike slid off his black briefs and tossed them on the floor. El wore nothing but panties and one of Mike's shirts while sleeping in the dream world, and Mike was fully naked with the removal of his underwear.

El still slept innocently, positioned sideways as her head rested on the pillow. He harassed the back of her head with kisses until she woke up and turned her head around to see his eyes.

"Mike? It's a little early for that," El said, sounding groggy while barely being able to open her eyes to see him.

El tried going back to sleep but Mike wouldn't allow it. These were the only times where Mike felt happy with the world and it wasn't even in real life. Like many other dreams about El, he wasn't sure if this one was real or not. The more Mike looked at El, the more he didn't question it anymore, it had to be real.

Mike smacked her ass super hard, and a few more of those would make her cheeks red with his handprints. The ass slap forced her to wake up as her eyes widened in shock.

"Michael!" El gasped, but she wasn't mad.

"I want you, El. Right now," Mike said in a low tone, sounding determined to get what he wants.


El hesitated for many reasons that Mike didn't understand in the dream world, but Mike was not having it.

He slapped her ass again, then quickly alternated between each buttcheek. El took it like she always did because she was a good girl for Mike. It excited her and eventually turned her on as she turned to the opposite side to face Mike, grabbing his face and embracing his lips with hers. Her breath smelled of perfection. As their lips battled for supremacy, Mike moved his hand under the covers and ripped off El's panties, making El gasp again. He broke off the kiss and flipped El on her stomach before getting on top of her. Mike grabbed El's wrists and placed her hands behind her back.

He grabbed his cock and directed it into her slit, her wet pussy dying to take in his hard cock. El let out a loud moan once she felt it go in and moaned even more when she felt all of it. Mike didn't care about anything else in the world except for pounding the fuck out of El, his slut, and he needed to remain her.

Their bodies slapped together as Mike pounded El, still holding her hands behind her back because he could.

"You like that? Huh?" Mike said, then did a light slap to her ass.

"Yes!" El whispered.

"I… can't... hear... you…"

Mike went deeper and deeper, harder and harder into her wet cunt as her pussy juices covered his dick the longer his pounding went on.

"I love it!!! I love you!!!" El said a little louder but still tried to be quiet.

"You're my slut, right?"

"Yes! I'm your slut, daddy!!!"

Mike never heard El call him daddy. It made him go harder on her, and he was bound to finish at any moment.

"Scream my name!" Mike shouted.

"I can't. We-we have to be q-quiet."

That's where Mike lost it, pulling her hair back and pounding the ever-loving shit out of El's pussy while putting a hand to her throat as if he was going to choke her if she didn't scream.

El didn't have to be told twice, not needing to force anything as Mike ruined her insides. El screamed his name on instinct as she came on his cock.

"MIKE!!! MIIIIIKEEE. MIIIEIEIIEKKKEEEE. FUUUUUUUCK," El screamed so loud that the neighbors could hear her, almost sounding demonic from her orgasm. The aggressive screaming by El made Mike release his load inside of her.

Mike found himself resting in bed before El told him to get ready for work. Mike had no idea what his job was but found himself going with the motions as he got a long shower, brushed his teeth, fixed his hair, and put on a black suit. He picked up a suitcase and headed downstairs to greet El before work.

The light from the sun was too bright as it beamed through the windows, almost blinding Mike who walked into the kitchen to see a little boy sitting down at the table. The boy couldn't be more than five years old. El was cooking eggs and sausage as the young boy patiently waited. Mike got closer to the boy and studied his features. The boy had Mike's hair and eyes, El's nose and ears, but most importantly, he had El's smile. The boy smiled as he looked up at Mike.

"Hi, Daddy."

Mike's eyes widened and it got harder for him to speak when he realized the boy was his son. El turned her head to Mike and giggled at his facial expression.

"Is Daddy okay?" The boy asked as Mike still didn't talk out of amazement for his apparent creation.

El chuckled and walked up to Mike, kissing him on the cheek to snap him out of his hypnosis.

"Daddy's just a little tired from working all the time."

El held Mike's cheeks before quickly pecking his lips. She looked at her son, Mike, and she needed to talk to Mike before he left.

"I'll walk with you to your car, come on."

Mike followed El and outside and she turned around to meet his eyes as soon as he shut the door.

"We can't keep doing that Mike!" El whispered.

"Doing what?"

"I told you over and over again, Mike Jr. keeps hearing me scream and it's only making him more curious. He asked if you were hurting me earlier!"

Mike chuckled.

"I did hurt you."

"Knock it off, Michael, I'm serious. I don't want our son knowing about that stuff until he's the right age!" El said, suddenly making the conversation intense.

"We have the door locked for a reason," Mike replied with a smirk, not taking it as seriously as she would like.

El crossed her arms in frustration.

"Can you go one morning without fucking me?!"

"I don't see you begging me to stop."

El had no comment as she glanced away from Mike for a second to try and cool off.

"I know you're working hard to support us, I just want you to think more about our son."

Mike understood her pain. El was lonely without Mike at home, even with Mike Jr.

"I'm thinking more than about our son. I'm thinking about two sons…"


El blushed at the thought. But no.

"I want you to have another one of my kids, El. It would be so hot, to see your big belly carrying my seed again."

El couldn't even hide how excited she was to hear that Mike wanted another kid. She would have ten of Mike's kids if she could.

"I'm… on the pill…"

"Get off of it. I'll start fucking you nonstop for the next month or two and we'll have another Mike Jr… or a girl…"

Mike never wanted a girl as his kid. In the real world and dream, he wanted El to have boys. He just didn't like the idea of raising a girl and having to deal with her having boyfriends.

El didn't want to look so weak by immediately agreeing so she paused, looking down at the ground and then at her garden before returning her eyes to Mike.

"OK. I'll get off of them today…"

Mike kissed her forehead and said goodbye before heading towards his car. While walking, he heard El say goodbye back.

"Goodbye, Mike."

Those words brought him out of the beautiful dream as heavy rain started pouring down. Mike turned around to see El standing still as she got soaked in the rain.

"Goodbye, Mike."


"Goodbye, Mike."

El walked backward every time she said it, having soulless eyes and an unenthusiastic voice.

"Goodbye, Mike."



Mike woke up. It said 6:30 A.M. on his alarm clock. He calmed down before standing up and walking to his desk. Mike grabbed a pencil and set his eyes on a paper with a bunch of numbers on it. He put a checkmark beside the number 351, then he got ready for school.

Mike walked towards his car in the parking lot after school ended, but he found Hopper in uniform, leaning on his vehicle with a cigar in his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" Mike asked as he got annoyed at Hopper showing up out of the blue.

"Just here to talk is all. I wanna know how you're doing."

Mike sighed and rolled his eyes. Why did he keep talking to the chief? Maybe it comforted him to know somebody listened to his pain and tried to support him, but Mike couldn't tell anyone else. Hopper wasn't that close of a friend and was barely a friend to begin with, so telling Hopp his deepest and darkest secrets seemed less awkward.

"Let's go then," Mike said.

Mike followed Hopper to his police vehicle and they headed to a more secluded area of Hawkins before Hopper stopped his car on the side of the road.

This is how they always talked, with no one else nearby, calm scenery, and music on the radio in the background with low volume as they discussed things.

"The last time we talked was two months ago. I don't know why but I had a hunch you weren't doing so well," Hopper said as he threw the cigar out of his car.

