Positively Malicious Summary: By nature, Steven is a giver. By nurture, Spinel becomes a taker. When the vengeful gem storms Beach City with weapons at the ready, she easily overwhelms the Crystal Gems. While Steven struggles to heal his friends, Spinel taunts and teases. But, watching him care for them sends her into a jealous spiral. It isn't long before jealousy turns into obsession. And obsession…into possession. Steven doesn't know it, but he isn't just on a time limit to save his friends and the planet from Spinel, but to save himself as well.

WARNINGS: Molestation/non-con kissing, brainwashing, awkward explanations of sex, mentions of physical abuse, dark fic!

Chapter 8 – Positively Malicious Part 8

Steven pushed away from her hold and rubbed his snot dripping nose. Gross. He tried for a smile, legs folded under him. He could still win this. "These plants won't trim themselves."

Spinel let him pull away to examine his face, still on the ground as well. Whatever she found, she was not convinced. "Are you sure you're okay, best friend?"

"Y-yeah!" Stars, did she know? Did she know he wasn't giving up on escape or rescue? Did she know that every game could have a rematch? "I just…"

"What?" She squinted.

He fumbled for an explanation. "I'm just a sore loser, that's all."

His luck showed for once as she brightened. "Aw, no worries! There's plenty more games to play. Why don't we take a break and play something, okay?"

He glanced to the sky. Still sunlight and, judging by the direction, there was plenty of hours left to the day before she'd leave. Nighttime would be the chance to try for escape. Or...or make plan or whatever. As for now? What would she have him do?

"Like what?"

She giggled and bounced in place. "Well, I know you love the Special Game!"

"No!" He jolted, panic hitting him hard. "No," he drawled on the word, stalling for time as she narrowed her eyes. "We've already…played that game?"

She continued to pin him with a stare.

"Why don't we play literally anything else?" He offered. "Like, something we've never played before!" When she continued to stare, he added. "I'll never know I like something unless I try it!"

He continued to sweat. His heart hammered until her expression eased into a warm smile and his body loosened slightly. She chirped "Sure thing, best friend! Why don't we play Colony."

"Uh…?" he faltered. What?

"Oh, you don't know?" She shook her head, clicking her tongue. "Guess I'll just teach you. See, you'll pretend to be a Diamond and I'll be your Pearl. The garden is our Colony and we rule it together. How's that?"

Unease spidered down his spine. Rule together? Oh boy… "S-sounds…great?"

"Great!" Spinel launched to her feet and dragged him up. "Here. Those bushes? They're a bunch of Quartz you grew: always packed together and wild. That pillar can be a really tall topaz who's the bodyguard to a rare golden gem!" She pointed to the fountain and droned on and on.

It wasn't until she faced him with a diamond salute did he startle. "–we begin, My Diamond?"


his gaze flitted across the withered garden. Past the crumbling pillars and cracked pavement. Past the gnarled roots and wild grass climbing along the fountain and pink platform. Didn't she say something about the bushes with the occasional flower and something about one of the pillars? What did she expect him to do, anyway?

Her salute fell away and with it went her smile. "You're not good at this game. Here," she brightened into a wild sort of manic joy. "Why don't I be the Diamond and you be the Pearl?"

Somehow that sounded worse. Still, he stammered. "S-sure?"

He stumbled back as she grabbed him by the wrist and hauled him forwards. "C'mon! This'll be so much fun. First," she gestured wide with a twirl, spinning him with her. "We're at a ball now, okay? I'm hosting it and everyone from all over is attending. I'm about to enter the ballroom so you have to introduce me."


He staggered as she pushed him to a pillar. He had half a moment to fear she would tie him up once more before she ducked behind a nearby bush. She pitched her voice low. "Introduce me!"

He fumbled for words, staring at the vast expanse of dead plants. "What do I say?"

She huffed. "Do I have to do everything. Fine! Just stay close and look pretty, okay?" He shifted towards her, still horribly confused, when her voice went falsetto. "Thank you all for coming to the illustrious ball. Now, for the Diamond of honor, please bask in the glory of Her Radiance: Spinel Diamond!"

