Hello everybody! Here is chapter 9! I hope you'll like it!

Have a nice reading!

Katsuki and Izuku cleaned the blood they had spilled as much as possible and Katsuki disinfected their cuts. He didn't think he had cut so deep, to tell the truth. He felt a little bad. The stained sheets were more reminiscent of a crime scene than a love scene, but it wasn't his fault if blood magic was a messy magic.

He applied his famous balm to their hands and covered them with a tight bandage. He wasn't going to let them catch a disease just because they wanted to have fun. The little blacksmith tested the rigidity of the bandage by squeezing and loosening his fist, then smiled widely at Bakugou before leaning forward to kiss him. The blond instantly opened his mouth and put his hands on his freckled cheeks.

"You're so strong Kacchan...I love you so much! We have good chances of winning the tournament with a mage like you by our side!" said Izuku in a whisper against his lips.

"Are you hearing yourself? You're so embarrassing!" answered the blond without pulling away.

"But I mean it! I'm so happy! That you love me back, that you want to build something with me, that you're okay with my mumbling and my strange habits...and I cannot thank you enough for what you did for me...you saved my life..."

Izuku was starting to cry already.

"Yeah I know I'm great, but you did much more for me" answered Bakugou, wiping Izuku's tears before it flowed. "Come on crybaby, let's stop the sappy shits and let's join the extras before you drown me in your random tears."

He said that but their joined hands as they got out of the room was telling another story.


The bandage didn't hold all the morning that followed though, and the nature of the wound underneath did not escape the elvish eyes of Todoroki. He took Izuku aside very quickly to talk to him.

"Izuku, you told me that you had hurt yourself while cooking but...you lied right?" he asked.

"Hey?! why would you think that?" answered Izuku, blushing and looking away.

"Because I'm not stupid, show me" insisted Todoroki, forcing him to show the wound. The elf then displayed a look of surprise. He frowned. He stared up at Izuku with a hard look.

"It's not the kind of wound you get while cooking..." he commented. "The cut is sharp and centered. That's the kind of cut Bakugou does to use blood magic. It's exactly the same actually."


"Your silence and the fact that you wanted to hide it speaks for you. Izuku, it's him who did this to you?"

"You're smart Shoto...to guess that by just looking at the cut."

"You would have guessed it too. What's happening? Is Bakugou using you as his personal blood tank? Why did he cut off your hand?"

"No! Not at all! It's not what you think, we were just experimenting on something!"

"What were you testing?!"

"...a little spell."

"Who does what? Could he not experiment with his own blood? And why did you feel the need to lie if it was nothing?"

"...We needed our both blood for the spell...and I lied because it's private."


"It was a kinky thing..."

"Izuku, if he hurts you when...when you have sex, it's not normal!"

"It's nothing like that Shoto! I swear to you! It's not that kind of kink!"

"He does not take pleasure in cutting your flesh? Because it's quite deep!"

"No! Of course not! By the gods, Shoto! The spell was the kinky thing, not the cut! It was to be able to use blood magic! I swear he hated it when he cut me! It was just a spell to...have fun. Nothing wrong or unhealthy with it. We needed fuel for the spell, so we took it, that's all."

"Using blood magic for fun is unhealthy. It's a dangerous magic. You start like this and you end up doing things you would not have accepted before!"

"It's no more dangerous than your fire and ice! It's just instead of using your magical energy, you uses blood."

"No, it's not the same thing at all! Playing with blood magic is playing with his god! Because of Bakugou you owe him something already!"

"Because of him I'm alive, Shoto!"


"I'm ok...you need to trust me. It's nothing strange...it will heal fast. Kacchan didn't want to hurt me, he wanted me to feel good on the contrary...I don't understand why you're making such a big deal of it."

"Because you hide it, you lied to me."

"I hide it because my sexual life is my business that's all...I'm fine Shoto, I'm a big boy."

Todoroki did not seem satisfied but did not insist. He would talk to Bakugou about it. That was a sure thing. Deep inside he had nothing against blood magic but he had something against big free cuts. It was not a small one and Izuku's pale complexion revealed the use of a lot of blood.


