Quotes of the Past – Part 1

4 months earlier, August 27th

[11:07 a.m.] 401 Highway, BelleVille, ON

The prince, – that pretty old car that used to be shared by Derek and Casey – was making annoying sounds while George drove by the highway and Nora argued with him all the time in the front seat. They had been already traveling for three hours to Kingston.

Unfortunately, the car had to be sold. In five days, it'll be with to a random man who works with Emily's dad. The backseat was equally full as the trunk was, but with the addition of very impatient siblings in.

"Derek, turn down! I can't listen my own music here," Cried Casey, fixing the earphones. Derek sneered, putting one foot in her lap and closing his eyes to the sound of heavy metal. Snorting, she pushed it away and decided to listen the olders' talk. The couple spent much of the trip complaining about the GPS and calling home every second - until return to their favorite topic.

"But George! Christmas is so far away! We can't wait so long to see them," Said Nora.

"Honey, honestly, what do you want me to do? We are spending so much... And the change... And Simon is coming…"

"I know! But I think we can hard to make it works" Nora whispered while caressing her five-month-belly.

"Look, next year we can plan better this entire situation and give another car to the kids when the dust has settled-"

"No! That's out of any question…"

Casey sighed.

"Mum, stop worrying vainly. We'll be just fine" She interjected. "I guarantee" Then she glared at the occupant beside her, who was snoring now. "I'll call every night reporting the day" Mocked.

"Casey, dear, I don't want to bother you..."

"No, mum... That's ok, really"

"My! It's not so extreme...!" George started talking and they both two turn him a glare. "I know my son, It may not seem like but he understands when things are for real" They kept glaring with raised eyebrows. "...Alright, I'll have an ultimate conversation with him, ok?" He sighed. "At least he will be required to do well in the exams... he won't want to lose the sports scholarship for sure" No one said much after that.

By the time they arrived in town, they quickly stopped at a gas station and then, first leaved Casey's stuffs in her apartment, – which were heavier –, and after they went to Derek's accommodation.

When everything was in its proper place, the parents needed to come home after a quick lunch nearby there.

As soon as Nora finished saying goodbye to her stepson – that who tried avoid the hug all the time –, George stayed lag with Derek, finishing advising the last things but not far enough for Casey to not hearing one in particular.

"… And take care of your sister. Don't look at me like that boy" She didn't hear any answer and Nora started talk just in time.

3 months earlier, September 19th

[08:11 a.m.] Advanced Language Studies Class, 3 Block, Queen's University

The rustle of pages being turned, the smell of freshly printed papers, the sound of pens sliding fast, and sometimes some elbows bumping into others in the big hall… All those things has been contributed to an atmosphere that Casey had dreamed for her whole life. She took a long drink of her usual Blonde Roast coffee, cold already.

"...Tolstói didn't consider historiography in general... The big leaders are brilliant in greed, vanity, genocide and pride," Said Professor Andrew while walking in front of the board, holding firmly the War and Peace book. That class has be painful for most of the students here today. "It's the human experience, between the fear of annihilation and the comfort of life in society..."

"I still can't believe we're going to the game tomorrow," Claire whispered toward her, euphoric. She was a nice girl, has short dark hair and wears colorful glasses, whom met Casey in the very first day at coffee shop and immediately they two became friends – when recited in unison the 18 sonnet by Shakespeare to the cashier. "First of the season! We need to arrive early and you girl will get me into the locker room after" She demanded. Casey chuckled and turned the book's page, disregarding her friend.

Casey is not exactly a big hockey fan, she thinks it a particularly violent sport and some rules of the game made any sense in her head. Tennis and golf seem much more eloquent and peaceful to her. Not that she can play those too, anyway.

However, since her girly family moved in to the Venturi's house, they used to be forced keeping up with this sport almost 24/7 – crowded of jerseys in the laundry, the equipment around the garage and the television at night.

