Literally, Lily Evans was the prettiest girl at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But she was untouchable. One of the most popular guys in the school, James Potter, was constantly hitting on her.

James was tall, handsome, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, the school clown, and the arch enemy of Severus Snape. James loathed Severus more than Severus loathed his sorry life.
Severus was tall, but not exactly handsome, rather skinny and skeletal. Plus he couldn't miss any of his broom rides without falling down on ground (on his 'overly largely exaggerated big nose', how Sirius liked to put it). He wasn't good at flying, that's all. But he was one of the best students in the year. And while James was using all those kinds of excused because he did nothing school-related (one of his favourite ones was that the future him came and stole his homework), Severus had straight A's.

Severus was also friend of the infamous Lucius of even more infamous Malfoy clan. Lucius was rich, but he was a bastard. All girls thought that he was a good looking one, but he would just use them.

On that wonderful sunny morning of June, when Lily woke up, she took a shower, dressed, and went to breakfast. She knew she was late so she ran down the staircases. Her silky dark-red hair was floating behind her as she jumped over last three steps. Unfortunately, from behind the corner, Lucius Malfoy emerged and she bumped right into him. Behind him was Severus Snape.

Lucius greatly resembled his father (lets just imagine him as long-haired Draco) and he wore black robes with white cotton collar. Snape was walking slowly behind him, carrying a large pile of books in his arms. He looked somewhat introverted. He was taller than Lucius, but he wasn't as close as good looking as Lucius. His black hair was tied in a small tail at the back of his head. He had simple black robes on.

"Watch where are you going, Mudblood," Lucius snapped at her, pushing her away from himself.

Lily sighed, being already used to all this insulting from Lucius' side. He was jealous at her good marks in classes. Lucius was barely passing most subjects (his usual excuses were the vicious dragons burning his homework).

"I'm sorry" Snape said in very quiet tone to Lily hoping that Lucius did not hear him. He didn't want to lose Lucius as his friends, but he didn't want Lily to think he is same as Lucius. He would never want that.

He respected Lucius great deal because he was his best friend, but he never told him about his crush on Lily Evens. He didn't really have to. Everyone already knew that.

Than he smiled awkwardly showing his bad-looking teeth. Lily smiled back. Than she just continued her trip to the Great Hall.

"You idiot, she's a Mudblood!" Lucius snapped at him, at the same time motioning him to move upstairs with him.

"Lucius," Severus sighed deeply, "I would be thankful if you wouldn't offend her in that way... or in any other way"

"Severus, I don't get you sometimes," Lucius frowned, reminding himself that his friend is in love with that girl. That Mudblood girl.

Severus waited until Lucius got hooked up talking with some random girl and then he was free to wonder halls by himself. He waited in front of the Great Hall until Lily finished her breakfast. When she came outside, on his luck, she was alone. He came to her.

"Hallo again," he said simply.

"Hello," Lily was slightly confused. They started walking slowly towards their next class. They had History of Magic together.

"I just wanted to say sorry again for when my friend, Lucius, offended you," Severus shyly looked at the ground.

"It's okay, I am used to him," Lily sighed. "I know he's a prick," she added in bitter voice.

"Wow… I never heard nice girl swear like that."

Lily just smiled innocently. She was nice, but she was not someone with who you can do what ever you want to. Lucius was something different. He was rich and powerful. He could get her killed when ever he wanted to.

"Anyways, he is a rich bastard. A snob that thinks he is the best…" Severus said. His tone was full of acid. Lily knew he was not lying about his friend.

"How can you hang around him?" Lily asked when they finally reached third floor where their class was.

"I'oh'no, how can you hang around that moron, Potter?" Snape asked.

"Severus, there's no reason for you to be jealous on James. We are only friends. I don't want to have anything with him" Lily said smiling, and standing in front of him.

Snape just wanted to smile back when someone pulled him from behind and someone stood in front of him.

Then, when he wanted to see who it is, he felt someone holding him back. The person that was holding him back was Peter Petigrew, the same guy who will in few years join the Dark Lord and betray people who called him friend. Sirius Black was standing in front of him barring his sight, while James was talking to Lily. Remus didn't really want t hurt anyone so he was standing on the side.

"Hullo Lily" James said. He was wearing his Quidditch robes and his hair was messy. Well, messier than it would usually be. They just had Quidditch practice. Usually, the Quidditch season would already be over, but during the last game,
Gryffindor-Slytherin, something was dirty, so they had to repeat it . There was some suspicion that the Slytherins were cheating.

"Oh, hi James," she replied, as she let James put his arm around her waist and walk her to the next class, classroom just three meters away.

"Lemme go, you idiots," Severus snarled. Peter sarcastically let go of him and Severus found himself on the floor. Sirius, Peter, and including Remus, laughed.

Then they went to their next class. Remus had Divination after this, but without James. James used to take that subject, but Prof Trelawney was going so much on his nerves that he had to drop it. Remus, three times by now, had to stop him from spilling the tea from tea pot, from where they get tea leaves, on Trelawney's head.

"Who is not in the class?" Ms Venetzanopulous asked when she came in. She had bad English accent.

"Everyone" said Macnair.

"Excuse me, Walden," she asked coming closer to his desk.

"Oh, never mind," he said.