"Yeah. Good guess. Things are shit," Mike replied honestly.


"You know why."

They had the conversation so many times. Hopper knew Mike knew, it was always about El.

"Anything new going on other than the usual," Hopper asked.

"She keeps appearing in my dreams. Good or bad, she's always there… and I can't stand it. It's like she's still alive and trying to communicate with me through my dreams."

Hopper initially worried that El could be interfering with Mike's dreams as he didn't quite know how far El could go with her powers. But there was no way she could do that, right?

"Every night for the last two weeks, I've been dreaming about her. I want it to stop… but at the same time, I get to see her face in those dreams. I - I love seeing her, even if it's just a dream," Mike explained.

Hopper got more and more curious as he changed the radio station.

"You have any idea why you keep having these dreams?"

"I… I don't know. It might have something to do with the anniversary coming up.."


"Of El…"


Hopper waited for a car to pass by before locking eyes with Mike.

"Enough about that for now. How are things at home?"

Mike chuckled as he thought about his home life.

"Same as it was two months ago. Mom and Dad don't give a shit about me and escape the house on weekends to get out of town, Nancy's still with the dickhead, Steve, and all I care about is El even though I just won a talent show by playing my guitar."

"You should be happy. That music stuff can get you somewhere if you keep practicing. You got George Harrison written all over you, the girls will love ya."

Hopper wasn't lying. He saw the potential of Mike in the music industry. Not even taking into account his talent, Mike's looks would quickly get him popular with fangirls.

"No offense but I don't care about being the next Beatle. Look, I love playing guitar but I can't get El out of my head. I think I'm losing it, Hopper."

Hopper felt it was appropriate to ask the question.

"So, you uh, you having any new suicidal thoughts?"

Mike swallowed his pride and looked away from Hopper and out of his window.

"Just the little thoughts now and then that tell me things can't get better, she'll never leave your brain, she's always going to be there. Sometimes I-I don't think I can't go on… but I do. I could never kill myself, although a tiny part of my brain would try to convince me otherwise."

Hopper admired Mike's honesty, not afraid to throw it all on the table. He did care for the boy's health despite what he did to El. Mike loved her and that was clear as day, but Hopp couldn't bring himself to take Mike to her. He could always do that at another time and Mike doesn't seem so messed up to the point where he might harm himself.

"I had those thoughts about Sara. I wondered if I could ever move on, and I still haven't. But it's not about forgetting and moving on, it's about accepting reality for what it is and trying to make the best of it. It's not your fault what happened to El, and it's not mine for what happened to Sara. Mike, you need to stay strong. You are a smart and handsome kid with a bright future, and I honestly think you're a bit too talented, it's unfair. You're gonna make it through the tough times, okay?"

And there Hopper was, making Mike feel better and hopeful about the future and temporarily calming him down in the present. Mike always felt better after Hopper gave advice.


After some small talk, Hopper drove Mike back into the school parking lot and watched as Mike got in his car and drove off. Hopper couldn't help but think about how good Mike was, which made it harder for him to understand how Mike could take advantage of a naive El and almost get her pregnant!


An hour after school ended, Max made her way into Billy's car as Dustin and Lucas watched her ride away.

Before leaving school, Dustin and Lucas found themselves bragging to each other about the events that unfolded earlier. Dustin rested his body against Lucas' car as Lucas did the same beside him.

"I can't believe that just happened," Lucas said, still trying to figure out everything.

"Well believe it. We just became men," Dustin replied, causing Lucas to chuckle and shake his head.

"I don't think we've made it that far yet, bro."

"But we will. She's so easy. You think she has daddy issues?" Dustin asked while being unable to wipe the smirk from his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Girls with daddy issues usually act like that."

"I don't know. But she's… nice…"

Dustin laughed at Lucas, clearly being able to tell he was falling for her.

"Oh god, she's not one of those girls looking for a relationship, she just gave both of us blowjobs!"

Lucas sighed in annoyance from his friend constantly talking bad about the redhead.

"I don't care what she did, all I'm saying is she's nice…"

Dustin went silent after realizing how in his feelings Lucas was about the girl. They were both going to fuck her, but who would do it first?

Dustin forcefully coughed to break the silence and got off of his friend's car.

"Should we tell Mike and Will about what happened?" Dustin wondered.

"Will, maybe. Mike? Hell no," Lucas replied, emphasizing hell.

"Why not?"

"You know why."

The two boys made eye contact and immediately knew why it was a bad idea to tell Mike about Max.

"El. But do you think-"

"Look, it's obvious he hasn't gotten over El and I don't want to be stressing him out about how we're scoring with another girl right now," Lucas explained as he cut Dustin's thought off.


Getting ready to leave, Lucas opened his car door and sat in the driver's seat. Dustin walked to the open door space before Lucas could close it and ducked down to meet Lucas' eyes.

"Just wanna say, nice cock," Dustin said as he giggled like a little girl.

Lucas shook his head, wondering where he went wrong to have Dustin as a friend.

"So fucking gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"You're the gay one. I saw the way you looked at my dick-"

"OK. Let's just get things straight, Dustin. What happened in that A.V. room stays in that A.V. room. And I don't wanna hear about it from your big mouth. Got it?"

"Yeah. Sure," Dustin said, nodding in agreement.

"Now get the fuck out of my face."

Lucas lightly pushed him away and slammed his door shut before driving off.


Things seemed a bit off as Billy drove Max home from school. Her stepbrother was the same age as her but could pass as a 21-year-old. He didn't shy away from showing his muscles with the clothes he wore and it made Max sick for several reasons.

Billy would be nice at times, but he was mostly a douche that took advantage of girls and played with their hearts.

Billy glanced at her while having his hands on the steering wheel, knowing something was different.

"So, uh, are you gonna tell me what you did in the last hour?" Billy asked with a smirk.

"Why the hell does it matter? Why do you care?"

"Woah. Don't get feisty with me, Maxine."

"I told you not to call me that!"


Billy made it home and Max got out of his car immediately, wanting to be in her room. Max ran inside the house and ran to her bed. She had a lot to think about with the new friends she made, and they were different from her usual type.

Billy didn't give her time to think as he barged into her room, eliciting a gasp out of her mouth.

"What the fuck, Billy?!"

"You were with those boys, huh? In the parking lot? I saw them, Max!"

"What? No…"

Billy could tell she was lying, her voice seemed unsure and she couldn't keep eye contact.

"Yes, you did. Those are the fucking nerds, Max. Why are you fucking around with them?!"

Billy immediately had a deeper thought go through his head that sent his brain into a frenzy.

"Are - Are you fucking them?" Billy asked with hurt in his voice.

"What?!! NO, I'm not fucking them, why would you even ask that?!" Max replied as she stood up and marched over to Billy at the door.

"Because, you know our agreement."

Max gulped at their past moments coming back to haunt her. No. Not anymore. She tried her hardest to be done with that phase.

"I told you, last time was it. No more," Max said with a shaky voice.

Billy brushed her hair back and laughed as he got closer to the redhead.

"You said it would be it five times ago."

Max felt so weak as she stared into his eyes, feeling the spark come back but not wanting it so bad.

"Billy. Stop."

He leaned in to sniff her hair, his nose brushing down her neck. He started slowly kissing her neck, causing her to freak out internally, not knowing how to react. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and enjoyed the sensation of his lips against her skin, but she forced herself to fight it when Billy smacked her butt.

"No. No. Billy. We can't."

