"Ahhhhh!" Agonized screams can be heard all over. Death and blood flooded her senses. She hears loud thumps as the bodies of her fellow Shinobi fell all around her, one after the other. The battlefield is littered with the bodies of her comrades. But even more than that are those of Madara's white Zetsu army.

Hinata is panting, trying to keep the strange white soldiers at bay. Her eyes are burning, the veins along her temples pulsating with the last bits of remaining chakra in her system.

"I have to keep going! I can't give up! Naruto-kun needs everyone to keep fighting."

She peeks over her shoulder at Naruto while dodging incoming kunai from the surrounding enemies. He's exhausted but hasn't given up hope yet, and neither can she. She turns back around to concentrate on her enemies quickly surrounding her.

"KAITEN!" Suddenly she's surrounded by an all too familiar blue chakra.

"Nii-san!" Hinata gasps.

"Are you ok, Hinata-sama?"

"I'm fine! Arigato!" She yelled as she made her way back to Naruto's side.

Suddenly, the giant Ten Tails spins and focuses his attention once again on Naruto. He was too focused on the battle that he doesn't realize what's about to happen. However, Hinata does and just like the fight with Pein, she jumps to Naruto to protect him.

"I don't have enough chakra left to perform Kaiten. If I could just save Naruto-kun, he can end this war."

She stares defiantly at Madara, the culprit behind this Kami-forsaken war, ready to sacrifice herself for her beloved. She closes her eyes as the sharp spikes are released. A moment later she hears flesh being pierced, waiting for the excruciating pain that comes with getting impaled by foreign objects.

She's in tears before she even opens her eyes, knowing who has sacrificed himself for both herself and Naruto. Her Nii-san is staring at her, with a pained smile on his face, blood slowly trickling from his mouth, spikes piercing right through his chest.

Naruto is holding him up in an instant. Hinata is left speechless, her cries lodged her in throat with no means of escape. Just as she's about to touch his cheek with her blood-stained hands, his smiling face contorts into a sneer and he snatches her hand in a vice-like grip.

Hinata's breath is caught in her throat at the sound of his voice.

"This is all your fault. I am dying because you were too weak to defend yourself and the village. You are worthless and should be dead instead of me!" he says, in a voice that is not his own.

The battle around her has stopped, and everyone is staring blankly at her.

"All your fault, you were too weak!" The shinobi start chanting in unison. Naruto releases Neji to the ground, and his beautiful, bright blue eyes that she has dreamed of are void of any life.

"You are weak, Hinata. You should be dead instead of Neji," he says, sending shivers down her body. Her whole being is trembling as she stares at her comrades, all staring and chanting.

"I tried!" She cried out. "I have tried to become stronger. I HAVE become stronger. Nii-san, I'm sorry I couldn't save you," She chokes.

"It wasn't enough. I think I will just end your pathetic life for the sake of everyone," Naruto rushes at her and just before his fist makes contact with her heart-

Hinata gasps, clamping a hand over her mouth, swallowing back a sob that she knows would wake the rest of the Hyuuga compound. She looks around, her heartbeat returning to normal once she realizes that she is in the safety of her room and not on the battlefield. But, she can still see her cousin's blood staining her porcelain hands, the smell of rotting flesh and the screams of those that would rather be dead than endure the suffering any longer. She still feels like she's back on that battlefield.

She doesn't realize that she's been crying out loud until she hears a soft, hesitant tap on her bedroom door. Hanabi pokes her head through the door to find Hinata trembling violently in her futon. She slowly made her way toward Hinata, careful not to frighten her. Hinata did not have to remove her hands from her face to know it was her younger sister, as she wrapped her small arms around her. They sat quietly for a short time, both of them still mourning the loss of their older brother, Neji.

"Was it the same dream again, Nee-chan?" Hanabi whispered, after they have both stopped crying.

Hinata trembled in her sister's embrace, trying in vain to keep the tears from slipping.

"Yes, it's the same nightmare."