"Now, because no one wants to tell me who's absent, I will have to look at the attendance sheet." She took a sheet from the table.

"Berger-Weißan, Johannes."


"Black, Sirius."


"Bruckner, Narcissa."

"I'm here."

"Deitrich, Ancilla Dorontje."


"Evans, Lillian."


"Gabriel, Helga."


"Hans, Marie-Anne."


"Kerry, Vanessa."


"Macnair, Walden."


"Malfoy, Lucius."

No one answered. She continued.

"Newman, Josephine."


"Petigrew, Peter


"Potter, James."


"Snape, Severus."


"Strom, Jacob."


"Tatham, Lawrence."


"Taylor, Tammy."


"Tustin, Terica Shanna."


"Wingman, Leonard."


She closed the book on her table with snap when someone abruptly entered the classroom. It was Lucius Malfoy. He carelessly slammed the door closed and headed towards his seat in the second row.

"Malfoy," she snapped. He frowned reliantly and turned around. Before he faced her he caught eyes of James Potter. James was happy. James really hated him. Well, not as nearly as he hated Severus, but Lucius' behaving toward Lily was hurting him.


"Why are you late?" She asked, putting her glasses down.

"I… - err – had some troubles locating this classroom." Lucius said, in malicious tone. The truth was that he was fooling around the hallways.

"Lucius Malfoy, this is the end of seventh grade! Couldn't you for all this time LEARN WHERE THIS CLASSROOM IS?" She yelled in her terrible screeching voice.

"No," Lucius hissed. The whole class was following the action, while Lucius' statement caused laughs and some giggles from girls that already had crush on him.

"It's really hard for poor Malfoy to remember all those things. He is not on the same academic level as the rest of the class" James sneered. Lucius abruptly turned around to him.

"Asshole" he said quietly so only James heard.

"That's enough! Go back to your seat, Mister Malfoy" she snarled.

"James is in my seat, Ms V" Lucius said carelessly.

"Yes, I am in your seat. Having some problems with it?" James asked him, placing innocent smile on his face.

"Yes, indeed I do. It's my seat. Ms V, tell him to get out from my seat." Lucius asked, pretending that he wants to cry.

"Sit beside him!" she snapped at them. Lucius sat beside James, dropping his backpack on the table. It made loud and unpleasant noise.

"Learn how to behave, Mister Malfoy" Potter said imitating Professor McGonagall's tone of voice.

Lucius showed middle finger in front of James's face. Ms V saw that, but she couldn't understand what does that mean, so she pretended not to see it.

"Ooh, Lucius, that's naughty," James beamed, putting hand over his mouth.

"C'mon show me what do you know" Lucius joked.

"STOP DARING EACH OTHER!!!" she yelled causing the rest of the class to put their hands over their ears.

Their 'game' ended as usual – both of them being kicked out of the class. It was already tradition that both of them being kicked out. Some people just couldn't imagine their lesson with both Lucius and James present.

Of course, for this, Lucius and James earned detention. They had to mow one part of the Hogwarts lawn.

They were slacking off. But finally they realised that if they keep up with their behaviour, they wouldn't finish mowing it before dawn. And if they don't finish it before dawn, they will be suspended.

It was just about three o'clock in the afternoon when Snape came to them. James straightened up and went with his hand through his hair (leaving little splinters of grass in it). It was pretty messy. They had to mow the area using just a scythe.

"What are you doing here, Snape?" asked James. Snape sighed because he had to run from the Hogwarts castle to them.

"McGonagall wants to know if you are finish?" He asked, trying to catch some breath.

"I knew you were stupid, but I did not know you were blind" James sneered.

"We are finished." Said Lucius calmly. He looked little better than James. His hair was all right and his clothes weren't that dirty. He really cared for his look.

Than no one else than Lily suddenly, almost from no where, appeared. Her wonderful red hair was covered by lilac scarf and she was also wearing lilac robes. They were made out of silk. The warm wind was playing around with it.

All three of them, including Lucius, looked in amazement at her. She was beautiful.

"I came here to give you this" she gave James a towel, so he can wipe all of his sweat off.

James took blue, soft towel from her hand and wiped off his forehead. Severus just jealously looked at them.

Lily took the towel back and smiled. Their eyes met and they saw the spark of love in each other's eyes.

Snape was looking at them from the distance. His eyes were filled with pure detestation. He wanted to kill James… maybe that is what he will do.

And all of them were being watched by Lucius, who with his sadistic face expression predicted a fight. He had his right hand under his chin, and he thought… 'Severus needs just one word…to kill...'

"You sure won't let the idiots like Potter to take you away from what you want…" – Lucius couldn't even finish his evil thought because Snape was already on James, beating him up.

They had terrible fight, where Severus hit James so many times, that his nose was bleeding; and Severus' teeth were all cracked out. For all that time, Lily was hysterically crying, and yelling at them to stop. Lucius was derisively laughing at them. The fight was so bad that McGonagall herself couldn't split them up, as soon as she reached them. Maybe she could, if Lucius have helped her. But he had no intention of covering his hands in blood. They had to wait until Professor Larsen, the head of Slytherin, came and got them off each other.

-"After this, you two can be happy if you Graduate from Hogwarts…" he said to them, in low tone, when they were away from each other.