I won't spend too much time on Author's Notes, but this is a very Alternate Universe. Even disregarding the fact that a lot of this series was outlined very early into Arrow Season Seven, I've taken many creative liberties with the canon. This is for fun after all. I had been wanting to write an Oliver/Multiple Women story for a bit now, but naturally thanks to my impeccable timing, I'm doing it as we're gearing up for the final season of the show. So, there's that.

Chapter One:

Robert Queen debated long and hard about this trip. He did not even know if the Queen's Gambit would be ready to sail. And yet, Robert Queen could see the proof before his very eyes. This trip would be both practical and give him enough time to think. To think what needed to be done.

Moira, his wife, arrived to see him off. Things had been a bit tense between the two over the past few months. Robert had not been proud of many of his actions, but at first, he had the best intentions in mind. To protect his children, to protect his wife, but time had caused Robert to realize that these best intentions would cause many other people to harm.

"So, you're still going to do it?"

Moira's simple question cut through the air, at a point where Robert blinked. He tried to assure his wife that everything would be okay, without saying anything.

"It has to be done."

Moira adopted a very stoic expression and nodded. Robert understood why. Another car pulled off, and Robert caught sight of his son, Oliver, along with his long-time, although occasionally on and off girlfriend, Laurel. Laurel dressed in a very nice, although casual, black blouse, along with blue jeans. Oliver's attire had been a bit more casual.

If one did not know better, one would think that Laurel came from money and Oliver was the one who had come from an upper middle class family. Then again, Oliver always had been one to push the envelope about what the establishment thought had been proper.


"Oliver, Laurel," Robert said. "Coming to see me off."

"Actually, we were hoping if there was room for two more?"

Moira's eyebrows raised up. She said nothing. She noticed, perhaps not as soon as Robert did, that Oliver and Laurel had bags to pack.

"We thought, that a change of scenery might be a good thing for our relationship," Laurel said. "And...when we come back, we'll figure out where our future lies."

Robert could understand that, but he did have some misgivings.

"Don't you have your studies?" Robert asked.

"I'm off for three weeks," Laurel said. "And as for Oliver...well…."

Robert sighed and took a long look at his son who adopted a charming grin. That might work in getting in the panties of many willing young ladies, but as for his father, it did not work in swaying him in any way whatsoever.

"Did you drop this time or did you get kicked out, son?"

"Oh, Oliver," Moira said.

Moira had been permissive with her son, thinking that he should have the room to grow and flourish. Robert hoped that Oliver would grow out of his attitude that school was just a way to fool around and party. Robert had sown his wild oats during his teenage years, but buckled down and became the man he was.

Then again, Robert was not quite the perfect man that he wanted to be. He did hope that Oliver, and Thea, they would retain an innocence which Robert had lost a long time ago, being in the cutthroat world of business. Robert Queen wanted nothing, but the best of his children.

"I had a slight disagreement with one of the boys," Oliver said. "But, for once, I didn't sleep with his girlfriend, I swear."

"That's good to know," Laurel dryly responded. "Especially given we're not on break this time."

Oliver just continued on. "But, he thought that I did, and his buddies were egging him on. One thing lead to another and eventually...well, I think his mother was sleeping with the Headmaster. So she pulled some strings and I'm out."

"I'll talk to the school board when I get back," Robert said. "If it's as unfair as you claim it is, there should be no problem getting you back into class."

Oliver just shrugged in a noncommittal way. Laurel just shook her head and rolled her eyes, before wrapping her arm around her boyfriend tightly. The bracelet which Oliver bought her as an apology gift after their last falling out glistened on her wrist.

"You sure about going?" Moira asked.

"Moira, Oliver and Laurel can come if they want to," Robert said.

Before this conversation could continue, a car pulled up. Out of the car walked Laurel's father, Quentin. Laurel squeezed Oliver's hand. Quentin walked closer towards them.

"So, you're going off on this Yacht with your boyfriend?" Quentin asked.

"Yes, I figured that about a week away would do both of us some good," Laurel said.

Quentin had never really approved over Oliver for a couple of reasons. However, he did make Laurel happy, so Quentin would have to tolerate him. And as Quentin's wife, Dinah, said, Laurel was an adult and could make her own decisions. No matter how much Quentin disapproved of them.

If anything else, it allowed Quentin to bond with his goddaughter, Barbara, about their mutual bafflement at why Laurel kept coming back with Oliver. Not that Quentin would do that when either of his daughters or his wife was in an earshot.

"Just be careful out there," Quentin said. "I'm too young to be a grandfather."

Laurel looked scandalized at that statement. "Dad, I'm…."

"I know," Quentin said. He gave Oliver which he thought passed as a good natured smile. "Keep out of trouble. I know where you live."

Quentin sighed and turned to give his daughter a hug to see her off. It might only be a week.