"Why not? Our stupid fucking parents won't be home for another hour. Let's have some fun. It's been two weeks, Max. Don't fucking make me tell you twice," Billy said as sucked on her neck.

Max didn't want to fight it anymore. As much as she tried to fight off the temptation of Billy Hargrove, her body always betrayed her and she'd end up on her knees showcasing her talents. He didn't have to tell Max to get on her knees as she unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles, then his briefs. His cock was the definition of perfection, as in not too long like Lucas or thick like Dustin. Billy's dick was the right amount of everything.

Her morals went out the window as soon as his rock hard cock was freed from its shell. They were step-siblings and it's fucked, they are family, they shouldn't be doing this. Billy easily defeated that part of her a long time ago when he said

Hey, it's not like we're blood-related.

He had a point. They weren't ACTUALLY family, they were forced into being family. But she needed cock. Sometimes Max wished she wasn't so eager for dick because of how weak she was for Billy, the master manipulator, and he always got his way in the end.

Max was on her knees like an obedient slut would be, looking up at Billy's face to see him show his pleasure as she took his member into her mouth, bobbing her head fast in an attempt to please him.

Billy roughly grabbed her hair using both hands and forced his cock in and out of her mouth with constant thrusting, forcing Max to gag, but she was used to it by now. He always roughed her up.

Billy suddenly picked Max up and threw her on the bed. Max hurried to get all of her clothes off before Billy ripped them off, but she wasn't able to get off her panties in time as Billy used his strength to rip them with his hands. He carelessly jumped on top of her, the impact hurting her a little bit, but he didn't care. Billy shoved his cock into her without warning and pounded her.

It sickened Max that she loved it. Billy was a boy who needed to release his anger, and Max was perfect for that.

As he fucked her pussy, he spits on her forehead, wiping it all around her face as he demolished her. She came in three minutes, screaming his name with pleasure. Billy took a while before finishing. He slapped her, twisting her nipples, picked her up and fucked her while standing. Max kept orgasming as 20 minutes went.

Billy pounded her doggy style, smacking her ass repeatedly to show he was in charge. As he reached his climax, his whole body collapsed on top of Max's and he emptied his load into her, growling in her ear and yanking her hair back.

When Billy got done with her, he simply got dressed and left a naked, exhausted, used Max alone in her room.

Max hated herself for loving it. She tried so hard to resist but he still fucked her, and she let him do it.

Max pondered how it could even get this far. Then she remembered how it all started.

6 months earlier

Max's mom just settled into Billy's dad's place. For a month things were odd as Billy had to get used to having a sister and Max had to deal with a new environment. She heard talks from her mom about how she wanted to move away from California and go to a more calm place. Max wasn't ready to move away from her childhood but quickly understood the world wasn't fair. She would adapt.

Billy and Max didn't talk to each other a lot. They only talked when they had to, which wasn't much. All that changed on a late-night while their parents were working.

Max had trouble reaching the potato chips sitting on top of the fridge so she went into Billy's room to ask him for help. She opened his door to an unforgettable sight. Billy, naked, stroking his fully erect cock as he watched porn on TV with the sound muted. Billy snapped his head to the right to see the door open as his stepsister walked into the room. He tried to cover himself up with the covers before Max saw too much, but it was too late.

She saw his near-perfect cock. It looked so good as she kept walking up to Billy as he panicked.

Max turned her head to the TV and saw a gangbang scene taking place, three white guys and a black guy using all of the white girl's holes. Billy's dick and the porn turned her on, not allowing her to think straight.

"MAX. WHAT THE FUCK," Billy shouted as the covers hid his naked body.

Max bit her lip and smirked as she walked up to his bed.

"Can I see it?"


"I wanna see your dick. Please?" Max begged with puppy dog eyes.

Billy couldn't believe that his stepsister was begging to see his manhood. He didn't care for Max but he could tell when something was messed up.

"Fuck no!"

Max disregarded his comment and climbed onto his bed as she moved under the covers beside him. Billy wasn't sure what to do, he couldn't just throw her off the bed. He had no clue about Max as a person, only knowing her for over a month, but he couldn't deny the fact that she was smoking hot.

"You need to get out," Billy mumbled.

Max giggled, reaching her hand under the covers and grasping his hard cock, making Billy gasp.

"FUCK. MAX. STOP," Billy barely said as he breathed through his nose, trying not to show how good his dick felt in her hand.

"Make me," Max whispered and pecked Billy on the lips.

Billy didn't react to the kiss but let her do it. He was amazed that his cock was hard and ready to fuck his new step-sister, and he realized there was no point in arguing.

Max pulled the covers off of him in a blink of an eye, fully exposing his muscular arms and a six-pack. As she slowly made her eyes down his incredible body, her eyes stopped at the hard cock standing up at attention for her.

"Ah. Just for me, eh?"

Still having his dick in hand, Max turned her back to Billy and got in front of him. She slowly guided his cock inside of her and sat down, her pussy taking the entirety of his dick.

Before Billy had time to react to all of it, Max started riding him expertly as Billy instinctively held on to her hips. He let her do all the work as Max bounced up and down on his dick while fingering her pussy at a rapid pace.

"Shit. Shit! Billy! Oh shit!"

Max's moans were incredible and it was even better for Billy because he made those sounds happen. She had done this before, and Billy felt embarrassed that he wasn't doing anything. He couldn't take it for long as he stared at the back of Max's head, her beautiful hair making her exotic.

"Oh. Fuck. Max. Gonna - gonna cum!!" Billy said while Max continued riding his member fast and hard.

When Max heard Billy say those words, she immediately stood up from the bed, turned around, and watched as Billy came on his stomach.

"Fuuuuuuuck," Billy moaned aggressively while looking into Max's eyes.

She didn't have to get him out of her because of already being on the pill. She did like teasing though, so she couldn't help but giggle at Billy's face when he realized he came on himself. He was disgusted, not only at his baby-making cream all over his stomach but also for fucking his step-sister.

Max giggled some more as she turned around and headed out the door, being sure to wiggle her ass at him.

As the months went on, their fucking became normal. It went from once every two weeks to once every week to two times a week to… whenever the fuck they could, all in four months.

They made sure their parents were away and wouldn't be back for a comfortable amount of time before getting it on. Billy eventually became confident about the odd situation. He embraced his dominant side and Max wasn't opposed to it. She never told him when something went too far because if it did, it made the sex better.

Sometimes Billy would hate-fuck the redhead for annoying him sometimes. And truth be told, Max annoyed him a lot just so he would ruin her and fuck her hard.

Billy's feelings for the redhead grew as they fucked, making him realize that he hadn't met any girl like her. She was special, which made it more annoying for him when she told him about all the other guys she fucked while they got together. He wouldn't dare show it, but it made him furious that other boys got to fuck her pussy. He saw it as his pussy.

Billy fucked her harder when she went on about how good they were in the sack, and she'd always end up saying Billy's better as she came on his dick.

Max didn't exactly know how fucking her step-brother could be so hot, but it was, and he was better than all the other boys which frightened her. She always thought of Billy as a cute boy to fuck and nothing more, but it was apparent that Billy's feelings were different. Little comments while they fucked now and then showed how he truly felt and it didn't take long for her to catch on.

Two weeks from moving, Billy was fucking Max in his car. The car was parked in front of their house as their parents weren't home. He sat in the driver's seat while thrusting into her wet cunt. He was relentless and unforgiving on her, forcing her to cry out his name with her third orgasm in ten minutes.


