Daydreaming is my drug. It's a short-term dopamine pump stimulated by impossible stories or scenarios. It is an alley to escape the gritty and harsh reality. However, it doesn't fulfil you completely. There's always new possibilities to explore, new worlds to discover and new stories to create.

Ironically, the only thing I daydream about now is waking up in my house and going on with my boring life.

It's not that my new life is utter shit, but I much rather be enjoying the luxuries of the middle-class in a first world country. Anyway, there will always be people having it far worse than I; so I better get on with it.

I exit my room, located on the south-west side of the Garreg Mach Monastery, or something like that. I am actually scared of pronouncing it, as I may a full-on massacre of the English language. Or may I say the Fodlanese language, from -you name it— the continent of Fodlan. And yes, I know what you are thinking, how is it possible for this fantasy language to be exactly the same in all aspects to the English we know and love? I don't know. I have no fucking idea. I don't know where I am, or how I came here. It's clearly not the Earth, I don't even think I'm in the same universe I was born into. But that raises the question; if I really am in another universe, what is my purpose here? Was I brought here by something, or by a pure chance interdimensional portal? I don't know, and that worries me greatly.

Standing right next to my door, is this green-haired dude called Seteth. He did say he was going to give me a tour around here, but I wasn't expecting him to be waiting for me all morning by my door, weird.

"It is already past 12 Oscar, I expected you to have more self-control in your sleep. You have kept Lady Rhea waiting far too much time".

"Sorry Seteth, yesterday was a rough day…"

"That is no excuse. In the time you are attending this academy, I require you to be more diligent and organised."

"Okay, won't happen again."

"I certainly hope that will be the case. Regardless, we cannot afford to waste more time; I'm afraid you will have to explore the monastery by yourself. Lady Rhea wants to see you."

We start to make our way to the Audience Room, which is a long distance from my room. While I'm waking, I sense all the other students staring at me, which I find embarrassing, as if I'm not meant to be here. Well, it's not my fault I was transported here. I also contemplate just how big this monastery is. It's huge. I'm confident that this would be a very famous tourist attraction back in Earth.

We arrive to the Audience Room, and there she is, Lady Rhea. She is the reason why I'm here; I basically "saved" her life and as compensation she enrolled me in the academy.

Rhea seems to hear us coming in and turns towards us.

"Ah Oscar, you are here. How was your first night at the monastery?"

"Pretty good, maybe slept too much."

"As long as you are serious with your studies and missions, you may not worry about that. I wish that you enjoy your stay here as much as you can."

"Thank you, Rhea."

Seteth looks at me with a glance that could send me back to my universe.

"That would be Lady Rhea" he corrects.

"Oh sorry, Lady Rhea. I'm still learning about formalities, please pardon my mistakes."

"Do not worry Oscar, I am convinced you will learn soon enough."

"Sorry to interrupt Lady Rhea. But we must proceed to the class allocation" says Seteth still worried about the time.

"Class allocation?"

"Yes. In this Academy there are three classes; the Black Eagle house from the Empire of Adrestia, the Blue Lion house from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the Golden Deer house from the Leicester Alliance" explains Rhea.

From my back I see three students entering the room and walking towards us. A blonde guy in blue looking like he came straight from an old Disney movie, a white haired girl in red (what's up with the hair genetics in this place?), and a tanned guy in yellow.

"And I feel obliged to say that the Golden Deer is by far, the best house. Mostly because of its incredible leader, Claude von Riegan" says yellow guy, who I assume is Claude.

"I would not be so confident Claude. The mock battle is this month, and I have a feeling that you will not be the victor" says blue guy.

"I'm confident that you two are aware that the Black Eagles will emerge victorious" asserts white hair girl.

"There they are. Princess Edelgard from Adrestia, Prince Dimitri from Faerghus and Archduke Claude from the Leicester Alliance" explains Seteth.

"So Oscar, right? Your name certainly doesn't suggest that you are from Fodlan" asks Claude.

