Andy didn´t know why she was still trying to do the same thing her father had done by studying to be a lawyer; she didn´t know the man yet she wanted to feel close to him. She grown up to learn he was an amazing, caring and loyal man and maybe that´s why she had gone to to study something so far from being a writer.

She was a 28 year old with a really shiny personality with unruly curls

It comforted her, at least, that she was living with her boyfriend and had good friends that helped her go through her daily life though she knew that something was not going the right way. Given that she had to be studying all the time for exams and Nate having so much free time since he worked at a restaurant four times a week and had the rest of it free, she just couldn´t go drinking every night anymore and it hat was complicating their relationship

Let´s face it, she´s a 28 year old woman only a year and a half away from graduating as a lawyer at Columbia University and she didn´t want to spend any more time than she needed to on that career. She really loved Nate though she knew they were drifting apart somehow since they apparently didn´t share the same goal anymore. She was not a party going woman anymore and he still wanted to live as if they were 20 years old who had all the time in the world to go party with friends.

Lily, her childhood friend was always there to listen to her and always told her that she needed to chill out for a bit but, at least, she respected her need to finally be over with her career tp move on with her life. Thankfully she was also the one who kept her grounded and told her constantly to pursue what she wanted in life; that´s why she´d decided to start writing freelancer which ended up being the highlight of her week.

It was a lovely, sunny and warm day and she found herself making her way to class while enjoying the walk through New York. She did not regret having moved there to study; she missed her mother and step father/teacher who always supported her but she felt free from herself in this little moments where she found herself walking and enjoying her surroundings. Her glasses perched up on her nose and her wild curls on a ponytail. She´d just given up on her hair long ago, her curls being too wild and she had so little time to go to cut it that she simply decided to go for the simpler option.

¨God I hope mr Thompson doesn´t go into his life story again¨ she thought to herself while making her way closer though she got startled by a tiny body crashing into her. She was so surprised that could only hug the red head girl closer to her and kneeled to see her tear strain face

¨Hey sweetie, are you ok there? Is your mommy with you?¨ She asked sweetly. Those sky blue eyes simply melted her heart; she couldn´t be more than 10 year old but she was wearing really nice clothe for the looks of it.

¨My nanny was with my sister and I but we don´t know where she is now. She said she was coming back soon, can you help us please? ¨ the little girl said while drying a few tears. The plural made Andy turn around and spot another red headed little girl that was obviously her twin. She couldn´t understand how their nanny would leave them alone even for a split second

¨Sure thing, is that your sister? I´m Andy by the way, What are your names?¨ Andy decided that if she was going to help at least she needed to get a bit of information on this girls

¨I´m Caro and this is Cass, can you get us to mommy?¨ Caro said. Andy was already spotting the little physical differences. Caro had more freckles and a pointed nose whereas Cass had a little crocked nose and less freckles.

¨How long has your nanny been gone for sweeties? Do you know their number? , maybe I can call her¨ Andy asked already taking out her phone but was surprised at the shacking of the girls head.

¨She went for ice cream 10 min ago but she had been chatting with a boy while we played and she said she was going to talk with her boyfriend and then for ice cream but we want to go home and she won´t come back. We don´t remember her number. Can you take us to our mom? ¨ Cass said. Andy was left speechless, the little girl talked like a grown up and it was amazing to hear. She was afraid to take to kids on her own but, after asking where her mother worked and realizing it was quite a walk away she decided for another approach. Fuck her class, she wouldn´t leave this two beautiful girls on their own, what the hell was their nanny thinking about?

¨Of course sweetheart, do you remember your mother´s phone so I can let her know you´re with me on our way to her?¨ At the twin nod she received Andy made the call while they made their way to this girl´s mother; she was not expecting the cold yet intoxicating voice that picked up.

¨Who is this and why do you have this number?¨ a woman´s voice asked accusingly.

