Disclaimers: I don't own Fushigi Yuugi.

Narrator's POV

It's opening! Tomite and Hikitsu heard someone say as the doors opened. They stood, tense, wondering who it was this time, hoping for the millionth time that it would be a miko. But always in the past their hopes had been betrayed, so there was no longer much.

I've got a bad feeling no da. Someone else said.

No da? Tomite whispered to Hikitsu, trying not to laugh.

said a younger voice. It sounded like a child.

Chichiri is the name of one of the Suzaku Seishi! Whispered Tomite excitedly.

Don't get your hopes up, whispered Hikitsu, They're probably impostors. We've seen their kind before.

The other voice spoke again as Hikitsu and Tomite whispered, but neither of them caught what it said.

The doors finally opened fully, letting in the daylight.

It's so dark... And cold! Said a young female voice. Tomite couldn't help but think, Well of course it's cold! This is Hokkan, isn't it? Everywhere is cold, and I should know! I've been all over this frozen waste land!'

Well, let's get going! The first voice that they had heard said. Tomite and Hikitsu watched as the seven people walked into the cave and across it's long length. The door closed, just as it was supposed to, when they were about half of the way across the cave.

The door closed! Shouted a man. Tomite and Hikitsu recognized his voice as the one they had heard barking out the order only a moment ago. The girl with them tripped then, letting out a cry. The man cried, Miaka, what's wrong?!

So Miaka is the girl,' thought Hikitsu.

I dunno! I slipped on something!

Okay! I'll get us some fire in here! Said a red haired man. He took out a fan-type thing and some flames burst out of it. However, this act did not convince Tomite and Hikitsu that they were the seishi and the miko. They had battled foes with magic before. It did not change anything.

As the light from the fire shown throughout the cave, the girl, Miaka, screamed.

B-B-Bones! They're bones!

Like we couldn't see that? said the red head, and Tomite couldn't help but agree with him. "Human bones... the blue haired man whispered. That's when Tomite made his move.

Quickly, he shot many ice arrows at the group. But the blue haired man was also a skilled fighter, and Tomite's skills were rusty, for he had not battled in many years and had not had a battle where he actually had to work since Takiko left.

Look out! the blue haired man yelled and ducked in front of the girl, his arms up in protection.

Miaka cried.

And Tamahome is the blue haired man's name. Or... At least that's what he's calling himself, for if he is an impostor, then that cannot be his name,' thought Hikitsu.

I'm okay. It's just a scratch. Then, he looked at the arrows disbelievingly. He had obviously never seen anything like them and Tomite smirked. He would be seeing more.

You who seek the Shinzaho will find only ill fortune! Cried Hikitsu. The thieves looked to where his voice came from and Hikitsu and Tomite showed themselves, letting their symbols glow, surrounding themselves with a green aura.

Wh-Who are they?! asked the red head.

The cold is incredible! wondered , for the two of them had sent a wave of cold air towards them.

We will never give the Shinzaho to you! Hikitsu told them.

Who are you?! Seiryuu seishi?!?! Show yourselves to us! cried Miaka.

The girl has spirit... My name is Hikitsu! Hikitsu said-there would be no harm in giving his name as they would be dead soon anyway. He could only hope that Tomite would follow his lead.

He needn't have worried.

And my name's Tomite! Tomite cried after Hikitsu finished. We are the guardians of the Genbu no Miko's Shinzaho!

Wait a minute... Hikitsu, Tomite? This was Tamahome

Y-You mean...?! This came from a blue haired man carrying a monks staff. The two Genbu Seishi recognized his voice as the one who had expressed worry as the doors were opening.

We are the Genbu Seishi! Cried Tomite as he drew another arrow. He shot at Miaka, but Tamahome grabbed her and pulled her out of the way just in time.

The Genbu Seishi?! cried the monk.

Wh-What do you mean?! Didn't they die 200 years ago?! This came from the red head. Hikitsu ignored them, beginning to make some of his ice snakes.

W-Wait! Listen to us! We're the Suzaku-- Miaka cried, but she cut herself off as she began to run towards us.

Tamahome yelled.

