uhhhhh... Hi... Here's chapter 7 along with me getting a new phone!!! I'm still trying to get used to the keyboard (who seems to really like autotype so much).

School's been rough with the quizzes and tests (also projects) so I've been working my ass a ton! oof.

Sorry for getting this out really late too!

But anyway, hope y'all enjoy this chapterrrrrrrrrr

1 week later...

"You guys're still here?" I rubbed my eyes before yawning loudly as I gazed at the two guests who was sitting down with Eri, eating breakfeast on the dining table.

It's been a week ever since my reunion with Rayak and nothing has yet to happen from then. I don't know if it's a bad thing or not. Maybe because of Meliodas' presence, Rayak is not making a move but that doesn't mean he's done with me already. He could be taking his time and planning his next moves.

Because of that, Meliodas and Bethy-chan stayed for a while. I'm guessing, they worry about me and Eri but who knows. Honestly, I don't mind them staying here but something in the back of my mind was telling me they should go, which is completely weird. Afterall, who doesn't want to be with the Meliodas and Elizabeth (even if she's not the main story Elizabeth).

"What are you saying, Sarid? Don't like us being here?" Meliodas smirked at me as he ate his lunch. My face turned grim and I couldn't help but wanting to flip him off. This past week had been a torture for me; he tried to kill me with his cooking. Dead by food poisoning sounds pretty lame for me and I don't want my death to be like that.

"That's not what I meant, idiot. Don't you have things to do in other places?"

"Hmmmm... Not much actually! I mean, we're already doing stuff in here right now," Meliodas exclaimed before taking a mouthful of his bread. I tilted my head at his words.

"What do you mean by doing stuff?" I haven't really seen him doing anything other than sitting around, flirting with Bethy-chan, annoying the crap out of me, and eat food. I walked over to the dining table and Eri picked me before placing me onto the high chair while I curse at how short I was.

"Just... some stuff that a kid like you don't need to know," He mocked as he emphasized the 'kid' word. He knew what that meant and as a mentally 23 year old man, I tried to assert my dominance by launching myself at him with a full-body attack.

Of course, being the bastard he was, he completely dodged my attack as I flew pass him. Without even looking, he managed to grab me by the collar of my shirt so that I wouldn't fall and hurt my head. "With that much energy in hand. You should use them for something better."

"Like what," I grumbled. He grinned at me and as soon as I took a glance at his sword on his back, my jaw dropped and fear took over. "Oh, hell no! You can't be serious! I'm not-"

"Eri, we'll be outside!" He flipped me over as he grabbed my hand and dragged me while I tried to struggle my way out. Why is he like this!? He never treats the future princess kid-Elizabeth like this!

"Let me join too!" Bethy-chan cheered and followed behind. No, you should be helping me getting away from this muscle-head called Meliodas for goodness sakes! That's when she stopped and turned to the old woman, flustered. "Ah, Eri-san, do you need any help with the dishes?" She's so polite unlike this blonde brute!

"I'm good, don't worry! Make sure that Meliodas doesn't hurt Sarid too badly though! I'Il come over later," Eri responded with a laugh as she waved Bethy off. Said person seemed hesitant at first before nodding and followed outside.

That's how my training with Meliodas and Bethy-chan started.

2 weeks later...


"Geh!" I spluttered as Elizabeth's face came into view. Her bright blue eyes stared into mine and I flinched. "How did you find me?" That's right, I was supposed to have my training session with Meliodas today but everytime we do it, I would find it unnecessary and something that I don't seem to have talent in. That's why I hid myself somewhere in the forest - not too deep as I don't want to get myself lost.

Not only that, his training is a fucking torture! How the hell did the small-future Gil survive training with him. Meliodas would literally throw me off a cliff and see if I can climb back up. If I show no result, he would catch me before I die and then insult me with, "where's that manly spirit you talked about, huh?"

Is it because that I know his background that he doesn't need to hold back? But I'm still a child, alright! Obviously, I complained all of this to Bethy-chan. She was suprised at first - and terrified - but as I continued on, her eyes softened and she chuckled with a warm smile.

"Sarid-chan, he's not doing this purposely," Bethy-chan exclaimed and I looked at her as if she jus grew two heads. "I mean, the cliff throw is a bit too much but he's actually doing all of this for you."