"Well my parents were immigrants, but they never told me from where."

"And where have you been raised?" asks Dimitri.

"My parents were merchants so, travelling through all of Fodlan was part of their jobs. Of course, I was always with them, so I've never been raised in a single place."

Disclaimer: I came up with all of that last night for this specific scenario.

A smile forms in Claude's face along with a glistening in his eyes.

"That does sound like an entertaining life. I bet you learned a lot about different cultures."

"You could say so."

"Ahem", interjects Seteth to take back control of the conversation "It's time you choose one house Oscar."

Argh. The pressure of making decisions makes me ill.

"I don't really have anything to help me decide, so I'm a bit lost."

"I assume that if you have lived all over Fodlan, that you don't have any allegiance to anything" asserts Dimitri.


"Are you proficient with that sword?" interrupts Edelgard pointing to the sword on my lap.

"I wouldn't call it proficient; but I have used it before…"

"Excellent. The Black Eagle house is in need of a good swordsman; we only have Petra for now" continues Edelgard.

Well that sounds like an invitation to me.

"Cool. Then I'll join the Black Eagle house."

"Hey! You didn't give us time to convince him! That's not playing fair" exclaims Claude.

"Life is harsh Claude. First come, first served."

"First, the new professor and now the new student- You really have good persuasive skills Edelgard" says Dimitri.

"Well anyone with a good eye would choose the Black Eagle house. Isn't that right Oscar?" asks Edelgard .

"Wha-? I mean, yeah."

Well that was unexpected. I can already tell she is going to be a hard leader.

"That's enough squabbling for today. You are all dismissed" says Seteth.

Everyone starts walking away. And I'm left alone as I do not know what do now.

"Hey", I turn around and see Edelgard waiting by the entrance "Don't just stand there, we have things to do. Follow me."

We go down the staircase, and into the courtyard, which I already passed earlier with Seteth. She stops in front of a building with three big wooden doors.

"Here are the classes, ours is the one most to the right. Today is Sunday, so you are free to do what you prefer."

It's a bit strange to see all furniture and buildings made from wood when you have been raised in a plastic world.

"Interesting…" I comment

An awkward silence ensues. It seems that my ability to create an awkward atmosphere has not been lost in my journey to this place.

"Hey, Edelgard. So you are the future empress right?" I ask.

"That is correct."

"Do you want me to refer to you as your highness or something like that? I mean I am a commoner and you are the future-"

"No", she says while cutting me off "There is no need for that. I believe that in the academy we are all equal, no matter our lineage or crests."

"Okay, that's cool then."

I stare at her for 5 seconds waiting for her to say something, but to no avail. I quickly move my glance at her side to not seem like a creep. I look at her again for a short moment, and she is still staring at me with eyes that could penetrate the thickest of walls.

"Eh… do you know where to get something to eat?" I ask trying to break this staring contest

"You clearly lack assertiveness, which might be an inconvenience in battle."

What. The. Fuck

"Why do you say that?"

"You are unable to maintain a stare for five seconds. That indicates a lack of confidence in your actions. If that happens with a simple stare, then you will be easily overwhelmed in battle."

"Isn't that a little too much to assume based on the fact that I deviated my glance from you?"

"It very well may be. But I'm confident I'm in the right here."

I am so shocked by her cold-ass criticism that I cannot bring myself to respond.

"Your silence just confirms my point, which in turn means that we will have to train that out of you. Follow me."

"But the food…"

"Food can wait. We must train. Now."

I sigh in defeat and follow her once again.

She takes me to the arena, in the north-east of the monastery. There are a few people here. Dimitri (blue guy), a guy with a dark blue hair and a man-bun; and another short guy with light blue hair.

What is going on with the genetics of this place?

"Edelgard, glad to see you. I was just sparring with Caspar and Felix, care to join?" says Dimitri.

"Although I would certainly enjoy defeating you, I must ask you to train Oscar, the new student. I must be going now."

Did she really abandon me right now? I think I'm starting to regret my choice.