Billy chuckled as he stared into Max's eyes and brushed her hair back, tongue kissing her which made her kiss back without hesitating.

Billy was tired of the bullshit of them being friends with benefits. He wanted to be the only one inside of her, and he could take advantage of her while her mind was weak.

"I don't want you fucking any more boys but me. No more Greg, no more Darius, no more Todd, and no more Demarcus. You got that? Huh? Only me! Say it!"

Billy continued his ruthless pounding as Max was on the verge of tears from how good he was fucking her. He was motivated to get her to say what he wanted to hear.


She came again, and it wasn't the most she's ever came in a session. She ended up orgasming six times a couple of days before the move.

Max got addicted to Billy, but she couldn't blame him because she started it all. He wanted to refuse and hang on to some morals, but Max needed his cock so bad.

Now Max didn't know what to do. She loved getting fucked by Billy but he was also an ugly person on the inside and sometimes psychotic. And she already lied to him as she found two nerdy boys to play around with.

Everything was complicated, but one thing was for sure: Billy can't find out she's seeing other boys AGAIN!


Mike got up in the morning, checked off 352 on his paper, and did all of his usual morning activities before heading downstairs for breakfast. Ted and Karen were in the kitchen eating eggs beside each other as were Nancy and Mike. Holly just got done eating and was watching TV in the living room while waiting to leave for school. It was a normal morning breakfast until Karen opened her mouth.

"So, Michael. We heard you were playing your music loud Sunday night and it woke up Holly."

"What?! How-"

"Nancy told us," Karen said as she confirmed Nancy told them.

Mike glanced at Nancy, giving her mean eyes as she met his for a second before looking down at her plate.

"What is going on with you, Michael? We had an agreement. If you wanna play your guitar, you can't be loud!" Karen exclaimed.

"I know."

Ted laughed as he swallowed the food down his throat.

"You better. Nancy got you that as a gift because she loves you. She doesn't want you annoying her with it, that's where I come in."

"I know. I had a bad day, I'm sorry, sir," Mike replied, not even trying to put up a fight.

"Because you had a bad day and took it out on your sisters, you're not allowed to drive MY car for a month."

"What!?!?!" Mike shouted in shock and anger.

"You want it to be two months?"

His dad's words made him go silent in fear of being punished even more.

"Who-who's gonna take me to school?" Mike wondered.

Ted chuckled as he pointed his fork at Nancy.

"She can drop you off on her way to work."

Mike sighed. The last thing he needed was driving privileges revoked, and it was all thanks to his big sister who couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Ten minutes later, Mike found himself in the passenger seat of Nancy's car as she drove to Hawkins High School.

Mike couldn't refrain from going off on Nancy.

"You just had to tell them. Fucking bitch," Mike said, mumbling the last two words.

"What did you just call me?! What the fuck is up with you, Mike?!" Nancy asked, her voice sounding hurt from his language directed to her.

"What the fuck is up with you, dumb cunt? You knew Mom and Dad would punish me and you still fucking told them. I can't drive my own damn car, that's what's fucking wrong."

Nancy laughed to hide the fact that she wanted to beat him unconscious for how he talked to her. Her face was red with anger as she couldn't contain herself from shouting.



Nancy laughed hard


Nancy let that last part slip. She was his big sister, so of course, she could tell what was wrong. He held her hands the whole time Nancy saw them together. El was his first real girlfriend.

Mike felt gutted from his sister even mentioning the name of his lover. It only made him bottle up the sadness and get angrier.

"How fucking dare you…"


"Like it's easy for me to just move on as nothing happened!"

"You don't think I cry at night thinking about Barb? Huh?"

Mike went silent. Barb was a lifelong friend of Nancy's as opposed to a telekinetic girl Mike knew for one week.

"Look. We're both fucked up. The difference is… I know how to deal with it. You can't go through life like this. At some point, you gotta move on…"

Mike didn't want to face that reality of moving on. He wanted to have hope that she was still living somewhere in the world, and his dreams involving her certainly didn't help him move on.

Mike had nothing else to say as Nancy drove to the school and stopped at the drop off point. Mike got out of the car and slammed the door shut, making Nancy flinch from how much force he used.

Before the first-period bell rang, Mike decided to sit beside Will in the cafeteria for breakfast as he always did in the morning.

Will could sense something was wrong with how Mike sat down, his face looking more depressed than usual.

"Something wrong?" Will asked.

"Yeah. Everything. Nancy got my driving privileges taken away and now she's gonna drop me off for a month like I'm in goddamn eighth grade or some shit."

Will lightly chuckled although he felt bad for Mike.

"That does suck."

"How are you?" Mike asked, trying to be considerate for his best friend.

"Same old same old. I'm fine though. I got a test in English so I should probably study. I'm a little tired but who isn't."

Mike tried talking to Will, really talking to Will, but he seemed so normal like he hadn't been in an alternate dimension for a week like he didn't come close to dying from a Demogorgon. In the best way possible, Mike thought Will was boring. He loved that he could casually spill out the drama in his life to him and he wouldn't overact or question much. Their friendship had gotten to the point where having a boring chit chat about nonsense was the best part of the day. They would make each other laugh nonstop with impressions and stories from classes. And after everything that happened almost a year ago, it was nice to be boring high schoolers every once in a while.

"Are you gonna perform at a talent show any time soon?" Will wondered, hoping to see Mike put his skills on display some more.


Mike and Will walked in the hallway after eating breakfast and ran into Dustin and Lucas, but they weren't alone, they were with a redheaded girl. Mike and Will approached the trio, catching them by surprise as they finally turned their attention away from Max.

"Who are they?" Max asked in a pleasant tone as her eyes set on Will first, then went and stayed on Mike.

Lucas nervously smirked as he tried to wrap his arm around Max's waist but she quickly rejected his advances and he tried to play it off.

"These are my friends. This is Will."

Will extended his hand out to Max for a handshake, making Max raise a brow at him. She shook her head and hugged Will. He was taken by surprise as he glanced at Mike while the hug took place to see what his reaction was about the action the redhead did. Will slightly gasped when Max lowered her hand down his body and squeezed his buttocks. It was only for a second and no one else saw it, but it happened.

Max broke off the hug and walked in front of a confused and cautious Mike.

"And that's Mike," Dustin said.

Max leaned in for a hug but Mike slowly backed up while shaking his head.

"Sorry. I don't do hugs," Mike said.

Max was disappointed that Mike didn't want to get touchy. She liked Dustin and Lucas a lot, but she was a realist, and out of the four boys, Mike was the hottest. His face seemed too beautiful to be real and his eyes sparkled into hers. She couldn't wait for him to fuck her. And he was playing hard to get which made it hotter.

"Oh, that's okay," Max said, nervously smiling at the boy.

Lucas saw the way she looked at Mike and it ticked him off.

"I'm sorry. Lucas, who is this?" Mike asked as if her presence was a big inconvenience for him.

"Oh. Sorry! I'm Max."

Mike smirked at Dustin when his brain clicked.

"You found MadMax, huh?"

"She's a feisty thing, you have no idea," Dustin replied, causing Max to playfully slap his arm.

"Shut up, stalker."

Lucas saw the way Max looked at Dustin and it irritated him. The way she smiled at the boy made his blood boil and he didn't know why.

Max looked at the newly acquainted boys some more before sighing when she realized she could have four possible cocks to play with whenever she wanted.