"Why in the world would I need training? It's not like I'm going to let myself get involve into a war or a fight." I huffed in annoyance and a thought of suicide flashed briefly. That's right, I'm going to die before I even need to fight anyways.

"Not to fight, Sarid. But to protect yourself and Eri too," Bethy-chan scolded and I rose an eyebrow at that. Aren't those the same words that future Elizabeth said to Meliodas as she gave her Liz's sword? I looked down on the ground. Not only that, I hate to admit it but she's correct.

"Fine," I muttered. "I'll try again." Standing up, I did a few stretches. I'm pretty sure Meliodas could have found me easily but he probably knew that I wanted some alone time. Bethy-chan smiled determinedly at me and I smiled nervously back at her.

"For that cliff throw, I'll make sure Meliodas-san to never do that again, don't worry!" Bethy-chan exclaimed and for some oddly reason, I had a feeling that it will work.

As we make our way back from the forest. I could see a certain literal-demon midget standing a few feet away from the house waiting. Oh, he definitely knew and that suck. Bethy-chan stomped towards him, ready to scold him as I smirked smugly in secret.

I was about to follow her when all of a sudden, the wind's speed increased immensely and my long hair flew over my face. What in the world!? I was able to stood my ground and faced towards where the wind rush came from as soon as it died off. I was left in confusing when I noticed where I was looking at.

The forest? Why-


Snapping myself, I did a U-turn and ran towards Bethy-chan and Meliodas. They didn't seem to have noticed. Was it just me? Maybe I'm just imagining stuff.

"Sarid, pay attention! You're swinging it wrong and it's too slow!"

"Shut. Up!"

"Wrong move."

"Agh! That hurts!" I fell down on my butt while holding my numb head. I glared at Meliodas and hissed at him. The only response I got was a bright mischievous grin which only made my blood boil even more.

"What were you looking at anyways?" Meliodas asked as he looked towards where I was staring before. "It's just the forest, huh." Squinting his eyes, I rose an eyebrow at his silence. Feeling bored, I tugged on his sleeves.

"Oi, you okay there?"

No response and I sweated nervously. Did I somehow broke Meliodas? I was about to call out to the dazed-looking Meliodas before he folded his arms and smiled warmly. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Nothing," he simply chirped and I sighed as he laughed in his 'Nishishishi'. We continued to train with me failing miserably with the wooden sword that Meliodas given me. Additionally, thanks to Bethy-chan, Meliodas did lessen his 'level of training' and went easy on me which is something I truly appreciate.

"Hmmmm... Maybe you're not fit for the sword at all...?" Meliodas spoke up as I lay down on the ground panting and sweating. I heard footsteps walking away and I sighed. He's probably dissapointed at the lack of talent I have.

I breathed in and out to normalize my rapid breath. My eyes gazed at the blue sky and thinking about a certain guardian angel who lives up there, my hands clenched into a fist. Before I knew it, I started to hum a melody and relaxed.

"Sarid," someone called out and I lifted my head a little to see what was going on. It was Meliodas again. My face morphed, are we continuing the practice?

"What do you want? I'm tired."

"Here," as he said that, he pulled out from his back and held the weapon outwards to me. My eyes widen for a moment before going back to look at him with hopeless eyes.

"A bow? Seriously?"

1 month later...

I pulled on the bow string as the tips of the bow stretched backwards. Concentrating on the target's red bulls-eye, I waited. "Now," Bethy-chan signed and I let go. The arrow flew and landed on the yellow area.

Missed, fuck.

"You're improving, Sarid-chan!" Bethy-chan grinned at me and I smiled tiredly back at her. "You got the posture and the angle correct! The only problem you have is that, you lost all your concentration and strength the second you're about to let go of the arrow."

I nodded solemnly at her words and bent down to get another arrow when I realized there was none left. I grumbled as I saw all of them were on the target. Bethy-chan chuckled as I dragged myself over towards it.

"That's all for today, Sarid-chan! I'll go back first to help Eri-san!" In response to that, I shouted back an ",okay!" Just as I turn around to continue my way on getting the arrows, I was nudged softly by the back. Out of surprise, I almost fell over but I quickly took a hold of myself. My eyes was wide open as all of this happened.