"Ah yes, I believe we already met a few minutes before. Tell me Oscar, you use a sword right?" asks Dimitri.

Dammit, I already see the cringe coming when they see I don't know shit about weapons.

"Yes but I don't think that my technique is very good."

"Seriously? How did you even enter the academy then?" says man-bun man.


"Felix, you should know better than talking to someone like that. We must remember that as nobles, we had privileged access to weapons and training that other people could only have dreamt of" asserts Dimitri.

Felix manages to let out a subtle "Tschh..." before returning to his training

"Yeah! Maybe he just kicks and punches through the enemies! Sometimes you don't need anything but your cold hard fists" exclaims Caspar while throwing a punch into the air.

"Sorry to disappoint; but I'm not the type of person to enter fights."

"That's probably for the better." Says a relieved Dimitri "Come on, let's spar."

I walk to the other side of the arena, where all the weapons are piled up against the wall.

"Get a practice sword. We don't want to get seriously injured outside of battle" remarks Dimitri.

I get the wooden sword, which I assume is the practice sword and handle it for a bit. It is of medium size, being around 70-80 cm long. It certainly isn't difficult to move but I don't really know how to use it.

"We will start with some basic moves. Try to attack me with it."

I try to make a horizontal slash to his right side with my right foot in front of the other. Dimitri easily blocks it with his lance.

"Too stiff. Your moves must be more fluent. Try letting your sword slide through the air instead of actively pushing it towards me."

I try again, this time loosening my hand. This time the attack loses too much strength, making me nearly drop the sword when Dimitri blocks it once again.

"You shouldn't let go of your sword that will get you killed. A good attack must be precise but elegant. You must direct the attack and give it the necessary strength, if you do that correctly the sword will finish the work for you."

"Alright, so basically I let the sword 'move by itself' right?"

"You are starting to get the idea. Come on, try again."

I repeat the attack once more with a firm grip, but this time I let the sword be moved by gravity. Although Dimitri blocks it easily, I felt that the sword had much more strength.

"Excellent. Now we will move to improving your body posture."

"You call that excellent? That's kid stuff. "

Oh shut up Felix.

"Felix, if you are not going to stop your bickering, I suggest you go away."

"Fine. I will wait till the mock battle to destroy you" he says while leaving the arena.

"Felix needs to learn some basic manners. He is the noble of House Fraldarius after all."

"House Fraldarius?"

"Yes one of the noble houses of the Kingdom of Faerghus, they are below House Gautier, in the northernmost part of the kingdom."

"I think have a lot of training and studying ahead of me." I say smiling, although I'm just faking my increasing anxiety.

"I can certainly help you with the training section."


I walk back and get in position for what's going to be a long day.

After 4 hours:

"Dimitri, sorry, but I'm too tired to continue" I say while panting like crazy.

"That is understandable. After all we've been training for 4 hours without stopping for a break."

I look through the door of the arena and see the sun going down.

"It's already dawn." I say

Suddenly, a deep monster-like sound comes straight from my stomach.

"That sounds like you are hungry, come on, let's get something to eat" says Dimitri.

We walk down the monastery into the canteen where other students are already eating.

"So how was your training?" says a voice behind me along with a hand touching my shoulder.

The suddenness of it makes me jump a bit, while also letting out a small "Ah!" Once regaining composure, I turn around to see that it was Edelgard, who is behind me in the queue.

"Edelgard, it was you. You nearly gave me a small heart attack."

Edelgard smirks and says "Don't you think you are exaggerating? I only touched you on your shoulder."

"Sorry, I'm just a bit uneasy here. You know, I'm new here and I don't know what to expect."

"I do hope that you are braver in battle."

"Well, judging from my training today; I can confidently say that I can survive for at least five seconds." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Good. At least you seem to have a sense of humour, let's continue talking in the table."

I get my plate of what seems to be a large piece of meat with boiled potatoes. I then sit down in a table with Edelgard and Dimitri, we are soon joined by a guy with orange hair and a girl with a hat

"So you must be the new student" says orange guy.

