So, here is my sequel to Mortal Wounds! Hope you like it. I don't own LOTR or The Hobbit.

The summary speaks for itself. Aragorn and Alasse are about to explore their newfound relationship as lovers instead of just friends when Alasse is whisked away back to her childhood home. Knowing that she is in love with a mortal, Thranduil is now scared more than ever of losing her again!

Oh, and I apologize for any inaccurate uses of my Elvish. It's hard for me to find accurate translations online. If anyone could give me some tips, it'd be appreciated!

Lots of AragornXAlasse Lots of Aragorn/Legolas friendship!

"I'm asking you again! Can she travel yet? Is she strong enough?" Thranduil snapped at Elrond.

"Physically, yes. Alasse is strong enough." Elrond responded calmly, if not a little begrudgingly. "It is her emotional state that I am afraid may not be. Thranduil, you saw her last night. It was traumatizing, living through those flashbacks. While her body may be healed, her mind is not entirely there yet. Her memory. Should you travel, it's very likely she will not have peace of mind till you reach your destination. If you were to be ambushed by Orcs or something of that ilk, she may freeze with fear and do nothing to protect herself."

"But she will be safe." Thranduil said. "She will be under my guard, and my care."

"I don't deny that. But if you wish to do this, you must consult with her first. Remember, it is her choice to make, my friend. Not yours."

"I am her father. And this is only for her own good." Thranduil huffed, pacing.

"Is it?" Elrond prodded.

"What do you mean?"

"While I openly admit that I would make the same choice if I were you, I cannot help but believe that this is more for your own peace of mind than hers." Elrond pointed out.

"That is my business!" Thranduil growled.

"Ai, mellon-nin. If you will set your mind at ease, I could accompany you back on my way to my own home." Elrond offered.

Thranduil pondered the idea before replying. "That would be most appreciated." He moaned. "Especially if she has an attack like last night!"

"You still need to speak with her and Legolas, and tell them what you have decided." Elrond said.

"I know."

Aragorn had just finished a council meeting and decided to make a stop in one of his lush flower gardens. He gathered roses, Baby's breath, and little carnations and wove them into a circlet. He smiled to himself with satisfaction. "I hope she likes it." He said.

Aragorn asked his servants if they'd seen the Elvin princess, and they told him that she was in the main hall with Legolas and Gimli, Faramir, and Eowyn. Aragorn made his way there. His friends seemed engrossed in very happy conversation. "And what are you all so pleased about?" He asked as he approached.

"Your Majesty," Faramir began.

"Faramir! Aragorn! Call me, Aragorn!" The king sputtered in exasperation.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting." Faramir shrugged. He kept his arm lovingly around Eowyn who looked the happiest Aragorn had ever seen her. "Aragorn, we have the most joyful news ever!"

"We're going to have a baby!" Eowyn cried. Aragorn stared at them, then smiled widely and grabbed both of them in a hug.

"Congratulations, my friends! That is wonderful news. The best." He grinned and kissed Eowyn's cheek. "I'm very glad for you."

"We could not be happier." Eowyn said, and Faramir kissed her golden hair.

"It shows." Aragorn nodded. "You be sure to take good care now!"

"Oh, we will." Faramir promised.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday." Eowyn answered. "I told Faramir last night."

"We shall have a feast tonight in your honor."

"There is no need, my friend." Faramir said.

"Nonsense!" Legolas argued. "Middle Earth has been living in the shadows for far too long." Then he glanced at his sister out of the corner of this eyes. "And every new life should be celebrated."

"Legolas is right." Aragorn agreed. "I will not take no for an answer, by order of your king!"

"Then we will accept." Eowyn gripped his hand.

"Come, my love, You need some rest." Faramir said, pulling her away.

"Well, we best take our leave if we want to say goodbye to Lord Elrond before he departs!" Legolas announced and hurried out with Gimli, leaving Aragorn and Alasse alone together.

"I wish your father could stay longer." Alasse sighed.

"As do I. But he is much needed back in Imladris." Aragorn said. "By the way, do you now how long your father is planning to remain in Gondor?"

"I do not know. He said that he would stay until I was well and strong again. Well? I am now. I'm worried about him, Aragorn. Ever since I...well, you know...came back, he's been more worried than when I was sick! I don't know how to respond to that."

"I think he's just worried about you." Aragorn smiled, patting her hand. "And I wouldn't blame him!"

"No." Alasse shrugged. Then she looked him deeply in the eyes and took his hand. "Aragorn..." she murmured softly, "you saved me! It was your voice that brought me back. I don't know how to..."

"Don't." Aragorn shook his head. "I'm just glad you're with us." He showed her the crown of flowers he'd made. "I, uh...made this for you."

"You did? For me? Aragorn, it's lovely." Alasse smiled, her cheeks flushing.

"May I?" Aragorn asked.

"Please!" Alasse nodded eagerly. Aragorn gently placed it on top of her head, and then flounced a few of her long auburn locks till they were set just right, the way he liked them. He was too nervous to smile but his face burned with affection.

"There." He cleared his throat shyly.

"Hannon le, Estel. But, why did you make it for me? I'm just curious?"

Aragorn took her hand. "Like Legolas said, every new life should be celebrated." He whispered.

Thranduil tromped down the corridor then turned to the main hall when he peeked inside and froze in his tracks. His heart clenched at what he saw. There was his fair daughter, a perfect replica of her mother, looking as lovely as ever, holding hands with and staring deeply into the blue eyes of a man...a mortal! Tears streamed down Thranduil's face and he felt a fiery anger burn inside him.

It's final! She's coming with me, and she won't be back!