Hikitsu's ice snakes flew throughout the air, biting onto her, making her into a lethal statue of ice.

Tamahome yelled again. He began to run towards her as Hikitsu said, We show no mercy to thieves, even if they are women.

They had learned 200 years ago that woman could take care of themselves. Uruki and Umiyame had been glad to teach them that, and it was a lesson well learned.

Don't worry. Soon your body will be covered with ice, Hikitsu continued. And then it will fall apart where you stand!

Miaka! Hang on! Tamahome cried.

REKKA SHIN'EN! The red head yelled, throwing his flames at Miaka, melting the ice.

Miaka cried, telling the Genbu Seishi his name as well.

Fire always beats ice! Just leave this to me! Tasuki stated confidently.

No! Don't! I'll handle... Miaka started, but was cut off.

Miaka! Get back! This was Tamahome, and Hikitsu and Tomite couldn't help but thinking that he said that a bit randomly.

This was Miaka.

If we don't break through them, Nuriko will never forgive me!

Hey!! Get yer smoochin' in when we aren't in a battle!!!

Tomite was beginning to like the one called Tasuki. At least he knew better than to pronounce his love during a battle! But Tamahome ignored his .

I promised him that I would make you happy! There was a pause, then he turned to the seishi, a red symbol glowing on her forehead.

If we break through this, it means we'll be together that much sooner!

You fools! you think that you can defeat us? said Tomite.

Why don't you engage them, Tomite. The bones at their feet need company. said Hikitsu. He was tired of just standing around. Besides, he had had no action since the last thieves, almost 75 years ago.

Shut up! The Suzaku Seishi doesn't step back from anything! Yelled Tasuki. This surprised the Genbu Seishi. Here was a proclamation that they were the Suzaku Seishi and not just thieves. They hadn't been suspecting that.

They Suzaku Seishi? You're the Suzaku Seishi? Said Hikitsu softly. He wanted to believe that they were. He really did. But how could he?

Tasuki, I'll take the one on the left! Cried Tamahome. Then, he ran at Tomite, yelling. Tomite only smiled and began to make his Ring of Restriction' that he had perfected over the years.

REKKA SHIN'EN!!! Tasuki was yelling as he ran at Hikitsu. Hikitsu countered his flames with his own ice dragons.

Same trick again, huh?! Tasuki scoffed, his flames melting the snakes.

The flames split up! The child cried.

Leave this to me! Tasuki said. I've still got a trick or two hidden up my sleeve!

Meanwhile, Tamahome was stuck in Tomite's Ring of Restriction'. He screamed in pain.

Didn't see that move coming, did you? Asked Tomite. That ring will get smaller and smaller until it slices your body in two!

There's no WAY I'm going to die here! Tamahome said, and with that he broke the Ring of Restriction'.

Tasuki made a circle in the air with his fan and said, Let's finish That same flame appeared around Hikitsu's feet and covered him. Tamahome came flying throughout the sky aimed at Tomite and....

Went through him.

He... He went through him! said Miaka.

Sorry, but that won't work, said Hikitsu, gesturing to the fire around him.

Shouted Tamahome.

The fire around Hikitsu went up, and dispersed.

Anything you try will be useless. No man alive can beat us! said Hikitsu to the stunned Suzaku Seishi. The bodies we abandoned two centuries ago are long since destroyed!

"Souls left behind... Spirits?! Cried the monk.

I don't CARE if they are spirits, they should take us on hand to hand like REAL men! yelled Tasuki.

They aren't real men anymore!! There're some basics here you just aren't getting." Replied Tamahome.

If you understand, then stop this useless fight, said Hikitsu, getting bored of them. Every single time people had the same reaction. It got old after awhile.

It's time we stopped playing, Hikitsu, said Tomite, also ready for the fight to end. Then, turning towards the Suzaku Seishi, he said, Now, know the loyalty we have for the Genbu no Miko!

Hikitsu began to make his ice snakes as Tomite watched.