"Yes, Oscar is the name."

"I am Ferdinand von Aegir, future prime minister of the Empire."

"Well, I am Oscar. That's it."

"So you must be a commoner then?" says hat girl.


"That's magnificent! Now I am no longer the only commoner in the Black Eagle house! My name is Dorothea by the way."

"Ah, I thought I was the only one. It does feel good to have someone with a similar background as you" I say relieved.

"Sorry to interject but Dorothea is one of Fodlan's most renowned opera singers." says Edelgard

"So I'm still the most average dude here." I say with visible disappointment in my face.

"That could be true, but don't be discouraged about it", says Dimitri "Regardless of your background Oscar; how did you enter the academy?"

"Well, I had no plans of entering a few days ago, but then I stumbled a group of bandits who were attacking a carriage. One of them was going to attack a woman which seemed defenceless, so I distracted him. He was annoyed by me, and decided to kill me first; but I managed to defeat him. Then I claimed his sword" I explain-

That is all true except the part that I was going somewhere before encountering the bandits. I was just there when I woke up; which seems very coincidental to be fair.

"Wait, how did you to defeat him? You have nearly no experience with weapons" asks Dimitri.

"I used unconventional tactics."

"Interesting, what did you do?" asks Edelgard, once again staring at me with those scary judgemental eyes.

"I rather not say it right now."

"Why not? There's nothing to hide. Come on, please" pleads Dorothea with puppy eyes which are strangely effective.

"Don't worry if it's too bloody. I, Ferdinand von Aegir, can resist even the most horrifying of-"

"I kicked him in the balls" I said with the straightest face I could manage without bursting out laughing.

Ferdinand immediately gags with his own drink and start coughing.

"Maybe we should have listened to you and kept quiet" says Dorothea with a face that clearly shows regret.

"Well it was a life or death situation, and I do not have the sufficient honour to have a fair combat; especially against a bandit."

I sip my drink and notice that Edelgard is still looking at me, judging my every move.

"Anyway he was finished by the lady I talked about you before, who was none other than Lady Rhea, and so I was invited here by her" I continue.

"So you saved Lady Rhea's life?!" asks a shocked Dimitri.

"Well, now that I think about it, I'm sure she could have killed him without my help…"

"Although that might have been the case, she still invited you, so she must have seen something within you" asserts Edelgard

"That might be the nicest thing you have said to me since we met Edelgard" I say with a smile in my face.

"I'm not that cold" says Edelgard

"Whatever you say", I say smirking "Anyway I'm gonna start eating"

I look at my plate, and without being able to control myself, I start devouring it.

"Woah, what meat is this?" I ask.

"That is bear meat" remarks Dimitri

"Well, I must say that bear meat is delicious!" I exclaim before returning to my plate.

Hmm, bear meat, of what does that remind me of?

Ah, yeah, of course. It reminds me of Fire Emblem: Awakening, when Lissa didn't want to eat bear meat.

I haven't played Fire Emblem since Fates came out. I wonder if they were going to launch another game.

Wait… they were going to launch another game, I saw the trailer like a year ago in the E3. There was a war between three kingdoms or something. One of them was led by a girl with white hair…

I look in front of me, and see Edelgard, a girl with white hair, now eating from her plate.

No. Fucking. Way

I look around the canteen to see the other students. The medieval setting, the magic, the strange hair colours….

I'm in a Fire Emblem game.


So this is my first attempt at writing fanfiction. A few things to say:

1. This chapter may be changed, please do not be afraid of giving criticism of it

2. A lot of dialogue, maybe too much; I will try to be more descriptive in the upcoming chapters. I also struggle with making dialogue more descriptive and egaging, so any tips in that regard would be greatly appreciated.

3. Oscar is Hispanic but with no confirmed nationality (will probably stay that way all the story) , and for those who know about MBTI; he is an INFP.

So that's all. Thanks to everyone reading this story and hopefully reviewing it.