The king didn't lie when he said he was going to organize a nice wedding for Izuku. He had put some people of confidence on the case so that the engaged young people had nothing to prepare. They were just asked to go buy their wedding earring. Izuku insisted on making it himself. And that's what they did with the guild, Izuku's mother, and the big All Might. They were currently wandering around a large craftsmen market, heading for one of All Might's forge and Izuku was busy talking to his mentor and his friends.

Strong smells of spices, sawdust and hot metal rushed into their nose. The little stalls were colorful and the voices of the tailors and grocers fought for the attention of passers-by.

"It's a strange place...the fortress. Everything looks cold as fuck but when the dwarves are here doing their stuff, it feels warm and peaceful" commented Katsuki to Inko.

She was walking with him, hung at his arm, smiling. She was already used to the young man's vulgarity.

"It's peaceful indeed, but it's also because we were able to surround ourselves with good people. His father genuinely loved dwarf culture and was a very good person. But you know Katsuki, it's not paradise in here. Izuku is a kind man and a hard worker, so he's successful. The king loves him dearly for it and that's bring a lot of jealousy. He has so much attention while he's not a dwarf. Some parts of the fortress are more hostile than others to us, but we're okay with it and everyone is well aware of the amount of money Izuku sent to the dwarf kingdom. He was rich at some point, with Toshinori they sold a lot for a few years, and he gave everything to the dwarves, by pure altruism. But he must know that it also allows him to be accepted among them...but enough about the fortress. Talk to me about you, Katsuki! What are your goals in life?"

"My goal is to be the best. The number one guild, to summarize. I want to have money, fame and recognition. I want everything I lacked asa kid. I want to have enough money to be able to choose what mission I want to perform on a daily basis and who I want to help."

"That's a big thing to wish. Is that why you formed a guild?"

"We were not official until Izuku, but he made me want to speed up the pace and recruit a lot of people. I trained him in combat and now, besides having a brain he can defend himself. "

"Really? Thank you for this. Are your goals really compatible with my son's ones?"

"He wants a better world...so yeah. With fame, money and power you have tools to change the world."

"I wish you to succeed in making the world a better place then...You seem like you know what you're doing, you looks like a smart kid. I don't know about your personality though."

"People tell me I have a bad temper, and I tell them to fuck themselves. But Deku doesn't mind my personality, he says I'm great."

"You're like him, too smart for the others, why do you love my son?"

"...My father died, you know? He died because he was in love with a dragon. He's been murdered. And I hate dragons because of this, but Izuku still doesn't. He cannot help but think that there is good in them. It's the same with the dwarves. A dwarf guy used him and threw him away but he doesn't hate him or the dwarves. he takes people as they are. He is convinced that there is good in everyone and he wants to help everyone. He is honest and he is fundamentally benevolent. I love him and hate him fot that."

"I see..."

"Because by thinking like that, you are a good person but you are doomed to suffer because of others."

Inko stopped them and put her hands on Katsuki's shoulders.

"Fortunately, you will be there to prevent people from taking advantage of him!"

She resumed her walk and they continued to discuss. Inko, after half a day, boasted to everyone about her beautiful son in law. It seemed to her that Katsuki had an innate talent for almost everything, and besides being as handsome as a god, he didn't let people walk on his feet. She told herself it was good that he was with Izuku, because this way he was offsetting his excess of kindness.

Everything could have been peaceful until the evening, but Todoroki took Katsuki aside when he had the chance. He slammed him against a wall (not violently but firmly) in an alley and declared with a strict voice:

"Keep your dirty kinks to yourself and don't ever lay a hand on Izuku again!"

"What's the fuck are you're talking about, Halfy? You're all worked up and shit!"

"You know what I'm talking about! The cut on his hand for no reason! If you want us to stay together, don't make him be part of your blood magic games!"

"...It wasn't for no reason, it was to cast a spell and it is absolutely not your fucking business!"

"It's my business, I'm his best friend!"

"What we do on our side only concern us! Best friend or not! He is an adult and can make decisions for himself!"

"You know how curious and reckless he is, and you know he does not like saying no. You have no right to take advantage of that!"

