
People were often confused by their relationship, not that Noah could blame them. To the outsider it didn't seem to make much sense. Alejandro was a lot like Justin and everyone knew Noah hated Justin. So why was he dating someone so similar? Those people who compared him to Justin didn't know Alejandro very well. There were parts of him that were a lot like Justin and those part of him annoyed Noah he'd more than admit that. But there was more to him that just drew Noah in.

His intelligence was one. Out everyone on the show Noah had to say he thought Alejandro was one of the few people who could match his wit. Courtney was smart in a conventional sense but when it came to wordplay she was sorely outmatched by a number of contestants. Heather was good a biting insults and social devastation but Noah found her insults to be quite juvenile in nature. Izzy was as smart as him, perhaps smarter, but there seemed to be something in her mind blocking her from accessing these abilities in a way others could understand.

Every conversation he'd ever had with Alejandro felt charged. And every time he talked to the Spaniard Noah found himself on the edge of his brains thinking of comebacks before Alejandro had finished his sentences. It was harder to combat him in conversation than anyone else, and Noah often found that the comeback he'd been so proud of would fall flat in the face of Alejandro's diplomacy. One would think he'd find such interactions annoying but in fact they excited him.

He loved Alejandro's eyes, yes aesthetics weren't the most important part of a person to Noah, but attraction starts somewhere and often it is the physical attributes we are first drawn to. For Noah it was Alejandro's usual eye color. It wasn't the only thing Noah liked about them. Noah liked to see Alejandro's eyes because they were so mysterious. Somehow despite looking at Alejandro's eyes quite often Noah was often unable to come to any conclusion about the way he was currently feeling. He supposed when you lied to people so much hiding your intent must be second nature. Still that wasn't to say Noah couldn't see anything in his eyes. Sometimes when they were alone and Noah was in a particularly sour mood Alejandro's eyes would light up with mischief and that was something Noah loved, in hindsight mind you he often felt like he should be running when it was happening.

There were things Noah knew about Alejandro that others did not as well, such as his inferiority complex. Yes that was right Alejandro, THE Alejandro Burromureto , the guy who was so perfect you might not believe he was real, had an inferiority complex. It wasn't something that was easy to see, he hid it quite well, but it was there. Every time someone called him Al, something Noah himself did when he was extremely mad at him, Alejandro would shudder like something was bothering him.

when Noah had first asked him about it Alejandro had steadfastly refused to answer, but over time Noah had managed to get it out of him. Alejandro had an older brother, one who he felt was stronger, faster, more attractive, and well better at everything than he was. His was Jose and he called him Al. Alejandro had not stated it out loud but Noah could figure out what he was getting at. Every time he heard the name Al he'd think of his older brother and feel insecure again. Feeling insecure was not something Alejandro liked. Noah thought part of the reason Alejandro wanted to win total drama so badly was so he could have some kind of accomplishment Jose did not, though he was sure Alejandro would deny it if he asked.

Yes, to the outsider their relationship was strange, but Noah found he didn't really care. They didn't understand how much Noah loved the little things he found out about Alejandro each day. That was fine, as long as Noah knew why they were together, he'd be just fine.