She curved around the bush, palms aloft and back straight. She was rigid in posture and yet flowed forwards as if she were liquid. Steven watched, wary, as Spinel performed a one-man show to an audience of none. Or one, if he counted himself. This was crazy. Playing pretend? Especially pretend of a gem's party?

"Pearl," she flicked her fingers into a one-hand clap

Instinct had him looking for Pearl. Was she here? Were they here to rescue him? Then he remembered. Oh yeah.

"Pearl." The tone was darker, she faced the bushes, not looking at him.

He jerked. "Uh-um, yeah?"

Her voice pitched high as she turned to the nearby pillar. "My Diamond, shouldn't your Pearl have better manners?"

She laughed, airily dismissing the pillar. "Oh, Aquamarine, I'm flattered by the concern. Unfortunately, my Pearl here is still so new. Surely you understand, don't you?"

Her voice pitched high once more. "Oh, of course, My Diamond. I only want what's best for you."

"Oh of course you do." She agreed and reached behind her to grab him and haul him to her side. He grunted in protest. "But my Pearl will learn how to behave in time. Won't you, my Pearl?"

She was looking at him now. Awkward. He swallowed. "S-sure…"

"Sure, what, my Pearl?"

It took him a beat to catch the hint. When he did, her grip threatened to pierce his side. "Sure...my Diamond?"

Her hold loosened and she brightened like the only star in the sky. He heaved a sigh as she carried on one-sided conversations, dragging him along like a child's plaything rather than a sentient person. But that was fine! He just had to endure a little longer before he could plan to escape.

The hours dragged on and so did various games. From playing pretend, running atop pink balls Spinel would summon for them to compete to stay atop the ball the longest, to even gem 'card' games, he was exhausted by the time the sun started to descend.

It was then, with the sun setting in the distance, that Spinel introduced her worst game.

"Have you ever heard of Simon Says?" She peered at him. "I heard a bunch of small humans playing it. Looked like a lot of fun. So let's play it!"

Thinking it couldn't be that bad compared to the earlier ball balance game, he agreed with little resistance. If he knew just how bad the game could be, he never would have agreed. But would that have made a difference? He didn't know. Probably not. But still. At least then he could've said he tried.

"Let's begin! Spinel giggled as she stood atop the fountain's ledge and sat him on the pavement in front of her. He craned his neck to look at standing form. She pressed a finger to her lips and hummed.

"Spinel Saaays… Say you love it here!"

"I…" she pierced him with an expectant stare. He averted his gaze to look at the fading sunlight on dying plants. "...I love it here…?"

"Ding ding!" She twirled in place. "Now say you don't want to go home."

He scowled. What kind of game was this? He glanced at the nearby, smaller warp pad. "I do want to go home!"

"Ah ah ah!" She sang. "I didn't say Spinel Says! That means you lose. And losers get punished."

He stiffened. Punished? "But…"
"No buts!" She clicked her tongue. "Now...what should your punishment be? Oh, I know. How about a timeout?"

Over time, he learned to hate that word. She would put him in a corner of the garden, near the planet's natural rocky terrain and facing away from the small warp pad. He was to stay there, standing still, while she left for however long. All he knew was she would return in regular intervals to check on him. Check and ensure he was in the exact same spot and in the exact same pose before touching him. He was only allowed to lean into her touches or stay still.

Touching him during his bouts of punishments seemed to ground her somehow. She would leave, return, touch him, and leave once more. He was too far away from the warp pad to see or hear it activate. All he knew was that at some point Spinel would show and touch him. Whether it be his hair or his shoulder or his waist.

Depending on her mood, she would either extend the 'timeout' or end it sooner. If he cuddled close to her when she visited and didn't pull away, she would let him go sooner. But only with a "Spinel Says timeout is over."

It was a nightmare. It was worse than a nightmare. Because he was starting to instinctually obey anytime she said "Spinel Says." Like… like some sort of obedient pet.

He had tried to plan his escape but she had taken to playing Spinel Says before she would leave at night. And every time he would manage to lose and be forced into a timeout. And then? And then he had to try to not fall asleep while standing in place.