"Now that we know each other, and since it's Halloween, you fellas wanna go to a party tonight?" Max confidently asked with her hands placed on her hips as she took turns looking at each boy.

"How the hell did you get invited to a party? You've been here for two days!" Lucas wondered.

"Some boys came up and asked me."

"Some boys?!? LIKE WHO?" Lucas asked, unable to hide his jealousy.

"Just some boys. They asked me if I had a costume and I said no, then they gave me the address. And I need people to go with and you nerds are the only people I know. So whaddya say?"

Mike barely knew Max, yet she acted like she was the leader of the party which annoyed him. In Mike's eyes, he saw it as the boys finally replacing El with Max as the female of the group. He hated that.

"That sounds terrible. The last thing I need is to be around a bunch of douchebags at some dumb party," Mike answered her honestly, making Max look through his looks and into his nasty attitude.

"Uh. OK. Anyone else who doesn't wanna go like Mikey here?"

Will wasn't much of a social person. He didn't like going to places that had a lot of people due to his anxiety. He was still trying to get over what happened to him almost a year ago and he was already a shy person. He made up his mind the moment Mike declared he wasn't going.

"Yeah. I'm not much of a party person myself."

Max felt a little sad that the two bowl cuts cuties weren't going as she wanted to see their cocks. Dustin and Lucas would due.

"OK. Looks like it's just you two stalkers."

Mike and Will walked away and decided they would play Dungeons and Dragons for the first time in a while for old times' sake.

Dustin eventually had to walk away from Lucas and Max as well, leaving the two alone as they walked to their first period classes that happened to be right beside each other.

"So I was thinking at lunch, we could… uh… do some stuff," Lucas nervously said while scratching the back of his head.

"Some stuff? Oh, stalker, how you never stop amazing me from your stupidity, but yes, doing some stuff sounds fine."

Lucas closed his eyes and breathed hard through his nose in relief.

"As soon as the lunch bell rings, women's bathroom by the A.V. room. Be ready, stalker."

Lucas had a smug look with his eyes still closed as he nodded his head in agreement.

"I will-"

Max gave Lucas' butt a hard smack, causing Lucas to open his eyes wide as she giggled at his reaction.

Doing some stuff couldn't come fast enough as Lucas heard the lunch bell ring. He ran into the women's bathroom too fast to think about who might've seen him. Max was already in a stall as she pulled Lucas in by his shirt and locked the stall door before attacking his lips. It was the first time they made out and it was new for an inexperienced Lucas who couldn't quite use his tongue as Max could. Max could feel the inexperience but ignored it because his mouth tasted good for some reason she couldn't explain.

Lucas broke off the kiss and started undoing his belt when Make forced out a cough.

"What are you doing?" She asked, forcing him to rethink everything.

"I was - I thought we were doing stuff?"

"Yeah. You're gonna do stuff. I've already sucked your dick, stalker. It's time for you to return the favor."

Max took off both shoes before pulling down her pants and panties as she tossed them to the side. Then she took off her coat, shirt, and bra, her body is on full display for the dark-skinned boy.

He got caught off guard from her getting naked that he forgot what he was supposed to do.

"Uh. I'm sorry, how do I return the favor?"

"Eat me out. Lick my pussy? How else can I say this?"

Max sat on the toilet and spread her legs open for Lucas, his eyes getting lost in her hole.

"Get down on your knees, stick your head in my pussy and use that big tongue of yours to pleasure me. Understand?" Max asked with a pretty smile as she fingered herself the entire time.

"I think I get it… ummm.."

Lucas slowly got to his knees and stuck his head into her pussy. Max removed her finger from her slit and sucked on it as she watched the black boy go to work.

Lucas was inexperienced, and it showed. Still, she wanted to give the boy time as it didn't seem fair to be harsh on someone who's learning. But her attitude changed as the minutes went on. Lunch only lasted for 45 minutes, and Lucas had been licking her for 20 with no results. Max couldn't even do fake moans, it was bad.

After several attempts to pleasure her and a disgruntled Max telling him to hurry up, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Holy shit. I knew this was a bad idea. You're fucking terrible."

Max pushed him away from her as she got up and looked for her panties, hurrying to get out of the bathroom.

"What is with you blacks. First Darius, now you. You guys can't eat pussy for some reason," Max said in frustration.

"You don't have to be a racist bitch about it," Lucas replied, needing to defend himself from her harsh comments.

"Talk to my mom after drinking eight beers if you wanna hear real racist shit. If I was really racist I wouldn't have given you a blowjob, wouldn't I? Ugh. I'll just ask Dustin to do it after school."

Max bent down to pick up her panties when Lucas bent down beside her and grabbed her arm.

"No. Please. We still have time. Give me another shot. Please don't let Dustin do it…"

The desperation in his voice said it all as she felt a little bad for the things she said in the heat of the moment. And his desperation made him cuter.


"Because… I don't want you to think I'm less of a man than him. I want to please you, Max. Just… please, give me another chance."

Max smirked at him as she stood up straight as he did also. He was too cute to refuse. Plus he did need to learn.

"You better eat that shit as your life depends on it or else."

Max shoved him down to his knees, pulling his head into her cunt as he did the best he could with his tongue. Lucas tried something different this time as he finally found the sweet spot. Hearing Max moan for the first time was enough motivation for him to keep going. His tongue was in a rhythm. Lucas decided to be bold and stuck two fingers in her pussy as his tongue fucked her.

She spoke too soon about his people not being able to go down properly as she neared her climax.

"Fuck! Lucas! Shit. I'm sorry! You're amazing-ooohhhhhh fuuuuuuck."

Max moaned with intense pleasure clouding her brain as she came into Lucas' mouth. Lucas wasn't going to argue with her now even though she had his face lunged into her wet pussy, forcing him to swallow her cum.

Max rested on the toilet to catch her breath as she stared at a quiet Lucas who was already getting dressed.

"You were good. Got a long way to go but you'll get there," Max said.

Lucas ignored her, not even looking at the redhead as he put on his briefs.

"You hearin' me? I said you did good."

With still no response, Max stood up and walked up to the boy.

"What's wrong with you?" Max asked as Lucas dropped his pants to the ground and gave her a mean look.

"How many fucking guys have you been with?! And how many guys like me? You know, those blacks you hate so much."

Max snickered at an upset Lucas who wasn't in the mood for games.

"What is with you men wanting sole possession of a girl?? Yes, I've fucked other guys, and yes I've fucked black guys. I've even fucked a Mexican guy who couldn't speak a lick of English! You gonna get jealous about all the guys that have been inside me? Tough-fucking-titty," Max explained, getting a little upset herself at Lucas' expectations.

Lucas was hurt and confused. He never had these feelings before.

"But why? Why so many?"

"Good fucking question, stalker. I don't know. It's just how I am."

Lucas wasn't mad anymore, just broken. He realized the feelings he was having were of love, and Max could tell from his facial expression and his jealousy that he liked her. It didn't fully click until now though.

"Oh my…………. Are you falling me for me, Lucas?"

Lucas found it hard to swallow when the question was sprung on him without warning. How could he lie and say no? But if he said yes then everything would be different. She might not hang around him anymore for his extra feelings and he didn't want to risk not seeing her anymore. He was afraid.

Luckily for Lucas, a girl came in and saw the two in the stall as Lucas opened the stall door minutes earlier. Her reaction was as expected.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The girl shouted.

The girl panicked and started to run out of the bathroom when Max grabbed her shoulder and stopped her from getting out of her reach.