"It was nothing dude! Just a little spell! We didn't promise our souls a second time!"

"Yeah, it was for fun. Well if you're cutting him again for 'fun', I'll take him away from you."

"You won't fucking do anything. He's going to marry me tomorrow. He wants to stay with me. I'm sorry you have such a hard time about it!"

"...What?! I don't have a hard time about...you know what? Sometimes you look more dragon than human! I'm just worried for you two Bakugou...You know, I've read studies that said that it was in dragons's genes to be as they are...I wonder if the fact that you transform yourself more often is interfering with your inhibitions..."

"What?! My inhibitions? You know what? Worry about your own shiftless self and get out of my way, you judgmental racist fuck!"

Bakugou pushed him and left Shoto in place before going to join Izuku back. Todoroki didn't understand why these two couldn't see the harm in what they had done. It was one thing to let Bakugou do blood magic as he pleased, another if they started doing rituals in secret. He wondered what the rest of the guild would think and decided that he might be confiding in Mina or Kirishima who seemed to be closest to Bakugou. He only wanted their good.


They would get married the next day. Izuku wanted something simple. He had invited only his very close friends in this part of the fortress, who were 5, including Gigi the gatekeeper, as well as his mentor, his mother and the guild. It wasn't a lot of people and for him it was very good. The small ceremony would take place in a tiny temple which had a piece of garden with flowers and greenery. A truly intimate and romantic place.

They were currently in an inn. It was the evening. They had taken two rooms of 4 and separated themselves into 2 groups. Todoroki, Jirou, Sero and Mina on one side and Katsuki, Izuku, Kirishima and Denki on the other. The rooms consisted of beds but also a small sitting area where Bakugou was currently chilling on a couch with Izuku sleeping on his thighs. He caressed his hair distractedly when Kirishima decided to put his buttocks on the other sofa in front of him.

"Bro, we need to talk" started Kirishima.

"Fuck, the elf talked to you!"

"How do you know? And don't call Todoroki 'the elf'!"

"He told me I was more dragon than human that fucker so I'll call him whatever I want! Also, I know because you never 'we need to talk' me! I'm a big boy so leave me the fuck alone for fuck's sake. I know what I'm doing!"

"Giichi was addicted to blood magic...and you know it."

"And am I?"

"...I don't know, tell me."

"I'm not and you know it. You're making a mountain of nothing at all."

"He told me that you had slashed Izuku's hand just to make a funny spell."

"You sound like I cut his hand with a sword! I only took a little blood, Kiri! I didn't slash his hand. How do YOU take blood? I don't forbid you to do magic and I don't judge you on it. Does anyone make a comment to half and half when he adds magic ice cubes in his water? It's just as trivial!"

"He doesn't need to cut open his lover's hand for that..."

"Fuck you! I only casted a spell and I needed his blood and mine for it to work. That's it. Blood magic is a magic that's works with, oh, suprise, blood! And I use my magical powers if I feel like it. Deku didn't find it unhealthy, he said it was just fuel for the spell and he's right!"

"That's what Todoroki is worried about. He says Izuku has no self-control or self preservation. And I have to say it's not just any magic..."

"Since when is blood magic a problem for you, shitty hair? You always accepted me as I was. Yes, it's a little special and impressive, but I don't go kill people with it."

"And I continue to accept you as you are bro, it's just that...I love you both, and Todoroki too. We're afraid of what the god is going to ask of you, so we would be more at ease if you...don't play with him too much ."

"I know how this magic works, I know what I'm doing, and I love him, Kiri, more than Giichi..."


"Yeah...I wouldn't hurt him...and you know me."

"I know you and I believe you, bro."

"Good, now shut the fuck up, you'll wake him up."

Time flew by and the desire to sleep didn't win Katsuki even as he was surrounded by the inert and snoring bodies of his friends. He carelessly caressed Izuku's dark hair and pondered his life without finding answers to his questions. He thought of his mother, then to drive her out of his mind, he got up and took with him gently his fiancé who did not flinch to put him in one of the beds of the room. He seemed more tired than usual. The blond then put a blanket on Kirishima and Denki and left the room. He fell on Mina who was in the hallway. She handed him a stone goblet with alcohol.