"Between Sara off visiting friends in New York, and you leaving on this Yacht, I think that I might go insane with all of the quiet," Quentin quipped.

The skies looked clear and the day looked beautiful. Laurel and Oliver headed off to join Robert, and the rest of the Gambit's crew. Laurel could tell her father tried to tolerate Oliver for her sake.

Thankfully, over the past nine months, Oliver had not cheated on her. Mostly because Laurel had a rather crafty scheme to ensure that he remained faithful, and she could have kicked herself for not thinking of it sooner.

Laurel and Oliver dropped off their bags in one of the larger rooms on the ship.

"The largest room, with the biggest bed," Laurel said. "Of course, you would."

Oliver fired back with a cheeky grin. "What else do you think we should be doing on a Yacht other than…."

"Enjoy the view?" Laurel asked.

"I always enjoy the view," Oliver said. "Sometimes from the top, sometimes from the bottom, sometimes from behind…."

Laurel just smiled, and gave Oliver a playful swat on the arm. She did love him, warts and all. Thankfully, no physical warts, as that's one thing that Oliver was careful of doing. Not to sleep with anyone too sleazy. He might have been a manwhore at times, but he was a manwhore with standards.

And she kept taking him back, because no one could make her happier. Laurel heard a voice which resembled her good friend, Barbara Gordon, calling her an enabler. But, still, everyone had their vices, and Laurel was no exception.

"I made it."

From around the corner, walked Laurel's younger sister, Sara. She held a bag in her hand and grinned.

"So, you did sneak on the ship behind Dad's back," Laurel said. "You do live dangerously."

"Mmm, babe, you love it."

Oliver smiled as Sara walked forward and greeted Laurel with a long, passionate, and very much not a traditional sibling kiss. The minute Sara pulled away, she groped Oliver and pulled him into a kiss.

"Ollie, so glad that I could join you two," Sara said.

Sara's addition to Laurel and Oliver's relationship had come in one of the most unconventional ways possible. The last time Oliver slept with another woman behind Laurel's back, Laurel found out, and given that she had been very stressed out from her studies, flipped her lid and broke it off with Oliver, swearing that it would be it.

She went through a couple of bottles of wine on that night. Which was dangerous, given that her family had a history of alcoholism. But, Laurel had always known when to stop.

Sara was there to comfort her. And one thing lead to another, and suddenly, Sara and Laurel slept with each other, with years of tension coming out on that night. Laurel realized she loved her baby sister in a way which society would judge wrong. But, society always was terrible at judging matters of the heart, so Laurel paid those people no mind.

Laurel did come to the realization that she loved Sara and she did still love Oliver. So, she came up with a plan, to ensure that Oliver would not stray from Laurel again, while getting something out of it.

Given that Sara had a crush on Oliver, it did not take too much convincing for this relationship. And Oliver jumped on it as well. And they had been together ever since. Very occasionally, they had brought another woman into their relationship, although they had to be discreet about it, as for them to not to blow it.

Only one other person knew about their little trysts, and Laurel managed to swear her to secrecy, while joking there was a spot opening for her in their bed if she wanted it. Which Barbara did not take too kindly for given her rather...hostile history with Oliver.

In, she called him a shamelessness womanizer, and Oliver called her a creepy cyberstalker. So, naturally they had their issues with each other.

"You told Dad you were visiting friends in New York," Laurel said.

"Yeah, I did," Sara said. "Mom...is suspicious, although Dad's not the wiser."

Laurel just smiled. They would have to cross that bridge when they had it.

"I'm thinking my father might figure something's up as well," Oliver said. "He hasn't said anything….but I think he might eventually notice Sara's on the ship."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, babe," Laurel said.

"Yeah, together," Sara said.

The two sisters kissed Oliver. Oliver could hear his father coming, so Laurel and Sara made their way into the bedroom.

Robert Queen caught sight of the second Lance sister sneaking onto the Gambit. He had been very curious to see where it was going. The last time his son got together with Laurel, something changed. Sara seemed to spent a lot of time around the Mansion as well and Robert managed to piece everything together in enough time.

"Son, a word if you please?"

Oliver raised his eyebrow and conceded in joining his father down the hallway.

"You're in a relationship with both of them," Robert said without missing a beat.


Robert raised an finger and prevented his son from saying anything further.

"Your life, your choices," Robert continued. "But, my concern is you living dangerously….being with the two of them. People will wonder if you coerced them. People might think you emotionally manipulated them."

Oliver was about ready to protest this. "It was Laurel's idea. And Sara's"

Robert put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"I figured about as much," Robert said. "Polygamy might be legal now, but old traditions and old beliefs, they die hard."