"HEY. STOP," Max shouted.

The girl turned around and looked at Max's blue eyes with fear.

"I'm so sorry, I didnt-"

"Shut up."

The girl was frightened from the sight, afraid the apparent couple might beat her up.

"What's your name?" Max asked.


Any was having a hard time concentrating as her eyes kept looking down at Max's breasts. Amy couldn't deny the redheads beauty. Max was perfectly fit.

"Listen… AMY."

Max reached into her pants on the ground and grabbed five $10 bills from her back pocket before handing them to Amy.

"Here. We should be even. I swear to you, if I hear anyone talking about me and this black boy getting it on in the bathroom, I will fuck your ass up. You got that, bitch?" Max said with an evil grin.

"Yes. Yes. Totally. Didn't see a thing. Didn't see a goddamn thing. Bye."

Amy quickly walked out of the bathroom as Lucas and Max finished getting dressed.

"See ya at the party, stalker."

Max gave him a hard slap on the ass before heading out of the bathroom. On her way out she wiggled her hips and rubbed her ass to tease him. She would be the death of Lucas if he didn't fuck her soon enough.

The day would end and the Halloween party was underway at night. Lucas, Dustin, and Max showed up at the party without costumes, and they were the only ones who didn't wear a costume.

After drinking some beer from red solo cups, Max had to dodge all the thirsty guys looking to ravage her insides. Max ended up guiding the boys upstairs into a bedroom secluded from everything else. She locked the door and the two drunk boys fell back on the king-size bed, the alcohol making them a little tired as they weren't used to the effects.

She jumped on the bed and worked on getting Dustin's pants off, then she did the same for Lucas. She struggled to get their pants off of them as they refused to cooperate but she managed to do it. She saw them in their briefs as Dustin was already fully hard, his cock trying to poke free from his underwear.

"Wake up boys," Max shouted and climbed on top of Lucas, kissing his lips passionately as his breath smelled like alcohol.

Lucas opened his eyes wide to the feeling of her lips on his and stupidly smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and not letting her get off of him. Max didn't mind it because she loved kissing him and was even more interested in the boy after their talk in the bathroom. She did realize Dustin was beside them though and had to push Lucas' arms off of her before climbing on top of Dustin and giggling at his grunt.

"Wake up sleepyhead," Max whispered innocently as she gave Dustin a peck on the lips for encouragement.

"I'm awake, I think…"

"Amazing how boys can get their dicks hard while being tired."

Max kissed Dustin some more, playing with his hair while Lucas looked on with envy. She squeezed in between the two boys when she got their attention.

"Let's get these off, ay?" Max requests while rubbing their cocks through their underwear.

They hear her request and waste no time removing their briefs and tossing them on the floor. Max jerked them off with each hand, always fascinated to see a cock in its erect state. She would look back and forth at the cocks that were beside her and get more turned on.

Then she realized how she wanted the night to go. Max got between Lucas' legs and eagerly took his hard member into her mouth and sucked on it. Dustin casually jerked off beside them as he watched and waited his turn.

The more she sucked Lucas' cock the more she admired how gifted he was. Dustin's was thick, but Lucas was long… and black, and she had her interracial fantasy that she quenched now and then.

Max got on top of Lucas and placed his throbbing black dick directly into her white vagina. Her pussy embraced his length like many before him as she slowly started to ride the boy.

Lucas couldn't believe it, it happened so fast. He watched as her pussy swallowed all of his manhood over and over again, her moans becoming increasingly louder as she did all the work.

Lucas remembered Dustin was in the room, quietly observing the two fucking as he stroked his cock fast. Lucas looked back at Max immediately, trying to forget that his best friend was watching him have sex for the first time.

Max rode cock like a pro, but even with that, Lucas' cock was proving to be too much for the redhead to handle. She placed her hands on his chest as her riding became intense.


Lucas felt her insides going crazy as her white cum covered his black cock. Lucas still wasn't done yet, although hearing her orgasm sounds was helping.

Max leaned down and rested her head on Lucas' shoulder.

"My turn now," Dustin said.

Max chuckled at Dustin, still panting from her orgasm.

"Yeah. About that. I don't think I can have both of you tonight."

"What?! But-but Lucas just-"

"What can I say? Lucas has taken a lot out of me. And he still has to cum, right Lucas?" Max replied as she looked down at Lucas.


Dustin shook his head in disappointment. He looked forward to this night and his hopes and dreams were taken away.

"Yeah. Okay," Dustin said.

Lucas and Max went back to having sex. Max noticed Lucas had no idea what to do as he just sat there and waited for her to do all the work.

"Come on, don't just stay still, use that big cock and fuck me. Like in the pornos, right?"

Lucas nodded his head and thrust into Max slowly, then again, and again. Lucas did a hard thrust which made Max gasp.

"Oh! Yes! Like that, stalker!"

As Lucas caught the hang of things and went harder and deeper into the girl, Max looked to the side and saw Dustin slowly jerking his cock as he looked incredibly determined at the sight of Lucas fucking Max.

"You like seeing your best friend fuck me with his huge cock?" Max asked Dustin.

Dustin couldn't think straight. He was in hypnosis as the two fucked while he was forced to watch.

"Yes. I like it when he fucks you," Dustin replied, almost sounding brainwashed.

"Yeah? I bet you wish you could fuck me, huh?"

"Yes. I want to fuck you so bad."

"You will, but just sit there and stroke your cock to your friend fucking me with his big black cock. Can you do that for me?" Max asked.

"Yeah. I can do whatever you want me to…"

"Good boy…"

During the entire dirty talk exchange, Lucas found the entire situation hot. With each passing second his thrusts got harder and harder, deeper and deeper. It wasn't like he wanted to fuck her hard anymore, he just needed to. He jackhammered his dick into her pussy over and over again. He was getting close to finishing.

"Kiss Dustin."


"You two better fucking kiss now!!" Max demanded as she was also near her second orgasm.

Dustin and Lucas collectively panicked as Dustin scoot up and leaned down to connect his lips with Lucas'. Max watched on, loving every second of their lips together, sending her over the edge as she came on Lucas' cock again.

Lucas was already on edge before kissing Dustin, so hearing Max's screams of pleasure while he kissed Dustin made him lose it and he shot his load inside of her.

Not wanting to make a mess, Max got between Dustin's knees and sucked him off until he finished inside her mouth. She swallowed his sperm greedily. Max took turns kissing and sucking their ball sacks to show her appreciation for their magnificent cocks.

Afterward, the three relaxed in bed. Max ended up explaining that she told her parents she would be going home with a friend. Lucas' house was out of the question with all of his family. Dustin's house wouldn't be that bad because it only consisted of his mother and cat.

Max crashed at Dustin's house. His mother was already asleep so no questions needed to be asked. On his way of carrying Max inside, he heard a strange noise coming from his trash can outside. After placing Max in his bed, he went outside to investigate the sound. He found a new little friend.

Dustin went inside, undressed both Max and himself from head to toe. He lay down beside her and positioned himself sideways to match her, putting his arm around her waist as the tip of his flaccid penis rested on her ass cheek as he drifted to sleep.

Max woke up before Dustin in the morning and her eyes were blurry and out of focus. Once she could see clearly, she felt confused about the setting. Then she noticed an arm around her, checking under the covers to realize she wasn't wearing any clothes. And then she heard the snoring sounds and turned her head around to see Dustin's face as his hard dick poked at her ass.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," Max mumbled to herself.