"This thing tears me off, but it tastes good!" she said for only greeting, giving him the drink.

"Why aren't you sleeping, ugly face?"

"Mean! And I'm giving you a drink! I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, maybe it's because I can't see the sky. I guess my internal clock is fucked up."


"Do you want to talk or just drink in silence?"

"Talk if you want, I have nothing to say."

"Ok i'll talk, i'll talk. You know what? I think Izuku is really a good person."

Bakugou frowned and turned his gaze to her. Why was she saying that all of sudden?

"It's so good Bakugou that you found him...Giichi was so mean to you..." she continued.

"This is the vision you had of us?"

"Yes, but it's all in the past now. How do you manage his death? We didn't have the opportunity to discuss it."

"I thought I would give a fuck, and in fact, I don't. I only care about you guys and the crazy blacksmith who can loose 10 pounds while forging. Even halfy, even if he had been a big scum with me earlier."

"Well, you're a big scum ALL THE TIME and we still love you. That's good, for Giichi, I guess."

"Yeah, that's it. Tomorrow I will get married to Deku and my ex will definitely be gone."

"...Are you about to cry?"

"No. I'm not a little shit like all of you!"


Izuku joined them in the hallway with a sleepy face.

"Why aren't you sleeping, uglyface number 2?" asked Bakugou.

"So mean!" exclaimed the blacksmith with a theatrical expression.

"He's always like that when he lacks sleep" commented Mina.

"He's like that when he feels great too" said Izuku and Mina giggled with laughter.

"Should I knock you both to sleep?"

Izuku stood in front of him and stretched, not impressed by the threat.

"I understand, you can't sleep because of tomorrow's event! It's gonna be a really small wedding, you know? No need to be nervous" said Izuku.

"I can't sleep because it's too different in here, the atmosphere...I'm not nervous about the wedding" complained Bakugou.

"Oh, you're not? I am...Mhh...then maybe we can stay up tonight, even if it's not very healthy. I want to show you something. It's in another city but if you go by the Astralom, we'll be there in an hour."

"What is the Astralom?" asked Mina, very interested.

"A dwarf transportation. It's a mean of transport composed of big compartiments hooked up to each other that fly on rails at high speed. It works mechanically and also with magic, but I couldn't explain more to you about how it works."

"Oh, and we take this to go to another place? Let's go! What do you want to show us, Izuku?!"

"One of All Might's forge, the biggest, it's exceptional! And I thought we could bring back one or two things to help us in the tournament. I didn't think I could get my hands on it because we couldn't enter but... now that we are here it would be stupid to leave without it."

"Ok, let's go there! I'll wake up the others!"

"Oh, maybe we should let them sleep if they are exhausted..."

"Aaaah...you're right."

"I'm going to take the opportunity to invite someone else to the wedding if he's still working there..."

"At this hour of the night?"

"He usually train to forge at night!"

They left the inn, leaving a note on the doors, and the three of them walked to the Astralom.

It was a huge building, as all were in here. Izuku exchanged for a moment with a dwarf lady with pale complexion who looked at him with too high eyebrows and the clear desire to be somewhere else. She looked at Bakugou and Mina with a disapproving face and finally put three small pieces of paper in Izuku's hands. The blacksmith then made them walk on a footbridge and a huge machine of metal stowed to a dock welcomed them. Bakugou never saw anything like it. It made him think of when they had attached carts to each other but everything was still towed by animals. Here this means of transport seemed to work on its own.

"This is the Astralom! This big machine will take us to the next city! It goes all around the fortress!"

The metal demon seemed to float above the rails a few inches from the ground. Nothing and nobody seemed to be in command. They entered the machine which was like a series of small rooms with openings. It was very long. There were large seats everywhere and tables set on the floor. There was no one at the late hour but the service seemed to work anyway.

