Hey... Franny Moon there... I'm SO sorry about how long it's been since I posted chapter one. I didn't realised that so much time passed. I'm so busy between school and my job (urgh... I hate my job;_;) I NEVER even thought about giving up on this story! I love this pairing WAY too much. ^_~ So read and tell me what you think!

Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling's.

The original characters (Joshua, Morgan and Cyril) are just there for the sake of the plot ...so yeah, steal them if you feel like it ^_~

Everybody's got somebody to lean on

« Oliver! You came! »

«Of course I came Leslie! Wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world! » he replied with a wide grin, he then made a very calculate pause and added «Except maybe a Quiddich game. »

«Oh! Ol! You didn't change one bit!»

He smiled widely.

«I know, I know.»

He walked further into the large room.

'You're such a Ladies' Man, Wood' he thought, amused, as Leslie's lovelorn sigh reached his hears.

Yeah well, that's what they wanted to see wasn't it.

«Hey Wood! Is that you? Wow, it's been a long time! »

«Oh Cyril! Yeah, I believe we didn't see each other since graduation! So, how've been things for you?" I asked.

«Absolutely great I got a job as a Medi-Wizard actually. Oh and remember that cute Ravenclaw girl I had a crush on back in seventh year?» he said with a blush.

He smiled. Cyril Gagnon was a very nice bloke. Pity he never got to know him better. He was unfortunately not the only one Oliver neglected back in his school days...

«Megan McMillan?» he asked after a few seconds of reflections.

He smiled brightly.

«Yeah! We got married five years ago. » he said, showing his wedding ring.

Oliver felt a pang in his heart... Twenty-seven and still single... what a shame...

«Congratulations! Wow! »

«I know...»

Megan arrived and interrupted them with her high-pitched voice.

«Hey guys! Oh! Hi Oliver! What were you two talking about?»

«About you of course Honey» Cyril kissed his wife on the cheek and she giggled.

«Hey Cyril!» came a male voice from behind him.

Oliver turned around and recognized a former Hufflepuff.

«Josh!» exclaimed the Canadian boy, clasping his old friend in the back.

«Hey Oliver! Hey Megan!» he greeted, grinning cheekily. «So you guys were catching up?»

«Exactly, I was just about to tell Oliver how happy I was that he came. This meeting just wouldn't be the same without our Gryffondor boy.» said Megan.

Oliver's smile disappeared. His features hardened considerably.

«What about Percy?» objected Joshua. « I'm sure you don't mean to be rude Morgan, but Oliver wasn't alone in his dorm.»

'Yeah! What about Percy!' roared Oliver's mind furiously though a small part of him was happy Josh defended the redhead.

Megan sighed loudly.

«I Know, I know...»

«Plus, I saw him earlier and I'm sure the guy could use some company, he looked a little weird.»

Oliver's eyes widened.

'He's here? He came?' he thought.

«You mean weirder than usual." snorted the blond-haired young woman.

«Aw... come on Megan, Percy isn't that bad.» said Cyril, squeezing his wife's shoulder.

«You never dated him!»

This made Josh and Cyril laugh. Oliver though, stayed silent registering every information.

«Well you neither, Hun.» chuckled the Canadian.

Megan blushed and replied:

«I know, but Penny did though, and she told me loads of stuff about him. Makes me happy they broke it off after graduation! I thought she was just exaggerating ten years ago but when I talked to him earlier he was just so... weird.»

«You...you talked to him too?» blurted Oliver.

Inside, his mind was boiling.

Percy. His Percy was here... and probably single! Oh... he was going to have so much fun! Oliver was now much more courageous than he used to be. It was the perfect occasion to tell his cute redhead a lot of things that shouldn't have been left unsaid.

Percy had always been his... he just never knew it.

A wide smile spread on Oliver's lips.

«Yeah, *I* talked to him. He, on the other side didn't talk much.» she harrumphed.

«And how was he, did he change much?» Oliver asked with rapt curiosity.

Joshua smiled and answered:

«He didn't change one bit. Same red hair, same pale skin, same freckles. He's just a much taller and much skinnier version of his seventeen years old self, really.»

Hair as bright as the sunlight... Skin as pale as the moonlight... And his freckles... well his freckled were just really cute...

Oliver chuckled to himself. He couldn't wait. Though...

«How could he get any thinner?» asked Megan with a bit of jealousy in her voice.

Oliver was quite horrified to see that he was thinking the same thing as *Megan*.

He still remembered fairly well how the redhead would consider a glass of orange juice a breakfast.

'Tsk... tsk' he thought. He had lots of great idea about how to make his Percy eat a little more... What about whipped cream? Chocolate sauce? Mmh... Oliver definitely couldn't wait!

Joshua shrugged.

«Don't ask me. I just hope he's taking care of himself. I always considered him as a friend even though he was rather cold all of the time.»

Cyril embraced his wife.

«You can't deny it, Megan. Everybody pretend that they don't care about Percy, but I'm sure he helped you at least once back in school. *I* know he helped me with Arithmancy quite a few times.» He said with a chuckle.

Megan pouted.

« I hate to admit it but your right. He helped find my way me trough the corridors of this schools countless times... and... and even Penny told me in one of our letter that Percy was a great guy and maybe she *did* exaggerate...»

Joshua raised an eyebrow.

«It seems like it was common knowledge that the two of them broke up after graduation. I didn't know. I talked to him about it and he almost looked hurt.»

«Well it *was* common knowledge, Josh. After all, Penelope's screams were so loud I think they could be heard in the whole castle!» said Cyril. «No wonder he looked hurt. You would've too if you were him. After everything she told him. But I think she wrote to him to apologize. I hope she did... poor guy... »

«My... was it that bad?»

«It was... and you know Percy. He's the kind of guy who'd think about it over and over.» answered Oliver, lowering his gaze. «I'm happy Penelope came back to her senses and apologized.»

«Talking about meeee??»

Oliver jumped and turned around.

«Penelope!» he exclaimed, his eyes widening.


That's the end of chapter two! And I promise chapter three will be online soon! I promise ^^;;;;;;