He had tried to move from his spot and explore the warp pad when she had left. That had ended badly. Not only did the warp pad not react to him, as promised, but Spinel had found out he disobeyed.

She had been angry. So, so angry. All he could remember was pain and fear. Bruised cheeks and scratched sides. She had hurt him, again and again. Throwing him around until he promised to behave. He would behave just stop, please stop he'd be good.

And she had crafted another 'friendship bracelet.' This time it was braided necklace chains: decorated with little beads and fastened to his wrist so tight that the only way to remove it was by the little lock keeping it shut. Spinel wore a matching bracelet only instead of beads, hers was decorated with various tiny keys. Knowing his luck, she had thrown away the real key to unlock the damn thing on his wrist.

Days were blurring by once more. What hope he had for escape had dwindled until he was only hoping for rescue now.

Steven didn't know what to do.

If he displeased his captor, Spinel would hurt him or threaten his friends and family. But if he behaved, she would 'reward' him with the Special Game. He couldn't win. He had tried to please her by playing the ukulele or trying to succeed at the Spinel Says game but it was hard. So, so hard to keep it together. She always wanted more. More than he could ever hope to give.

She took and she took until he was wrung dry. He picked up the habit of fidgeting with the bracelet to ground himself. The bracelet reminded him to obey. To keep her happy. Because when she was happy, he was less miserable. He just didn't know what to do. He was sinking but he knew he couldn't afford to drown.

He had lost the rematch. But maybe there was hope for rescue? Stars he hoped for a rescue. But what was taking so long? He was lonely. Hadn't it been three weeks by now? The bruises from his escape attempt had only started to fade. How long could he stay afloat?

"Steven!" Spinel sang when the sun still hadn't risen. "I'm back!"

His skin crawled but he perked despite himself. He didn't dare turn around though. She hadn't said the key words yet. She chattered as she bounced her way to his side, grabbing him by the upper arm. She pulled him from the spot. The spot without saying her words.

"C'mon, I need to show you something."

His eyes snapped wide and he dug his heels into the ground. She hadn't said–she hadn't–he couldn't move yet! He wasn't allowed to speak either. Was he? He didn't know! Nerves skyrocketed as she turned to glare at him with teeth bared.

He blurted. "You didn't say Spinel Says!"

Her eyes shot wide, visibly shocked, before smoothing into smug satisfaction. "Golly, you've really learned this game well. Looks like I lose for once!" She laughed. "This works out swell. C'mon, Spinel Says timeout is over."

With that, he relaxed. The lock on the bracelet jingled against the chains as she pulled him along. They ran and ran. Just how far were they going? To the other side of the garden? His chest heaved as he panted. How out of shape was he by now? Seeing him slow, she swept him into her arms, coiled her legs, and sprung against the pavement.

He yelped as they soared through the sky, latching onto his only source of safety. His arms snagged around her neck and he pressed close in her bridal-style hold. Terror shot down his spine as he saw the garden shrink beneath them. With the garden in the distance, the rest of the planet's deseret terrain appeared. Wind whipped his hair.

"Sp–Spinel?" He clung tighter. A fall from this height would kill him. Was this it? Was it over? Had she finally tired of her toy? "Spinel–what–?"

"Wait for it." She cooed.

A finger expanded to curl around his chin like a snake. She tilted his face away from her shoulder and towards the skyline. Firm but gentle. He relented, watching the setting moon. They continued to soar up and up. The moon continued to set and with it came–

"The sun." He breathed.

Brilliant orange light peeked over the skyline and with it came the dawn of a new day. Warmth flowed over him as they slowed speed. The wind ruffled his hair, gentle like the glowing rays of light. Beautiful morning sky shimmered as blue brightened the star lit sky. Absently, he leaned into the warmth holding him secure.

"Beautiful." He murmured. The wind stilled as the sun rose higher.

"Yeah," Spinel agreed, voice a near whisper. "You are."

He had half a second to register her words and then they reached the peak of the jump. The speed was slow but then their weight kicked in. Momentum built and he screamed. They were falling too fast.

"Spinel!" He cried, clinging to her as he buried his face into her shoulder.