Yelled Miaka. She ran forward, then kneeled in front of Tomite and Hikitsu. Please! Please, I beg you! Let us pass!

one of her seishi said, but all of Tomite and Hikitsu's attention was on the girl in front of them. And she convinced them to test her. They froze her in a block of ice. They had gotten that idea while thinking of when Takiko had been frozen by Miboshi. And she... Broke out. It was amazing! Her seishi ran towards her, yelling her name.

Tomite... Did you see it? Hikitsu asked quietly.

"I saw. For just a moment, she was surrounded by a red life-force. It looked like fire. That was... The flames of Suzaku!

He was amazed! They had finally found her! She wasn't a thing like he had imagined. She wasn't a thing like his Takiko! But they had found her! They could give her the Shinzaho! They could go to where their friends were!

The miko talked with her companies (something about a Nuriko), but Hikitsu interrupted them. Like Tomite, he just wanted to give her the Shinzaho and have her go, but these things had to be done properly.

You have demonstrated your power, Suzaku no Miko, he said, smiling in a way that he had not since Uruki had died.

Wh-What's with them? Asked Tasuki, obviously not understanding the sudden change in attitude.

Power? I don't think I understand, said Miaka.

All of you, we beg your pardon, Hikitsu continued, ignoring their comments.

You mean you're going to let us pass?

Yes. We will lead you to the Shinzaho. Right?

Well, I guess we have to now, said Tomite, but both knew that he would have told the miko the same thing.

And so, they led them to the doors that led to the Shinzaho. These doors are kept sealed with our will," Hikitsu told the onlookers.

Wow... They're huge! This was Tasuki, of course. Who else would make such an obvious observation?

For 200 years, we've defended them, Hikitsu said quietly. And now, we will open them.

The two of them concentrated, and the doors began to open slowly, a long hallway with an ornamental altar coming into view, a small emerald object glinting from behind a white veil.

That's the Shinzaho there, Tomite said, pointing to the altar.

Will the miko only please follow us in?

They walked up to the altar and gave the miko the shinzaho. She seemed so happy, and seemed to think that she could summon Suzaku with just that one. Tomite, of course, told her otherwise. So she and her seishi set off on their way. But as they walked off, the miko turned back.

What about you now? She asked them.

Our duty had come to an end, Tomite said.

Once this door is closed, we will return to heaven, Hikitsu added.

It's been a long time... 200 years... Tomite whispered, this time not to the miko, but to Hikitsu.

he replied in the same tone. And then the door shut.

The next thing they knew, they were at Mt. Taikyoku. Both chose to go to heaven, like their friends. The next thing they knew, they were walking in a garden. In front of the were many people. There were the four gods, each glowing in their color. Then, there was one person glowing in red.

And, of course, there were six people glowing in green.

Takiko was already running towards Tomite, and Uruki wasn't far behind.

Takiko cried as she hugged him. Uruki didn't say anything. No words were needed. She just smiled and gazed into Hikitsu's eye as Tomite kissed Takiko again and again as if he hadn't seen her for hundreds of years, which he hadn't. The others came up and joined them, and they were all together once more. All of the Genbu Seishi, and their precious miko, never to be separated again.

For now, the book was closed...

~End of Chapter 50~
~This point marks the end of The Genbu Story~

This is the last chapter! That's it! No more! I'm finally done! Wow... That felt strange... I'm done... It's hard to believe... I started this at the end of my seventh grade year and now that I'm over halfway through my eighth grade year I'm done. I made this chapter extra long. Sort of like a going out bash. ^^ I hope that you like it, as well as the rest of the story. Now, there are several things that I would like to clear up here in my last AN.

The History of The Genbu Story: I just wanted to mention a few things about this. The Genbu Story was born slowly. It all started when I was young and stupid (which I still am). I was looking through some sties when I found out that there were Genbu and Byakko Seishi. I started to look things up about the Genbu Seishi and found that the only consistent info was on Tomite and Hikitsu. All the other info was fan stuff. I looked more into it, and found out about the one episode that Tomite and Hikitsu appeared. This, of course, just made me more curious. So, I started to read as many Genbu fanfics as I could find. Some of them were bad, some were great, and some fell somewhere in-between. All were different in some way or another. But there was one thing that they all had in common; none of them were finished (If any of you can tell me of a finished multi-chapter Genbu fic besides this one, I will be very impressed). Also, many of them had Takiko make three wishes. Now, because of! my intensive on the Genbu Seishi, I know that she only made two wishes. People were making her wish to stay in the book world. But that was Suzuno's wish, not Takiko's! This really got on my nerves.