¨Hello, your daughters game me this number. My name´s Andrea Sachs and I found them on the park after their nanny didn´t go back to them. We´re on the North entrance of Central Park¨ Andy said in full business mode, at the lack of response she assumed the poor woman had to be petrified with fear for her daughters so she decided to continue. ¨They´ve told me the address of your work place and I was going to take them there, would you like to speak with them to know they´re ok?¨ she ended

¨Please, please let me hear them¨ the woman said obviously stunned. Andy understood perfectly and gave the twins her phone while leading them out of the park and on their way to the older woman. She could hear the change on that smooth voice the moment Caro took the phone and started speaking. While Caro told her mother what´d happened Cass had been asking questions nonstop while walking holding the young woman´s hand

¨Why are you dressed like that?¨ Cass said while assessing her cerulean sweatshirt and old jeans along with her ponytail.

¨Because it´s comfortable, is something wrong with it?¨ Andy asked unsure, why would it be so important to have this girl´s approval about her clothe

¨Our mom works at a fashion magazine; that clothe doesn´t look good on you. Do you work close by¨ the little girl left Andy speechless but in an amusing way, she was certainly something else.

¨I study law at Columbia, I was on my way to class when you found me. I´m glad I was there to help you out¨

¨So you´re missing class?¨ Caro asked startling them ¨Mom wants to talk to you¨ she added without waiting for an answer and handed the phone

¨Yes madam? ¨ Andy asked. She just realized she had no idea what her name was

¨Oh please, you´ve just saved my daughters, call me Miranda, Andrea¨ Andy almost stopped breathing at the way Miranda had said her name; no one had ever said it so sexy and sultry; she had to force herself to keep listening to what was being said ¨My assistant has let security know you´re to deliver my girls. Make your way to the 18th floor¨

¨Of course Miranda, we will see you in about 10 minutes then¨ Andy said awkwardly. ¨What the fuck is it with this woman, it´s not like I'm socially awkward¨ Andy thought to herself

¨I…uh, ok, that´s all¨ Miranda stutter and hanged up leaving Andy a bit shocked. She shrugged to herself and walked alongside the twins while getting to know them, they were precious kids

Miranda was staring at her phone unsure of what had just happened, first a woman with a lovely and sweet voice calls her to tell her that her bobbsies had been on their own while looking for help in Central fucking Park, then her little Caroline tells her their soon to be ex-nanny had left them alone at least 10 minutes and to top it all she had just stutter over the phone to a stranger. She´s bloody Miranda Priestly; she doesn´t stutter, not even for a sweet, sunny and calming voice.

¨Emily¨ she said in her normal whisper with lips fully pursed and saw the red headed almost run into her office ¨I want you to find the girls nanny and tell her she better reconsider where she can move her brainless body since I will personally make sure not even a gas station hires her for leaving my bobbsies alone on Central Park and call her boss to inform what happened. That´s all¨

¨Yes Miranda¨ Emily run to her desk and started with her tasks. She normally would hate to think the twins were on their way to the office since those pranksters wouldn´t let her work without having to look everywhere for a sign of a prank but she couldn´t understand how someone could leave two children on their own. At that moment she heard the office phone and picked up to the hysterical voice of that stupid nanny

¨Emily I can´t find the girls! They run away and I couldn´t keep up with their running¨ Janet said yelling her lungs out. Emily simply didn´t know what to do though she didn´t have to do much since she lifted her head to see Miranda standing in front of her desk with the deadliest glare she´d ever seen on the woman. She opened her mouth to say something but she didn´t know what to say until she heard Miranda narrow her eyes and demanded she tell Janet to come to her office before going back to into her office

¨Make your way to the office right now Janet¨ Emily said and hanged up before being called by her boss.

¨Get the owner of the company and the police here. That´s all.¨ that was enough for Emily to set on making the call to the company that Janet had been hired from

Meanwhile Miranda was on her phone with a plan already made up ¨Hello Elise, I have a rather urgent matter for you and I will need it in less than 10 minutes¨ the woman said into her phone. Elise Stackronn had been her private investigator and a dearest friend for a long time and had helped her with her recent divorce. She was, as a matter of fact, the girl's godmother. Miranda decided to explain herself, strange as it was, because she knew this would make the woman understand why she was bothering her. What she didn´t expected was for the other woman to have the information ready for her in less than 3 minutes and leave everything to make her way to Runway in order to prevent Miranda from murdering the young woman or to murder her herself; that wasn´t actually cleared up.

This is my first fic, i´ve never written but i found myself with a few thoughts that i wanted to share XD