She laughed, threaded fingers through his hair to force him to face her, and kissed him. His protests were muffled by her lips. When she pulled away, he was breathless and she was grinning wide.

"I've got you, silly. She pecked his temple and murmured, barely audible over the wind roaring in his ears. "I'll always have you."

He'd worry about the dread and relief flip flopping in his stomach later. Right now they were about to die. "Spinel! The ground!"

She laughed. The garden was approaching alarmingly fast. The desert terrain was no longer visible, only the approaching pillars. With ease, she snapped her arm out, inflating her hand like a balloon all the while, and smacked it against the ground. They jolted like a swinging ferris wheel seat before she shrank her arm and they settled gently to the pavement.

His heart still hammered, though. He could've died! Breathtaking view of the sunrise was not worth it. Especially when she kissed him. Nope! Definitely not worth the thrill rolling up his spine as she held him tight and safe and warm. To watch lonely night stars fade in the background to make way for the dawn wasn't worth it. Neither was it worth it to be held so close and feel so safe. And why? Why would he ever feel safe in his attacker's arms? Why would…. Why would she hold him so close? Why did it feel so good? To be held and kissed like a precious person and not a plaything. Why did he want her to–

He froze. No. No no no! He did not want her to–he didn't even want her! He didn't. He didn't! He couldn't. He wouldn't. He had Connie! He had–

Spinel stepped so her back was to the rising sun and faced him. She was framed by the new dawn but her face was masked in the resulting shadows. He retreated a step. Away from her. She let him. He was painfully aware she let him move away.

"Whad'ja think?" She grinned.

He swallowed. "That…" he studied the cracks littering the pavement and the resulting roots sprouting from between them. They led to the fountain and the small warp pad next to it. "That was…"

"Speechless, huh?" She laughed and he sagged. If she did the talking, then he wouldn't have to. "Well we can do it again tomorrow, how's that sound?"

He jolted. "What? No!" When she only cocked a brow, smug, he deflated. He curled in on himself, grasping his elbow and sliding down to his wrist. "I-I mean… whatever you wanna do is fine with me…"

She patted his head and the touch-starved part of him had him leaning into the gentle ruffling of his hair. She grinned.

"Since you're doing so well this morning; remembering the rules to Spinel Says and being a good best friend in the sky, what would you like as a reward?"

He flinched. Especially when her grin stretched into a suggestive leer. Habit had him grasping the bracelet lock and rubbing his thumb along the smooth surface. The rhythmic motion was comforting. Even if the lock was due to his captor and even if the captor was the cause of his angst, he found comfort in the very thing holding him prisoner. And oh wasn't that twisted? Of course it was twisted. He knew. But what could he do? He had been isolated for three weeks or so. He was starting to lose track of the days.

How long had he been gone? Where were the Crystal Gems? His gaze dropped. A thought crept into mind.

"I… get to choose?"

"Yep!" She popped the word. "So what'll it be?"

"Could…" he fidgeted with the lock. "Could I…"

What the hell was he thinking? She'd never say yes. He was such an idiot. He rubbed the steel surface.

"What is it?"

"You'll say no." He hunched his shoulders.

She hummed. "Try me."

"Could I…" he rushed out the words.

Spinel took a moment to process them. "...you want to see your dad?"

"Not the gems!" He hastened to add. "Just… just my dad. I want him to know I'm okay. Is that okay?"

She frowned down at him. He didn't dare retreat or risk her wrath. Her unimpressed frown continued a beat before she sighed. As if indulging him was such a burden. He flinched at the thought.

"That's not possible, Steven." She gestured at the small warp pad behind her. "You know the warp pad can only transport one gem at a time. Not only are you not allowed to leave, you can't because you're part human or whatever. Your 'dad' is a human too, right?"


"Then you have your answer." When he curled into himself, subconsciously making himself smaller, she pulled him into a hug. "Hey, now. I've got an idea. Maybe you can't see him but I will let you write him."

"Really?" Steven grasped her shoulders, expression wide and hopeful. "You'd let me–?"

"But!" She shushed him. He obeyed. "But only one letter: you give him one and he'll give you one. I will check both letters, understand?" He nodded, frantic. "And, are you listening?"