I started to imagine what sort of things the Genbu Seishi went through. And finally, I began to write it down as The Genbu Story.

Namame's Symbol: As some of you may have noticed, about halfway I changed where Namame's symbol. I forget where it used to be, but now it's on his wrist. I went back to my earlier chapters and changed that as well.

Hatsui's Power: Hatsui's powers are similar to Mitsukake's, but I want it to be clear that they are not the same. Hatsui uses a special knife ti cut his arm, sort of like an offering to Genbu. Then, he recites a chant and lets his blood drip onto the wound that he is healing. It is his blood that makes the healing possible. Unlike Mitsukake's, Hatsui must make an offering (his blood) to his god before using his power.

Rewriting: I wanted to tell everyone that hasn't read the AN that I added to the first chapter, I will be rewriting many of the first chapters. Now that I look back on them, I'm not satisfied with them. Besides, I've been complaining about people not keeping true to the story, and I didn't! These rewritten chapters will probably be much longer than the original ones as I am trying to fit the same information in them with much more detail. The chapters that I will be rewriting are 1-19. Feel free to read them if you ever want to as while there will be some similarities to the original ones, there will also be many differences.

Names: A while ago, someone asked me to tell everyone who each of the seishi were and what their real names were. I never got a chance then, but I do now. I forget who asked me, but this is for you:

Tomite: Chamka Tan
Hikitsu: Entato Chen
Uruki: Bai-Ling Soo
Namame: Temur Bataar
Iname: Dugureng Zaan
Hatsui: Shi-Hsiu Sorinem
Umiyame: Mishcorme ?? (Her last name shall never be revealed. Mostly because I don't know it. It is just one of the great mysteries of the Genbu Seishi.)

Writing About Non-Characters: I once had somebody ask me why people would write about non-characters. This is my answer for anyone else who might wonder that. I write about these characters because there are so many mysteries surrounding them. We only see two of the Genbu Seishi in the series. We never get a good idea of their personalities, either. And we, or at least I, wonder who were they? What were they like? What sort of things did they have to go through to summon Genbu? As fans, we want to answer these questions. How? We write. That's what I did. I asked, and I answered. Besides, you can still get the idea from something (I'm really bad at thinking up my own things), but be able to make up your own characters. That's really nice.

Fixing Things: I want to give everyone who told me that I was doing something wrong (a.k.a. spelling or grammar) a special thanks. I went back and fixed what you told me about and because of that, you've made this story a little better. When I find something wrong, I fix it and re-load it. I know that many authors do not partake in this practice, but I do. I have tried to make this fic better in every way possible.

Betas: When I first started this, my beta was Juggalette. But one day, she stopped returning my chapters. I'm not sure what happened to her, but I waited for a few MONTHS before I finally started to just upload them. (Juggalette, if you ever read this, then please e-mail me and tell me what happened.) Then, otaku-no-miko e-mailed me asking me if I wanted a beta. I would like to thank her. Without her, I'm not sure what I would have done. Everyone, if you ever have the chance, read her stories, for she is a superb writer. Or, at least much better than I am. Without her, this would be a much worse story.

Reviewers: I would just like to thank all my reviewers one last time. Without you, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much. I really cannot say this enough.

"More coming soon! Please review!": As many of you have noticed, I say this after every chapter. This will be the first time that I will not be able to write "More coming soon!" I do not know where this practice came from, but oh well. Actually, I'm not even sure why I'm mentioning it.

Questions: If any of you have any questions about this fic in any way, please e-mail me at m a g g i e o @ m a c . c o m (without the spaces of course--FF.net hates things like this for some reason), and I will be happy to answer them. It doesn't matter what they're about, I want to make sure that everything in this fic is understandable.

That's just about it. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with me through the end. It means so much to me. Please review!