She switched her position around to face Dustin before repeatedly slapping the crown of his head so he'd wake up.

"Ow. OW. Ow," Dustin replied in pain as he woke up to her blue eyes staring at him

"Did you fuck me while I was sleeping?!" Max whispered, not knowing if anyone was home.

"Huh? No!"

"Then why the fuck are we naked?!"

"Oohhh. Yeah. That. I just wanted to sleep with you naked," Dustin giggled, and Max retaliated with a slap to the face.


Max looked around the room to see all his belongings.

"Is this your house?"


"Anyone home?"

"I only live with my mom and she goes to work early in the morning so no."

Max got out of bed and stretched, turning her head to the side to see his alarm clock reading 7:23 A.M.

"Shit," Max mumbled in a fearful tone.


"We're gonna be late for school. I gotta shower. Fuck. Where's the bathroom?"

Dustin slowly sat up and stretched.

"I got to shower too, you know?"

"Fine. We'll shower together. Now come on."

Dustin's eyes widened with excitement as he showed Max the bathroom. Their naked bodies got inside. They didn't have much room as they stared at one another.

"I'll wash you, you wash me?" Max said in a questionable tone.


Dustin grabbed the bar of soap and started spreading it on her body, including her tits that he couldn't stop rubbing. Max took the soap and rubbed it on his hairy chest and spread it down to his cock that had been hard since he woke up.

She had fun from jerking off Dustin while simultaneously washing his cock. They took turns washing every part of their body. Dustin was tired of Max teasing him as he pinned her against the wall. He hooked his arms under her legs as he pulled them up, trying to get his cock past her pussy lips.

"What the fuck. DUSTIN. STOP," Max said with worry.

Dustin ignored her pleas, not even noticing Max was resisting him as he tried to stick his dick inside of her.

"I said stop…"

"I need to fuck you!"

Max slapped him hard in the face over and over again, finally making him realize he had gone too far as he set her down on her feet.

"What the fuck, Dustin?!" Max yelled.

"Why don't you wanna have sex with me? You made me watch Lucas fuck you but I can't?"

"I have a hangover, you dumb shit."

"Just admit you don't like me, cunt," Dustin angrily said, his lust making him lose control of his words.

Max grabbed his erect dick and held a tight grip on it as Dustin feared for his safety and gasped.

"I. Will. Fuck. You. Whenever. I. Feel. Like. It."

Max put her other hand on his cock and if she put any more pressure on it, she could cause serious pain.

"I like your fat cock, Dustin. But don't fucking test me. I will rip this stupid dick off just as fast as I can suck it if you call me a cunt again."

Dustin was at her mercy, absolutely scared of the redhead.

"Got it?" Max asked as she put on a fake smile.

"Yes. Got it…"

"Good. Now let me show what a cunt does."

Max turned Dustin around so his back was facing her. She got down on her knees and licked his asshole in a heartbeat. Dustin couldn't comprehend the pleasure from her tongue invading his asshole.

"What the fuck! Hooooly shhiiiiit."

Dustin came almost instantly as Max kept licking his hole like a dog until he stopped cumming. Then she casually stood up and they finished showering shortly after.

Dustin didn't tell Max about the creature he hid in his backpack as they went to school. Dustin went the whole day contemplating if he should tell the gang about his discovery.

Then at lunch, he told everyone to meet him in the A.V. room because he had something important to show them.

School ended and the entire group minus Max entered the A.V room. Max was pissed that Mike wouldn't let her join the group, making her feel like an outcast.

Dustin showed them a weird and rare creature that shouldn't even be in Hawkins. He explained that his name was Dart and they gave him odd looks. Before they had time to further examine its traits, Max figured out a way to open the locked door, scaring the boys which scared the creature in turn as he jumped out of the room and into the hallways.

"WHY DID YOU LET HIM OUT?!" Mike yelled at Max.


Mike shook his head in frustration. The group decided to split up on their search for Dart.

Mike was alone and searching when he saw someone go through a door in the gym. He went into the boys' locker room, grabbing a broom as he thought Dart could be in there. Mike found Max, much to his disappointment.

"What are you doing?!"

"Looking for Dart…"

"This is the boys' locker room!"


"So go home!"

Mike dropped the broomstick and walked away from Max. Max caught up to him in the middle of the gym, making him stop in his tracks as they argued.

"Why do you hate me?

"How can I hate you, I don't even know you?"

"Well you don't want me in your party!"


"Why not?!"

"Because you're annoying! We don't need another girl, we had El!"

"Who's El?"

"No one…"

"Someone or no one?"

"She was in our party a while ago, OK? She moved."


Mike turned around and continued to walk away from Max but she ran in front of him, forcing the boy to stop and sigh.



"You miss her?"

Mike already talked to Hopper and Will about his feelings so he didn't want to tell Max, a random girl who just moved here, about his personal life, and he legally couldn't tell the full story of El, having signed government papers.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I know what it's like to be lonely, Mike."

Max took two steps forward towards Mike and he didn't back away.

"I don't think you know what I'm going through."

"Sure, I don't. We all go through different shit. I had to move away from all the friends I made since I was a little kid and that sucked."

"OK," Mike said as he crossed his arms while feeling awkward.

Max was done talking. Suddenly, her lips attacked his and he immediately pushed her off of him.

"What the fuck?!"

"SHIT. Shit," Max replied, not expecting him to reject her.

"Do you sexually harass every guy you talk to or am I the first?" Mike angrily said.

"You don't like me?" Max asked as she felt seriously upset.

"No! I mean, it's not that I don't like you, I just - it's complicated. My heart belongs to her…"

Max raised a brow, initially confused as to who he was talking about, but she figured it out.

"To El?"

Mike hesitated to respond, looking shy and embarrassed.


"Do you send her letters or something?"


"Oh. You visit her on holidays?"


"Uh, okay. So you don't contact her?"

"Like I said, it's complicated. I… love her…"

"Like, love love?"

"I love her so much. I…"

Mike was about to break down right then and there. Why was he talking about El to Max? Maybe because he wanted Max to understand that he doesn't want sex, but it still felt odd.

"I miss her, Max…"

Mike covered up his face to hide the tears, not wanting to look weak in front of anyone. Max could hear him cry into his hand and it devastated her.

"Hey. Hey, come on, it's gonna be okay. Come here."

Max embraced Mike with a non-romantic hug as he sobbed over her shoulder. Max pat Mike on the back, wanting him to feel better but this make people feel better shit wasn't exactly her specialty.

"This El girl must have been really special," Max said, not daring to let go of him as he showed his pain by crying, his tears dripping down on her shirt.

"She was the best…"

As they continued searching for Dart, they ended up finding out that something was wrong with Will…


El visited Mike again. Will had just left Mike's house after playing Dungeons and Dragons. It was Halloween night and El begged Hopp to let her go trick-or-treating as a ghost since no one would see her, but Hopper said no because she was too old to be trick-or-treating and it wasn't worth the risk. She just wanted to see Mike, somehow, someway.

On top of not letting her go trick-or-treating, he also showed up four hours late after promising he'd be home at 5:00 PM to eat candy with her. Needless to say, she wasn't on the best terms with Hopper. He knew he messed up and that no amount of candy in the world could fix it. The girl already had trust issues due to her past trauma and he was breaking promises he made. He forgot how tough it was being a parent, and El was no ordinary child.

