"Here, stay still-"

Gaz had taken off one of her spiked cuffs and struggled to clip it around GIR's neck, who was pinned under both the arms of the goth. Once she completed the task, she grabbed a leash that had been laying around the house from their previous pet (who mysteriously disappeared) and connected it to this substitute collar. GIR squealed in his dog suit. The small robot was very excited to be able to take a walk with Gazzy. Gaz couldn't replicate the excitement. Plus, she had planned to tie him to Zim's fence and leave him there, to the expense of cuff.

"Zim." She spat the name in a low whisper, placing GIR on the ground.

With a firm tug of the lead, Gaz opened the front door of the house and walked outside. The small dog ran out in front of her, immediately pulling on the leash as hard as he possibly could. It wasn't hard for the goth to handle though, and she yanked on the rope in an effort to pull him back into submission.

As they made their way down the neighbourhood, GIR went to every mailbox to eat the mail inside. This made Gaz chuckle. She didn't stop it, nor did she really want to. He never did it in a malicious way either, it was more charming if anything, and it caused her to second-think her next course of action.

"Ooh! Ooh! Are we going to my master's base! It's very seeeecret! IT'S RIGHT OVER THERE!" GIR shouted in-between mouthfuls of paper and cardboard.

The alien's base was inching closer with every step. The green, purple-roofed house stood out from every other building in the col-de-sac. Everything about it was stupidly exaggerated, from the single large window above the door, to the random gnomes and animals on sticks in the front yard. The only normal thing about it was the brown, wooden fence. Gaz strolled up to the weirdly shaped opening in the fence. She raised a brow at the random hinges that stuck out from the wood, it was as if there used to be a gate, but it had been torn off. She shrugged and walked through anyway. GIR clapped his little grey paws as he watched the Goth tie the leash to this basically useless fence.

As she was doing so, a very loud, very dramatic swinging of the front door was heard, and following it was a green 'boy'.


Slowly, she spun on her heels, "Zim."

"Why have you got my SIR unit?" His sentence came out more as a demand than a question.

"Because he kept coming over to my house and eating my food."

Zim marched up to GIR, his head held impossibly high the whole time. He picked up GIR with both hands, slapping him, "BAD! Bad GIR! EW, you have some human junk on you," the alien went to take the spiked collar off.

"It's Gazzy's! I want it!" The small robot shrieked and bit Zim's gloved hand, casing him to drop GIR and recoil in pain.


"god, do you both have no sense of volume?" Gaz winced, her hands over her ears, watching GIR sprint off into the distance.

The alien resumed his uptight position, "Zim has many more senses than you puny humans could ever have."

The two stood next to each other awkwardly. Zim cleared his throat and wiped his hand on his shirt, "Why did the Gaz try to return Zim's SIR unit?"

"For the same reason you talk in the third person."

He raised his non-existent brow, "Please elaborate."

"I don't know? Because he's annoying?" She growled, "I'm going home. Oh and if you ever find GIR again, don't let him come back to my place, or the last thing you see will be your insides in both my hands-"

"You humans have funny threats," the alien smirked, "but the threats a Gaz-beast throws onto Zim have no effect. Not anymore."

In frustration, Gaz threw a fist into his face and started walking back home, her feet dragging. He fell backwards, but didn't do anything to retaliate.

"Your threats still have no use! You will never scare the almighty ZIM!"

[A/N] I'm very sorry that this story is short and crappy. This chapter was literally made in little over an hour. I've been using this story as a warm-up kinds thing before writing huge school reports... I don't know, but again, I'm sorry this story is not good DX