"It's all automated" Izuku said, sitting down on a bench cut for the dwarves. His big human legs gave him a strange position. Bakugou and Mina did the same, amazed. But Bakugou showed nothing on his face. The Astralom was going through a predefined path. There was a map with all the places through which it was going to pass and could stop. All you had to do to stop by somewhere was to engage a button on it. In the same way, if someone wanted to have a ride, they had to buy a coupon that gave a signal to one of the Astralom's trains that somebody on the path wanted to go on it.

This is what someone did after a 30-minute travel. A group of individuals, who seemed like bad guys, climbed into the same compartment with them and uttered an exclamation of disgust at their sight. They were 5 dwarves, well built with scars and anything that could scare a young woman from a good family.

"Holly shit, is that a gang of humans?" one of them exclaimed, taking out his axe.

"What are you doing in our fortress and in our Astralom?" asked another.

"Zuku?!" exclaimed a teenager who emerged from behind one of them.

"Kota?!" Midoriya exclaimed, half rising. "What are you doing outside wandering at such an hour with...with these people?"

"Do you know them, kid?" asked one of the dwarves, frowning.

"Only this one" Kota pointed at Izuku. "He's a friend of mine...he's a blacksmith. I worked with him when I...when I was forging at All Might's...he's a citizen of our country. He has our nationality."

"What?! I don't care, I don't want humans in the fortress!" said a dwarf.

"The king allowed me to live here since I'm..." Izuku started but was interrupted by a punch in his jaw that he had not seen coming.

One of the dwarves hit him so hard that he fell to the ground. Kota screamed and Mina threw herself at Izuku's feet. Bakugou rose and dominated the group with his full height. He was super angry. By what right did they strike his fiancé for free?

"I don't care about what the king allowed! I don't want humans in my area that's all!" justified the dwarf who had hit him.

"Please Hectol, stop!" begged Kota trying to take his arm but he was easily pushed back.

"Get out of the way kid. I'm going to destroy that little curly presumptuous shit!" said the dwarf Hectol.

"You touch him again, and I'm burning you to ashes, you asshole!" Bakugou threatened, taking the dwarf by his shirt.

"That's what we'll see stupid blond! Do you think we're impress by your size? We're not just anyone, we do blood magic!" exclaimed one of the dwarves with a high-pitched voice.

"Oh yeah? you're doing blood magic? I'm terrified!" answered Bakugou with irony. "The fact that you are boasting about it already shows how much you are amateurs!"

"Kacchan, do nothing to them...we will be stopped by the guard and expelled..." Izuku began.

"I won't let them beat you up, Deku!" said Katsuki.

"As if you could stop us!" throwed one of the dwarves before throwing himself on Bakugou, blood on his hand and uttering incantations."

Bakugou gritted his teeth and grabbed the guy fist with his own hand. He had put his gauntlets in his bag, believing himself safe, and so couldn't make fire without touching his teammates. He could only rely on blood magic too. He gave the dwarf a punch and when the later finally fell to the ground, the blond hit his hand on a metal corner of the compartment to reopen the wound of the day before.

The blood flowed down his arm and he murmured incantations that annihilated those of the dwarves facing him. Bakugou was clearly on another level. These dwarves did not do anything right, pronounced badly and didn't give enough blood for what they asked the deity.

"You're doing blood magic too?!" one of the dwarves said.

"Yeah, and better than you obviously, if you don't want me to go crazy on you, get off!" yelled Bakugou by pressing a button as if to order them to get off at the next stop.

"As if...as if we're going to submit to you!" one of the dwarfs called out before pushing Mina and take Izuku by his hair. He was still too stunned to react and Mina did not have her equipment either. She kicked the dwarf's head anyway and he let go of Izuku. Three dwarves then jump on her and Bakugou lost it.

He turned into a dragon and with his hands making fire he looked like an apparition of the devil. He approached the one who seemed to be the leader and declared:

"Listen to me, I don't want to bring any problems to Deku, but I promise you that if you don't stop right now with your bullshit, I'll destroy you, understood?"

The dwarf seemed to capitulate to the intimidation show offered to him by the blond and summoned his men to leave it. The Astralom entered the next station and they went down without a word. They were probably afraid of dragons. Kota went to follow them but Izuku screamed.

"Kota! Stay! Please."

