Chapter 4: Something Strange

Carlie's POV

"How was school?" dad asked as soon as I got in the car.

"It was okay,"

I could tell that my father did not like my close ended answer. He wanted me to launch into a full on play by play of how my day went. He may not have said it out loud but I had a knack for reading people. Sometimes I could just tell what people were thinking simply by looking at them.

Dad didn't say anything the rest of the way home. Neither did I. Sometimes I think we both just preferred awkward silence over actual conversation. As soon as we got home I went upstairs to my room to start on my homework. I found it extremely difficult to pay attention to anything work related though as Bella's image kept dancing around in my head. No matter how hard I tried to figure it out I kept coming up empty handed.

"Damn it!" I shouted as I pressed my pencil against the paper so hard that it snapped.

"Wow you act like homework is the worst thing in the world,"

My heart skipped several beats even though I recognized her voice. Ever since she died Lyla has taken advantage of her ghostly abilities to scare the crap out of people. Especially once she learned how to pick up material objects. Than it was all over. She took extreme pleasure in sneaking into people's houses to pick up ordinary objects. Which would in turn make any object she was holding look like it was floating in mid air to anyone but me. Which would result in people running away scared. Her preferred term for her so-called 'hobby' is haunting.

"Lyla what are you doing here?"

"What can't I come see how my own best friend is settling into her new place?"

"Well," I sighed. "Well I guess there is nothing wrong with that. Oh and by the way high school homework is the worst thing in the world. Since you never got to do it you wouldn't understand,"

"I know that. You don't have to remind me," she said. "But you really should try to see all the positives of about moving here. Nobody knows you so they don't think you're crazy. Unless you tell them-"

"Yeah and why would I do that? That's all I need is my new school finding about the schizophrenia diagnosis. Or the fact that I can see dead people and animals,"

"Yeah I didn't think that you would either," she said.

"Believe me Lyla I have seen all the positive aspects of coming here. That's not what's bothering me. It's-"

"It's that Bella girl isn't it? The one who looks exactly like you?"


"It's definitely something strange,"

"You can say that aga-"

I stopped talking the second I heard footsteps. I didn't want my father to hear me talking to my ghostly best friend. I didn't even want Michael to overhear even though he believed me for some strange reason.

"I wish people would just believe that you. That way you wouldn't have to hide your gift,"

"Believe me I want the same thing," I whispered.

I went back to doing my homework after she disappeared. I never really knew where she went when she wasn't with me. I've asked her before but she always gave pretty vague answers. Probably out there haunting poor unsuspecting souls. I had to admit the idea of scaring people into believing their house had suddenly become haunted or possessed was kind of funny though.

Dad had just finished making dinner when I finished with my homework. Steak and potatoes. One of my favorite meals. My mouth watered just at the smell alone.

"Hey dad?"

My dad looked at me shocked.


"Do you know anything about the Cullen family?"

Then my dad suddenly looked mad. "Why? Are people talking about them again? I swear people are always talking about them just because they're newcomers. Just like when your brother and I moved here-"

"No dad it's not that,"

"Good. Because Dr. Cullen is a great asset to this community. I hate to say it but he might he even be a better doctor than I am. We're lucky his wife wanted to move here and those adopted kids of his don't cause any kind of trouble around here. He's a great colleague and an even greater friend. It makes me so angry when people start talking about him and his family,"

"So have you met his daughter Bella?"

The fork he was holding slipped from his hand and landed with a loud clank on his plate. "I was wondering how soon that question would come up,"

"Well dad?"

"I've seen his whole family from time to time but I've never really engaged with them. Especially his daughter. Her likeness to you creeps me out so much that I'd rather avoid her,"

"Is she an identical twin that I don't know about?"

Dad cracked a smile and then he started laughing. He actually started laughing. I hadn't heard him or mom laugh in a long time.

"No you don't sweetie. If you would've had a twin your mother and I would've kept her. You know how much your mother and I love you kids,"

I felt like I was about to cry. I hadn't heard my dad mention his love for us in so long. Even Michael looked shocked.