Oliver nodded. About a couple months ago, after intense debate, new laws permitting Polygamy had been passed. Granted, it would be a very rigorous process to get a marriage improved, and many priests outwardly refused to accept the Polygamous marriages. Then again, there were many who refused to preside over same-sex marriages and a fair few who frowned upon interracial marriages, so Oliver suspected that an even more controversial brand of marriage would also have some problems.

It was alarming how people used God's will as a shield for prejudice. It really cheapened the faith held true by so many people.

"I want you to be safe," Robert said. "And I hope that...you can have a future which you can live up to your full potential."

Robert took a glass of wine and sipped on it.

"I hoped that you and Thea...you would not have to face the darker side of Starling City's elite. But, I fear, that I could not hide you from it forever."

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

Robert recovered quickly and returned back to his thoughts. "Just thinking out loud son. Don't worry about it. There's nothing that you should be concerned about….not as long as I'm around."

And so, Oliver put his father's strange, and cryptic words out of his mind. He walked out to get a breath of fresh air. No doubt Laurel and Sara would keep his interest and attention pretty soon.

"So, you're off on a Yacht with him," disapproving voice said to Laurel.

"Babs, I know you don't like him…."

"I respect your ability as a grown woman to make the right choices," Barbara Gordon responded over the phone. "And you taking Oliver back...thinking you can change him...it's not something that I would bother with. But, you see something in him...that I can't...but...you really did want to go down this road."

"Polygamy is legal now," Laurel said.

"Only for the past couple of months, and you've been going down this road for about six or seven months."

Laurel just smiled and held her phone closely. The reception had been pretty good out here, despite the fact they were well out to sea.

"As long as everyone consents, fine," Barbara said. "Still don't know what…."

"Well, Oliver's a good guy, but you really have to know him," Laurel said. "And you know, Oliver, I think the reason that he's cheating on me is because not one woman could handle what he has. I don't know what he is, but he has an abnormally high…."

"Whoa, I do not need to be hearing this," Barbara said cutting off Laurel.

Laurel backed off, sensing the discomfort her long time friend was fearing.

"Sorry, Babs," Laurel said. "I'll be back next week...Friday, or Saturday. You want to do Lunch?"

"I'll come to Starling," Barbara said. "Trust me, I need to get out of Gotham right now. Sionis and Cobblepot are at each other's throats...and the Clown's broken out of Arkham again."

"Oh, him again?" Laurel asked. "I thought he was dead."

"So we all hoped,' Barbara said with a long sigh. "Dad's being run ragged...even with the help of….You-Know-Who."

Laurel just smiled at this. She knew about Barbara's other job, other than working at the Gotham City Library. But, since Barbara kept Laurel's secrets, no matter how distasteful she found them.

"So, you're heading out to the South China Sea, right?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah, around that area, why?"

"Radar's picking up a big storm out that way," Barbara said seriously. "Stay safe. I don't want anything to happen to you or Sara...or even Oliver….I guess."

Laurel appreciated the concern. She had no concern, the Crew of the Queen's Gambit had been one of the best trained out there. She would be okay, they would all be okay.

Oliver returned back to the room, just in time to be greeted with a very eye popping sight. Laurel and Sara sitting on the bed, wearing bathrobe which opened up to reveal their lingerie covered bodies. Bra, panties, stockings, garter belts, the works. Sara wore white while Laurel wore black. Oliver kept a gaze over their fit bodies and remembered to swallow.

"You two look amazing," Oliver said.

"It would be even more amazing with you here," Sara told him with a big grin on her face.

A loud clap of thunder echoed from outside. Sara shifted very carefully on the bed. The more Oliver sat down, Sara climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Laurel moved behind Oliver and started to mess with the buttons of his shirt.

"There's a hell of a storm out there," Sara mused.

Laurel grinned at her sister. "Just think, when you were younger, you used to climb into my bed whenever there was a storm."

Sara fired back with a cheeky grin of her own. "And now, I climb into your bed for other reasons."

Oliver could do nothing other than relax as Sara ground her nice thick ass against the crotch of his pants. He placed a hand on Sara's thigh and edged closer up her leg.

"Can't believe how lucky I am to have two amazing sisters with me," Oliver said.

Laurel kissed Oliver's neck and moved to get to his ear.

"Just wait until Thea's old enough. I think she's going to be quite the looker when she grows up."

"I'll pretend you're not doing a jailbait wait on my sister," Oliver said.

Laurel just casually played with Oliver's chest and abs almost having his shirt completely off.

In the meantime, Sara could feel Oliver practically about ready to burst through his pants. She ramped up the teasing.

"It would unfair to….exclude her when she's old enough," Sara said. "But...five years is a long time, I suppose."

Sara and Laurel casually started to undress their man. And just show him how lucky he was to enjoy both of them at the same time, in the same night.

The Shameless Smut Commences In the Next Chapter.