The barely 16-year-old turned around and seemed to have a dilemma. He stayed on the train though and watched his "friends" leave.

"Are you alright Deku? You stayed down a long time" Bakugou asked, helping him get up. He passed one of his locks of hair behind his ears and checked the condition of the blacksmith jaw.

"I took it right in the face. I really didn't expect to be hit...that's why, otherwise I would have dodged it...but more importantly, Kota, what are you doing with these guys? What are they? Bandits? Thieves? Are they blood magic followers? What are you doing so late outside in such a bad company? I thought you were at the forge in one of your sleepless nights making daggers!"

"One question at a time Zuku, or I can't follow you" the teen replied. "I ...I changed jobs. I don't work for All Might anymore!"

"What?! What do you mean?! You had a bright future in front of you Kota! What are you doing now? Thief? You steal the old people who take the Astralom late at night?"

"What? No! Well maybe they are doing this but not me...I discovered that I was one of the few people who are able to use blood magic Zuzu! and so I...I joined a group of adepts so they teach me to use it. As you know it's poorly looked upon so...I don't have much choice in the instructors!"

"They are bad as hell" Bakugou commented as he passed an arm around Izuku possessively. He checked his jaw once again, just to be sure.

"...Well, I do with what I have! But who are you? You look so cool! You're a dragon? You can use blood magic too? And you can make fire!" exclaimed Kota with enthusiasm.

"Half dragon and keep it to yourself, shortstack. Yes, I can use blood magic and no, I won't teach you shit."

"Hey?! I didn't even ask!...but why would you not?" complained Kota.

"Kota, why would you stop to work with All Might to...to learn something like that? And why didn't he tell me?" asked Izuku.

"I have my reasons, and I begged him not to tell you but who are these guys Zuku?!" asked Kota changing subject.

"They're part of my guild."

"You have a guild now?"

"Yes, and we're going to try to win the Solar tournament."

"No way!"

"We're not going to try, we'll win!" corrected Bakugou.

"You're a cute kid, too bad you're perverting yourself with bad people" said Mina.

"Here is Ashido Mina, a dear friend of mine and next to her, Bakugou Katsuki, my fiancé."

"Your fiancé" repeated Kota in a lifeless way.


"That's why humans are here! You're going to get married!" he suddenly screamed.

"You just made the connection?! His mother understood right away!" said Bakugou.

"Well, mama Midoriya is smart, so you're Zuku's fiancé...I understand why he choose you, you're strong!"

"He's not with me because I'm powerful, shortstack!"

"Teach me blood magic! Please! There is something I need to do and I need somebody to teach me so I don't kill myself in the process!" begged the teenager.

"Kota! Blood magic is not a game!"

"I know it's not, Zuku! All Might won't teach me anymore now that I'm gone. I gave up my future as a blacksmith to learn!"

"With brigands!" answered the certified blacksmith.

"Again I did with what I had...You have to teach me, Bakugou! I don't want and can't go back to All Might, he won't talk to me anyway."

"I don't have the time to teach you, piece of shit!" said the blond.

"If you don't teach me I'll have to come back to those bastards I came with!"

"Kota no, you have to return to All Might! Go apologize!" asked Izuku.

"No, I told you there is something I need to do, so teach me or I'll go back to those guys!" answered Kota.

"Go back then!" yelled Bakugou.

"Zuku, you don't mind if I go back with them? Don't you care about me?"

"...You're blackmailing me, Kota. I don't appreciate...with all I did for you. I brought you out of misery. I gave you food, a job, a family without asking anything back and you're thanking me by playing with my feelings and by destroying your futur?" answered Izuku frowning.

"...I'm sorry Zuku...I love you, and I'm grateful, but there is something I need to do."

"...You won't tell me more?" asked Izuku.

"No. Please."


"Izuku is giving in" Mina observed as she saw the blacksmith's face.

"Kacchan...I can't let him go back to those people...he's like a little brother to me. I feel responsible" said Izuku.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but I want to take him with us please, he won't change his mind" continued the blacksmith.

"Deku, are you serious? We don't need to lug around a kid!" complained Bakugou rightly.

