DISCLAIMER: I do not own Frozen, Kingdom Hearts, or the fanfics "Elsa and Hans: Redemption" and "Elsa and Hans: Destiny Arrives". The first two belong to Disney and Square Enix, respectively, the Fanfics belong to Fellow Fanfiction Author Gilbert Stories.

Princess Anna clenched her fists and grit her teeth at the sight in front of her; Her older sister, Queen Elsa was helping Hans Westergard to his feet after they had been doing battle with an ancient evil foretold in the Prophecy and had failed to destroy it, allowing it to escape. Anna started having some very dark thoughts run through her mind.

"He lied to me about love and left me to Freeze to death."

"He tried to kill my beloved sister. He tried to kill ME!"

"He's only here because he just so happened to sneak onto our ship."

"He survived the storm, the storm that should have killed us like we thought our parents had perished."

"He died from the poison, and yet here he is."

"He tried to sacrificed himself to the wolves and still made it back."

"He told us our Mother was alive, It wasn't HIS place to tell us our Mother was alive!"

"He was betrothed to Elsa and he STILL did what he did!"

"He only survived the Pirate attack because he has FIRE MAGIC!"



Snapping back to reality, Anna turned around... and ran away.

She ran past Rapunzel.

"Anna?" Elsa said shocked.

She ran past Olaf.

"Where are you going?!" Elsa was starting to panic.

And she ran past Kristoff.

"ANNA!" Elsa yelled.

She ran through the dark, cold, snowy forest for what seemed to be hours, overcome with rage and jealousy towards Hans. She ran until she could run no longer. She stopped and her legs buckled and she fell to her knees, using her hand and arms to keep herself from falling face down on the snow covered ground. Unable to hold her emotions in anymore she screamed in anger before her tears started falling onto the snow and she cried.

"I should've killed him when I caught him sleeping with Elsa..." Anna sobbed out.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that opportunity, Princess Anna."

Anna's head shot up as she was startled by a very deep, kinda creepy, yet almost soothing malevoice filled her ears. She gasped in horror as she saw in front of her was a tall figure wearing a black-hooded cloak. Anna was filled with more terror as she noticed she couldn't see the figure's face at all.

"But if you wish to Kill Hans Westergard in the foreseeable future, I may be able to help."

"AAHHHHHH!" Anna screamed as fell onto her back, terrified. "STAY BACK!"

"I am not here to harm you, or anyone you love." The figure said.

"W-why should I believe you?!" Anna retorted.

"Because I want the same you do: Hans westergard. Dead." he said.

Anna's eyes widened. "Who... Are you?"

The figure raised his right hand up to remove his hood. Anna gasped as the figure revealed himself to be a Human male with long, spiky white hair (though he didn't look old enough to have such a dull hair colour) and yellow eyes.

"My name is Xemnas, the first, the leader of organization XIII (13) a group of me and 12 other Immortals dedicated to keeping the balance of Light and Darkness in check. We were sworn into secrecy 42 years ago by the council of the twelve at the start of this century. We only answer to the rulers of the twelve kingdoms. I was given one member from each of the council's kingdoms and we were granted Immortality by the power of the lord. We have since ensured the balance of Light and Darkness, intervening only when necessary, Such as with Napoleon, but... Irrelevant. The past 24 years have been troubling for us due to the birth of your Sister, Queen Elsa, Hans Westergard, and the emergence of the Prophecy."

Anna stared with wide eyes at Xemnas' story, she was unsure if it was true, but she still wanted to know how he could help her get rid of Hans.

"How can you help me?" Anna asked.

"I can awaken your wind powers, the ones that were locked away from you so you couldn't interfere with the prophecy." Xemnas replied.

Anna blinked a few times before realization hit and she gasped.

"I-i have wind magic?!"

"Indeed, your parents said they had taken you as an infant to the Rock trolls to have it sealed away until you were 25." Xemnas explained.

"Why would they do that?!"

"They had no choice, you possessed power of the wind, the kind of magic that could counter Hans' fire and Elsa's Ice. It would have interfered with the prophecy."

"In a good way or bad way?"

"It was a prophecy, Princess Anna, it had to come to fruition."


"The prophecy has now been fulfilled, the Ancient Evil has clashed with the two destined to fight together against it. Though the Evil escaped, it has no chance against them a second time."

"So... what must I do?"

Xemnas held out his hand.

"Trust me."

Anna thought it over.

"Promise me that NOBODY other than Hans Dies." Anna said firmly.

"I swore an oath that as long as I live, I will never endanger a royal or local from a kingdom part of the council of the twelve, and I will live forever." Xemnas Promised.

"And because Hans isn't a prince anymore..." Anna started.

"He's all yours."

Anna smirked and took Xemnas' hand and stood up, having regained some of the strength in her legs during her talk with Xemnas.

"You got a deal, Xemnas." Anna declared, shaking on it.

Xemnas nodded.

Suddenly a black smoke appeared and opened to reveal purple portal.

"What is that?!" Anna exclaimed.

"The Gateway to our Headquarters."

Xemnas held out his hand again, confusing Anna.

"I'd hate for you to get lost in the corridor."

Anna took Xemnas' hand again and he guided her through the Portal, which closed after they passed through.

A few seconds later Elsa's broken scream could be heard in the distance calling her sister's name.


A/N: Wanted to try something different for once. I needed to get out of the Call of duty/Frozen mindset for a bit.

Shoutout to author, Gilbert Stories! Whose Frozen fanfics inspired this AU set in his "Elsa and Hans" series. I thank him for making such wonderful stories that reignited my writing spirit. go check him out everybody!

The idea of Anna's wind powers came from leaked merchandise for Frozen II, where she is surrounded by gusts of seemingly magical wind.

Lastly I'm undecided on Organization XIII's direction for this story. Most likely? they'll see the error in their mission and stop trying to kill Hans. As to why they are trying to kill Hans? Also undecided. That may come later. And yes ALL the members will be featured. I'm not sure anyone else that from Kingdom Hearts will show up at some point though.

Thanks for reading and/or leaving a review!

See you next time!