"Yes," he breathed. "Yes, anything! Just let me talk to my dad. Just once..."

"Write," she corrected.

"Write." He agreed like a puppy eager to please. "Right, yeah. And what else do I do?"

"And," she offered a sly smile. "You explain what exactly 'dad' means."

Confusion settled on his features. She didn't know what a dad was? But she knew he was Pink Diamond's son, so…? "What?"

"What's a dad?"

"I thought you knew?" He cocked his head and she stroked his hair. "I thought you know I'm...Pink Diamond's son…"

She frowned. "Yeah, you're her son. Whatever that means. I just figured it was a human word for hybrid or something."

He sighed. Oh boy. Was writing one letter to his dad worth having to explain the concept of fatherhood, pregnancy, and being born?

...yeah. It was.

"Okay," he tried to psyche himself up for the awkward conversation. "So remember the Special Game?"

"Yes!" She bounced, pulling away from the hug to kiss him pointedly on the lips. He squeaked with surprise. She pulled away. "Yes, you make the cutest noises when I touch you. Especially right–"

When she reached for his jeans, he twisted to the side. "Right!" His voice pitched falsetto. "I'm explaining something. Not playing the game!"

"Oh," she pouted as she pulled him flush against her chest. "Does it have to do with the human thing?"

"Yeah," with nowhere to go and arms awkwardly dangling at his sides, he looped them behind her waist to fidget with the lock on his wrist. She purred and nuzzled his hair with her cheek. "Yeah. The whole 'being born' thing."

And so began a long winded, fumbling explanation of sex once more. After putting Part A into Part B, it was possible for Person A to become pregnant by Person B. A biological woman, he had to clarify. Because no he could not become pregnant by Spinel. And that uh, yes, maybe she could become pregnant by him but she really, really should not because his mom died doing that, so. To which Spinel argued that, if gems could make other gems then why couldn't she make a human gem baby without shattering? Gems made other gems all the time out of other organic ingredients.

He didn't have an answer. He didn't want an answer.

Because if his mom could have birthed him without dying then… then that implied she self-shattered and on purpose. And he didn't want to think about that. Did she not want to live anymore? Why? Because she had so much baggage? So then why did she dump it all on–

Nope. Not thinking about that.

"–and then?" She prompted.

He blinked. "Huh, wha?"

"So you were 'born' because Pink Diamond and your 'dad' had sex." He flushed. "And your 'dad' is a part of your 'family.'"

"Y-yeah, that's right."

"...and you want a family, right?"

"Yeah." He agreed, then frowned. "My family. Not a family."

She hummed. "That's real interestin', Steven! Alright, since you've been so good I'll go and get some–what was it?"

"Paper." He explained. "And a pen, please."

She slowly pulled away. "Alright. I'll be right back, okay? And then we can have breakfast!"

With that, she bounced a few steps to the warp pad and vanished. He sagged, stomach rumbling, when a shadow passed over the sun. He frowned. That was odd. Clouds were rare in the garden, weren't they? Especially since there wasn't enough water for clouds to form…?

He craned his neck up and his eyes shot wide. That wasn't a cloud. The gigantic shadow–whatever it was– passed over him and steadily approached. He stared, jaw dropped, as the round thing drifted towards the planetary terrain. The ground rumbled and rocked him off his feet.

As he tumbled to the settling ground, realization clicked into place.

That was a ship.

Notes: Catching the flu is no fun. Spent this week dripping snot onto my pillow and being a grumpy sad sack. Otherwise, dun dun dun! There's a ship! But WHO'S ship? Can you guess? Hue hue hue.

Wolfspirit2996: Steven fixing up the garden is cute! If only it were under sweeter circumstances...

Elias Taisei: Oh ho! Passive aggressive yandere would be fun! Spinel just gaslighting or manipulating Steven into doing whatever she wants. And yeah, there's not that many dark SU fics as far as I know. But either way, I'm glad you have enjoyed mine so far!

TMNTLittleTomboy: Here you are again! And yes! I love Spinel just absolutely playing with Steven like he's just a toy.

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