And of course, the stepbrother's games in multiple weekends.

It always used to be the same at home: the entire Family went to the Arena, cheered like savages, and at the end of the night, they went to the dinner next near it, to eat a suspicious mac&cheese. A little traumatic for her. Now, in college and far from home, she missed these traditions in secret.

[10:35 a.m.] Outside, Library, Queen's University

"(…) Life is both sad and solemn. We are led into a wonderful world, we meet one another here, greet each other - and wander together for a brief..." The girl was having a hard time reading this Thursday morning, in her vacant schedule. But that was completely plausible, with the late heat in the middle of this month, very pleasant distracting her every time. She took a deep breath, brushed her brown hair from your face, and once again, started to try read in the same page of Sophie's world. "(...)brief moment. Then we lose each other and disappear as suddenly and unreasonably as we–"

"Hey princess," Derek came in from behind and Casey jumped a little while he quickly closes her book and got a seat in front of his stepsister, at the building's yard. A giggle on his face, he stole the coffee cup. "Ugh, always choosing the disgusting ones" And kept drinking, waving to a group of smiley girls at the next table.

"De-rek!" she screechy yelled at his, and it was just music to the boy's ears, reminding that the old times in London. "What are you doing here anyway? I didn't even know you knew the way to the library," Casey teased and sticked out her tongue.

They hadn't seen often each other since the beginning of classes. But somehow that she doesn't know, Derek always find her on campus.

"I came to get you out" Then, started shuffling his pockets that he took out some wrinkled cash, a paper, two clips and a red lighter. She felt like rolling her eyes. "And no, two goofy ones showed me the way" Deliberately she rolled the eyes now.

There is the fact: less than a month ago, Derek was already framed as a popular guy – due to the hockey team for sure, and it was starting to get on her nerves. Moreover, his total lack of commitment to serious things. That's a clearly recap of high school in addition to gossips about Derek's cute thin beard before yesterday in the middle of the hall. She took a deep breath.

"Can you merely realize that it's been more than two weeks since we are stay here and I don't know if I can take all this pressure? Gosh! I mean, all right, the highest scores are the case study projects and the Mastermind only decides these but I particularly think that... Derek?"

"Those beanbags look great for a nap now..." he pointed distantly.

"Do not even think about it!" She slapped the book on his arm and sighed shaking head. "Just tell me what you want. Conversation is not your thing,"

Ignoring her, he threw the paper on the table. "Here," And put his hands behind his head, "Invitation to a little welcome party tomorrow" Blinked.

"Well, you all are kinda late with that..." Then, she narrowed her eyes. "Hold on. Why do you want me to go?"

"Technically party number four," Casey grunted a little. "And take those two blondies with you," Derek gave his singing smile. "The ones at the gym days ago"

"They aren't my friends"

"A great way to make fellows then" He raised up his arms in a fake exasperation. "Do I have to do everything here, Spice-Case?"

"Surely Derek" Casey sniffed. "Let me guess: you guys couldn't get many girls for this binge thing, uh?"

There was a short break moment. She just realized that he wears a shirt from one of most popular campus's fraternities.

"Mm, Let's say... The team aren't all that since last Wednesday... some skirts' accident and stuff." He stroked his hair messing up more.

"That's sound a little desperate, you know?" Casey hummed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Said Derek disregarding, "Just try acting normal" Then, he glare at her "No. Just try acting no-normal." He got up and went around the table more closely to her "Oh, and put it in the trash, we don't want the Momma Nature been mad" Derek pointed to the already empty cup and sudden left without further ado. The girls at the next table were glaring him while he walked away.

"You cannot be serious..." Casey scolded, receiving a distant laugh back. Then, she kept her eyes on the paper now and started wondering where this desire to go to a foolish republic party came from. Clearly, the worst idea and she decided to blame the college's atmosphere or hormones – which is the same stupid garbage for the record.

author's note: I just LOVE college parties!