"What the fuck was that?" Scanning around for something to pop up, nothing. "Okay, whoever you are. This is not funny!" My eyes narrowed and I waited.

Maybe there really was nothing afterall. I must be going crazy these days. Kinda reminds me in my previous life when I was still friends with Jack and all. We would always run around and play hide and seek when we were little. He always scared the crap out of me though. Not-


-Funny...? What? Huh? I held my head as a sting of pain came. I shut my eyes to close the paun out. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes in wary.

What wasn't so funny? Did I do something? Additionally, this feels very familiar for some reason. Whay's going on? I shook my head. It's probably nothing important anyways. I was about to grab the arrows when I realized they were all gone.

I thought I was crazy until I turned and saw those arrows were already inside my quiver that I left where I was shooting from. Did I took some drug or something? Maybe I'm just losing some of brain cells.

Chapter 7 - "A Hard-working Sarid"

3 months later...

"Sarid, make sure you come back before dinner!" Eri ordered while pointing the knife at me. She was cutting some fruits for later before going to work. I still don't know what kind of work she's doing and that pisses me off because it seems like Meliodas and Bethy-chan knew.

Speaking of those two, today is their date day. No, they're not together. Meliodas make it seems like they are but Bethy-chan is just way too oblivious. In reality, they're just going to buy some grocery and do some shopping.

Though, I guess Meliodas is keeping it safe because if their relationship deepens, chances are, Bethy-chan is going to remember about the origins of her life and will die after 3 days. Yeah, I don't want to get all panick about that and have Meliodas rage and destroy the Arkansa Village along with me and Eri.

Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea... Because me and Eri will at least die together peacefully along with that bastard Rayak.

Rayak hasn't been appearing and thank goodness, he didn't. It must be because Meliodas, Bethy-chan, and Eri are sticking to me 24/7. I've been going to the village from time to time as well (accompanied by Meliodas and Bethy-chan). Rayak is definitely not making a move ever since my first time coming to said village.

Not even when I'm alone after convincing everyone that I need privacy. That's right! After a few tries, I managed to get myself some privacy time which was pretty weird since Meliodas agreed to it pretty easily compared to Eri and Bethy-chan. Rayak is probably not going to kidnap me or anything because... Actually, I don't know why and I think it's better that way. HA.

Meliodas did told me that I can only go out after 12.30 P.M. and come back before 5.00 P.M. which is weird but you know what, I'll take what I can get.

I grabbed my bow and quiver filled with arrows before grabbing my satchel. "I'm going!" After signing my leave to Eri, I opened the door and ran out. The first few days that I was allowed to go outside alone, Eri always worried about me every 5 minutes (from what Meliodas and Bethy-chan said).

That's when me and Bethy-chan proved her that I could be independent by showing her my improvement in archery and self-defence. It's not as good as Bethy-chan's level nor my self-defence is super good, but they were enough for me to at least take down people bigger than my size (like teenagers).

And yes, I have quite an update on my weird situation. It might sounds crazy but I... think someone is stalking me? It's been happening ever since I started training and I can't seem to find who. Definitely not Rayak because none of my guardians would never let the dude get even close to me. Never.

It's hard to explain but I think it's a ghost or some sort? I could feel them near me and they would help me around when I'm outside and - from my observations - away from the others. It doesn't seem to be evil nor has any intention to do anything related to that but after a few times of me screaming my head off, I decided to just ignore it and let it do whatever it wants.

The second thing is very important and annoying. There is no way that Abraham would just let me be that easily, huh. It took me a while to figure it out but as soon as the events are starting to occur more often, I raged.

Yes, it appears my memories are being erased one by one. It started very discretely by erasing the smaller parts of my memories. But as soon as I started to not able recall some of my previous life's memories, my hatred for Abraham increased immensely; I have forgotten my... family? Which does not make sense, how could someone just forgot they're family in a blip like that.

I couldn't remember anything about it; my family's faces, how many people were in my family, my previous house, how I... died and got reincarnated? Why... Did I got hit by a car or something? None of this makes any sense and so, I started piecing them together.

Sooner or later, I will forget my knowledge on the story of Seven Deadly Sins. That's something I cannot let that happen. As of now, that knowledge is crucial for my survivability and it's my weapon. I cannot let such thing happen nor can I stop this... memory deletion or anything.