El ignored Hopper coming home as she stayed in her room and locking her door as she visited Mike.

Mike was there in the basement with his walkie, talking to her at the same time again.

"Its day 352. I miss you. About a few nights ago, when I said that talking to you was stupid, I didn't mean that. I'm just upset. I'm still trying to figure out how to live without you, how I can be a better person and stuff. Nancy wants to help but I don't know, it's weird. As each day goes by, I get more and more desperate for you to magically come back. How stupid am I? Don't answer that. I'll talk to you tomorrow, same time. I love you, El. Bye."

El took off her blindfold and listened to an entire album of Pink Floyd before going to sleep.

Her powers had grown stronger over the years. She was able to do so much now. El experimented with visiting Mike to experience his dreams before, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't until she mastered it. But for the last three months, El has been trying something new. She's been trying to take her mind and merge it with Mike's so they could both experience a dream together, as in El is herself and Mike is himself in the dream and it isn't El just watching Mike's dream, it's their two minds combined to make a dream they both participate in, that feels so real but is ultimately fake.

El failed every day for the first month. Then once a week she would successfully merge her mind with Mike's, and it always ended up with him fucking her brains out. Two months went by and she was merging their minds three times a week, and by the third month, it was almost every day. It started to get unhealthy as El would rather be asleep than awake and living in the real world because at least she got to be with Mike in her dreams.

She successfully merged their minds into one dream again for the 41st day in a row.

They got right into it. Mike was pounding her in the cabin. El lay on her back as Mike held her legs in the air and fucked her. It was odd for Mike because he had no idea why he was fucking El in a cabin, but the logic in dreams was rare. What caught Mike's attention was Hopper to the side, tied up in a chair, being forced to watch Mike and El have rough sex. She didn't merge with Hopper's mind so it wasn't really him, but what El imagined him to be in the dream.

"El! Stop!" Hopper begged.

El gave Hopper the finger as she wickedly grinned.

"Fuck you!" El said.

Mike leaned in so his nose touched hers. His panting told her he was close as he slapped each breast.

"My slut…"

Being called his slut was everything to her…

"Alway your slut………..."

"I'm gonna cum inside of you. Get you pregnant. I'm gonna fucking make your belly fat with my seed. I'm gonna cuuum."

Mike's body sweated profusely as he pounded into her with no breaks like a machine. El came three times already. Their orgasms were real too but in the dream world. They wouldn't wake up to find out they came in their underwear or anything. El's powers were that amazing.

"Yes!! Cum inside me!! Give me your baby!!!"

Hopper watched with disgust as he attempted to break free from the chair with no luck.

"No! You're not getting pregnant!" Hopper shouted.

El rolled her eyes and casually used her powers to snap Hopper's neck, essentially killing him in her dream.

"Holy shit!" Mike said, unable to look away from Hopper's dead body as his thrusts slowed down.

El smacked his ass in a panic and squeezed his cheeks, begging him to go on.

"Here's my baby."

Mike growled before emptying his load inside of her willing pussy. El came from hearing Mike cum and the two romantically made out as Hopper's dead body rested there.

El thought they were done until Mike punched her in the face. El had been fantasizing about Mike abusing her and the idea slipped into their dream. Mike didn't know why he was punching her but it felt good. El had a black eye and bloody nose as he didn't stop punching her, then she came again.

Mike realized the bruises he caused and regretted it, placing soft kisses to the dark spots of her face and wiping the blood from her nose.

El didn't know how to feel about Mike being kind to her. She was so used to him abusing her that she loved it.

She woke up from her dream, disappointed and empty. Hopper was at work as El decided to take matters into her own hands. She got dressed for the November weather and headed to Hawkins high school to see Mike. She did a quick visit to see all of them together after school so she had to hurry before they left.

She saw Mike's car, suddenly getting flashbacks of their adventure and the time he fucked her in his bathroom…

She went inside, her heart beating as she walked around the same hallways that Mike held her hand in. Then she heard his voice. El looked through the gym doors and noticed Mike, making her smile immediately, but then she saw Max. El had no idea who she was or why Mike was talking to her.

El felt like snapping the redhead's neck just for having the opportunity of talking to Mike, but she stopped herself, knowing it wasn't the right thing to do.

Then she saw Max kiss Mike and El walked away instantly, refusing to watch them continue.

It was clear to El that Mike had moved on to a new slut. His cock had belonged to El, at least that's what he told her. But not anymore. El ran out of the school, holding her tears as she made it back to the cabin as the sun started to go down.

She saw Hopper casually standing on the porch while smoking a cigar. El hesitated before walking into the cabin. Hopper followed and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell were you thinking?! I told you under any circumstances that you couldn't leave!"

Hopper chased after the telekinetic girl who ignored him on the way to her room.

"I'm talking to you!"

El attempted shutting her door using her powers but Hopper's hand stopped the motion.

"Did anyone see you? ANSWER ME!"

"Nobody saw me!"

"Not even Mike?"

El's eyes saddened from hearing that name…

"Not even Mike."

"You're grounded for a week."

El's eyes widened in confusion as Hopper walked to the fridge and pulled out Eggos, throwing them on the floor in anger.

"No more Eggos."

Hopper walked to the TV and attempted to pick it up.

"And no more TV."

El used all her strength to stop Hopper from picking up the TV.

"Knock it off!"


"Two weeks? A month?"

El shook her head, refusing to let him win as he gave up on carrying the TV and simply unplugged it, catching El by surprise.


El ran over to the broken wires to see if there was any way she could fix them.

"You have to learn that your actions have consequences!"


Hopper laughed although his heart hurt deep down from being compared to that man.

"Oh? You think I'm like that sadistic son of a bitch? That's fine. I can take you back to the lab, you might like it more."

"I hate you!"

"Well, I'm not so fond of you either, because you're a brat. Here, learn that word in your books. B-R-A-T, brat-"

Hopper tossed a book at El and she stopped it with her powers, throwing at Hopper.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

El kept shoving objects at the chief of police and he was fearful of his life.


El knew she had gone too far and marched into her room, slamming and locking the door behind her. Hopper tried opening the door, struggling with the doorknob.


El leaned her back against the wall and cried as she fell to the floor. She wasn't Mike's slut anymore, her life had no purpose. She was just a weirdo.


Her screams broke the windows in the cabin as glass shattered all around him. He got down on the floor for safety until it was over.

It was at that moment that Hopper knew he had no control over this girl. She could do anything and he wouldn't be able to stop her.

For anyone kinda confused on the dream thing still, Yes, they are just dreams but Mike and El are conscious and feel things like pain and pleasure. They are in their bodies with their minds in a fake dream world so they are having sex but it's all a dream so they aren't technically having sex? Yeah, it's complicated, but that's what El's powers can do at an advanced stage. I took inspiration from Magladin in their story "Teenage Wasteland" to write this part of the story because I found it so fascinating.

for those who aren't really into Max/Dustin/Lucas love triangle thing, it's cool. In the end, it's all about Mileven but I can't pass up those three for side content. I do have fun writing them together though as opposed to the more weird and dark Mileven parts. El snapping Hopper's neck in the dream isn't meant to be taken as she wants to kill Hopp, she's just going through a lot of emotions because of her Mikey, haha.

I was originally gonna make this chapter 20,000 words but trimmed it down to 13,000 so leave your thoughts because it took a lot of thinking and free time to work on this so I'd like to hear any opinions you have regarding this fic. Thank you. Until next time.