"Thanks dad. I love you to,"

"Well," he said nervously. "I'm not sure if you're going to love me so much after I tell you what I have to tell you,"

"What?" I asked suddenly nervous myself.

"Well I've signed you up for an outpatient rehabilitation drug program. I don't know why you started doing drugs. I don't know if it's to keep those hallucinations you have away but drugs isn't the answer,"

"But I'm not-"

"Please don't lie to me Carlie. Your untruthfulness will only hurt me more. Just do the program. I think it'll really help you,"

"Yeah. Okay. Sure," I muttered feeling defeated. I really didn't want to do this but I also didn't want to cause anymore drama for my family. Obviously I would never convince them I was telling the truth.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night. I turned off the light around 10:30 and went to sleep. I was in a deep sleep when I heard her.

"Carlie wake up!" Lyla screamed in my ear. I ignored her.

"Carlie you need to wake up someone broke into your house!"

My eyes shot open in alarm. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I saw two pairs of golden eyes staring at me. I tried to get out of bed and run but instead I fell off the bed and knocked over my vase. My left arm landed on the shards of shattered glass that was my vase.

My father came running into my room followed by my brother. He looked wild-eyed frantic.

"Carlie what's wrong?! What happened?!" he shouted as he turned on the light.

"They're gone," I heard Lyla said. "They came in through the window,"

"Someone broke in. When I woke up I saw them. Two pairs of golden eyes,"

My father looked around but the intruders were long gone. "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

"I'm positive I saw them. Look my window is open. I haven't opened that window since I got here,"

"Okay," dad was trying his best not to sound alarmed. "I'll call the police but for now let's get you to the hospital,"

The wait in the E.R was an excruciating one. I had shards of glass in my arm and I still had to wait. Until a nurse finally came for me and took me back. "Dr. Cullen will be with you in just a few minutes,"

"I'm sorry," Lyla said.

"For what?"

"For you ending up in the hospital. I guess that's kind of my fault,"

"You were warning about about a break in. It's not your fault," I said but I could tell she stopped paying attention to me.

"Look at this," she passed me a picture frame. I was shocked by what I saw. It looked just like my mom as a little girl. Suddenly I heard a knocking and Lyla put the picture back in its place.

At first he had the exact same look of shock that his kids had when I'd seen them at school. Quickly though he recovered from his shock.

"You must be Carlie Benson. Are you related to Noah Benson?"

"He's my father,"

"Oh," he said. "I was under the impression he only had a son,"

I tried not to let the hurt show on my face. Had my father not talked about me at all?

"Yeah my dad doesn't really like to talk about my mom or the divorce. So it makes sense that he wouldn't talk about me since I stayed with her,"

"Well Carlie let's get those glass shards out of you,"

I winced in pain as he started pulling each piece of glass out of my arm. "So did you just move in with your dad?"

"Yeah. Kind of long story and I really don't want to about it,'

"You know I thought my kids were joking when they said you looked exactly like my daughter. I didn't believe it until I saw you just now,"

"Yeah I was, still am, extremely freaked out by it,"

Dr. Cullen just smiled at me. Once he was done he stitched my arm up nicely. "Wait here I'll be right back. I'm going to give you a shot to prevent infection,"

He took the bowl full of glass and blood and took out one of the bigger shards. Then he put the bloodied up shard of glass in what looked like a ziploc bag.

"What are you doing with that?"

"With what?"

"That piece of glass you took out of the bowl. Do you need my blood or something?" I laughed.

"Oh. That. I have my, um, reasons,"

That was odd. I thought to myself when he left. This whole family was odd. What was going on with them. Then an idea hit me like a flying brick.

"Lyla can you do me a favor?"

"Sure. What?" she asked skeptically. I never asked her for favors.

"Can you spy on the kindly doctor and his family? Something is strange here and only you can find out,"

"Sure. Oh I'm going to have so much fun,"

"You're going to haunt them aren't you?"

"Scaring the crap out of people and making them believe they're being haunted by a ghost is the best part of my afterlife existence. I'll help you and have myself some fun at the same time," she grinned evilly.

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