That's why my only resort is to write everything about my previous life, Charles Smith's life and my whole knowledge of this world. Doing this at home is way too risky with a lot of people inside - especially Meliodas.

I ran across the grassy field while holding onto my suprisingly heavy satchel. My legs carried me into the forest, My eyes glanced to the right to see a white '-x' mark on a tree and I quickly turned my body to the left. I slowed down my pace and looked around.

My eyes landed on another white 'y' mark - this time it was marked on a rock - and I smirked. Turning to my right, I walked past the marked rock and continued to move straight. The first time I planned this out, I got lost so many times in the forest and couldn't find my way back. I was worried that I couldn't go back and see the others along with Eri. That thought made me want to kill myself, honestly.

But... for some reason, I managed to find my way back in an odd way; the leaves would give me signs and the animals would guide me - by calling - back to the house. It seemed as if... the nature was helping me? I'm not too sure now, it sounds stupid and surreal. It sounded way beter in my head.

Anyway, after a few minutes, I was infront of a cave. Not too big and not too small either. I entered casually into the darkness of the cave and rummaged my satchel in search for something. I stopped before pulling out a matchstick box. Taking out a stick and scratching the tip on the side of the box, a small fire was made.

Why did I not just stick it to the MFO and create the fire? I tried to do it... but it didn't work for some reason. Also it feels weird sticking something into your body and...Y'know what, maybe it's just me afterall.

I walked closely to the side of the cave and found a familiar stick that stuck out on the walls of the cave like a sore thumb. The stick had rags wrapped tightly with a rope and was close to the ground. Stretching out the matchstick towards the stick until it touches the rags and that's how I self-made my torches.

The rags lit up in flames. The crackling of the flames calmed me down and I couldn't help but smile at the brilliant red colour. I walked pass it and continued to lit up the other torches the same way.

Finishing my 8th and last torch. I looked back and the whole cave was now coated in light unlike before. The inside of the cave was more spacious and bigger than what it looks like from the outside. It took me months to prepare all of this by myself and it wasn't easy but after I fully understood the situation I'm in - for Eri, Meliodas, and Bethy-chan, I had too.

Scanning the ground, I could feel the MFO blazed in determination as what was on the ground was covered in drawings of white chalk. Drawings and words written in japanese. My eyes glanced to the left and saw the name 'Charles Smith' written down with big letters and in Japanese.

To my right, you could see the drawings of the Seven Deadly Sins fighting Zeldris that was possessed by the Demon King. They were all poorly drawn but by looking at the written names and arrows pointed at the drawings, you could identify them easily.

Carefully not to smudge them, I tip-toed my way pass it by stepping on the non-chalk parts of the floor. As soon as I reached to the other side of the cave, I looked back at the huge drawing of mess that represents my whole knowledge on this world along with my previous life's memories.

"This should be enough for now. I can't let anybody else know about this. I have to hide this location... somehow."

As I continued to plan my way through the problem with full concentration. I didn't heard the soft grumble of agreement behind me.

4 months later...

"Wait, you're leaving!?" My eyes widen as Bethy-chan looked at me sadly and Meliodas nodded. "And this week too...?" I muttered quietly. I held back the sadness I'm feeling as the fire inside me flickered in wary.

"I'm so sorry, Sarid-chan!" Being glomped by Bethy-chan, I chocked at the tightness, my short limbs flailed around in search for help. "We wanted to stay and celebrate your birthday too but something come up and we have to go now! I'm so sorry!"

"Alright! I get it! Now, let go!" She let go with a smile as my face flushed in embarassment. Since when did I start caring about my birthdays? Years ago, I would be planning my death on days like this. I may have forgotten how I died in my previous life but that doesn't mean the urge to kill myself is gone. I picked up my small mug filled with tea (very fancy eh?).

"Where are you two going?"

"Camelot," Meliodas answered with a grin.

I chocked on my tea and screeched at how hot it was. They're going to Camelot? Isn't that where Kyle is? No, this is Meliodas and Bethy-chan we're talking about. Is Merlin there yet? Doesn't she arrive in Camelot around the time Arthur is still a kid? So there's no way that Merlin is in Camelot now, right?

