It was a chilly night after Christmas, perfect timing for couple to cuddles and family-bonding. Paris just makes it more marvelous for the idea, being the city of love an all.

However, not all the Paris civilian had the luck. A silhouette silently watched as a little boy skipped excitedly through the street, said boy held something seemingly the latest game just hit the store last week.

- Best present ever! Now Aidan and I can play the Duel mode together, I will show him my ultimate skill.

- Ultimate Skill? Hmm- The father pretended to be in deep thought- I remember someone still can't defeat me after all.

- Dad !!!

The conversation continue, the mother just smile silently to herself.

Another happy picture.

Emerald eyes kept staring at the trio until they disappeared into the shadow. The figure appeared to be none other than Paris's beloved hero, Chat Noir. Now he was on alone again. Unhappy thoughts dared to creep in his mind, tears threatened to fall anytime.


Though the previous family had long gone far away from his spot. He could still hear the boy's laughter echoed through the air.

" It's not fair"

His mother disappearance had affected his father tremendously, he knows. All this while, he had tried really hard to be the perfect Adrien Agreste his father demanded, he clumsily hid the childish, carefree side, his real self, away. Such efforts were for the only parent he had left. He still grived for his mother, wondering her whereabouts, her wealthbeing. However, for his father's sake, he had to be fine. After all, Gabriel Agreste loves Emile Agreste very much. As far as he known, his parents had been childhood friends, both cared about each other deeply, and up until last year, they had always been together. Adrien loves his mother, but to his father, she were his everything. That being said, he known, behind the cold attitude, his father had somewhat broken, lost a part of his soul.

But, It's Christmas, It supposes to be the time he and his father have wonderful moments together, father-son bonding. Even when his mother still around, his father rarely played with him, but he taught him how to played piano, he taught him Chinese, he taught him Chess. Now, he left the responsibility to the tutor.

The week before Christmas, he worked harder in attempt to get on his father's good book. What he asked for ? A warm Christmas night together. His father even agreed to take him to do Stargazing, something his mother loved dearly, drag him and his father to her favorite spot in the west forest every year. in the end, his father left for 2-week-business-trip and what he got this morning, after Christmas, Gabriel brand shoes, wrong size.

"Well, he must have taken the usual size without realizing his son is growing everyday"

Chat sighed.

" Does he really care about me?"

Eyes distractedly darted to the figure in the opposite house he rested. Twin tails swayed as the girl back and forth in front of the mannequin, trying to perfect her self-designed dress.

- Baby you are fire~workkk.

Yup, the girl always sings when doing her designs.

- Pfttt.

He snickered. Not that Marinette was a bad singer, she sings really well actually. It's just that her movement were so funny and...cute. Blushing, he tried to chase the thoughts and failed. His heart suddenly warm, his mind gradually felt lighter compared to a minute ago.

- Marinette, Why didn't you told me. . .

This morning, aside from his father reluctantly gift, Natalie gave him a present, told him that a classmate of his when by and left it at the mail box. He excitedly took the box to his room to unwrap it, wondering whose was it. Chloe? Nino? And the Christmas hit him,

" Merry Chrismast, Adrien. Love, Marinette"

Marinette is a very close friend, though she tends to be nervous around him, but she always try to lookout for him during the akumatise attack. The disappointing thought from moments ago vanished. " She really is a great friend".

She even fiercely defended Chat Noir when everyone else said he was just LadyBug's unimportant sidekick, though she had ever been the timid quiet girl at school.

- They are partners, they are equal. He always there for Paris when Akumatise attact happen, have more respects for him!

That event had left quite an impression on him. No one had ever thought so highly of him, beside Ladybug maybe. He was so happy to have such loyal supporter so near him.

So when he opened the box, he really surprised to find that she made him a red woolen hat. It's something hard to make, and usually takes days, weeks even, to complete. "She really cares about me". He smiled.

But something caught his eyes. A small M at the right corner. " Wait...". Adrien slowly take off the scarf on his neck, wide eyes staring at the small M at the bottom. "They looked exactly the same"

That means Marinette was the one who gave him the scarf, his father never got him anything for his birthday. How could he do that to his son ? Why didn't she say anything ?

Too many questions at one. Hurted, confused, disappointed.

" Plagg, claws out"

Chat Noir escaped through the window, frantically ran away to hide the tears that had already dropped.