"Please Kacchan, I feel responsible for him...he doesn't have parents... I saved him from the streets..."


"Bakugou, why are you acting like you're going to refuse something to Izuku?" asked Mina, septic.

"Argh! Fine! But you do what I say, when I say it!" said Bakugou to Kota.

"Really?! Thank you!" said Izuku and Kota in unison.

They went to the forge after that and walked in it like tourists. Kota gave them a guided tour. He seemed to like Mina a lot. Then they went back to the others and tried to sleep for a few hours.


The next day arrived quickly. And according to tradition, Izuku and Bakugou were separated in the morning to prepare themselves. The ceremony did not need a rehearsal, they just had to come to an altar and follow the instructions of the priest. After that, they would signed a contract and celebrate, simply and naturally.

Izuku was nervous but Bakugou not at all. Todoroki, who had been angry with him since the day before, wondered if he was taking all that seriously. He did not seem to realize what it meant to be a dwarf, as human as he was.

He was going to have two nationality and a forever access to the fortress. It was not nothing and he would have duties towards it. Especially if the war was triggered. In addition, he would have duties to Izuku forever too.

It was true that Katsuki was carefree. He lived from day to day and had always lived like that. But it was wrong to believe that he did not take this marriage seriously. He was dead serious about it. He wanted Izuku to be his. He wanted to be happy. He wanted him to be happy. He loved that little blacksmith. And he was completely sure of it when he saw him arrive at the temple in the evening.

He was, like him, in a beautiful ceremony armor with draperies adorned with patterns reminiscent of the dwarves gods of sharing, family and union. In his hair, there were not flowers but a kind of diadem from which fell small silver chains which complemented his eyes nicely. His face was smeared with traditional war paint and his eyes blackened by charcoal strokes. It made the green of his eyes pop. He was breathtaking.

A dwarf wedding was manly. For only music they had drums of war and dwarves songs, at first. The fun music was for the party just after.

The priest was not the local priest, much to Izuku's surprise. He was the king's official priest and a close friend of the king. If there were still people who were not jealous of him it was the moment! The priest was a very thin man whose stature was accentuated by his great believer's dress. He had a big hood on his head whose soft fabric fell over his shoulders. His eyes were very kind and he had small hexagon glasses.

"My children, I am here today to unite you eternally before our beloved gods of marriage!"

Katsuki noticed how quickly Izuku's face lightened when the priest began his speech. He really always wanted to get married exactly like that. This brought a smile to his face and made him actually blush.

The ceremony went smoothly.

With an assured hand, Katsuki had tied the ear jewelry to Izuku's ear and then slid a lock of his hair behind it. Izuku did it a lot more awkwardly. It was a beautiful jewelry, both masculine and feminine. Izuku was truly talented. It was all silver and complemented their face shapes.

Izuku kissed him then, chastely and timidly because he was in front of his mother, his mentor and his friends. Half were crying with emotion. A 'Bakubro!' was thrown into the air at one moment by the voice of Kirishima. Kota hid. Because he didn't want to see All Might. But he manage to put a hand on the food.

Everything was joy and happiness. They danced and drank and after a while, the married couple performed a slow loving dance in each other's arms. Bakugou kissed his blacksmith from time to time, lost in the rhythm of the music. It was at this moment that an icy voice that seemed both liquid and tangible sounded in their heads, and in their heads only.

The god of blood was talkative. He wasn't like the other gods who only communicated by abstract signs. No, the god of blood clearly said what he wanted to his followers.

His request when it passed into the brains of the newlyweds was as clear as water. Izuku squeezed Bakugou a little harder, breath cut off, and stared into the red eyes of the blond. They didn't stop dancing, they just looked at each other with intensity. Bakugou put his warm hand on Izuku's cheek and kissed him delicately, stroking his cheek with his thumb. He then placed his whole hand on his face imitating the old dwarf custom to reassure him and put his mouth close to his ear before whispering:

"It's gonna be okay, I swear, nerd."

Thank you for reading! Don't hesitate to live comments if you liked it or have a suggestion! It motivates me a lot!

See you for the next one!