No, isn't this my chance to meet Kyle? Maybe, I could ask them to take me to Camelot too. Meliodas knows my situation so it will be easy to explain and Bethy-chan will be okay as long as her crush agrees to it. They can also protect me too!

"Oh, Camelot? Isn't that really far from here?" Eri's soft voice rang and I froze. If I leave, what would happen to Eri? Rayak would rage knowing that I dissapeared and he would torture Eri to spill out my location. I don't want that to happen to Eri too. I can't leave someone who took care of me and gave me the kind of love that I yearned for so long.

"It is but don't worry! We will be safe on our own," Meliodas declared with a thumbs up and I couldn't help but stare at him. "Awww, is little Sarid going to cry?" I flushed in embarassment again and lunged myself at him.

He dodged to hi right a little but instead of letting myself flying pass him, I turned my body and stretched out my left hand. I grabbed his shoulder swiftly and pulled myself right towards his head. With a smack, I head-butted him.

"Ouch!" We both cried out. I was holding my swollen forehead while Meliodas was caressing his left cheek. "That was very sly, Sarid! I didn't expect that too," Meliodas exclaimed and I smirked at him. I know he could have easily dodged that but he probably didn't because he wanted to see what I was going to do.

"I've learned a lot from Bethy-chan!" As I proudly said that, Bethy-chan chuckled and blushed at the compliment. I gave her a wide grin.

"Yo, Sarid!"


"Happy Birthday!" I blinked at the words in confusion as Meliodas put me down on the floor. It's not my birthday today though so why? "Since we're leaving before your birthday. We just wanted to celebrate it early with you," Meliodas explained. "Elizabeth, bring it out."

I turned to Bethy-chan and I saw her holding a- "No way," I muttered as my eyes widened. "You guys got me a guitar?" I trudged my way over to Bethy-chan and observed the guitar in her hands. "But why?"

"Remember when we first went to the village together and saw the performance?" Bethy-chan asked and I nodded, my eyes were still looking at the guitar. "Well at that time, you looked like you really loved the performance and this instrument. It's probably the only thing you like besides books." True, but this is so- my eyes watered. "It's too big for you to play for now but maybe in the future?"

"Bethy-chan~~~~~" I cried out as I hugged her with full force. She squeaked and stumbled a bit before balancing herself quickly. "Thank you so much!" I let go of her as she placed the guitar down and gave me a big smile.

"Well, we have to go now. Thank you for everything, Sarid and Eri," Meliodas said with his weird laugh and I couldn't help but laugh with him too. Suddenly, his voice got lower and his face wrapped into a serious one, "if anything happens, contact us."

Eri nodded, "don't worry." I was a bit hesitant thanks to Meliodas' words though. Now that Meliodas and Bethy-chan aren't here, Rayak would come. What would happen to me and Eri then? I gritted my teeth and Meliodas must have noticed because his next few words were a bit weird.

"Sarid, you have somebody else watching over you so eveything's going to be fine."

I rose an eyebrow at his words and the only thing he did was to just grin and ruffle my hair. With that being said, Meliodas and Bethy-chan turned around and out of the door. I watched from the window until their figures dissapeared into the forest.

What's going to happen now?

2 years later...


Eri's shout from inside the house took me off guard and I jumped. "What do you want, old woman!" I screamed back at her from outside. It's early in the morning, why is she screaming so loudly? Hearing no response from her, I shrugged and looked back at the target.

I took another arrow before placing it on the holder of the bow and pulled. That's right, remember - concentrate. When I saw that my aim was perfect, I started counting.




"Sarid, the King of Fairies is coming to the village! I need you to get ready right this instant, brat!" That caught me off guard and I missed my shot. My eyes widened and I turned to see Eri running at me with full speed.

"Wait... what?"

Doneeee!! YESSSSSS

* me flying over the rainbow*

I'm sorry that this one took so long to get out! But it was worth it! With Meliodas and Bethy-chan gone, we can now move to the next... arc, I guess? And would you look at that, looks like we have someone special coming in for this one!

Honestly, I'm super excited for the next chapter and I hope (really hope) I have time to get it out in time!

It appears there were a lot of time skips in this one but don't worry! All of this are planned out. It's not like I want to just rush my way to the excitement or aything hahaha.

Tell me what you think of this chapter though and don't forget to favourite and follow to keep updated!

Reviews are Motivations ;)